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越来越多的互联网内容都尝试着有偿服务,在付费电子邮箱的出现后,新闻、贺卡等互联网内容也开始收费,那么在互联网收费狂潮的带领下,能否让习惯“免费用餐”的网民接受这一事实,为互联网买单呢? 互联网内容收费已不再是一件新鲜事了。263电子邮箱率先举起了全面收费的旗帜,在业界掀起一阵喧嚷  相似文献   

一、校园网络管理存在的问题和挑战目前,在我国2.98亿网民中有9894万学生网民,占总数的33.2%,他们正处在世界观、人生观和价值观形成的重要时期,容易受到网络低俗内容等有害信息的影响和侵蚀。网上淫秽色情和低俗内容严重危害青少年的身心健康,也危害中国互联网的健康发展。  相似文献   

李丽 《办公室业务》2023,(22):67-69
互联网时代的到来,为公立医院的思政教育工作带来了新的发展机遇,为思政教育提供了更加多样的教育渠道和更加丰富的教育内容。但是,泥沙俱下的互联网内容也干扰了医务人员的思想状况,降低了医院思政工作者的权威性,公立医院思政教育工作者迫切需要转变教育观念,创新教育方式。本文从当前公立医院思政教育现状出发,探究互联网时代公立医院思政教育的有效策略,希望为相关人员提供一定的参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

随着高科技信息时代——网络时代的到来,越来越多的企业借助国际互联网(Internet)来扩大自己在国际商品市场和资本市场上的知名度。全球信  相似文献   

90年代以来,互联网(Internet)呈指数性发展,每年有几百万个新站点加入.目前,连入互联网的国家和地区超过160个,站点达9000多万个.  相似文献   

互联网(Internet)的发展带来一个新的名词——内部网(Intranet),它在局域网中采用 Internet 的技术,使得局域网也能获得 Internet 的种种好处。建立企业内部网并不容易,它虽然不需要大量的设备,但需要大量人力,它同时也需要大量管理。目前80%的中小企业的员工通常只用到其中20%的功能。如何使公司的信息发布可以实现集中式管理,24小  相似文献   

国际互联网反贪污研究中心网站(Internet Center for Corruption Research)由荷兰的格亭根大学会反腐败国际共同创办。反贪污基金会网站(Anti-Corruption Foundtion)。反贪污基金会,是一个非政  相似文献   

电子商务税收法律制度的国际比较及其对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪90年代来,随着计算机技术的发展和Internet的应用和普及,一种基于互联网、以交易双方为主体、以银行电子支付和结算为手段、以客户数据为依托的全新的商务模式——电子商务(Electronic Commerce)应运而生。电子商务发展所产生的税收法律问题已引起了全球的广泛关注,世界各国政府对电子商务涉及的税收问题都在积极地探索。本文阐释了发达国家与发展中国家电子商务税收法律制度的内容,并分析了二者的差异,在此基础上提出了对我国电子商务税收法律制度构建的启示。  相似文献   

基于Internet/Intranet的数据仓库开发方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
数据仓库技术是九千年代产生的IT新技术,数据仓库技术是事务处理系统向联机分析系统和决策支持系统演进的基础之一;另外,当今的信息系统一般都建立在Internet/Intranet环境基础上,建立在管理信息系统(MIS)基础上的数据仓库也不例外.本文作者在规划和设计了多个不同类型信息系统的数据仓库基础上,通过对基于Internet/Intranet的信息系统数据仓库设计方法的研究,给出了一个基于Internet/Intranet的、包含联机分析处理和决策支持等应用的信息系统开发和实现方案.  相似文献   

<正> 随着国际互联网(INTERNET)在全球范围内的迅速扩展,以为基础的企业网(INTRANET)技术也得到了广泛的应用。它能够为企业内部用户提供信息共享,实现管理、通信、协作、浏览、应用的一体化,并能提供目录、复制、安全与管理等网络服务。商业企业应该注重利用Internet和Intranet这两种先进的网络技术为自己的发展增添推动力。 一、先进的网络商业经营功能  相似文献   

