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距深圳市区50多公里的南澳东山湾海域上,一座数千平方米的东南亚风情的建筑漂浮在海面上,它被称作“海上皇宫”,是一位房地产企业老板修建的私人会所。目前,这座奢华会所涉嫌违章建筑,已被当地渔政部门向法院提起诉讼要求拆除。  相似文献   

环渤海地区海洋产业结构调整的方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
渤海是我国四大海域(南海、东海、黄海、渤海)中惟一的内海。海岸线长3784公里,海域面积7.7万平方公里,平均水深18米。海上有大小岛屿416个,面积191.4平方公里。有丰富的自然资源,海洋开发条件极为优越。  相似文献   

海 ,是福建的“半壁江山” ,素有“开海兴闽”之说。但是 ,福建目前海洋经济总量依然偏小 ,与海域占国土的比例不相称。进入新世纪 ,福建如何全面开发和综合利用海洋资源 ,建成一个海洋经济强省 ?我们应该全面强化海域使用、海洋监察、海洋资源环境保护、海洋产业规划、海洋科技 ;重点发展海洋渔业、海洋港口运输业、滨海旅游 ;培育壮大海洋能源、海洋药业和保健业、海洋信息服务业 ,实现产业结构的优化。一、认识 2 1世纪是海洋世纪随着人口膨胀、资源短缺和污染加速 ,全世界都在关心地球如何养活人类的问题。今天 ,人类共同认识到海洋开发…  相似文献   

调查动机 连日来,广东省深圳市一座耗资亿元的“海上别墅”成为舆论的焦点。 别墅内尽显奢华,被网友称为“皇宫”。然而,这座“皇宫”却因涉嫌违建,被当地渔政部门向法院提起诉讼要求拆除。  相似文献   

福州市海洋经济快速发展,开发海洋热潮迭起,大型用海工程包括围填海工程项目较多,必须加强对海洋工程建设项目的监管,旨在早发现、早介入、早制止涉嫌违法用海行为,有效维护海域使用秩序,保护海洋生态环境。本文分析了福州市海洋工程建设项目监管现状,针对存在问题,探讨海洋工程建设项目监视监测管理对策。  相似文献   

深海 《领导文萃》2015,(7):49-52
<正>2014年5月3日,中国海事局发布航行通告:隶属中国海洋石油总公司的"海洋石油981"钻井平台在北纬15029’758"、东经1110129’06"E点为圆心,3海里为半径范围内的我国西沙海域开展为期3个月的钻井作业。此后越南不断干扰我国钻井平台工作,一时间中越船只你来我往,西沙海域风云骤起。越南海上油田开发现状越南早在统一前便在南海进行石油勘探,1987年其首个海  相似文献   

独辟蹊径,走海产品精深加工之路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海洋不仅是巨大的资源宝库,而且海洋经济在经济发展中的地位也日趋突出。舟山海域广阔,一年四季盛产鱼、蟹、虾、贝和藻类等鲜特产品,是我们今后经济得以新跨越发展,所具有诸多优势中的一大优势。所谓优势;就是于己有利的形势。俗话说;“靠山吃山,靠海吃海”。按照现代人语言也可说为靠优势吃优势。因为,我们舟山人祖祖辈辈依海傍水,终年累月扬帆驾舟,摇橹撒网,捕鱼涨虾、捞贝捉蟹,天天都在“吃海”。千百年来,舟山的海曾经养育了一代又一代的舟山人;也由于“海”的无私奉献,才使舟山人的小日子过得似同小康。  相似文献   

中国要成长为世界大国和海洋强国,就必须积极跟进新的世界革命性潮流,依托陆域面向海域求发展。目前中国不仅存在海洋经济开发问题,而且在海洋安全形势上也不乐观。为此,应当透视中国大力推进海上屯田战略取向的时代背景,认定中国大力推进海上屯田战略取向的价值求证:有利于中国推动海洋经济开发,有利于中国维护海洋权益安全,有利于中国对外关系协同发展,有利于中国实现海洋强国目标,有利于中国推进和谐海洋建设。  相似文献   

