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SAMHSA Says Money is Tight and NOMs is Key to Accountability As Federal Parity Debate Intensifies, Report Hits Weakness of State Measures Good News: Congress Increases Treatment and Prevention Funding NY State Ready for a Comeback: Workforce and Prevention Most Treatment Programs are Serving Special Needs: SAMHSA Briefly Noted State Watch Grants and Funding Coming up  相似文献   

This research seeks to explain why earnings differences among foreign‐born Jamaicans and native‐born blacks are significantly larger in New York State than they are throughout the United States. The findings indicate that the Jamaicans in New York State are less endowed in terms of earnings‐related attributes, relative to the native born, than they are nationwide. Furthermore, even though the Jamaicans in New York State definitely are more disadvantaged with respect to earnings, this is not a manifestation of more intense discrimination. In all actuality, discrimination accounts for a relatively smaller proportion of the earnings gap in the New York State case than in the national case.  相似文献   

This article examines the patterns and trends in inter‐State migration across the Indian States and observes that along with the demographic factors, migration is also affected by the fiscal profile of States. Controlling for the economic prosperity of States as reflected in their per capita Net State Domestic Product and the nature of fiscal policy stance, econometric estimation using the gravity model suggests that level of vertical federal transfers and its horizontal distribution is an important determinant of the pattern of inter State migration. To correct for the extant horizontal fiscal inequality across the Indian States, the article suggests a relatively more progressive transfer system and a developmental fiscal policy stance at the State level to reduce the pressure of out‐migration to prosperous regions of the country.  相似文献   

Treatment Expansion in Washington State Funded by Medicaid Cost Offsets Study Finds No Harm in Religious use of Peyote; Supreme Court Impact Possible Treatment Expansion in Washington State Thumbs Up for Parity Recommendations, Down for Merging SA and MH Issues Older Problem Drinkers Medicating Pain with Alcohol Use of Alcohol to Manage Pain Among Male Non‐Problem and Problem Drinkers, Ages 55 to 65 Years Offender re‐entry Bill Gets Strong Support in Hearings State Prison Population and Substance Abuse SAMHSA Presenting Forums on New Medication for Opioid Addiction Briefly Noted Resources Coming up  相似文献   

The study uses the National Family Business Survey and is grounded in the systemic Sustainable Family Business Model. It investigated the relationship between management activity of married women within family businesses and perceived well-being controlling for work roles, family context, personal and financial resources. Statistical analyses indicated that successfully achieving the most important family goal was positively related to management activity. Low-income women performed more management than did those with other income levels. Successfully achieving family goals, having lower education, less competition between family and business resources, no family cash flow problems, and higher management activity contributed to positive perceived well-being. Well-being increased at a decreasing rate as income increased.This study reports results from the Cooperative Regional Research Project, NE-167R, ‘Family Businesses: Interaction in Work and Family Spheres,’ partially supported by the Cooperative States Research, Education and Extension Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the Experiment Stations at University of Hawaii at Manoa, University of Illinois, Purdue University (Indiana), Iowa State University, Michigan State University, University of Minnesota, Montana State University, University of Nebraska, Cornell University (New York), North Dakota State University, The Ohio State University, The Pennsylvania State University, Texas A & M University, Utah State University, The University of Vermont, University of Wisconsin-Madison, and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (for The University of Manitoba).  相似文献   

Providers Ready for Parity Battle as Final Rule Effective Date Nears Many Market Factors Contribute to High Interest in Accreditation McLellan on the State of Evidence‐Based Treatment Letter to the Editor State Comptroller Rebukes OASAS for Questionable Payments Coming up  相似文献   

Proposition 36 Report Identifies Promising Practices in Treatment of Offenders Okla. Agency Finds Creative Application of Incentives to Spur Family Involvement Investor Group Wants to Buy Treatment Programs Magellan Seeking State Contracts to Manage Integrated Care Briefly Noted State Watch Business Call for Participation Coming Up  相似文献   

Last month, the National Association of State Alcohol and Drug Abuse Directors (NASADAD) released an updated timeline of the State Targeted Response to the Opioid Crisis (STR) and State Opioid Response (SOR) grant programs. The key dates, including when the grants were authorized, when Congress appropriated funds and when funding opportunity announcements were released by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, and funding award period for states are listed, as well as more information. The updated version reflects two recent developments.  相似文献   

