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20世纪70年代以来,美国城市化进程中出现了新趋势,即多中心格局大都市区显著增长。洛杉矶因其独特的发展历程成为多中心大都市区的典型代表,并因其称为"洛杉矶模式"。该模式的出现对整个大都市区经济产生了积极、深刻的影响,这是以往单核式大都市区所无法达到的。  相似文献   

The frequency of union dissolutions increased sharply over the past 40 years in Western Europe and North America, resulting in a rapid growth in the number of persons living with a second partner. In studies of the 1980s, primarily conducted within the context of marriage, second partnerships were generally found to be less stable than first unions, but more recent studies provide more conflicting evidence. Taking the example of France, we study whether the relationship between first and second union stability indeed reversed between the 1970s and the 2000s, and how union and individual characteristics contributed to changes over time. The analysis presented here is based on the French Generations and Gender Survey (2005). The article first provides an overview of the differences in marriage, childbearing and breakup behaviours in first and second unions. Second, a piecewise linear model for repeated events is used to compare women’s dissolution risks in first and second unions. The results show that over time, the higher instability of second compared to first unions disappeared. Further, women in second unions adopted unmarried cohabitation as a living arrangement more often across the whole period and were more likely to have stepchildren, which was associated with less stable unions. Taking into account this diversity of family situations, i.e. controlling for family form and children, second unions were more stable than first unions, even during the past. At both union orders, marriage breakup risks tended to stabilise despite a continuing increase in the prevalence of separation, which suggests that cohabitation increasingly acts as a filter for marriage.  相似文献   

本文探讨了美国大学普通教育课程改革和发展的历史过程,以及七八十年代美国普通教育课程改革的目的、措施和经验,并针对我国高校课程建设的现状,就高校普通教育课程的改革提出若干看法。  相似文献   

在20世纪60年代城市转型的背景下,洛杉矶城市文化的衰败引发了美国文坛的关注。当代美国剧作家山姆·谢泼德在其代表作《天使之城》中,将“黑色洛杉矶”叙事引入戏剧,从城市环境和文化思潮两个方面解构了“天使之城”的浪漫化迷思。一方面展现战后洛杉矶爆发的生态危机,另一方面则揭露了商业资本对好莱坞艺术创作的压制与禁锢,从而揭示了剧作家对战后美国城市文化的深刻反思。   相似文献   

美国高等教育“成熟阶段”多样化模式及相关思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
上世纪70年中期至80年代后期,是美国高等教育大众化的"成熟阶段"。目前,我国高等教育发展大致处于这个阶段靠前一些的位置。在这一阶段,美国通过增设非传统高等教育机构、发展非全日制高等教育、提供多样性的高等教育课程等举措,进一步促进高等教育的多样化,这对我国正在推进中的高等教育大众化具有启发意义。  相似文献   

20世纪70年代末,英国工会由于被赋予过多的法律保护,出现某种工会特权,紧张的劳资关系成为推行撒切尔革命的巨大障碍。在1975—1979年,保守党在野时期并没有为将来执政制定完善的反工会政策。80年代,撒切尔政府以新自由主义思想家哈耶克的反工会思想为指导,在实践中不断摸索,采取谨慎的"渐进战略",通过一系列工会立法,打击和削弱工会势力,使英国劳资关系发生实质性的变化。  相似文献   

追溯美国女性学的发展历程,美国女性学在其兴起的第一个十年里,不仅诞生了女权主义理论,而且自觉地展开了对女性学自身的研究,并且在女性学建制、女性学课程和女性学规范化等三方面做了大量而扎实的工作,从而为El后美国女性学迅猛发展打下了坚实的学科基础。通过回顾20世纪70年代美国女性学界对女性学的研究,讨论当时美国女性学经历的考验,试图为当今中国女性学进一步发展提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

