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According to Daniel Bell, the contem- porary American cultural critictheoretician, the bourgeois taste marked by a series of features such as "fashionable entertainment," "mixture of high-, mediumand lowbrow," "commodification of culture," "pretended respect for high culture," and "snobbish values," etc., is actually the kind of taste that exists as "enemy of art."  相似文献   

Under certain conditions private information can be a source of trade. Arbitrage for instance can occur as a result of the existence of private information. In this paper we want to explicitly model information. To do so we define an ‘information function’. This information function is a mathematical object, also known as a so called ‘wave function’. We use the definition of wave function as it is used in quantum mechanics and we attempt to show the usefulness of this wave function in an economic context. We attempt to answer the following questions. How does the information function relate to private information? How can we use the information function to define the ‘quantity’ of information? How can we use the information function in arbitrage-based option pricing? How can the information function be used in the formulation of a so called Universal Brownian motion?  相似文献   

Discussions of science in the news often revolves around issues such as reporter–scientist relationships, how an issue was covered, or how certain issues are chosen among a myriad of possible topics. The aim of this project is to compare coverage between technological stories to evaluate journalistic practices over an extended period of time. Using the journalists-as-interpretive-communities perspective, we argue that New York Times coverage of food technologies over the past century has actually changed very little as the same types of experts and claimsmakers are quoted, trajectories of the coverage are similar, and the cultural resources used within the stories have not shifted to some new form of journalism. We focus on debates surrounding milk pasteurization, food irradiation, and biotechnology.  相似文献   

I.AnIndustrialRev6lutionintheRealmofCultureThedevelopmentofprinting,especiallytheprintingpress,ledtothefirstrevolutionininformationtechnologyinthehistoryofhumancivilization.PrintingisoneofthefourmajorinventionsofancientChina.Asearlyasthe11thcentury,Chinainventedblockprinting,whichspreadtoEuropethroughvariouschannelsandhadaprofoundinfluenceonthebirthanddevelopmentofprintinginEurope.Inacertainsense,onecansaythatthefirstrevolutionininformationtechnology,triggeredoffbytheinventionoftheprinting…  相似文献   

The exploration of information civilization provides a new key to a new understanding of contemporary development. As a higher level of civilization based on material energy, information civilization represents the information development of human civilization, involving development from material energy to information, development of resources from individual portions to joint sharing, development of the relationship between humans and resources from ownership to use, and the development of humanity itself and its activities from material energy to information. The unfolding of information in human civilization presents the development of information civilization as a mode of human existence, as information ecology and as a dynamic mechanism of social development. Information civilization highlights the profound significance of the fact that in the final analysis, development is human development; the inherent mechanics of human development proceeding from external conditions to internal needs; and the basic manner in which social development proceeds from quantitative increases to qualitative progress. As a result, contemporary development presents a two-way cycle of accelerating human development and social progress, in which human development increasingly takes precedence; the renewal of the drivers of development and the development of human needs are more and more directly related; and the overall level of social progress becomes the key to development. In the course of leading the rise of information civilization, China not only has unique advantages, but also faces the key task of liberating creativity.  相似文献   

I.Introduction  Initssixthissueof 1 996SocialSciencesinChinapublishedapaperbyLiShiandB .Gustafssontitled“AnEstimateoftheExtentandScaleofPovertyduringtheLate 1 980sinChina .”Basedondataobtainedfromaninvestigationofresidents’incomesconductedbya projectgroupin 1 9…  相似文献   

A retrospective analysis of written court records and audiotapes of court testimony for adult guardianship cases in 2 Kentucky counties was conducted. Two hundred forty clinical assessments were reviewed for 80 court petitions. The purpose of this research was to learn how interdisciplinary assessment teams contributed to the guardianship process for older adults. Guardianship assessments and court testimony were reviewed to explore the comprehensiveness of reports to the court, the consideration of less restrictive alternatives, and the use of limited guardianships. Recommendations are given for ways in which social workers can improve information given to the courts and advocate for elders in this situation. The role of social work in this national phenomenon is discussed.  相似文献   