Field Urges HHS to Strengthen Parity in EHB and Exchanges New Executive at Fairbanks Sees Collaborations as Key to Success NASADAD Issues Consensus Statement Supporting MAT New Jersey Bill Would Require Parity for State Health Plans Readers: The Best and Worst of 2012, Hopes and Fears for 2013 Clarification: Medical Necessity Clause in Maine for Buprenorphine Briefly Noted State News Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

Health Reform Passes, Moving Field Into a New Age CEO Sees Clout in Larger Agency; Foresees Struggles for the Small State Budget Watches Briefly Noted State News Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

When State SA Agencies Merge CADCA Speaker: Coalitions Must Diversify Community Outreach Strategies Consolidation and Cutbacks in Proposed DOJ Budget San Diego's Project Connect: Services for People with Developmental Disabilities Briefly Noted State Watch Resources Call for Applications Coming up  相似文献   

Washington State Coalition Urges Regulatory Control of Illegal Drugs Drug Court Programs Reduce Recidivism, but Yield Mixed Results on Relapse Washington State Coalition Cites Incarceration, Prevalence Data to Bolster Stance Risky Injection Practices Established at Onset of Use Missouri Advocates Struggle to Raise Alcohol Tax Call for Applicants Business Notes Resources Briefly Noted Coming up…  相似文献   

In Africa, the state is not the biggest responder to poverty and social vulnerability. While international attention has searched for State remedies to State shortfalls, the poor themselves have taken a different route. They have improvised, organized, delivered and governed their social protection (SP) services using grassroots mechanisms without State support. Based on empirical studies in 30 districts in six African countries, this article makes the case that the highly localized models may not be perfect, but are probably the best fit for implementing an all‐encompassing SP policy in Africa. The challenge for policy will be to harness this potential—not by trying to turn grassroots organizations into something they are not, but by supporting what they already are.  相似文献   

NESARC Finds Time Lag of 10 Years Between Alcohol use Disorder and Treatment Dually Diagnosed Prove Challenging to State Service Systems Utah Rolls Out $8 Million in New Funds for Treating Drug Offenders House Committee says ‘Yes’ to Block Grant, ‘No’ to Penalty Chantix may Work for Alcoholism, Too: Animal Study Briefly Noted State Watch Grants and Funding Resources Business Coming up  相似文献   

The State Targeted Response (STR) and State Opioid Response (SOR) grants from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration have helped rural Iowa tremendously, by increasing the capacity for treatment with methadone and buprenorphine.  相似文献   

Addiction Treatment Growing as a Financial Investment Denver Center Pursues Integration While Honing its Specialty Care SBIRT Focus: Not to Find Alcoholics, but to Prevent the Disease M.D. Says Doctors Feel Pressured to Over‐Prescribe Opioids A Federation of State Addiction Counseling Licensing Boards ATTC Awards Announced for Next 5 Years Briefly Noted State News Coming up  相似文献   

SAMHSA Issues Core Principles for Field in Health Care Reform Counties Mull Local Factors in Deciding Whether to Privatize Treatment Operations NIDA Reminder to Treatment: Counseling is Part of MAT New York State Tells Counties to Improve Access and Efficiency All Eyes on Alcohol Tax in New Jersey Briefly Noted State News Resources Business Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

CSAT Letter on Take‐Homes: Methadone Treatment Providers Cry Foul State Lawmakers, Prosecutors Continue to Target Pregnant Substance Users California Tackles Meth Use by Gay and Bisexual Men Praise for New Mexico's ‘Four‐Pillar’ Approach to Methamphetamine Bush Budget Promises Flexibility on Use of NOMs Performance Awards Briefly Noted State Watch Coming up  相似文献   

Sequestration: Waiting for the Cuts to Start Center Expands Outpatient Limit but Sees Residential Surviving State‐by‐State Cuts Study Finds CMHCs Reduce Readmissions Cigna Joins ABHW, Pledging to Expand Network NAADAC and IC&RC to Collaborate N.H. Releases Five‐Year Plan to Target Alcohol and Drug Abuse Briefly Noted In the States Resources Coming up  相似文献   

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