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一、人口转变的环境意义 人口转变在某种意义上是人口再生产适应于环境再生产的结果。与一定阶段的生态环境发展相适应,人口再生产具有一定类型,而人口转变则是人口再生产与环境再生产从旧的平衡向新的平衡的转变。 生产力的发展是人口转变的最终决定因素。生产力的发展使得环境承载能力提高,从而带来较大幅度的人口增长。然而过快过多的人口增长往往导致人口生产力超过环境生产力,出现环境恶化、资源短缺、生活水平下降。社会生产力的进一步发展通过改善环境和控制人口创造出人口生产与环境生产的新平衡。  相似文献   

中国的计划生育前言人口过快增长是当今世界面临的一个十分严重的问题。时间每过一分钟,地球人口净增160人。联合国人口基金为此向国际社会敲响警钟:如不立即采取坚决行动控制人口,保持消费与发展的平衡,世界人口在下世纪中叶将达到125亿,人类也将无法得到持续...  相似文献   

投资规模屡屡膨胀,除政策原因外,人口增长是经济系统内部对投资规模驱动的深层原因。人口增长过快促进社会消费增加,驱动投资内部引致投资规模的扩大;人口增长过快带来另一方面的问题是就业压力增大,就业需求又驱动投资的增长.所以,投资规模的  相似文献   

省里今天召开的世界“50亿人口日”座谈会很重要。我们省的领导对这个活动非常重视。面对世界50亿人口,我们要认真思考。今天的世界正面临人口急骤增加的极其严峻的局面。因此,世界各国都要采取控制人口过快增长的对策,不然,人口过快增长的严重挑战,不但影响着人类现在的生活方  相似文献   

人口与经济在相互制约和相互影响运动中,经常交替出现平衡与不平衡的现象。这在当前甘肃的反映是:人口增长过快,耕地面积锐减,粮食占有量的提高幅度滞后于人口和耕地的变化幅度,人粮地的矛盾越来越严峻。多方面的情况表明,研究甘肃这  相似文献   

西北地区的人口发展问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人口问题是制约西北地区可持续发展的首要问题,当前,西北地区人口增长过快,计划生育水平较低,人口增长惯性大,人口问题没有得到应有的重视。要加快西北地区的人口发展,必须建立利益导向机制,加强人口与计划生育工作,树立环境安全观念,加快经济发展。  相似文献   

关于人口增长、环境退化、贫困与政策取向的深层次思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对人口增长与环境退化和贫困之间的关系分析,得出人口增长是环境恶化和资源过快耗竭的关键原因.而恶化的环境和资源的稀缺又导致贫困.在此基础上,提出了解决这个问题的政策取向--除了关键依靠科技进步和控制人口增长外,还应加强城镇化建设和停止误导性的开发.  相似文献   

第四次人口普查资料表明,人口数量增长过快,依然是我国当前人口问题中的核心所在,而城市人口增长过快,特别是一些大城市人口膨胀问题更是突出焦点。北京市的人口增长问题,形势也十分严峻,从人口普查资料反映出的信息是:人口总量逐年增加,人口增长率高居全国各省市的前列,人  相似文献   

一、计划生育宣传教育工作面临的形势与任务(一)当前我国人口和计划生育工作形势自上世纪70年代初,从人口众多的基本国情出发,我国全面实施了控制人口增长、提高人口素质的人口政策,在全国范围内普遍推行计划生育,取得了举世瞩目的成就,有效地遏制了人口过快增长的势头。全国因实行计划生育政策少生了3亿多人,拆除了“人口爆炸”的引线,缓解了人口过快增长对经济、社会、资源、环境造成的沉重压力,为我国经济的持续、稳定、快速发展赢得了机遇,创造了良好的人口环境。但是,我们也应清醒地看到,我国的人口形势依然严峻,人口的数量、素质、结…  相似文献   

报道国际人口问题与事件(如1994年开罗国际人口与发展大会)的新闻媒介,留给大众的印象是世界面临的只是一个人口问题:人口过剩。这种看法是过于简单化了。 因为不存在全球性的政府,也就不存在全球性的人口。存在的只是各主权国家,而最终它们都必须根据自己的方式来处理一系列与人口相关的问题。将人口增长看作一个整体就是忽视了世界本来的实际面目。 我们应该有一个更宽的视野。人口过快增长确实导致了许多问题,但是世界人口有1/4居住在因人口缓慢增长带来问题的国家。在这些国家,低出生率导致老年人与年轻人之间的不平衡,给社会福利系统带来压力,使其扭曲直至崩溃。  相似文献   