美国次贷危机 (金融危机) 彰显了现有金融监管模式对于系统性风险的防范失 败。次贷危机的根源, 很大程度上可以归咎于金融信息披露严重失范滋生的金融腐 败。作为一种规制金融信息披露、通过透明度约束降低腐败的需求与供给的监管方 式, 信息监管对于遏制金融腐败具有重要作用。比较美国新的金融监管体制改革, 立 足中国实践, 重构金融监管体制, 可以以信息监管为中心, 进一步完善金融机构的信 息披露制度, 努力构建一个统合的金融信息平台, 建设有效的信息共享机制, 整合监 管资源, 形成金融反腐防腐的强大合力。

关键词: 信息监管 金融腐败 次贷危机

The US subprime crisis (financial crisis) highlights the failure of existing mechanisms of financial regulation to prevent systemic risk. Reflection shows that the fundamental causes of the subprime crisis are largely attributable to financial corruption arising from grave violations of financial information disclosure. Information supervision is an important check on financial corruption in that it serves as a means of regulating financial information disclosure and through transparency, reducing the demand for and supply of corruption. Drawing upon the recent reform of the US financial regulatory system and grounding ourselves on Chinese practice, we believe the reconstruction of the financial regulatory system should center on information supervision, with a focus on improving the system of information disclosure for financial bodies, building a unified financial information platform and an effective information-sharing mechanism, and integrating all supervisory resources into a unified and powerful force against financial corruption.  相似文献   

本文利用抽样调查数据对1990-1999年期间我国城镇的个人教育收益率的动态变化进行了经验估计,从中发现个人教育收益率是逐年上升的,而且个人教育收益率是递增的。通过估计教育对个人收入增长的直接效应,提示了教育对收入增长的影响作用在很大程度上是通过就业途径的选择来实现的。  相似文献   

从学风不变、话语系统转换、史观派与史料派地位的浮沉诸角度看,近50年来的中国历史学大体上可区分为两个段落,这就是前40年和后10年。前40年间的历史学,可以看作是马克思主义历史话语从占据主流地位到这个"主流地位受到了一定的削弱"的过程;而初步进入一个以国学复兴重光为基本背景的多元离散的时期,则可能是近十几年来历史学的整体趋向。半个世纪以来的史学史表明:唯物史观派和史料考订派在宏观与微观两个方面同时构成了当代史学发展的两种动力,厚此薄彼或厚彼薄此均不可取。作为既努力兼取两派所长又努力扬弃两派所短的第三支力量,以社会经济史研究者为代表的会通派的出现,则可能意味着从传统史学向现代史学长达一个世纪转型过程的终结。  相似文献   

The wartime transnational military intelligence cooperation organization, abbreviated as "Sino-US Cooperation Institute," has long been widely known as the synonym of "America and Jiang Jieshi's crimes." The "White Mansion" and "Dreg  相似文献   

I.ThePresentConditionofFarmlandResourcesinChina1.CurrentlandcultivationconditionsAccordingtotheinitialconsolidateddatafromadetailednationalsurveyofthecurrentstatusoflandnationwide(hereafter,"detailedsurvey"),Chinahad2.O16billionmu(atraditionalChineseunitofarea,15mu=1hectare)ofcultivatedlandattheend0f1990.Thisfigurewasobtainedbypoolingtheinformationavailablefromdetailedsurveysconductedineveryc0untyinChinaovertheprevious10years.Furtherinvestigations,acensusandananalysisofchangesinlallduseacr…  相似文献   

IneachperiodofmodernChina,everyregionhaditsownfinancialcenter.However,aregionalfinancialcentermightchange,forexample,thefinancialcenterinnortheastChinamovedfromDaliantoChangchuninthe1930s.InthispaperIshalldiscusschangesinChina'snationalfinancialcenterinthefirsthalfofthiscentury.Thelocationofthisfinancialcenterwas:Shanghai-BeijingandTianjin-Shanghai-Chongqing-Shanghai.ThisphenomenonhasrarelybeenseenanywhereintheworldinthefinancialhistoryofmodernandcontemPorarytimes.Thefinancialcentersofth…  相似文献   


