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该文介绍了高压天然气管道的各种急抢修技术、装备及其应用实例,并指出管道急抢修技术是控制城市燃气供应风险的有效措施之一。  相似文献   

孙军 《交通与港航》2005,19(4):33-35
针对上海市天然气气源成分波动的特点,对市场上销售和使用的家用燃气灶具和燃气快速热水器进行了测试,得出了市场上销售的家用燃气器具在设计合理的条件下能够同时适应目前供应的两种天然气之结论。  相似文献   

该文从无锡市天然气的建设和经营成本、燃气用量、质量要求及增强天然气在多种燃料中的竞争力等因素出发,对居民、工业、公建、汽车等各类不同性质的天然气用户进行了分析,提出了价格制订思路及各类天然气用户相应的天然气建议销售价格。  相似文献   

从近年发生多起天然气汽车事故,建议加强安全管理,主要是明确各部门职责,加强对天然气汽车改装、燃气装置和气瓶的检验和管理、加强对驾驶员培训等方面。  相似文献   

顾军 《交通与港航》1997,11(1):34-36
重点介绍高压天然气管道的组装焊接、防腐蚀绝缘、分段试压、通球扫线。  相似文献   

何志亮 《交通与港航》2011,25(6):26-28,48
该文从义乌地区燃气市场现状出发,分析天然气在居民用户、公建用户、锅炉空调用户、工业用户及天然气汽车等领域的发展前景,并提出下一步推动天然气发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

蔡雷 《交通与港航》2006,20(3):34-36
介绍了在上海市天然气转换的实施过程及转换过程中不同场合燃气量损耗量的确定及计算,提出了对目前天然气转换工作的几点建议。  相似文献   

孙军 《交通与港航》2004,18(3):35-38
为了解决天然气用气高峰的调峰和意外事故时的供气问题,该文在分析上海现有天然气气质的基础上,配制不同比例的液化石油气混空气的掺混气,并对其进行气质分析及对掺混气的燃气器具进行适配性试验,最终得出商用丙烷气与空气按65:35的比例配制的掺混气作为天然气的补充气源是可行的并适用于上海现有的燃气器具之结论。  相似文献   

<正>天然气的主要成分是甲烷,其本身具有无毒、热值高、燃烧稳定、对环境污染小等优点,是一种清洁、高效、优质的城市燃气气源。但同人工煤气一样,天然气也具有易燃、易爆的特性,稍有泄漏,遇上明火,就会发生威力巨大的爆炸。所以,在使用天然气的过程中,应注意以下安全事项:室内管道及燃气用具的安装,应由相应安装资质的人员进行;  相似文献   

上海作为大型城市,随着燃气利用规模的不断扩大,城市天然气供应系统的安全稳定性直接关系到城市的发展。从燃气安全管理角度分析城市天然气供应系统在气源系统、输配系统以及应用系统的风险特点,阐述了城市燃气供应系统在负荷预测、可靠性分析以及风险评价等方面的创新技术。  相似文献   

Abstract This article uses the myth of the many-headed Hydra, commonly employed by members of various ruling classes around the Atlantic to describe the class struggles that surrounded them, to illuminate the history of the working class in the eighteenth century. It concentrates on two groups of workers, wage laborers (especially sailors) and slaves, two zones of the Atlantic, Europe and North America, and four moments in the history of the Atlantic working class: 1747, when, in the Knowles Riot in Boston, sailors and slaves fought the King's press gangs and in so doing created one of the central ideas of the 'Age of Revolution' 1768, when, in the London port strike, sailors, Irish coal heavers, and others pioneered one of the central ideas and activities of the modern working-class movement, the strike; 1776, when, in the American Revolution, sailors and slaves helped to instigate and win the world's first colonial war for liberation; and 1780, when, in the Gordon Riots, the polyglot working class of London liberated the prisons amid the greatest municipal insurrection of the eighteenth century. It argues that fixed, static notions of race, ethnicity, and nationality among historians have obscured a vital world of cooperation and accomplishment within a multi-racial, multi-ethnic, international working class.  相似文献   

李丽 《职业时空》2013,(5):18-19
实施一体化教学的首要条件是教师队伍的建设,其核心是教师职业能力的提升。现阶段职业学校教师职业能力仍有不足,尚未完全适应一体教学的需要。这些不足主要有理念不到位、教师一言堂、管理任务重、职业经历缺和企业深入少五点。针对不足,提出了营造氛围、注重反思、主配互换、剥离职能、培训多样、产学合作和强化考核七条操作性强的具体措施。  相似文献   

This article examines the state of the field in the sociological literature on the globalization of culture and focuses on key empirical works in the globalization of the arts. The first part of the article presents the main trends in theorizing about the globalization of culture in its broadest terms, that is, the large-scale changes in worldviews that both facilitate and are made possible by globalization such as modernization, universalism, consumerism, and McDonaldization. The second part of the article examines empirical work on television, music, and the performing arts in light of theorizing about globalization and commodification, audience reception, localization and glocalization, the role of the state, imperialism, global cultural fields, and global norms. In terms of theory, the article explores the tension between globalization's homogenizing and diversifying tendencies. The review of the empirical literature includes research conducted in Cuba, Israel, Italy, Japan, Russia, Singapore, the USA, and Uzbekistan.  相似文献   