作为西部大开发的重镇,新疆在经济快速发展的同时也给能源、环境造成了压力。论文将从FEEEP各子系统内部协调性及总体协调性发展着眼,运用灰色关联法对新疆食物、环境、能源、人口、经济之间的协调性进行定性与定量分析,通过协调度变化趋势找出影响新疆FEEEP协调度的关键因素。通过研究发现:大多数年份新疆FEEEP系统整体处于相对协调状态,进入“十一五”后FEEEP系统的整体协调性在变差;新疆FEEEP子系统协调度平均为0.781,表明新疆FEEEP各子系统多处于一般协调状态;从各子系统的协调性来看,协调性最强的是食物子系统,协调性次之的是能源子系统与人口子系统,环境子系统协调性最差;要提高新疆FEEEP整体协调性,必须努力提升能源、环境子系统的协调性。  相似文献   

Korea's urban environmental problems, specifically air and water pollution, government environmental policies, and the role of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in protecting the environment are described and discussed. Korea's rapid industrialization and urbanization between 1961 and 1985 led to an increased volume of waste and air pollution. Automobiles increased in number from 29,234 in 1961 to 1,113,430 in 1985. In the same period, the number of factories with at least five employees rose from 15,204 to 44,037. The volume of chemical materials and agricultural chemicals dramatically increased. Household wastes in urban areas increased from 26,831 tons per day in 1978 to 61,072 tons per day in 1985. Industrial waste rose from 13,130 to 33,349 tons per day in 1985. Respiratory diseases are precipitated by exposure to sulphur dioxide, which is produced during cooking and heating with coal briquets; to nitrogen dioxide from automobile exhaust; and to carbon monoxide from coal briquets. Indoor air pollution from particles such as radon, asbestos, cigarette smoke, fungus, and bacteria also impacts on health. Tolerance limits have been reached or surpassed in many cities, particularly in Seoul. Air pollution is worse during the winter. The poor are particularly affected because of the continued use of coal briquets for heating. Industry contributes to water pollution. The volume of industrial waste water quadrupled between 1980 and 1990. In Seoul, however, population size directly contributes to 64.3% of water pollution, and the remaining 35.2% is from factories. Although livestock contributes to only 0.5% of water pollution, livestock drainage contributes to 36.3% of chemical materials in polluted water. Biological oxygen demand has also exceeded tolerance limits. Water reservoirs contain toxic chemicals such as lead, copper, mercury, arsenic, phenol, phosphorus, and nitrogen, which take a longer time to affect health. The Anti-Pollution Law of 1963 and the Environmental Protection Law of 1977 were adopted, but public participation was problematic, and funding for assessment was limited. NGOs have been active in environmental programs since democratization in 1987.  相似文献   

人口适度集中是改善西部生态环境的一条出路   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
西部生态环境日益恶化的原因,在于生态系统脆弱,人口超载对生态环境的扰动过大。在加强生态建设的同时,调整人口分布,促进人口适度集中,实现集镇化,不失为一条有效的途径。  相似文献   

洪娜 《南方人口》2013,(6):35-43
目前第一代独生子女父母多处于50-64岁的健康老年阶段,关于他们养老方式的研究也多基于身体状况较好时的选择.假设他们的健康状况越来越差时,他们的意愿养老方式及影响因素又是如何?现阶段尚无此方面的相关研究.本文利用上海闸北区的调查数据,从身体状况较好和较差两种视角构建模型,分析不同健康状况下上海市第一代独生子女父母的可能养老方式及影响因素,并在文章最后探讨研究结论的政策含义.  相似文献   

Bartfeld J 《Demography》2000,37(2):203-213
This article provides national estimates of the current and potential impact of private child support transfers on the economic well-being of custodial and noncustodial families following marital dissolution. Mothers and children fare dramatically worse than fathers after marital dissolution; these differences, however, would be much more pronounced in the absence of private child support. Simulations of four existing child support guidelines show that substantial increases in economic well-being among mother-custody families are possible within the structure of the existing child support system, with minimal impact on poverty among nonresident fathers. Under all of these guidelines, however, custodial-mother families would continue to fare substantially worse than nonresident fathers.  相似文献   

