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随着我国社会经济的快速发展,市场经济环境对于企业的风险管理水平也具有较为严格的要求和标准,为了强化我国企业的风险管理能力,提升其内部控制水平,适应新时期的发展形势,就要对我国当前的企业风险管理进行相应的探索和研究。本文将主要以电力资产风险管理为切入点,对其进行简要的介绍,并对其中存在的问题作出相应的建议。  相似文献   

市场环境瞬息万变,市场竞争不断加剧,各个企业逐渐重视内部控制与风险管理问题,然而在解决问题的过程中也会出现各种突发情况,因此,要具体问题具体分析,提升企业的内部控制以及风险管理能力。本文从多个角度出发针对企业内部控制和风险管理存在的问题以及缺乏管理意识等进行综合分析,进而提出制定合理的内部控制的制度、树立风险管理理念、加强审计工作监督力度、完善风险管理信息系统等措施,以此来促进企业健康发展。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化的推进和企业的不断发展,市场竞争越发激烈,我国企业在经营当中存在诸多的挑战,其内部控制的风险管理机制中存在很多问题,如应对经济全球化的能力不强、企业内部控制相关的监督制度不健全、风险管理意识淡薄和风险管理机制不完善等。这对企业的长远发展来说,相当不利。本研究通过分析我国企业内部控制的风险管理机制中存在的问题,分析企业内部控制和风险管理的关系,提出了完善企业内部控制的风险管理机制的对策,对企业的内部控制和风险管理提供参考。  相似文献   

企业在经营过程中存在着大量的风险,风险管理是现代企业管理的重要组成部分.内部审计自身的优势促使其参与到企业的风险管理中,使企业进行自我约束和自我监督.本文从内部审计与企业风险管理的关系出发,对如何发挥内部审计在企业风险管理中的作用进行了分析,以提高企业风险管理的有效性.  相似文献   

企业在经营过程中存在着不可预测的风险,风险管理是现代企业管理的重要组成部分。内部控制自身的优势促使其参与到企业的风险管理中,使企业进行自我约束和自我监督。本文从内部控制与企业经营管理的关系出发,对如何发挥内部控制在企业风险管理中的作用进行了分析,以提高企业应对风险的有效性。  相似文献   

现代银行是经营风险、管理风险的企业,经营能力的高低主要体现为风险管理能力的高低。随着银行业务信息化水平的提高和全面风险管理理念的不断深入,国际主流银行纷纷采用设定风险偏好的手段对银行的经营活动进行指导。  相似文献   

美国的coso委员会于1992年提出了内部控制框架,1994年对其进行了修改。2004年提出了风险管理框架,本文针对二者的关系进行有益的探索,同时也探讨二者与内部审计的关系。为企业了解内部控制框架和风险管理框架提供方便,也为企业建立良好的内部控制制度及进行有效的风险管理提供重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

王竹泉  王苑琢  王舒慧 《管理世界》2019,35(2):58-73,114
资金(资本)的本性是逐利避险。资金效率与财务风险信息不仅是资本市场引导资本配置和资本流动的基本依据,而且也是各级政府研判经济运行态势和制定宏观调控政策的重要依据。由于传统财务分析体系存在的资金(资本)与资产概念相混淆、营业性负债与金融性负债不加区分以及经济活动分类不当等理论缺陷,导致传统财务分析体系提供的资金效率与财务风险信息被严重扭曲,资金效率被严重低估,财务风险则被严重高估。对除金融类上市公司之外其他所有行业上市公司2008~2017年10年期间数据的分析显示,传统财务分析体系使资金效率被低估30%以上,而财务风险则被高估40%以上,让本来处于转型升级艰难时期的实体经济"雪上加霜"。严重的信息扭曲导致资本市场上实体经济被极度唱衰、投资价值被严重低估,从而误导趋利避险的金融资本远离"低回报"、"高风险"的实体经济。不仅如此,传统财务分析体系还使经营活动资金回报率被低估40%以上,而投资活动资金回报率却被高估50%以上,从而误导企业内部资本市场资金更多从经营活动(实体经营)流向投资活动(资本经营)。这为我国近年来出现的"金融脱实向虚"、"实体企业融资难、融资贵"以及"实体企业金融化"等金融服务实体经济效率和水平不高问题的原因提供了一个新的解释,也为政府客观评估经济新常态下中国实体经济发展状况提供了重要参考依据。  相似文献   