Control over information is essential to business. This has become increasingly true in an era in which technological advances have enabled the rapid globalization of business. This article explores the implications of this control of information for freedom of speech and information. Four different situations are considered: censorship of the Internet by search engines albeit at the direction of a government; restrictions on Internet content by Internet Services Providers acting on their own; decisions by retail businesses not to sell various DVDs, CDs, etc. to their customers; and legal suits brought against individuals and groups by businesses seeking to prevent the further spread of information they deem injurious to their products or activities. The paper seeks to sort out the various rights and values involved in these cases, when a business may be justifiably said to be violating individuals' rights to freedom of information, and when customers and citizens do not have justified complaints against business decisions not to provide them with certain information products.  相似文献   

Online social media (OSMs) have become a popular and growing Internet phenomenon, as exemplified by the millions of followers of websites like YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook. Given the Internet’s ease of access and the high degree of competition to attract users to these sites, a question arises as to whether OSMs should develop revenue-sharing programs as a way to reward their contributing users. We present an ex ante asymmetric duopoly OSM game, where heterogeneous users are either active or passive with respect to each OSM. The game includes two steps: First, the OSMs simultaneously announce their rewards for active users; and second, based on their preference, users choose their level of contribution with respect to each OSM. We show that this game has a unique Nash equilibrium in pure strategies, and we identify the conditions under which a symmetric equilibrium exists, despite the asymmetry between the OSMs. Moreover, at equilibrium, no user chooses to contribute content exclusively to the less favourable OSM, even when the more favourable firm shares a lower reward than the less favourable firm. Furthermore, in some circumstances, a higher asymmetry can diminish the net revenue of the more favourable firm and vice versa.  相似文献   

This paper describes an Internet implementation of the Beer Distribution Game. Many teachers demonstrate the bullwhip effect that is often observed in supply chains by playing this game with their students. This implementation has the advantage of considerably reducing the time required to play the game.  相似文献   

Few people believed the Internet would have much impact on the delivery of health care services. However, combined with technological advances in how computer systems are structured and implemented and knowing what doesn't work in managed care from bitter experience, the Internet is being used to create a new paradigm of alternative health insurance products. These products hold the potential to change for the better the face of health care as we know it. Self-directed health plans will be less expensive than managed care programs and offer greater predictability in health care spending. For health care providers, SDHPs' reliance upon episode allowances will create a new market for packaged or bundled services. Providers will be paid to provide solutions, not just treatment. This could represent a new model in which physicians accept a risk-adjusted payment and provide a warranty that they will do whatever necessary until the patient has reached the reasonably expected health status. This is a radical departure from the fee-for-service or capitation system.  相似文献   

A Genetic Algorithm for the Weight Setting Problem in OSPF Routing   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
With the growth of the Internet, Internet Service Providers (ISPs) try to meet the increasing traffic demand with new technology and improved utilization of existing resources. Routing of data packets can affect network utilization. Packets are sent along network paths from source to destination following a protocol. Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) is the most commonly used intra-domain Internet routing protocol (IRP). Traffic flow is routed along shortest paths, splitting flow at nodes with several outgoing links on a shortest path to the destination IP address. Link weights are assigned by the network operator. A path length is the sum of the weights of the links in the path. The OSPF weight setting (OSPFWS) problem seeks a set of weights that optimizes network performance. We study the problem of optimizing OSPF weights, given a set of projected demands, with the objective of minimizing network congestion. The weight assignment problem is NP-hard. We present a genetic algorithm (GA) to solve the OSPFWS problem. We compare our results with the best known and commonly used heuristics for OSPF weight setting, as well as with a lower bound of the optimal multi-commodity flow routing, which is a linear programming relaxation of the OSPFWS problem. Computational experiments are made on the AT&T Worldnet backbone with projected demands, and on twelve instances of synthetic networks.  相似文献   

