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This article takes the concept of cultural capital from Yosso’s (2005) work and transforms the model for queer communities. While Yosso identified five forms of cultural capital in communities of color (familial, aspirational, navigational, resistant, and linguistic), the author identifies an additional form: transgressive. Queer cultural capital can show teachers the strengths within queer communities and so allow them to have a positive, rather than a deficit, model of these groups. Brief examples for queer cultural capital are illustrated for familial, aspirational, navigational, and resistant, while queer linguistic and transgressive capitals are discussed in greater depth. Implications for K-12 teaching and working with preservice teachers are offered, as well as suggestions for future work.  相似文献   

谚语主要是社会实践经验的总结,谚语的本质、谚语的主流是劳动人民创造的语言财富。它深深植根于民族文化的沃土之中,自然而真实地反映历史变迁和社会现实,具有深厚的社会文化的历史沉积与印记。本文用文化语言学的观点,对傣族谚语的文化内涵进行了剖析,目的是让人们对傣族现存的或曾经存在过的文化现象有一个深入的了解。  相似文献   

There is no empirical research on the school performance of children who live separated from their parents in sub-Saharan Africa—a major migrant sending region in the world. This study uses survey data from junior and secondary school children and youths in Ghana (N?=?2760), Angola (N?=?2243) and Nigeria (N?=?2168) to examine how different transnational family formations such as internal or international parental absence accompanied by migration or divorce, who is the migrant parent and who is the caregiver, the stability of the caregiving arrangement and remittances relate with the school performance of children who stay behind. School performance is measured through an index of grades in language, mathematics and science. The results show that international parental migration (Ghana), the internal parental migration accompanied by divorce/separation (Nigeria) and migration of both parents (Ghana and Nigeria) are likely predictors for decreased school performance. No effects are observed when parents are abroad and divorced/separated, when only one parent migrates, when children are in a stable care arrangement or when children receive remittances or not. The analyses show that the overall relationship between parental absence and education varies by the transnational dimension being analysed and by context.  相似文献   

本文以桂北山区一个瑶族村的田野调查资料为基础,对本民族语言、社区内流通的语言种类,以及外来语言的学习和使用情况进行叙述,试图对人们在学习和使用外来语言的过程中,本族群与其他族群之间的交往交流和使用外来语言的意义等方面作思考与分析。  相似文献   

本文从跨文化角度探讨汉英语言交际方面的文化差异。  相似文献   

历史上民族实体之间因政治决策、社会变动或族群迁徙等因素导致的族际接触或交流,往往会使民族间的文化发生涵化.从而,促使民族交流与融合时期的重要表征--语言的融合及词汇的发展变化.  相似文献   

本文介绍了我国柯尔克孜族的分布、语言文字使用状况以及我国在柯尔克孜语文方面的研究和国际交流情况  相似文献   

马静  刘金林 《民族学刊》2021,12(11):28-36, 123
习近平总书记在第五次中央民族工作会议上强调“要充分考虑不同民族、不同地区的实际,统筹城乡建设布局规划和公共服务资源配置,完善政策举措,营造环境氛围,逐步实现各民族在空间、文化、经济、社会、心理等方面的全方位嵌入”。当前,我国已进入各民族跨区域流动的活跃期,少数民族人口大规模向东部和内地城市流动。切实推动少数民族流动人口城市融入,建立各民族相互嵌入式的社会结构和社区环境,已成为今后一段时期的城市民族工作的重点和关键任务。在基于语言的交际工具、文化载体以及人力资本属性三个层面论证语言治理融入各民族相互嵌入式社区建设的必要性的基础上,着重结合全国民族团结进步示范区——南宁市中华中路社区语言治理的成功实践,从国家通用语言的推广普及、社区干部“双语”能力的培育、社区“多语和谐”语言环境的营造等三个方面提出语言治理融入各民族相互嵌入式社区治理的思路和举措。  相似文献   

每一种语言有其特殊的生态环境及存在的意义.少数民族新创文字对于原来没有文字的民族语言来说是历史的进步.树立科学的语言生态观,有助于培育人们对少数民族新创文字的认同情感、认同心理,缩小人们对少数民族新创文字的心理距离.少数民族新创文字的积极推广和使用,可以有效地促进其民族语言生态乃至全世界整个语言生态的和谐发展.而双语教育教学是提高少数民族新创文字活力、维护语言生态的重要举措之一.  相似文献   


This article focuses on individual perceptions that shape migration decisions and investigates how the process of migration or settlement itself is framed by a variety of personal considerations. It is a comparative study of Polish female migrants in Barcelona and Berlin who moved for the sake of economic and educational opportunities, because of family reunification and formation considerations (‘move for love') – as well as other reasons. It is argued that the factors influencing women's decisions about continuous mobility or settlement are negotiated within social, cultural and economic transnational spheres and exchanges. In most cases, Polish women formed families with foreigners or Polish migrants in the host countries which contributed to their settlement decisions. Complex perceptions of life abroad juxtaposed with previous experiences and present ideas about life in Poland also influence decisions to move or settle. It is argued that the specific cultural, intellectual, economic and professional capital as well as the potential of these privileged EU migrant women accounts for their opportunity to choose and their specific freedom to make migration related decisions. A balancing of premises related to life-projects in both localities is an important aspect of the gendered experience of migration within Europe. It also brings attention to individual agency in a globalized world. The study is based on ethnographic research in Barcelona and Berlin that has been conducted since 2010.  相似文献   