A psychodynamically trained clinical social worker living in Samoa since 1995 examines some of the questions that the situation of rapid cultural change exposes. What effects does culture have on individual adolescent development? How are “healthy"/"adaptive” developmental outcomes shaped by the historical moment in which an adolescent lives? What does it mean for a clinician to be an “outsider” in a dominant culture of “insiders”? This paper attempts to address some of these questions from a very personal perspective.  相似文献   

在苏联处理波匈事件的初期,中国因情况不明未及参与。而在苏联决定从布达佩斯撤军和再次武装占领匈牙利的问题上,中国的意见起了主导作用。这就是说,在危机处理的后期,苏联听从了中国的建议和主张,其结果是毛泽东既批判了苏联的大国主义,又保证了社会主义阵营的团结。波匈事件标志着中共在国际共产主义运动中的地位和声望已经迈上了一个新台阶。  相似文献   

Ⅰ.IntroductionWhendiscussingmacro-economicmanagementinChina,onecannotignoretheharshrealityofunevendevelopmentintheregionaleconomies.Anyaim,task,principleorpolicyofmacro-economicmanagementmustbeformulatedonthebasisofnarrowingthisgapbetweenregions.Thisisaparticularrequirementformacro-economicmanagementbasedonChina'sspecialnationalconditions.Percapitanationalincomeistheindexmostfrequentlyusedtogaugethelevelofeconomicdevelopmentofacountryorregion.Thepercapitanationalincomeoftheregionsbetweenthe…  相似文献   

本文勾勒了当前我国马克思哲学研究基本走向的粗略线索,提示性地引介了对深化马克思哲学研究有重要创见的一些学术成果,从中可以看出,马克思哲学研究的多元化格局已经形成,中国马克思哲学研究的不同学派正呼之欲出。  相似文献   

文章认为,20多年来,"高福利的负面效应"和"市场机制的高效率"是对中国影响最大的西方经验。在这种思想影响下,中国政府从社会福利责任中的退出是导致经济与社会发展失调的重要因素。例如,我们在市场化条件根本不存在的情况下,实行"社会服务市场化",其结果是强势集团的霸权化;在未能保证社会成员基本社会服务权利前提下的"服务收费",使得对于绝大多数人来说,缴费是获得任何服务的前提条件。这种做法使贫苦人群更难抵御风险,是对"社会公平"这一社会发展的核心价值观的颠覆。 文章提出重建政府在社会福利中积极角色的命题。作者认为,政府在社会福利中应当发挥主导作用,应当加强自己的社会政策能力建设。由于中国缺乏工业文明的积累,以及计划经济重输入、输出而轻过程、细节和人的动机的二重原因,中国政府的社会政策能力较弱。这种情况需要改变。  相似文献   

Demographicstudieswererevivedinthelate197osinChinaafteralongperiodofhibernation.Ethnicdemographicstudiesbeganinthel98os,atatimewhentherewaslittlebasicdataandonlyscantresultsofpastresearchwereavailable.Considerableprogresswasmadeinethnicdemographyinthe199Os,andbreakthroughswereachievedinbasictheoryandinquantitativeandqualitativestudies.Researchalsoshiftedfromgeneraldemographicstudiesofallnationalminoritiesasawholetodemographicstudiesbasedonnationality,sexandage,andbasicinformationonbirthanddea…  相似文献   

This paper draws on work carried out by Sen, Kendrick, Milligan and Hawthorn commissioned as pert of the Historic Abuse Systemic Review by the Scottish Executive in 2007. It considers the evidence‐based regarding abuse in residential child care from 1945 with a specific focus on Scotland. It reviews the context set for residential child care post‐1945 by the Clyde and Curtis reports, outlines how the residential child care sector developed following this, provides an overview of evidence and awareness of abuse in residential child care establishments after the 1948 Children's Act, giving particular consideration to the public inquiries and reviews of residential child care which there have been in Scotland, explores research evidence regarding the safety of convictions of residential child care workers found guilty of child abuse, and provides an overview of the main policy and practice developments which there have subsequently been in Scotland. The paper concludes by considering the progress that has been made in developing safeguards in Scotland and identifying areas where further research and development are required.  相似文献   

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