在当前金融危机席卷全球的情况下,不仅在金融行业,扩充至社会经济的其他行业,企业的风险状况和风险管理被越来越多的企业领导人所重视。加之企业风险管理作为企业经营的重要内容,其对于企业目标的-实现、经营效率的提高、企业报告的可靠以及有关政策法规的执行都将是十分有益的,对于提升企业生存能力、增强企业核心竞争力具有不可替代的作用。因此,有必要对当前我国企业风险管理进行研究。本文从企业风险管理的定义出发,指出我国当前风险管理所存在的相关问题,并希望在此基础上能提出行之有效的政策建议。  相似文献   

当前我国煤炭企业在资金风险管理方面还存在很多的问题,主要表现为没有完善的资金管理体系,没有足够的企业风险意识,对企业往来款项的控制力度不强,不能采取有效的措施进行控制,缺少运营资金,筹资手段单一,对内部的控制力度不足,无法对财务和审计活动进行有效监控等。煤炭企业在进行资金管理的时候,要加强资金风险的防范意识,不断完善企业的资金风险管理体系,强化企业资金结构,采用最好的筹资方法,减少企业在资金运营上的风险,对往来款项加强管理,提升企业的资金运营能力,煤炭企业要采用预算管理方式,建立正确的发展观和经营观,制定出完善的企业内部控制制度,加强企业内部的责任管理,全方位的避免资金风险的发生。  相似文献   

Private risk reduction will be socially efficient only when firms are liable for all the damage that they cause. We find that environmental insurance can achieve social efficiency even when two traditional policy instruments—ex post fines and risk management mandates with ex ante fines—do not. Inefficiency occurs with ex post fines, when small firms declare bankruptcy and escape their liabilities, limiting the incentives from this policy tool. Firms ignore mandates to implement efficient risk management because regulatory agencies do not have sufficient resources to monitor every firm. The evolution of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's and states’ underground storage tank programs suggests that mandating environmental insurance can address inefficiency due to small firms declaring bankruptcy. Comparing insurance mandates to risk management mandates, the burden on a regulator is lower if all it has to do is to confirm that the firm has insurance rather than that the firm has actually, and effectively, implemented required management practices. For underground storage tanks, we show that insurance lowered toxic releases.  相似文献   

基于Lasso高维分位数回归模型,本文构建了中国金融系统的尾部网络结构,并定义了总体网络以及行业间、行业内和金融机构间等多层金融网络的尾部风险传染度,解构其传染机制与关联特征,评估各机构双向系统重要性(接收端和发射端)。同时,本文提出了一个最优滚动窗宽选择标准方法,以优化滚动样本技术下的动态网络结构。结果表明,所有层级尾部风险传染效应(总体系统、行业间、行业内和机构间)在经济金融极端困境时期,呈现明显增强及剧烈震荡特征,2015年中国股灾期间尤甚。跨行业传染效应日益严峻,银行与保险间表现出较强关联性,房地产机构与其他金融机构间均表现出较高传染性,跨业监管值得关注。接收与发射最多尾部风险传染的金融机构仍然是银行与证券类机构。系统中超过50%的金融机构倾向于接收风险传染,一旦出现系统性冲击,整个金融系统的稳定性将遭受重创,因此,应加强此类机构应对外界冲击的能力。此外,基于新滚动窗宽选择标准法的动态模型的估计性能明显优于传统方法。研究结论有助于理解中国金融系统的网络结构和传染机制,对宏观审慎监管体系的建立提供了依据。  相似文献   