中华人民共和国成立以来,特别是改革开放以来,青年文化发展出现服从与反思、解放与迷茫、理性与矛盾勾勒的变迁图景,也反映出新时代青年文化的发展趋向。新时代的青年文化景观既具有青年文化的预见性与超越性、进取性和建构性、理想性和生活性等共性特征,又突出表现为雅俗共赏、进退有度、家国兼顾的时代特性。新时代,应注重从个人追求与社会理想的统一、独立思想与过硬本领的统一、青春热情与社会担当的统一几方面入手,突出政治引领、思想引领、责任引领在青年文化引导上的关键作用,推动青年文化持续向前发展。  相似文献   

出于反思"现代性"而出现的后现代主义,目前已经发展成"带有西方色彩"的全球性社会思潮。它反对理性主义、整体主义、中心主义,主张多元价值取向,注重人文关怀,具有否定的全面性与不彻底性、价值取向的无中心性、传播形式的灵活性与多样性、行为表现的随意性等特点。后现代主义在一定程度上有助于培养我国青少年的批判性思维,有助于青少年的天性成长,但也往往易于模糊青少年的是非判断标准,侵蚀青少年积极有为的责任担当,诱使青少年养成享乐主义的生活习惯。为此,需要从强化社会主义核心价值观的引领作用、加强对西方后现代思潮的理论研究、加强人文精神和心理健康方面的教育、引领网络与大众传播方向等方面做文章。  相似文献   

在礼物—交换理论中,互惠是一个支配性的概念,费孝通提出的反馈模式也深受影响。本文基于一个浙江村落的民族志资料,考察了家户经济中财富的流通模式,并反思了互惠概念在解释中国社会方面的有效性及其限度。在村落和家户中,互惠行为的确占有相当重要的地位,如工作、交易、人情来往、赌博等。与此同时,在家户经济中,还有一些不可转让之物,如土地、坟墓、房屋等财产,这些传家宝只能向下逐代传递,而不能进入流通的领域。在这一意义上,在研究汉人社会时,运用费孝通的反馈模式,也应考虑他关于根的论述。  相似文献   

港口城市具有港口和城市的双重内涵,是港口和城市的有机结合体。本报告选取了中国(大陆地区)2010年货物吞吐量超过1亿吨的23个港口城市进行研究。报告共分六部分。报告的序中介绍了港口城市的内涵、特征及选取;第一部分分析了中国港口城市经济发展现状、特点、趋势及存在的问题;第二部分首先介绍了本报告的理论基础——资源空间理论,重点介绍了价值五力,然后分析了港口城市价值影响因素,即资源空间承栽力、资源空间驱动力、资源空间辐射力、资源空间整合力和资源空间支撑力(亦即价值五力);第三部分介绍了中国内地港口城市空间价值评估评价思路与原则、评价技术方法和指标体系;第四部分是中国内地港口城市价值综合排名、分要素排名和价值提升因素分析;第五部分是对上海、深圳、广州等重点港口城市空间价值评估的实证研究;第六部分是提升港口城市价值的对策建议。通过运用价值五力模型对2010年中国内地港口城市的价值分析,报告得出上海、深圳、广州、南京、苏州、天津、武汉、青岛、宁波、大连位于内地港口城市价值排名前十。  相似文献   

This paper examines the influence of social and economic change on family structure and relationships: How do such economic and social transformations as industrialization, urbanization, demographic change, the expansion of education, and the long-term growth of income influence the family? We take a comparative and historical approach, reviewing the experiences of three major sociocultural regions: the West, China, and South Asia. Many of the changes that have occurred in family life have been remarkably similar in the three settings—the separation of the workplace from the home, increased training of children in nonfamilial institutions, the development of living arrangements outside the family household, increased access of children to financial and other productive resources, and increased participation by children in the selection of a mate. While the similarities of family change in diverse cultural settings are striking, specific aspects of change have varied across settings because of significant pre-existing differences in family structure, residential patterns of marriage, autonomy of children, and the role of marriage within kinship systems.  相似文献   

The study of western family change lies disintegrated, divided into two largely independent intellectual communities–family history and theoretical family sociology. An integration of the two fields is proposed. The results of family historical research from three national cases, England, France, and the North American Colonies, are used to evaluate critically the family theories of Parsons, Seccombe, Zaretsky, and Horkheimer. The pattern of family organization regarded as modern, including the differentiation of the family from other social institutions, the emergence of companionate marriage, and the consolidation of authority over the family in the role of the father, characterize the family systems of England and the Colonies better than that of France. A theory of modern family organization is proposed that identifies the emergence of a culturally dominant middle class and the institutionalization of Protestantism as facilitating conditions for the development of this private family system.  相似文献   

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