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On Person Deixis     
Deixis is one of the important topics in pragmatics. Deixis can be classified into different types, but this paper only focuses on person deixis. Through the detail analysis of the usage of it we come to the conclusion that in order to understand utterances better we need to make clear the complexity of person deixis.  相似文献   

In 1957, Grice suggested the theory of meaning-nn as a theory of communication. Later, he developed Cooperative Principle (CP) as guidelines for the efficient and effective use of language in conversation. Some philosophers and linguists try to develop and modify the Grice's Cooperative Principle or attempt to challenge the validity of this and suggest some other principles. However, very few try to explore the driving force behind conversation. What is the mechanism underlying the use of a sentence to convey extra meaning? After a more detailed examination of Grice's work on philosophy and language, we discover that the importance of rationality is shown throughout his work. Therefore we can conclude that rationality, not the cooperation, is the real motivation, though Grice invents the Cooperative Principle. Cooperation is the realization of rationality applied at the level of discourse.  相似文献   

In recent years,issues of letters and visits are growing in China,which urgently demands researchers to pay more attention and make profound research.The letters and visits system has ben developed over thousands of years,by which such phenomena have emerged in various ways.Nevertheless,the system has changed significantly after the Revolution of 1911 and the establishment of People' s Republic of China.When looking back at history of the system in China,we can discover,now and then,identical pictures in different historical periods.For instance,in Ming and Qing Dynasties,there were letters and visits cases concluded as " Phlegm disease " ( today's "psychosis" ),and there were events that the local government officers intercepted and caught local folks who were going to the Capital for petition.  相似文献   

If we want to improve our way of teaching, one way is to teach reading in three stages: Pre - reading stage, while-reading stage, and post - reading stage. Each stage has a different goal and deals with different reading strategies. Pre -reading means before the text is read. In while reading stage, we have looked at the main reading skills: skimming, scanning , reading for detail , drawing inferences about the author's purpose and intention. Post - reading stage mainly focuses on the exploitation of the text. It aims to help the reader understand the content and structure of the text, as well as the author's purpose in writing it.  相似文献   

Hedges was first put forward by George Lakoff in 1972. He mainly researched the meaning criteria and fuzzy logic of hedges. Later other linguists have begun to talk about the social function of hedges, which makes this research more comprehensive. The social function of hedges is relatively more practical for us. Only when we know it, can we use hedges in appropriate terms according to our gender, social status, profession and definite occasions.  相似文献   

In the course of reading we can guess or infer the meaning of some new words, difficult words or keywords through the information, logic, background knowledge and language structure, etc. and it is a very useful reading skill. When obtaining this kind of skill, the readers can quickly infer the meaning of new words from the clue offered by the context or the structure characteristic of new words, therefore, to improve the reading speed and reading ability.  相似文献   

Tests are usually a big part of a teacher's life. They are part of the ritual of the classroom. Students expect them. Administrators, school boards and legislators require them. They are important to us in our work; we think about them often and have a lot to say about them.  相似文献   

Yuan Tingting 《学术界》2012,(2):257-275
International aid,always concerned as the Western aid,has been in decades’ development after the Second World War.From the Post-colonial time to the era of globalisation,from Washington Consensus to the Post-Washington Consensus,there are various aid discourses,motives and the intervention logics.This paper explores the Western aid through a critical review to the history and the contemporary development of "aid".It argues,despite these changes,the fundamental logic of aid,the logic of "catching up",has not been changed.The related economic and political interventions,such as the aid conditionalities,are all working for this logic,and have caused a lot of criticisms.Aid has not been very successful within the changing agendas.While the foreign aid is moving from intervention to cooperation,to make a more effective "aid",the traditional donors may learn lessons from the South-South relations.  相似文献   

Yang Hui 《学术界》2015,(2):276-280
There are two situations when the right to life is encroached: instant death and death after an interval, the compensations for which are quite different from each other, so we shall research upon them respectively. In the situation of instant death, the people who claims for compensation is neither the dead nor the one who bears the compensation,and it is the near relative of the dead, the foundation of which is not inheritance,but natural damage, and the compensation covers only funeral expense,moral damage and compensation for death.  相似文献   

Flood control is closely related to the rising level of the upstream. Thechange of the main current and the inshore current velocity is induced by thecompletion of the regulation work. Yet Flood Control Departments pay muchmore attention to the extent,the range and the law of the inshore current velocity increase,especially in the river reaches which have arduous tasks of floodcontrol. Flood Control Departments object to constructing regulation work sucnas groynes,because they have always thought regulation work may lead to theincrease in the inshore current velocity.This paper intends to expound on theinfluences of regulation work on the extent,range and law of the inshore current velocity through analyzing the data obtained from the scale model tests ofthe Jiepai Reach in the middle of the Yangtze River and also discuss the possi-bility of limiting increase of the inshore current velocity through properly ad-justing regulaton work,thus we can correct evaluation of the influence of theriver regulation o  相似文献   

《白鲸》是美国作家赫尔曼·麦尔维尔的代表作,被认为是世界上最有象征意义的小说之一。本文将对小说中的象征主义进行探索性的分析。象征主义在小说中无所不在:裴考德号全体船员的最终灭亡,象征着人类在社会、自然及至宇宙的命运;这艘船的名字本身就象征着灭亡;而它的船长亚哈伯是人类本质中邪恶的一面的象征;这次航海本身象征着对人类生活最终真理的追求;白鲸既象征着那庞大的资本主义生产方式又象征着自然,而它的白色象征着纯洁和无辜。  相似文献   

