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 共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 421 毫秒
Tennessee Prosecutor Says New Pregnancy Law Not Strong Enough Using Clinicians as Selling Point Involves More than Degree Titles NAPW Comments: Nashville isn't Rural Tennessee Two California Counties Sue Opioid Rx Drug Manufacturers Sky Toxicology to Donate 50 $10,000 Awards to Treatment Programs for Needy Patients Mass. Facilities Benefit from AG Settlement with Janssen Briefly Noted State News Coming up  相似文献   

Meet the MBHOs: Three Top Execs Share Hopes for Parity Intensive Parent Treatment in Oregon Leads to Shortened Foster Care Stays Rule Calls for Parity Within Each of Six Treatment Classifications The Six Treatment Classifications FDA to Review All New CNS Drugs for Abuse Potential DSM‐5 Proposal Would Change Substance Abuse, Dependence to Addiction Briefly Noted State News Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

Marijuana: The New Alcohol? Voices from the Legalization Debate Providers in Some States Scramble to Hire Qualified Licensed Staff State Initiatives to Prevent Fatal ODs Include Naloxone and 911 Shumlin Targets Heroin, Beefs up Addiction Treatment N.J. Case Equates Methadone Treatment by Pregnant Woman with Child Abuse State News Coming up  相似文献   

McLellan Returns to TRI as CEO — Urges Business Approach to Treatment New Pain and Addiction Center Open to Maintaining Opioid Use Calif. Advocacy Group Seeks Insurance Amendment to Parity Bill Good FY for S.D., but SA Treatment Providers Still Scared Illinois Budget Would Slash Prevention, Cut Prison Rehab USA Today Reveals Lapse in Army Alcoholism Counseling Briefly Noted State News Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

N.Y. Announces Residential, Outpatient Expansions as Part of Drug Law Reform Washington Merges Divisions and Revamps for Person‐Centered Care NSDUH: Drug Use Down, But Treatment Access Still Limited Two Treatment Giants Expand, Set to Enter New States President Obama Tells Congress There Will be Reform Joint Commission Requests for Comment on SBIRT Measures Briefly Noted State News Resources Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

MatriArk, Icon of Mother‐Child Treatment, to Close After Rate Cut by New Jersey New SAMHSA Guide Offers Providers Road Map for Practice Improvement The Alcohol Tax Methadone Program Closing in Camden Prevention Program Aimed at Multiple Problems Proves Effective Psychiatric Hospitals, Managed Mental Health Carved Out Few Medication Interactions for Non‐Opioid Addiction Drugs Briefly Noted State News Business Resources Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

New Drug Court Program in Michigan Defines Distinct Alcohol Component Serious Mental Disorders Predict New Onset Substance Abuse NASADAD Supports Veterans Bill, State Involvement in Services States Set up Programs for Veterans Building the Science of Recovery Gambling vs. Drug/Alcohol Addiction Treatment: Showdown in Iowa Briefly Noted State Watch Resources Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

Wyoming Moves to Expand SBIRT to Include Follow‐Ups ICM Study Points to Importance of Long‐Term Recovery Supports Good News in Pennsylvania, But Work Still to be Done Stimulus Package: Contact Your Senators and Representatives Update: Field Coalition Meeting ‘Positive’ Sexual Health: A New Ally in Addiction Treatment Improvement Drug Czar at Last? Briefly Noted State News Coming up  相似文献   

New Jersey Budget Would Move Teen SA Treatment to DCF Funding is Priority for Family‐Oriented Program Contracted Providers OASAS Awards 5 NYC Providers Housing Grants Recovery Focus Grows, Even if Under the Surface Winning Grantees TCA and Lawmakers Focus on Family Treatment Briefly Noted State News Coming up  相似文献   

New York to Ban Tobacco in Treatment Facilities NAATP, NAADAC Announce Public Policy Collaboration Recovering Alcoholics Who Smoke Have Cognitive Problems: Study Senate Appropriations Committee Says No to Penalty More Committee Language on NOMs For‐Profit Faith‐Based Homes for Offenders in Recovery Briefly Noted State Watch Alkermes Starts Research on New Treatment Medication as Vivitrol Growth Continues Business Grants and Funding Resources Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

New Treatment Money for West Virginia Providers under Justice Reinvestment Act OTPs Confront Price Challenges as They Diversify Drug Options Documentary Trailer Outrages W.Va. Town SUDs Mentioned at White House Meeting on Mental Health $26.9 Million Increase for SA Services in Texas Budget NIAAA Study Shows Varenicline Reduces Alcohol Consumption BFC and Hazelden Pursue Alliance State News Names in the News Resources Coming up  相似文献   

Business Community Supported Parity Law, But Favors a Different Kind of Regulation NASADAD Conference: New ONDCP Director Urges Stronger Partnerships With Police Field Wins in Final Legal Battle Against Utilization Review in Pa. Across‐the‐Board Budget Cuts of 50 Percent Possible in Illinois Field Moving Slowly Toward Electronic Health Record Interventionists Boost Admissions at Addiction Treatment Program Briefly Noted State News Business Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

New York Advocates See Task Force Report as Call for Treating Troubled Youths Insurance Companies Still Control Access to Treatment Via Medical Management New Directions for SAMHSA Under Health Reform and Hyde How to Use the Monitoring the Future (MTF) Survey for 2009 Highlights from the MTF Survey, 2009 Briefly Noted State News Call for Presentations Coming up  相似文献   

CSAT Rescinds 2008 Directive on Take‐Homes, Citing Field Confusion Provider Agencies Overcome Uncertainty in Instituting Walk‐in Assessments Iowa Governor Preserves Funding for Substance Abuse Treatment NIATx Calls for Proposals for Its New Health Reform Initiative Indian Health Care Now Included in House Version Live Grenade in Chicago Treatment Program Briefly Noted State News Call for Applications Coming up  相似文献   

California Outcome Measurement Forges Ahead with all 58 Counties on Board Maryland Audit Charges Single State Authority with Accountability Problems California Drug Abuse Index Methamphetamine is Number‐One for Treatment Admissions in California Governor's Budget Proposal Slashes Prop. 36 Funding Texas County Boosts Capacity to Treat Probationers Mass. Agency to Bring Efficiencies to New Outpatient Services Addictive Diseases Chair Funded at University of Florida Methamphetamine Treatment Admissions Decline in Minnesota Briefly Noted Call for Applications Coming Up  相似文献   

Institute: Treatment on Demand More Cost‐Effective, and More Effective, Than Prison Biological, Societal Factors Compel Field to Consider More Gender‐Responsive Care Cost Offset Data Convinces Washington to Invest in Treatment New Directions Suits Settled; California Vacates Part of Order CASA Report Shows Extent of Substance Abuse Burden on Budgets Briefly Noted State News Coming up  相似文献   

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