Service firms play an increasingly important role in the global economy. However, the internationalization strategies of such firms, and especially their distribution system choices, have been underexplored in the international management literature. One specific service industry that has internationalized rapidly in recent years is the insurance industry. This paper examines the determinants and performance implications of the choice by international insurance firms between two rival distribution systems: direct writing and independent sales agents. Drawing on the transaction cost theory-based literature on resource commitment, control, and risk, we develop hypotheses on the determinants of the choice between these two distribution systems and on the performance implications of this choice for insurance firms. Analyzing a sample of 168 distribution entries into the United States by insurance firms from six foreign countries over the 1992–2000 period, we find that cultural distance has a U-shaped effect on the probability of direct writing, and that an insurer's intangible assets have a positive effect on this probability. We also find that the direct writing system performs better in terms of profitability, but that the independent agency system performs better in terms of market share growth.  相似文献   

Nirup Menon 《Risk analysis》2011,31(3):497-512
The correlated nature of security breach risks, the imperfect ability to prove loss from a breach to an insurer, and the inability of insurers and external agents to observe firms’ self‐protection efforts have posed significant challenges to cyber security risk management. Our analysis finds that a firm invests less than the social optimal levels in self‐protection and in insurance when risks are correlated and the ability to prove loss is imperfect. We find that the appropriate social intervention policy to induce a firm to invest at socially optimal levels depends on whether insurers can verify a firm's self‐protection levels. If self‐protection of a firm is observable to an insurer so that it can design a contract that is contingent on the self‐protection level, then self‐protection and insurance behave as complements. In this case, a social planner can induce a firm to choose the socially optimal self‐protection and insurance levels by offering a subsidy on self‐protection. We also find that providing a subsidy on insurance does not provide a similar inducement to a firm. If self‐protection of a firm is not observable to an insurer, then self‐protection and insurance behave as substitutes. In this case, a social planner should tax the insurance premium to achieve socially optimal results. The results of our analysis hold regardless of whether the insurance market is perfectly competitive or not, implying that solely reforming the currently imperfect insurance market is insufficient to achieve the efficient outcome in cyber security risk management.  相似文献   

研究了强制性约束下企业信息安全投资和网络保险的最优决策问题,对比了可观测企业损失和不可观测企业损失两种情形下基于破产概率约束的最优安全投资和网络保险保费厘定。研究结果表明:在可观测损失和公平保费情况下,当最大化单个企业的期望效用时,存在最优安全投资额,并且政府补贴和强制性约束都可以激励企业增加安全投资;但是当最大化所有企业效用时,只有强制性约束才能增加企业安全投资使得总效用最大化,并且企业的最优安全投资与损失的可观测程度无关。在不可观测损失情况下,当最大化单个企业期望效用时,企业的安全投资增大,而最大化所有企业效用时,存在正网络外部性,即任何企业均不敢轻易的减少安全投资,即使同在一个网络中的其他企业减少了安全投资。此外,在破产概率约束下,随着保费的增加,当损失可观测时,企业的安全投资也增加,但期望效用减少了;而当损失不可观测时,企业的安全投资和期望效用均减少。本文所得结论对政府设定强制性标准,以及企业利用安全投资和网络保险进行信息安全风险控制具有较好的参考价值。  相似文献   

Aviation insurance premiums have become a heavy burden for the airline industry since September 11, 2001. Although the industry must constantly balance its operations between profitability and safety, the reality is that airlines are in the business of making money. Therefore, their ability to reduce cost and manage risk is a key factor for success. Unlike past research, which used subjective judgment methods, this study applied quantitative historical data (1999–2000) and gray relation analysis to identify the primary factors influencing ratemaking for aviation insurance premiums. An empirical study of six airlines in Taiwan was conducted to determine these factors and to analyze the management strategies used to deal with them. Results showed that the loss experience and performance of individual airlines were the key elements associated with aviation insurance premiums paid by each airline. By identifying and understanding the primary factors influencing ratemaking for aviation insurance, airlines will better understand their relative operational strengths and weaknesses, and further help top management identify areas for further improvement. Knowledge of these factors combined with effective risk management strategies, may result in lower premiums and operating costs for airline companies.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop a supplier risk assessment model for buyers to estimate supplier risk. It is one of the few empirical studies that considers both operational capability indicators and financial indicators; a standard logit model with five key variables (switching cost, operating profit margin, asset turnover ratio, quality capability and technological capability) was suggested as a practical tool. This model not only enhanced the accuracy of supplier risk assessment, but also served as a core element of a new supply chain management tool, ‘supplier management at risk’. More practically, the model enables purchasing firms to assess supplier risk and take proactive measures against the estimated risk.  相似文献   