记忆是海外游子寻求精神慰藉的一种方式,显示了他们对中国文化的深厚情感.小说《上海女孩》讲述了两个上海女孩旅居美国,在洛杉矶唐人街奋斗的故事.《上海女孩》的核心是思乡,作者通过追忆往昔的记忆书写,叙述了海外游子在异国他乡依然传承故乡文化、追求精神家园的心路历程.  相似文献   

美国当代墨西哥裔女作家桑德拉.希斯内罗丝的代表作《芒果街上的小屋》描述了墨西哥移民在美国辛酸的奋斗史。小说以一家移民后代的女儿埃斯佩朗莎.科德罗为主人公,讲述了她的成长经历,反映女主人公埃斯佩朗莎以及其她少数族裔女性在美国社会的弱势地位以及在家庭受男性压迫的现实,折射出以埃斯佩朗莎为代表的墨西哥裔女性对象征阶级、种族和性别平等的一所完全属于自己的房子不懈追寻的心声。  相似文献   

儿童社会技能研究的回顾与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
儿童的社会技能问题于20世纪70年代开始引起西方研究者的高度重视,并在短时间内迅速成为发展心理学、教育心理学等学科共同研究的热点课题。西方关于儿童社会技能的研究基本上可以分为三个阶段:20世纪三四十年代儿童社会技能研究的早期阶段,20世纪40年代至六七十年代儿童社会技能研究的停滞阶段和20世纪70年代后儿童社会技能研究的迅猛崛起与发展阶段。但我国关于儿童社会技能的研究起步较晚,亟待拓展和加强。  相似文献   

1970年代的英国工党与工会关系可以分为前期和中后期两个阶段。在工党在野的前期,二者关系逐步改善,相对融洽;在工党执政的中后期,二者关系逐步恶化,矛盾尖锐。二者关系的这种特点既与工党地位不同追求目标不同有关,也与保守党的工会政策和英国经济状况有关。从工党与工会的相互影响看,工会对工党的影响更大,工会是影响工党在1970年代政坛沉浮的重要变量。从二者关系对工党与工会各自的影响看,历经1970年代,工党与工会在关系复好与逆转的轮回中两败俱伤。  相似文献   

美国华人最近几年在政治生活中十分活跃,不论是参加竞选还是公民投票,都取得了很多历史性的突破。与父辈的华人相比,他们现在已经进入了参政的萌芽阶段。但是,纽约和洛杉矶两地华人在政治参与度和政治参与方式上有显著差别。通过利用制度分析的方法,考察移民居住国的制度和社会结构对移民政治参与的影响,从而对纽约和洛杉矶两地华人参政程度不同的原因进行深入的研究。最后得出结论,在民主开放的社会背景下,当存在政治、经济和社会等利益动机时,华人会主动地参与到政治进程中。纽约和洛杉矾两地华人参政的不同是由两地不同的社会结构和利益构架不同所造成的。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to introduce a system of annual indices of the risks of marriage and remarriage and to use the system to display such marriage risks for Swedish women over the years since 1971. Our indices are produced by applying indirect standardization to register data. The propensity to marry decreased considerably during the 1970s and it has continued to decrease also during the first half of the 1980s and the beginning of the 1990s. The decrease in marriage risks is mostly due to a decreased propensity to marry among never-married women with no children. The decrease is not so strong for never-married women with children and for divorced women. A sharp, but only temporary, deviation from the general pattern of Swedish marriage-risk trends occurred in 1989, when the number of marriages formed increased dramatically in response to the near-abolition of the public widow's pensions for women who were not married at the beginning of 1990.  相似文献   

生育意愿的代际差异分析 ———以江苏省为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用江苏省"生育意愿和生育行为研究"调查数据,文章从意愿生育子女数、意愿子女性别、意愿生育年龄等三个维度出发,考察了不同代际(60后、70后、80后)育龄妇女生育意愿和生育观念的差异.研究发现,80年代出生的育龄妇女少生、晚生、优生的意愿趋势明显,以孩子为中心的观念也在弱化,性别选择更趋向无偏好化.新型生育文化及观念在我国发达的农村地区已成现实,这些事实对生育政策的调整具有重要参考意义.  相似文献   

