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薪酬管理是人力资源管理中的核心主题之一,而什么样的薪酬体系能够更好地达到激励员工的目的同时又能更具弹性地适应组织的经营战略则更是当今企业极为关注的焦点之一。本文对全面薪酬体系的内涵、优势及其在企业中的建立和实施进行了分析和讲述,可以引导企业更迅速更有效地引入并建立适合自身的全面薪酬体系,为企业薪酬管理的发展提供帮助。  相似文献   

随着项目管理方式在越来越多的企业推行应用,员工薪酬激励问题引起了企业的关注。项目团队工作绩效的激励因素主要有员工努力程度、团队的绩效和报酬。当前项目管理组织结构主要有职能式、项目式和矩阵式。不同的组织结构对员工的薪酬激励会产生不同的影响。在分析项目团队的薪酬体系设计原则的基础上,提出了一系列构建项目管理下的薪酬激励机制的措施。  相似文献   

薪酬管理是企业人力资源管理中的模块之一,企业通过有效的薪酬管理能够进一步激发员工工作积极性,在提升企业内部凝聚力与竞争力的同时,也能做好服务与管理工作。企业通过人力资源薪酬管理创新,为员工提供更适合的福利保障,既能满足员工实际需求,又能通过激励鼓励的方式增强员工主动创造性,在员工个人能力提升的同时也为企业经济效益提升创造条件。同时,企业也要明确新形势下人力资源薪酬管理中存在的问题,制订相应的解决方案,以期可以为完善薪酬制度提供依据,为企业高质量发展奠定基础。  相似文献   

当今社会人力资源在企业经营发展中的作用越来越重要,从某个角度说,现代企业的竞争就是人才的竞争。因此,如何吸引人才、激励人才、留住人才逐渐成为现代企业管理的重要课题。作为人力资源管理的重要内容之一,合理的薪酬制度、有效的薪酬体系能够极大地激发、调动企业员工的工作积极性,增强员工的满意度和对组织的归属感,最终提升企业整体竞争能力。本文结合作者在薪酬管理工作方面的多年经验,重点从薪酬的内涵及功能,薪酬管理的主要内容及目标、薪酬管理的一般流程、薪酬制度设计的关键点及注意事项等方面进行论述,以期为现代企业提高薪酬管理工作水平提供一定的经验借鉴。  相似文献   

薪酬管理是人力资源管理和企业管理会计的核心,不仅与企业的经济效益有关,而且与员工的切身利益密切相关。薪酬管理,是使用各种方法和手段,在业务范围内制定各种激励措施和工资政策的灵活性的规定,公司不断激发员工做出贡献。  相似文献   

王克杰 《经营管理者》2013,(13):171-171
薪酬激励是人力资源管理当中需要尤其注意的方面,其能够从根本上带来员工工作的积极性,进而保障组织目标的实现,因此对其作用机制有必要进行强化。本文基于对薪酬激励相关理念的概述,综合探讨了强化人力资源薪酬激励机制的措施。  相似文献   

在人力资源管理中,薪酬管理是最重要的工具之一,虽然它不是唯一激励员工的手段,但它是最容易被员工接受的、最直接的激励方式。本文从酒店薪酬管理入手,探讨薪酬管理对员工的激励作用,并分析当前酒店薪酬管理对员工激励存在的问题,提出相应的策略。  相似文献   

作为人力资源管理的关键环节,薪酬管理关系到企业每个员工的切身利益,薪酬体系的设计也比较复杂。文章结合机械制造企业的真实状况,对机械制造企业全员激励的薪酬设计方案展开研究,首先分析了当下机械制造企业的员工薪酬管理工作所存在的各类问题,继而从完善薪酬管理、优化绩效考核等角度探讨全员激励的企业薪酬设计强化方案,希望以此更好实现机械制造企业员工的收入公平,增强企业薪酬体系激励作用。  相似文献   

文章从"富士康"热点问题出发,本着对于富士康跳楼事件探究的态度,从人力资源管理的薪酬和激励的角度,浅析如何对企业员工进行激励。而薪酬体制作为激励机制的主要方式,实现对于企业员工的有效激励,文章主要通过职位评价建立合理的薪酬分配层次、将员工的长期激励与短期激励相结合、绩效考核与升迁制度的有机衔接这三个方面进行分析。  相似文献   