Information systems (IS) offshoring has become a widespread practice and a strategic sourcing choice for many firms. While much has been written by researchers about the factors that lead to successful offshoring arrangements from the client's viewpoint, the vendor's perspective has been largely scarce. The vendor perspective is equally important as offshore IS vendors need to make important decisions in terms of delivering operational and strategic performance and aligning their resources and processes in order to meet or exceed targeted outcomes. In this article, we propose and test a three‐level capability–quality–performance (CQP) theoretical framework to understand vendor outcomes and their antecedents. The first level of the framework represents three vendor capabilities: relationship management, contract management, and information technology management. The second level has three mediating variables representing process quality: partnership, service, and deliverable quality. The third level has three dependent variables representing vendor outcomes: operational performance, strategic performance, and satisfaction. The model was tested with 188 vendor firms from India and China, the two most popular destinations for IS offshoring. Results support the CQP framework; vendor capabilities are significant predictors of intermediate quality measures, which in turn affect vendor outcomes. Implications of the study findings to both theory development and IS offshore vendor strategic decision making are discussed.  相似文献   

Internet start‐ups and traditional firms expanding existing offerings and services through the Net have seen both success and failure. For such business model pursuits, electronic intermediation possesses the ability to cultivate new marketplaces and restructure supply chains. The economic literature identifies four distinct intermediary roles, specifically: (i) information and (ii) logistics management, (iii) transaction securitization, as well as (iv) insurance/market‐making and liquidity management. Research notes that electronic intermediaries, while possessing clear advantages in their ability to manage information, face greater challenges in allowing parties to benefit from the facilitation of more complex coordination activities, namely transaction securitization in addition to insurance/market‐making and liquidity management. In an effort to better understand pursuit of functional intermediary roles, our analysis of data collected on 182 electronic intermediaries explores relationships between intermediation roles and profitability. Business models relying solely upon the provision of information management are likely to realize lower levels of profitability. Alternately, the intermediary roles of logistics management as well as insurance/market‐making and liquidity management realize higher levels of profitability. Moreover, when comparing commodity‐ and service‐based intermediaries, the provision of logistics management on the part of commodity‐based firms sees higher levels of profitability, with insurance and liquidity provisions associated with greater profitability for both commodity‐ and service‐based firms. Finally, when contrasting traditional firms expanding operations in digital markets with Internet pure‐plays, we find transaction securitization functions increase the likelihood of realizing greater profitability for non‐Internet pure‐plays.  相似文献   

Insurance is a key risk‐sharing mechanism that protects citizens and governments from the losses caused by natural catastrophes. Given the increase in the frequency and intensity of natural catastrophes over recent years, this article analyzes the performance effects of mega‐catastrophes for U.S. insurance firms using a measure of market expectations. Specifically, we analyze the share price losses of insurance firms in response to catastrophe events to ascertain whether mega‐catastrophes significantly damage the performance of insurers and whether different types of mega‐catastrophes have different impacts. The main message from our analysis is that the impact of mega‐catastrophes on insurers has not been too damaging. While the exact impact of catastrophes depends on the nature of the event and the degree of competition within the relevant insurance market (less competition allows insurers to recoup catastrophe losses through adjustments to premiums), our overall results suggest that U.S. insurance firms can adequately manage the risks and costs of mega‐catastrophes. From a public policy perspective, our results show that insurance provides a robust means of sharing catastrophe losses to help reduce the financial consequences of a catastrophe event.  相似文献   

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