Carol Gilligan (1977, 1982) has proposed fundamental gender differences. Women typically conceptualize interpersonal dilemmas in terms of people and their relationships, whereas men often orient to dilemmas as practical problems. Although considerable research has explored these gender differences, they have usually been treated as psychological traits or abstract moral orientations. In this article we show how Gilligan’s theory accounts for gender differences when interviewees described their efforts to prevent others from driving under the influence (DUI intervention). This result extends Gilligan's theory by showing how it can account for real life differences between men and women. By demonstrating the relevance of Gilligan's gender differences to everyday life, we lay a foundation for further sociological exploration of her ideas. His interests include divorce, social demography, and research methods. His book on the intergenerational transmission of divorce will be published by Stanford University Press. Jerome Rabow has been a professor of sociology at the University of California-Los Angeles since 1965. He has published more than 100 articles in the areas of drunk driving intervention, gender and money, education, and race relations. He recently completed Tutoring Matters: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About How to Tutor (Temple University Press, 1999), a book based on the tutoring experiences of his UCLA students. Professor Rabow is also a psychotherapist in private practice in Los Angeles. He is also Research Psychologist and co-director of the Substance Abuse Research Center in the Psychology Department at the University of California, Los Angeles. Professor Newcomb has published over 200 papers and chapters and has written three books. His research interests include: etiology and the consequences of adolescent drug abuse; structural equation modeling, methodology, and multivariate analysis; human sexuality; health psychology; attitudes and affect related to nuclear war; and cohabitation, marriage, and divorce.  相似文献   

European Journal of Population - Union dissolution is a critical event for women’s living standards. Previous work has found that women in high-income unions lose more from union dissolution...  相似文献   

在《最后的大亨》中,菲茨杰拉德刻画了一个完美的个人主义英雄——斯塔尔.但浮华奢靡的现代工业城市洛杉矶腐蚀了斯塔尔的心智和道德,耗尽了他的能量和才华,摧毁了他的精神和肉体,成为埋葬英雄的坟墓.菲茨杰拉德从自身的人生经历出发,怀抱着农业文明的理想来审视、观照现代城市洛杉矶,认为城市助长了浮华奢靡,使人们远离农业的自然状态,从而导致了其堕落和毁灭.  相似文献   

从新中国成立至今,中国的外语专业教育取得了令人瞩目的成就。回首60多年来的风雨历程,新中国外语专业教育的发展过程大体上可以分为6个阶段:1949年—1956年,1956年—1966年,1966年—1976年,20世纪70年代末至80年代中期,20世纪80年代中期至90年代末,20世纪90年代末至今,每一个阶段都取得了可喜的成就,也存在着不同的问题。在回顾历史成就的基础上,总结目前中国外语专业教育中存在的主要问题,并给出相应的对策。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,在浙江经济发达的绍兴县等地,形成了女企业家群体,她们在当地成为经济发展中的一支不可忽视的力量。本文在抽样调查的基础上,对她们的产生发展、所掌管企业的经营特色、社会价值观念等进行了分析,并提出她们所面临的压力,力求呈现出她们作为中小城镇女企业家不同于大中城市女企业家的特征。  相似文献   

In developed countries, rising rates of union disruption have induced an increase in the share of people experiencing several fertile partnerships during their fertile life-span. However, from the large-scale 1999 French Family Survey, in the 1939–1954 birth cohorts it appears that completed fertility of repartnered men is slightly higher than that of never-separated men while repartnered women have fertility levels similar to those who remain in a first intact partnership. Following this observation, this article aims to study whether people, and especially women, have enough time to have children in the context of second union before they become limited by the “biological clock”. Using a cure model, we find that once age-related sterility is controlled for, the decrease in risk of having children with age is not visible anymore up to age 40. This offers some evidence that people in their second partnership, especially women, are constrained in their childbearing by the decline in fecundity with age. Additionally, childless women seem to respond proactively to the decline in fecundity with age by accelerating childbearing.  相似文献   

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