姜太碧  刘嘉鑫 《民族学刊》2020,11(5):7-18, 129-130
语言是人类交往和交流的媒介。通过语言,人类不仅区分族群,形成族群的共同标识,维系族群的共同价值;而且人类还可通过语言与其他族群进行交流,增进相互间的沟通、理解、信任与合作,从而产生人类交往的社会价值和经济价值等。本文基于“中国城市少数民族社会经济发展综合调查”数据,采用明瑟方程对我国城市少数民族汉语能力的收入效应进行分析。结果显示,我国城市少数民族汉语综合能力存在显著的收入效应,即汉语综合能力每提高一个等级,城市少数民族家庭人均年收入将增加7.5%,家庭等价规模收入增加6.26%,且这种效应在民族地区能得到稳健和一致的验证。另外,汉语能力的分位数回归结果说明,汉语综合能力对城市少数民族低收入家庭人均年收入和家庭等价规模收入的边际贡献更大,低收入家庭几乎是高收入家庭的1倍左右。此外,在城市低收入家庭中,教育、政治面貌和社会关系的收入效应边际贡献均要大于高收入家庭。因此,采取各种措施提高少数民族的汉语综合能力,这对提高我国城市少数民族低收入家庭的人均年收入和家庭等价规模收入均具有重要政策启示。  相似文献   

人的一切生存实践活动在本质上都有关生死,具体而言,就是求生抗死。这种生死观在语言中留下了深深的烙印。人类语言大都忌讳直言死亡,维吾尔语也是这样,讲汉语的回族人更显示了这种语言现象的内涵。但是,在某些语言中,死不总是与不愉快的心理感受相联系。在现代汉语中,死字结构不仅与痛苦的心理感受联系在一起,而且还可以表达愉快的心理感受。我们认为这种现象是道教思想在汉语语言结构上的反映,它既不强调生,也不忽视死,生、死是辩证统一的关系。在这种思想观念的基础上,产生了表示愉快的心理感受和不愉快的心里感受的死字结构。  相似文献   

本文归纳了东盟国家语言的概况,分析了东盟国家语言与中国西南地区民族语言的关系,结合在中国—东盟自由贸易区架构下中国西南地区外语人才的需求特点,指出了现行外语教育制度给当今社会特别是给西南地区带来的弊端,最后对外语教育制度提出了自愿化、专业化、基础化、区域化、激励化的系统改革构想,并从逻辑学、社会学、民族学、法学以及国际比较等角度进行了论证。  相似文献   

The Hui (10.6 million) is one of the largest ethnic minority groups in China. Almost 100% of them, along with the Dongxiang, are Islamic, and are migrating from rural to urban areas in Northwest China. After moving to the urban environment conflicts between rural–urban differences, ethnic identity, and religion beliefs and practices frequently occur. This study found that Islam has strong influences on migrant Hui and Dongxiang students’ identity, and cause some notable conflicts with the urban and school cultures. These conflicts penetrate many aspects of their lives such as clothing, dietary restrictions, religious practice and literacy, and schooling. This study also examines the conflict between Islamic culture and modern secular culture, and identify some implications for schooling.  相似文献   

秦祖宣  唐林 《民族学刊》2022,13(4):76-87, 139
作为三语习得的重要组成部分,三语音系习得曾一度是三语习得研究的薄弱环节,近年来逐渐受到学界的重视,成为一个颇具活力的重要研究领域。国外三语音系习得研究主要探讨:双语者/多语者相对于单语者是否具有音系习得优势;三语音系习得中的跨语言影响;三语音系习得的理论模型。本文总结和归纳国外三语音系习得研究的成绩与特征。跟踪少数民族学生大学四年的外语学习情况,开展纵向研究。采用神经语言学神经影像学技术与三语习得相结合的跨学科交叉研究方法,探讨少数民族学生三语音系习得。以彝族、藏族、维吾尔族学生为对象,考察其习得英语语调的情况。加强逆向迁移研究,探讨二语(汉语)、三语(外语)对少数民族学生母语的影响,检验音系渗透性假说,考察逆向迁移与语言磨蚀之间的关系。认为我们应该加强少数民族学生三语音乐习得中的超音段特征习得研究。  相似文献   

How school teachers act to challenge racism in schools is a vital concern in an immigrant society like Australia. A 10% response from a self-administered online survey of government (public) primary and secondary school teachers across Sydney, Australia’s largest EthniCity, examines attitudes of classroom teachers towards cultural diversity, goals of multicultural education, and strategies to implement anti-racist strategies. Principal components analysis (PCA) of attitudes tease out the varied influence of opinion on multicultural education, diversity, and anti-racism. Classroom teachers are overwhelmingly supportive of cultural diversity, multicultural education and strategies to combat racism and discrimination, and these views hardly vary across the different geographic zones of the city, unlike attitudes within the general community. However, teacher knowledge about the implementation of multicultural policy does vary, and is positively associated with the extent of population diversity and socio-economic status (SES) of the communities surrounding the schools.  相似文献   

塔什库尔干塔吉克族语言使用与语言态度调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新疆塔什库尔干县的塔吉克族较好地保持了本民族语言.随着交通、通讯、广播电视和教育等事业的发展,塔吉克人的语库逐渐扩大,很多人成为双语人或多语人,在县城及周边地区,兼通塔吉克语、维吾尔语和汉语的塔吉克人正变得越来越多.塔吉克族对本族语积极的语言态度有助于塔吉克语的继续保持,而其对汉语的高度认同将成为促进汉语教学进一步发展的有利因素.  相似文献   

论民族心理学研究中质与量的整合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
质的研究与量的研究是民族心理学研究中两种基本的研究范式.文章讨论了民族心理学研究中质的研究与量的研究的发展与差异,论述了我国民族心理学研究中质与量整合的必要性和可能性,并从研究设计、研究立场和资料分析等三个角度对这两种研究范式的整合途径进行了探讨.  相似文献   

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