基于顾客消费信息的网络定价分析与仿真   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文通过仿真的方法研究了两种不同的定价策略对消费者网络消费需求的影响。在网络供应市场上,我们建立一个价格竞争的伯川德双垄断模型:一个网络提供商对其提供的网络服务采用固定定价,另一网络提供商采用两部分定价策略——固定链接费加使用费。基于中国社会调查事务(SSIC)的调查数据,我们采用随机数生成的方法来产生每一位消费者的消费额与消费时间,通过建立消费者效用模型来仿真在两种不同定价策略下消费者的消费选择,比较了不同价格策略对网络提供商收入、消费者行为及社会总福利的影响。  相似文献   

考虑单个制造商,单个网络零售商和单个第三方回收商组成的闭环供应链系统,网络零售商在销售产品、推广零售平台的同时,利用自身知名度向消费者宣传推广第三方回收商的互联网回收平台,制造商选择是否分摊零售商和回收商的推广成本,文中分三种情形研究供应链成员的最优决策,并进行了对比分析。研究表明:制造商分摊推广费用比不分摊推广费用的效果好;制造商分摊网络零售商的推广费用比分摊第三方回收商的推广费用的推广效果好。  相似文献   

药品质量关乎公众生命健康、国民经济发展、社会稳定和国家安全,一直以来都是政府和全社会关注的热点问题之一。"互联网+医疗健康"背景下药品流通速度加快使得药品安全问题影响范围扩大,因此,建立患者反馈机制是促进互联网药品质量监管的有效方式。考虑患者反馈机制下如何设计互联网药品质量监管策略的问题,基于演化博弈理论,构建了政府部门、药品生产商、医药电商和患者参与的药品质量监管四方演化博弈模型,通过分析各博弈主体策略选择的稳定性,并基于Lyapunov第一法则对复制动态系统十六种均衡点进行稳定性分析,研究了促进药品生产商提供高质量药品的政府监管策略和患者反馈机制,并利用Matlab 2017仿真分析了各关键要素对策略演化的影响。研究结果表明:1)患者倾向于失真评价或投诉率较低时,医药电商更倾向于选择药品质量不检测,不利于互联网药品质量安全;2)患者失真评价下,不存在药品生产商提供高质量药品的稳定策略组合,而真实评价下有效的反馈机制和监管机制可使互联网药品质量安全具有稳定性;3)提高患者评价(正面评价或负面评价)带给医药电商和药品生产商的声誉价值增加或声誉损失,将会使药品生产商选择提供高质量药品做为稳定策略;4)降低患者失真评价和投诉维权行为的增加,均可增强药品生产商提供高质量药品的稳健性。最后,结合演化博弈模型和仿真分析结果,为完善药品质量监管机制提出了对策与建议。  相似文献   

网上逢低买入拍卖形式下的买方策略   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
逢低买入是一种新型的基于网络的动态定价方式。这种定价方式将不同的投标人联合起来以便获得数量折扣,它的一个特点就是商品的价格随着中标人数的增加而降低。本文采用独立私有估价假设,建立了一个不完全信息的动态博弈模型来解释在逢低买入机制下的买方的投标策略问题。通过求解发现,对于买方而言,存在一个弱占优策略:投标人投低于他估价的最大被允许投标值,这表明逢低买入拍卖是一种弱激励相容的机制。  相似文献   

张卫东  耿笑 《中国管理科学》2014,22(12):135-141
网络交易平台因向消费者提供商品信息而发展壮大,但学界对其收费机制仍缺乏系统认识。本文通过建立三方博弈模型,分析了网络交易平台、厂商与消费者的市场作用与相互关系。结果表明,因为消费者处理信息的能力有限,所以由网络交易平台为其加工信息并获得盈利。其中,将优先展示席位拍卖给厂商是实现盈利的重要形式,因为展示席位的收费与消费者自行获得商品信息的成本有关,所以网购市场上服装类商品逐渐代替图书类商品。另外,随着消费者愿意网购更昂贵的商品,交易平台与厂商的合作趋于稳定,获得信息成本较高的商品被挤出市场,因此消费者网购中品牌商品逐渐代替个人出售的非品牌商品。  相似文献   

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