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近年来,随着几次移民热潮的兴起,许多中国人移民海外。为了学业、事业、爱情或亲情,他们选择了漂洋过海,将一个陌生的国度当成自己的栖居地。  相似文献   

Using the two-way transitions model and a sample of mothers with children living at home who experienced poverty, we examined how the changes in mothers’ marital status relate to the odds of exiting and reentering poverty. The data came from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 Cohort (1979–1998). This study found an asymmetric association between poverty dynamics and becoming unmarried. Becoming unmarried was associated with increased odds of both getting out of poverty and reentering poverty, where the magnitude of the latter is greater than that of the former, when family background, family characteristics, and human capital and employment factors are controlled.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that the likelihood of runaway episodes among children in out‐of‐home care varies across different communities/regions. However, the potential regional variation has rarely been reflected in attempts to understand runaway episodes in out‐of‐home care systems. The current study examines the effects of child characteristics, family characteristics and child welfare system‐related characteristics on the likelihood of runaway episodes among children in out‐of‐home care, while accounting for county‐level variations in the risk of runaway behaviours. The authors employed multilevel analyses using data on children aged 12–17 from the 2009 AFCARS database. Results demonstrate that the likelihood of runaway episodes varied across counties. Accounting for county variation, children's ages, gender, diagnosed clinical conditions, family structures, number of removals, number of placements, removal manner, and case plan goals significantly predicted runaway status. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper examines the sleep disruption experienced by 36 families of technology‐dependent children living at home in the United Kingdom. The paper begins with an overview of the qualitative study in which parents' experiences of sleep disruption emerged as a major theme. We then describe the nature of and reasons for the sleep disruption, the help families received with care overnight, and the effects of sleep disruption on parents in particular. This is followed by discussion of the implications of the findings for policy and practice as well as future research.  相似文献   

TEN years ago, Zhang Shuqin, a police inspector I in Shaanxi, visited a special family by chance. In this family, both the husband and wife were serving prison sentences, leaving five children and their 70-year-old granny at home. In their shabby cave dwelling, there was some cardboard on the bedframe instead of mattress and blankets. The old woman was coughing violently and the four-year-old girl was  相似文献   


Bad health combined witii deteriorating physical functions force many elderly people to move to a retirement home. The primary focus of this study was to investigate the resident's experience of safety and security. From a sample of 57 residents, 12 persons volunteered to participate in the interview. Data were analyzed with qualitative content analysis. The standard and design of the participant's previous home made mobility difficult and this affected their sense of security. This motivated them to move into an environment where they felt more secure. The environment at the retirement home was predominantly described as secure and safe. The finding shows that the participants felt that safety and security were more important than independence.  相似文献   

在外奔波忙碌了一天,下班后是否想过彻底释放自己,以驱散一整天的疲惫呢?SPA又称水疗,即以水作为媒介,使水中含有的对人体健康有益的特殊成份渗透到人体,达到治疗或美容美体的目的。近年来,这种非常时尚的放松方式受到年轻人,特别是白领丽人的热情追捧。  相似文献   

Using data on disabilities from the 2000 Census, we found a consistent pattern of living arrangements that leaves children (aged 5 – 15 years) with disabilities living disproportionately with women. Children with disabilities are more likely to live with single parents, and especially their mothers, than are other children. Further, those who do not live with either biological parent are more likely to live in households headed by women than are other children. The results suggest that gendered living arrangements among children with disabilities are a neglected aspect of inequality in caring labor, which is an underpinning of gender inequality in general.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationships between the “perceived aspects” of current home environment of elderly people living in rural areas and their home modification behavior. To investigate this perception, home satisfaction, perception of home capability, and home safety were used as perceived aspects of the home. Data were collected by a questionnaire. The response rate was 43.1%, with 317 eligible questionnaires. The results from this study indicate that there was no significant difference in perceived aspects of home environment between those who modified their homes and those who did not. Regardless of their current home conditions, most elderly respondents (75%) showed high home satisfaction. Results from this study suggest that a modified home environment does not necessarily contribute to an older person's perception of perceived aspects of their home environment.  相似文献   