薪酬无论对于员工还是管理者来讲都是一个永恒的话题,而薪酬激励更是企业与员工双方都十分关注的热点问题。薪酬在现代人力资源管理中,并非只是交易要素,还是一把管理上的"双刃剑"。就是说,用的好,它就能留住人、激励人、吸引人,如若用不好,就会造成人才流失,给企业带来严重的人才危机。  相似文献   

This paper provides an experiential exercise to increase understanding of employees' career motivation and commitment and its relation to employees' perception of identity, insight, and resilience. Three separate conditions influencing employee attraction to career orientation are self-identity, insight, and resilience. These three component dimensions of employee career motivation are outlined and used to define an eight-phase crescendo model through which individuals tend to pass in their decision to form an affective career commitment. The analysis supports the notion of a stepwise movement from identity to insight to resilience in strengthening employees' career motivation and demonstrates how progressive phases are associated with career commitment. Although the levels and phases are progressively prepotent and valenced in predicting employee propensity to form an enduring career commitment, different patterns and paths through the phases for individuals are indicated.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to provide insight into the differential relationships between job characteristics (job demands and resources) and employee functioning by examining the psychological and motivational processes involved. Drawing on self-determination theory, we tested a model in which job demands are positively related to negative manifestations of employee functioning (psychological distress and psychosomatic complaints) through psychological need frustration and low-quality work motivation (controlled motivation), whereas job resources are positively related to positive manifestations of employee functioning (work engagement and job performance) through need satisfaction and high-quality work motivation (autonomous motivation). Data were collected from 699 Canadian nurses. Structural equation modelling (SEM) results support the proposed model: psychological needs and work motivation partially mediated the relationship between job characteristics and employee functioning. Specifically, job demands negatively predicted employee functioning (high distress and psychosomatic complaints, low engagement and performance) through need frustration and controlled motivation. In contrast, while positively predicting need satisfaction and negatively predicting need frustration, job resources fostered optimal work motivation (more autonomous and less controlled motivation) and employee functioning. The implications for self-determination theory (SDT) and research on occupational health and stress are discussed.  相似文献   

内部营销对一线服务员工任务绩效影响的实证研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文以饭店业一线服务员工为研究对象,初步验证了Keller等学者的内部营销组合工具量表在中国背景下的适用性,并应用Bagozzi的态度理论模型,采用结构方程建模方法,构建并验证了基于内部营销组合工具视角的一线服务员工任务绩效预测模型。实证结果表明,一线服务员工对企业内部营销努力的感知,即对内部工作产品、内部价格、内部分销以及内部促销等内部营销组合工具的评价,决定了他们的情感承诺(对组织的情感反应)和工作满意(对工作的情感反应)水平,进而影响了他们的任务绩效水平(行为),一线服务员工的情感反应变量是解释企业内部营销努力影响一线服务员工任务绩效的中介变量。  相似文献   

Performance management methods are receiving increased attention as organizations seek performance gains from their workforces during challenging economic times. In this paper, the construct of performance management is challenged along two lines: how applied models do not take full advantage of existing theories of work motivation; and how the impact of performance management will continue to be constrained as long it remains a predominantly top-down process. Several relevant theories of motivation are examined to illustrate gaps between theory and practice and to provide a basis for looking at performance management from the performer's perspective. Resulting implications for the human resource development (HRD) field are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we use self-determination theory to examine the benefits of the use of paradoxical leader behaviour (PLB) by supervisors. We posit that PLB can initiate two complementary mechanisms: a top-down mechanism (perception of leaders' legitimate power) that may encourage employees to satisfy and exceed standard performance criteria, and a bottom-up mechanism (employee intrinsic motivation) that stimulates employees to be proactive. We argue that implementing these mechanisms simultaneously may interactively enhance employee creativity. Our study is based on field data collected from a sample of 392 employees and their supervisors. We find that PLB is positively related to employees’ perception of legitimate power and intrinsic motivation. Furthermore, power perception and intrinsic motivation are associated with standard performance and proactive behaviour, respectively, and these mechanisms jointly influence employee creativity. In demonstrating the efficacy of balancing extrinsic requirements and intrinsic motivation, our findings have significant theoretical and empirical implications for employee motivation.  相似文献   