周世中 《文史哲》2003,(4):97-98
我国法理学直接来源于苏联的法理学 ,间接秉承着欧陆法理学传统。该传统在以往的特点是特别关注法律的“宏大”问题。 2 0世纪以来 ,欧陆法理学明显出现的对司法中微观问题的系统论述 ,并未在我们这里得到回应。只是近些年来 ,随着中国司法改革任务的提出以及司法在法治乃至整个社会、政治生活中地位的日显 ,我们才开始关注司法并同时关注欧陆和英美关于司法的理论。尽管如此 ,我们对于司法中法理学问题的探讨还只是初步的 ,还没有引起法理学界的共同关注。这就需要我们不失时机地将法理学研究的主要任务放到以司法为核心的法律之“微观论证”上来。本组笔谈的目的即在于此。  相似文献   

克里普克举出"间接自涉"例子表明只有遭受不利的语境"作弄",语句才沦为"悖论"的;古普塔举出例子表明克的"根基"说排除过多"好"的语句.可以看出,克、古举出的,均为同类简单例子的复杂化,了无新意;再者,"说谎者"悖论犯"复合命题"谬误,消解这个"千古之谜"之后,便看出克、古(和众多西方权威)的相关理论没有多大价值了.  相似文献   

世界金融危机引发的反应对长期困扰我们的姓“社”姓“资”问题具有难得的方法论启示,即不要离开事物之间的对立统一关系去讨论姓“社”姓“资”问题,离开这个关系,便不能回答什么是真正的社会主义与资本主义问题.也不能回答社会主义能否战胜资本主义的问题。恰恰是资本主义对社会主义的“依存和联结”,才使资本主义得到了局部的人性化的改善,才使资本主义在危机爆发时得以喘过气来。社会主义国家同样可以因与资本主义的“相互依存和联结”现象,而坚信市场经济选择的正确性,坚信社会主义市场经济之必要。  相似文献   

通过对“两课”的特点及“两课”教师肩负使命的分析 ,可以肯定“‘三讲’是‘两课’教师素质修养的指南”这一命题。由此我们可以明确“讲学习”对提高“两课”教师的业务素质、“讲政治”对提高“两课”教师的思想素质、“讲正气”对提高“两课”教师人格素质的重要作用。  相似文献   

吴学国 《河北学刊》2004,24(1):67-71
"存在论区分"和"二谛"分别是海德格尔和大乘佛教哲学的基础性概念.本文作为一种对话式的比较,通过揭示存在论区分的佛学意义以及二谛论的存在论区分意蕴,力图使两种思想达到相互理解和沟通.一方面,海氏对存在者与存在自身的区分,就是"有"与"无"的区分,其基本精神与佛教二谛论的"空"、"有"之辨一致,也旨在克服对"有"的执著而达到对"无"的证会.另一方面,二谛论也是一种存在论区分."空"也是存在的本质和真理,也包括对形而上学的解构,"空"作为"无住",还与海氏的"无化"(自由)一致.二者的主要差别在于对"无"的理解不同.  相似文献   

欲判明先秦文献中所记载的"河图"、"洛书"是否点阵之图,首先应求于先秦文献中有关"河图"、"洛书"的原始记载.根据<尚书·顾命>、<论语·子罕>和<周易·系辞上>中有关"河图"、"洛书"的原始记载,无法得出"河图"、"洛书"是点阵之图的结论.非点阵之图的结论,是根据胡应麟"辨伪八法",核之并世之言以观其称,核之异世之言以观其述,称点阵之图为"河图"、"洛书"显属可疑,而且,刘牧在<易数钩隐图>的序言中自谓"采摭天地奇偶之数,……点之成图",无意之中,已露出了作伪的破绽.清代学者毛奇龄更将刘牧作伪之迹原原本本考察得十分清楚.刘牧为了使其创制的点阵之图为人所重且行之于世,于是将点阵之图托以"河图"、"洛书"之名,也完全符合作伪的一般规律.坚持认为"河图"、"洛书"为点阵之图者所持之论据,亦皆似是而非.因此,先秦文献中所记载的"河图"、"洛书"并非点阵之图.  相似文献   

洪琼 《晋阳学刊》2009,(4):65-68
中西对“游”和“游戏说”都有着丰富的理论探讨,且存在诸多的共通性,但两者毕竟植根于两个相距遥远的文化,它们之间有着巨大的差异,特别是表现在中西不同的人生态度和思维方式上、不同的审美体验方式上、不同的话语体系上。当然,这并不等于说,两者便没有任何对话的可能:(一)思维方式,对于西方的“游戏说”而言,应当淡化主客二分和主体性原则,提倡人物融合的诗化之境;而对于中国的“游”而言,既要引入西方的主客二分和主体性原则,但又不能重蹈西方文化的覆辙,真正的道路或许便是于中西思想的边界处的冒险。(二)审美心态,海德格尔的“诗化之思”或许为中西“游”和“游戏说”之审美心态的融合和对话提供了某些指引。(三)语言,自从“语言转向”以来,西方传统的语言观受到前所未有的挑战,其不再是那种表象一工具型的现成性的语言观,而成了一种生成性的语言观,这似乎与我们中国的“道言”观有着某种契合之处。  相似文献   

"文"与"质"是中国古典美学中的一对独特的基础的审美范畴。"文"与"质"的最初形态是各自独立的,"文"、"质"对举始于孔子。我们只有深入地了解"文"与"质"概念的形成过程,才能比较全面地理解它们各自的多重含义,才能客观地认识它们在对举时的双重意义,同时也可避免对于文质概念理解的局限。  相似文献   

“悲音为美”作为一个美学范畴 ,我们感到熟悉而陌生。熟悉其艺术原理 ,但上升到美学范畴似乎又感觉陌生。我们拟以“悲音为美”的原始涵义以及审美特征、心理感受、社会基础、创造主体等方面 ,来说明“悲音为美”作为美学范畴的理论基础。  相似文献   

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