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中国传统文化自身的包容性、开放性以及马克思主义与中国传统文化思想内容的相通,使二者有了契合的可能。另外,马克思主义是中国传统文化现代化的指导思想,传统文化现代化发展促进马克思主义中国化发展,二者的紧密联系,有利于实现马克思主义中国风格和中国气派的民族形式,有利于促进中华民族价值观的发展。  相似文献   

新兴大国与非洲关系的快速发展,不仅有着重要的战略意义,更有着深远的理论意义。它不仅能提供来自新兴大国和非洲的非西方国际关系理论洞察,还可提供有潜力改变既有线性思维模式的非线性国际关系理论洞察,更可提供源于南南合作和应对非洲复杂情况挑战的非传统国际关系理论洞察,进而为丰富、完善和发展既有国际关系理论作出贡献。不仅如此,上述理论启示还对促进中非关系可持续发展以及中国特色的国际关系理论建构有着重要意义。  相似文献   

学校处在一定的社区之中,学校教育影响社区;社区为学校提供人、财、物等各方面的支持与帮助。研究学校与社区互动关系具有重要的意义,一方面可以帮助学校建立良好的公共关系,另一方面可以推动社区内学习活动的进行。学校与社区是双向互动的关系,两者的互动有社会学和教育学方面的理论依据。  相似文献   

大国干预地区事务体现在大国之间的横向互动以及大国与地区国家之间的纵向互动。大国干预具有制衡性、非对称性及强制性等特征,体现了大国干预的复杂动态过程。本文在叙述大国干预阿以战争的基础上,发现安全利益、威胁认知、文化认同等因素影响着大国干预地区事务的动机。当前巴以冲突中大国干预的影响依旧存在,且对阿以和平以及中东安全具有重要的历史和现实意义。  相似文献   

大国干预地区事务体现在大国之间的横向互动以及大国与地区国家之间的纵向互动.大国干预具有制衡性、非对称性及强制性等特征,体现了大国干预的复杂动态过程.本文在叙述大国干预阿以战争的基础上,发现安全利益、威胁认知、文化认同等因素影响着大国干预地区事务的动机.当前巴以冲突中大国干预的影响依旧存在,且对阿以和平以及中东安全具有重要的历史和现实意义.  相似文献   

鸦片战争后,中西文化发生了猛烈碰撞。作为大清王朝坚贞不二的儒臣,曾国藩能抛弃天朝上国盲目虚骄之情,从理学家藩篱中冲出来,放眼世界,在维护传统文化的基础上,接纳近代西方先进文化,徐图自强,对中国近代社会产生了深刻的影响。  相似文献   

西方舆论对中国的外交话语主要采取负面、对抗立场进行解读,东方主义框架和负责任大国框架交叉使用。既以东方主义的视角丑化、异化中国形象,又会在某些重要国际事务中抬高、泛化中国的国际责任。  相似文献   

一带一路倡议蕴含着丰富的全球经济治理内涵。伊斯兰大国是一带一路的战略支点国家和中国参与沿线地区经济治理的重要合作伙伴,也是中国参与全球经济治理新生的战略依托,中国与伊斯兰大国加强全球经济治理合作具有坚实的双边关系、利益交汇与合作机制基础。中国应将伊斯兰大国作为参与全球经济治理的重要合作对象,在现有机制之外开辟新的全球经济治理合作机制,结合各自优势与需求重点从一个区域、三个层面、八个方面构建治理合作机制,提升合作水平。在一带一路框架下,双方全球经济治理合作应以沿线地区为重点,以能源、贸易、基础设施与发展等议题为突破口,以新型伙伴关系与渐进式实践提升治理实效。  相似文献   

中东局势复杂多变,热点问题无一解决,布什政府面对中东困境了无良策,奥巴马执政后如何调整中东政策令人瞩目.欧洲与俄罗斯积极介入中东事务,与美既合作又争夺.阿拉伯国家面临多种冲击,但联合自强的愿望日渐增强.  相似文献   

中东局势复杂多变,热点问题无一解决。布什政府面对中东困境了无良策,奥巴马执政后如何调整中东政策令人瞩目。欧洲与俄罗斯积极介入中东事务,与美既合作又争夺。阿拉伯国家面临多种冲击,但联合自强的愿望日渐增强。  相似文献   

周鹏 《职业时空》2012,(6):124-125
以媒介形式出现的计算机网络给教学带来革命性的变化,更引起了师生关系的深刻变化。教师的角色将转变为教学资源应用的组织者、引导者和学习方式的策划者、指导者,以及学生学习的促进者、合作者。网络环境下的教学提倡学生的自主学习、探究学习、合作学习的学习方式,提倡创建"主-主"的教学模式,这样才能重新构建现代媒介中的新型师生关系。  相似文献   

Each country has its own culture, including food culture. In order to promote the communication between Chinese and western countries, we must work hard in the cultural aspects. Chinese and western dietetic cultures both have merits and shortcomings. We hope that by the means of comparison, people will learn from the other's strong points to offset their weakness, so as to provide more food of high quality for human, and therefore make progress in human society.  相似文献   

