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 共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 340 毫秒
Krokodil Media Frenzy Presents Misinformation When Complaints are Lodged Online, Don't Fail to Respond Study: Buprenorphine to Naltrexone Taper Effective for Some E‐Cigarette Use More than Doubles among Teens according to CDC States Rethinking Drug Testing for Welfare or Unemployment Teenagers in Child Welfare at Greater Risk of Substance Abuse Briefly Noted State News Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

Adolescent Painkiller Use May Increase Risk of Addiction, Heroin Use Women's Component of NASADAD Offers Guidance Document for State Systems Parity Bill Attached to Tax Extender Bill Treatment Funds in Illinois Caught in Apparent Stalemate Substance Abuse: A 12‐Step Primer for Change No Drug Abuse, Underage Drinking or Smoking Allowed on YouTube Briefly Noted State Watch Names in News Call for Applications Coming up  相似文献   

Army Homicide Investigations Highlight Role of Unaddressed Substance Use House Appropriations Committee Clears Field‐Related Spending Bill Treatment Providers Don't Fare Too Badly in Conn. Budget Florida Drug Strategy Sets Goals for Treatment and Prevention Michael Jackson's Death Raises Questions About Abuse Potential of Propofol Briefly Noted State News Resources Call for Comments Coming up  相似文献   

Baltimore's Promotion of Buprenorphine Leads to Negative Newspaper Coverage Pa. Agencies: Confidentiality Changes Would Increase Managed Care Denials CSAT Media Roundtable Examines Buprenorphine CSAT to Methadone Programs: Think Twice About Take‐Homes Introducing the Coalition on Appalachian Substance Abuse Policy The 8 Criteria for Methadone Take‐Home Doses Briefly Noted State Watch Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

Recession: It's Not Over for the States Hawaii's Substance Abuse Director Aims to Preserve Funding for Services Solutions for Treatment Providers MOE Requirements for SAPT Block Grants Report: Most Inmates Need Treatment, Few Get It Provider Fund Helps Patients Defray Costs SECAD: Mee‐Lee Urges Providers to Treat Whole Patient Treatment Can be Provided by EAP, But EAP Can't be a ‘Gatekeeper’ Alcohol Use Lower, Drug Use Higher, Among Blacks Than Average Briefly Noted State News Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

Meet the MBHOs: Three Top Execs Share Hopes for Parity Intensive Parent Treatment in Oregon Leads to Shortened Foster Care Stays Rule Calls for Parity Within Each of Six Treatment Classifications The Six Treatment Classifications FDA to Review All New CNS Drugs for Abuse Potential DSM‐5 Proposal Would Change Substance Abuse, Dependence to Addiction Briefly Noted State News Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

California Struggles with How to Make Offenders Show up for Treatment Prisons and Jails: Methadone's Next Growth Area From SB 803 Surgeon General: Substance Abuse Problems Affect 87% of the Disabled Methadone for Jail Inmates Coming to Washington State County Naltrexone and CBT an Effective Combination: Study Briefly Noted Resources Names in the News Call for Applications Coming up  相似文献   

Addiction Treatment Provider Continues Expansion into Mental Health Seabrook Positions for Changes with Renewed Outpatient Emphasis NIH Responds to Nature Article on Duplicative Grants CSAT's Reuter Retires, Leaving a Legacy for OTPs Colo. Officials Worried about Child Welfare and Substance Abuse ADAW Editor Awarded CADCA ‘National Newsmaker’ Briefly Noted State News Correction Coming up  相似文献   

Can Electronic Medical Records and Patient Confidentiality Coexist? Latest Drug Court RFAs Reflect Broader Programs, Tough Requirements Non‐Fatal Opioid Overdoses in Pain Patients Linked to High Doses Whither Health Reform and Parity? HHS Announces TANF Funds Can be Used for Substance Use Treatment Maine's First Report Card From Substance Abuse Commission: C Briefly Noted Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

Institute: Treatment on Demand More Cost‐Effective, and More Effective, Than Prison Biological, Societal Factors Compel Field to Consider More Gender‐Responsive Care Cost Offset Data Convinces Washington to Invest in Treatment New Directions Suits Settled; California Vacates Part of Order CASA Report Shows Extent of Substance Abuse Burden on Budgets Briefly Noted State News Coming up  相似文献   

Goodyear Plan Uses EAP to Limit Substance Abuse Benefits Panel Vote Against Opioid Risk Strategy Shows Concern Over Voluntary Training Arizona SSA's Grim Message to Providers: Cuts Now and Later VA Allows Medical Marijuana Where It's Legal Cocaine‐Crack Sentencing Disparity Reduced by Legislation IC&RC and NCC to ‘Speak With One Voice’ Briefly Noted Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

Responding to Negative Press: Methadone, Buprenorphine Targeted Phoenix House Maximizes Chances to Operate Sober Homes The SAMHSA Comment on for‐Profits Hazelden's Seppala Presents on MAT at Rx Drug Abuse Summit Addiction Treatment May Benefit from Parity Lawsuit DOD's Tricare to Pay for Tobacco‐Cessation Medications State News Coming up  相似文献   

Delaware Uses Penalties and Rewards to Increase Utilization and Retention ONDCP Strategy Document Addresses Rx Monitoring, ATR, Screening Delaware: Not NOMs Sex‐Drug Fusion Complicates Methamphetamine Recovery House Passes Parity Bill No Medication‐Substance Abuse Link Found in ADHD Study Clarifications Briefly Noted State Watch Business Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

CSAT Rescinds 2008 Directive on Take‐Homes, Citing Field Confusion Provider Agencies Overcome Uncertainty in Instituting Walk‐in Assessments Iowa Governor Preserves Funding for Substance Abuse Treatment NIATx Calls for Proposals for Its New Health Reform Initiative Indian Health Care Now Included in House Version Live Grenade in Chicago Treatment Program Briefly Noted State News Call for Applications Coming up  相似文献   

New Hampshire Issues Ambitious Blueprint for Addiction Prevention and Treatment Wyoming Merges Substance Abuse and Mental Health Units Prop. 36 Yields Major Savings When Treatment Is Completed False Positives and False Negatives Found in Youth Drug Tests AATOD's 5‐Year Plan Includes Support for Buprenorphine, Risk Planning Briefly Noted Names in the News Call for Applications Coming up  相似文献   

Once‐a‐Week Buprenorphine in Physician's Office Found Effective Drug Court Audit Finds Lack of Data on Outcomes Buprenorphine in a Therapeutic Community Senate Committee Votes to Add $30 Million to Block Grant Senate Appropriations for Block Grant and Other Substance Abuse Funding Letter to the Editor Illegal Activity at Maine Clinic Puts Methadone in Spotlight NAADAC 2006 Award Recipients Announced Briefly Noted Resources Names in the News Business Obituaries Coming Up  相似文献   

Treatment for Child Welfare Families Continues Amid Lawsuit Over Jail Terms Governor Restores $3 Million to Florida's Treatment Programs Toll‐Free Lines Help Connect Callers to Local Treatment Programs Stimulus Package: Still no $100 Million for Block Grant Case Management Helps Substance Abusing Women on Welfare Briefly Noted State News Resources Business Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

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