Home visiting has a long history in the areas of health and welfare (Baldock, 1990: 121). Early intervention through home visiting programs has been found effective in preventing abuse and neglect in many countries including the USA (Olds, 1992), Ireland (Johnson, 1993) and Europe (Cox, 1993). The success of these programs lay in their effectiveness in reducing social isolation, improving parenting skills and enhancing self esteem. This paper reports on the role of family therapy in home-based early intervention for families with newborn infants.  相似文献   

《Home Cultures》2013,10(2):153-173
This article deals with how governmental and municipal welfare authorities in Sweden carried out personal case studies between 1940 and 1970. Home visits were used by the authorities to generate knowledge about the woman under investigation. The selected cases are taken from inquiries undertaken in connection with proposed sterilizations, abortions, and adoptions, and from child welfare officers' surveillance of children born out of wedlock.

A home visit both generated factual evidence about the woman and her living conditions and seemed to guarantee the authenticity of previously acquired knowledge.

The article underlines the close assocation of the flat/house and the woman. The home, and the people living in it, are viewed as manifestations of the character of the woman under investigation.

The concluding remarks consider how individuals in modern society become the object of the authorities' knowledge and power. The home beomes an arena of general interest and action, rather than a private sphere.  相似文献   

高跟鞋,永远是女人心底最深的爱恋,因为它能让女人更窈窕、更有魅力!然而医学专家告诫爱美女性:这魅力“武器”暗藏“杀机”,可能对您的身体造成损害。如何在享受美丽的同时,让自己的健康不打折呢?让我们一起来听听医学专家的高招吧!  相似文献   

当前我国的流浪乞讨人员数量之多、规模之大、影响之广、情况之复杂,已成为了一个不容忽视的社会问题.尤其是流浪乞讨儿童的增多引起了社会各界的注意。因此,我们需要对流浪乞讨人员实施社会救助,让他们告别流浪乞讨生活,回归主流社会。本文介绍了福利院的发展现状及在流浪乞讨儿童社会救助中发挥的重要功能,并结合我国流浪乞讨儿童的特征,详细论述了如何充分发挥福利院在流浪乞讨儿童救助中作用。  相似文献   


Lighting has been identified as a significant environmental attribute for promoting vision and general health among older people, enabling successful aging at home, but it has received little attention in the literature. Indoor lighting levels, self-reported vision and general health, and activities of daily life were measured in 114 healthy 75-year-old Norwegians. Despite very low levels of indoor lighting, the subjects were happy and healthy. There is a large discrepancy between self-assessed health and recommended lighting levels, and low awareness of the effect of lighting on age-related vision loss or daily living in the future. Knowledge of how to utilize indoor lighting to ensure healthy and safe aging in the home is needed.  相似文献   

农民工子女生存状况及发展问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文立足于农民工子女自身的切身感受,从农民工子女的身体和精神状况、家庭及其生活质量、受教育状况、社会交往等维度进行研究分析。研究结果表明,农民工子女群体存在着自我认知有待调适、社会关系有待优化、家庭教养模式亟需改善及学校育人环境需要改观等突出问题。  相似文献   

Research comparing children living in single-mother and single-father families has become important due to the increase in the number of parents contesting custody in divorce cases and as the number of single custodial fathers increases. The present study was designed to investigate a number of characteristics relating to children living in single-father families (SFFs) and in single-mother families (SMFs). Previous research has suggested that in the case of separation and/or divorce the mother is the more competent parent to raise the children. However, recent studies have provided some support for the idea that single fathers can be effective single parents. The subject sample included 42 single divorced custodial parents (21 single mothers and 21 single fathers) and their 62 (6- to 16-year-old) children. The measures employed were The Self-Perception Profile for Children (SPPC; Harter, 1985) and The Child Behaviour Checklist (CBCL; Achenbach & Edelbrock, 1983). One-way MANCOVA and ANCOVA procedures were performed and it was found that the overall scores of children from single-father families (SFFs) did not differ significantly from children in single-mother families (SMFs) on the SPPC and the CBCL. The implications of these findings are discussed and suggestions for future research are provided.  相似文献   

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