With the solidifying of the Internet as an influential form of mediated communication has come a surge of activity among media scholars looking into what leads individuals to use this emerging technology. This study focuses on religiosity as a potential predictor of Internet activity, and uses a combination of secularization theory and uses and gratifications theory as a foundation from which to posit a negative relation between these 2 variables. Religiosity is found to retain a significant negative relation with Internet use at the zero order, and remains a robust negative predictor of the criterion variable even after accounting for a host of demographic, contextual, and situational variables. Ramifications for these findings are discussed and an outline for future research building on our analyses is provided.  相似文献   


A sample of 16,411 year nine and year ten pupils throughout England and Wales completed a detailed inventory of values. The responses of those whose parents have experienced separation or divorce are compared with those whose parents have not experienced this form of family disruption. Significant differences are found in all fourteen value areas included in the survey. In summary marital disruption is associated with lower personal wellbeing, and more radical or less socially conformist attitudes.  相似文献   

The Relationship Between Internet Access and Divorce Rate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The rise of the internet has affected the market for romantic partners, arguably lowering search costs. It has been claimed anecdotally that this has led to an increase in divorce. However, a more careful examination of theory suggests that, even if search costs have declined with the rise of the internet, this would not necessarily increase divorce propensity. To examine the issue empirically, this paper employs both state- and household-level data on family structure from the Bureau of Labor Statistics Current Population Survey. A comparison of high and low internet penetration states, as well as a micro panel of initially married households with and without internet access, reveals no evidence that the rise of the internet has increased divorce.  相似文献   

The present study assessed whether prior reinforcement experiences were related to gaming machine choice and the decision to change gaming machines during a session of gambling. Seventy undergraduate students (48 women, 22 men; mean age = 22.05 years) were presented with two visually identical simulated gaming machines in a practice phase. These simulated machines differed only in the rate of reinforcement. After the practice phase, participants were asked to choose a machine to play in the test phase and were allowed to change machines at will. Two measures of reinforcement were employed; frequency of wins and payback rate. Results indicated that neither measure of reinforcement was related to machine choice, but both were predictors of when participants changed machines. A post-hoc analysis of the 33 participants who changed machines during the test phase found a significant relationship between machine choice and prior reinforcement. For these participants, payback rate was significantly related to machine choice, unlike frequency of wins.  相似文献   

The authors examined the impact of sense of coherence on the career thought processes of a sample of college students. A. Antonovsky (1987) defined sense of coherence as the global orientation that the world is comprehensible, manageable, and meaningful. Study participants completed the Sense of Coherence Scale (A. Antonovsky, 1987) and the Career Thoughts Inventory (CTI; J. P. Sampson, G. W. Peterson, J. G. Lenz, R. C. Reardon, & D. E. Saunders, 1996). Multivariate tests indicated a medium relationship between sense of coherence and CTI Total and subscale scores; sense of coherence accounted for 14% of the variance. Univariate tests also indicated a medium relationship between sense of coherence and each subscale.  相似文献   


College students believe that they are more likely to be ill during examination periods than at other times in the academic year. We in the health service hypothesized that urinary tract infections are not affected by the demands of the academic calendar.

During a 4-year study, the university health service obtained urine culture data prospectively from 456 patients who had a total of 508 episodes of urinary tract infections. Each year, the number of urinary tract infections decreased during both midterm and final examination periods, but rebounded to higher-than-average levels in the second week following the midterm examination period, as well as during the second week of the second (spring) semester, immediately after the mid-winter recess. Mean duration of symptoms was 34 hours (range, from 12 to 60).

Urinary tract infections were less common during examination periods, when students were preoccupied with academic responsibilities, but such infections increased in frequency in the period immediately after examinations, when sexual intimacy was resumed or when sexual intercourse with a new partner began. Urinary tract infections in college women, the study indicated, are primarily related to sexual intercourse, and susceptibility is only indirectly affected by the demands of the academic calendar.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between aversive conditioning, heart rate variability suppression, behavioral activation system/behavioral inhibition system and risk-avoidance on the Iowa gambling task (IGT) in a nonclinical sample (29 male, 29 female, mean age = 20.7). A laboratory based Pavlovian aversive conditioning paradigm was used where a 1500 Hz tone (CS+) was followed by a burst of loud white noise (US), and a 850 Hz (CS−) tone was never followed by the US. In a subsequent extinction phase where the CS+ and CS− were presented without the US, conditioned skin conductance responses to the CS+ indicated aversive conditioning. The results showed that the participants who did not show aversive conditioning (N = 26) exhibited significantly less risk-avoidance compared to participants who did show aversive conditioning (N = 32). Regression analysis showed that among the study variables, only aversive conditioning contributed significantly to explaining variance in risk-avoidance. These results may have implications for understanding risk-taking in gambling in general, and may be a starting point understanding the role of aversive conditioning in the development and maintenance of gambling problems.  相似文献   

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