客户网上参与产品开发的“动机-行为”模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业通过聆听客户声音,主动地将客户的显性知识或隐形知识融合到产品开发过程中,以提高产品上市的成功率。本文以需求层次理论、沉浸理论、技术接受模型和信任理论为基础,通过构建因特网上客户参与产品开发的"动机-行为"模型,实证研究该模型。得出结论:影响客户网上参与产品开发的内部动机和外部动机的因素是不相同的,且两者对客户的网上参与行为具有不同的影响。该研究结论对企业主动地聆听客户声音,以引导其参与需求的诱发,共同开发产品具有重要理论意义和实用价值。  相似文献   

为研究激励系统分岔现象的控制问题,首先基于系统理论,分析激励系统的整体涌现性、非线性、鲁棒性和稳定性问题,运用随机非线形理论中的随机平均法和随机过程理论研究了激励系统的随机扰动和分岔问题,提出参数临界状态下,激励系统分岔平衡点稳定性方程,并进一步给出系统存在跨临界分岔和奇异诱导分岔的充分条件。最后,设计反馈控制器,通过控制能量和调整平衡点,抑制激励分岔,使系统趋于稳定。  相似文献   

Utilizing affective events theory (Weiss & Cropanzano, 1996), the current study unravels how and when pseudo-transformational leaders promote contempt, avoidance, and aggression. Specifically, we examined whether pseudo-transformational leadership enforces feelings of contempt, which, in turn, fosters interaction avoidance and covert aggression in followers. We hypothesized that contempt also has an indirect effect that is contingent on levels of epistemic motivation of followers. By adopting a multi-wave research design, we gathered data from 277 employees of the service sector of Pakistan. The results signified that followers of pseudo-transformational leaders feel contemptuous of them and respond with interaction avoidance and indirect aggression. Further, we found that the impact of pseudo-transformational leadership on contempt was more pronounced in individuals with higher levels of epistemic motivation. We believe that this study opens up a new avenue in the pseudo-transformational leadership literature by highlighting the mechanism and conditions under which such leaders are deleterious for organizations.  相似文献   

This study aimed to deepen our understanding of the motivational mechanisms involved in the relationship between transformational leadership (TFL) and employee functioning. Drawing on the TFL literature, the job demands–resources model and self-determination theory, we propose an integrative model that relates TFL to employee psychological health (burnout and psychological distress), attitudes (occupational commitment and turnover intention) and performance (professional efficacy, self-reported individual and objective organizational performance) through two explanatory mechanisms: perceived job characteristics (job demands and resources) and employee motivation (autonomous and controlled). This research was conducted in two occupational settings (nurses and school principals), using a distinct variable operationalization for each. Results of both studies provide support for the hypothesized model, suggesting that TFL relates to optimal job functioning (psychological health, job attitudes and performance) by contributing to favourable perceptions of job characteristics (more resources and less demands) and high-quality work motivation (more autonomous motivation and less controlled motivation) in employees. Theoretical contributions and managerial implications as well as directions for future research are presented.  相似文献   

Protection motivation theory states individuals conduct threat and coping appraisals when deciding how to respond to perceived risks. However, that model does not adequately explain today's risk culture, where engaging in recommended behaviors may create a separate set of real or perceived secondary risks. We argue for and then demonstrate the need for a new model accounting for a secondary threat appraisal, which we call secondary risk theory. In an online experiment, 1,246 participants indicated their intention to take a vaccine after reading about the likelihood and severity of side effects. We manipulated likelihood and severity in a 2 × 2 between‐subjects design and examined how well secondary risk theory predicts vaccination intention compared to protection motivation theory. Protection motivation theory performed better when the likelihood and severity of side effects were both low (R2 = 0.30) versus high (R2 = 0.15). In contrast, secondary risk theory performed similarly when the likelihood and severity of side effects were both low (R2 = 0.42) or high (R2 = 0.45). But the latter figure is a large improvement over protection motivation theory, suggesting the usefulness of secondary risk theory when individuals perceive a high secondary threat.  相似文献   

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