This paper estimates the number of American children in grades K–12 who live without their biological fathers and examines the association of absent-father status with children’s well-being. The 2003 Parent and Family Involvement in Education Survey of the National Household Education Surveys Program (n = 12,426) shows that 28% percent of White students, 39% of Hispanic students, 69% of Black students, and 36% overall live without their fathers. In bivariate comparisons, absent-father status is associated with reduced well-being: worse health, lower academic achievement, worse educational experiences, and less parental involvement in school activities. When socio-economic factors are controlled, father-absence is associated with small deficits of well-being. The findings suggest that the conventional wisdom may exaggerate the detrimental effects of father absence.  相似文献   


This study contributes to the debate on the development of aggregate metrics of societal progress. Summarising societal progress into a single number poses various methodological challenges, including the choice of indicators, normalisation, weighting and aggregation. This paper addresses the issue of aggregation in the case of metrics of well-being and uses as a case study the European Union regional Social Progress Index—EU-SPI—published by the European Commission. The index is an aggregate measure of 55 social and environmental indicators observed for all the European regions grouped into 12 components. In metrics of this type, while complete substitutability among components is rarely acceptable, controlling their level of substitutability is highly desirable. To this aim, we adopt a modified version of the unbalance penalisation approach originally proposed by Casadio Tarabusi and Guarini (Soc Indic Res 112:9–45, 2013). A penalisation is applied to the regions whose performance across the index components is unbalanced, that is when they perform well on some components but worse on others. The penalisation applied by this approach depends on two parameters that, in its original formulation, are generally arbitrarily chosen. We design a data-driven approach allowing for an informed choice of the penalisation parameters. The comparison between the EU-SPI original and penalised scores shows that the penalisation effect is particularly evident for regions with a strongly unbalanced profile across the components. The proposed method allows for adjusting the level of substitutability between components when constructing an aggregate metric, an important functionality especially when measuring societal progress for policy-making.


Numerous studies document the disadvantage in child health of the urban poor in African cities. This study uses Demographic and Health Survey data from 23 countries in sub-Saharan Africa to examine whether the urban poor experience comparable disadvantages in maternal health care. The results show that, although on average the urban poor receive better antenatal and delivery care than rural residents, the care of the urban poor is worse than that of the urban non-poor. This suggests that the urban bias in the allocation of health services in Africa does not benefit the urban poor as much as the non-poor. Multilevel analyses reveal significant variations in maternal health in urban areas across countries of sub-Saharan Africa. The dis-advantage of the urban poor is more pronounced in countries where maternal health care is relatively good. In these countries the urban poor tend to be even worse off than rural residents, suggesting that the urban poor have benefited least from improvements in maternal health care.  相似文献   

Social Indicators Research - Fear is associated with several adverse health behaviors and outcomes. Fear of crime is associated with less exercise and outdoor activity, worse self-rated health...  相似文献   

When considering the increasing proportion of institutionalized elderly and the aim of better quality of life for this growing population, it is necessary to know the quality of life for residents in nursing homes in Brazil, which is the purpose of this review. This is a simple review whose research was performed in electronic databases Journal Portal CAPES, Scopus and Bireme. The latter covers information about the subject registered in the SciELO, LILACS, MEDLINE and the Cochrane Library. Identified studies were assessed according to the following inclusion criteria: (1) population (institutionalized elderly in Brazil), (2) theme (quality of life) and (3) quantitative approach. According to this review, most studies that compared the quality of life of residents and nonresidents in nursing homes revealed that the institutionalized elderly have a worse perception of quality of life, possibly due to factors that cause the institutionalization and influence this self-perception, such as age, sex, education, lifestyle, autonomy and social participation. Among the domains evaluated in the questionnaire for quality of life the perception of autonomy and environmental aspects were the least satisfied by the institutionalized elderly. To improve the quality of life it is essential that the community living in the institutional space promote the autonomy of the elderly. Public policies that make a difference to the well being of older people need to be maintained, expanded and strengthened continuously to new strategies that respond to demands arising from rapid population aging and promote quality of life improvement.  相似文献   

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