我国一直致力于坚定维护国家海域主权,坚持自力更生全面建设国防,要求把发展海洋事业,建设强大海军,维护国家主权、抗击外国侵略列为国家重要战略来抓,从而形成与发展了中国特色的海洋战略思想,不仅为全面经略海洋、建设海洋强国确定了行动指南,而且也为目前大力推进海上屯田战略取向、领衔建设和谐海洋提供了理论依据。有鉴于此,应当分析与把握海上屯田战略取向的关键环节,有针对性地做出推进海上屯田战略取向的对策创意,从而促进中国海上屯田战略的进一步实施与发展。  相似文献   

舟山堪称海洋大市,海洋一直是舟山经济社会可持续发展的重要战略依托和空间所在。舟山作为国务院批准的,我国首个以海洋经济为主题的国家战略层面的新区,海域的科学利用综合管理应作为一项系统工程予以推进。应根据新时期海洋事业发展的特点,坚持以建设舟山群岛新区为目标,突出服务海洋经济发展,提高科学用海水平两大重点,解放思想,先行先试,力争在体制机制创新,科学用海护海,科学创业兴海和人才队伍建设等方面取得大的突破。  相似文献   

One of today's most frequently discussed topics in the business world is how to escape from the intense Red Ocean and how to create an uncontested Blue Ocean. However, because there are few practical guidelines available on this topic, we will introduce a case study of a third-party logistics (3PL) provider, CJ-Global Logistics Service (CJ-GLS), to show how it aspires to be a leader in the newly introduced 3PL industry in South Korea. CJ-GLS is a latecomer in the logistics industry, and its resources, such as the number of trucks and warehouses, are relatively small in comparison to those of established companies. But, it has achieved a distinct competitive advantage through innovative information technology (i.e., RFID—radio frequency identification), which has enabled it to create an uncontested market space, electronic logistics business. One remarkable fact about CJ-GLS is that its swift growth comes not from attracting competitors’ customers from the existing Red Ocean market but from creating a Blue Ocean market (3PL market), which previously existing incumbents ignored, and also from constructing a new business model founded on a RFID-based, ubiquitous-oriented 3PL system. Analyzed through a Four Actions Framework and characterized as Blue Ocean, this case study provides valuable information on how a company reinforces its competitive advantage from the Red Ocean while it transitions into a Blue Ocean by utilizing advanced information communication technologies.  相似文献   

The spatiotemporal management of ecosystems remains a topical issue in the strategic management literature. This research proposes an original approach by examining the key role played by events in ecosystem management. Drawing on the single case of a major French e-sport event (Lyon e-Sport), we study how an event allows the combination of both business and community logics to provide a simultaneous but discontinuous ecosystem management. Our findings contribute to recent research and show that (1) the event provides a space for structuring and combining business and community-based logics, (2) the community logic has to be hierarchically managed to allow the business logic to emerge and develop the ecosystem, and (3) various spatial and digital mechanisms related to the event support the combination of both business and community-related logics.  相似文献   

华尔街的债券评级机构蒙骗了全世界的投资者用途广泛的三聚氰胺却坑害了全中国消费者百度的竞价排名广告愚弄了全体中文网民无数潜规则大行其道……  相似文献   

商业银行操作风险预警指标体系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从寻找关键风险指标入手,试图构建操作风险早期预警体系,预警指标体系的设计从风险事件七大类型和所属八大业务条线的维度展开,同时考虑操作风险的静态预警指标和动态预警指标,对操作风险的变化更具敏感性。并以资金拆借业务操作为例论述了相关设计方法。  相似文献   

分家经常会导致家族企业被分拆或败落,这使得人们对其存在一定成见,认为分家对于家族企业发展总是负面的。对我国几个具有典型意义的家族企业分家案例的分析表明,家族企业"分家"并不必然导致企业衰亡,尤其在战略创业导向之下,可能通过分家相互构建起战略性的产业联系和竞争合作关系,从而使得家族企业演变成企业家族。从裂变创业视角,更有助于揭示分家对家族企业创业和持续成长的正面价值。  相似文献   

针对职能管理中部门与岗位职责的关系进行了研究,建立了基于业务流程的部门与岗位职责关系概念模型,研究了业务及其流程、岗位与流程节点、部门及其职责的循环作用关系,建立了部门与岗位、岗位与业务流程、业务流程与部门的责任数量分布矩阵与转换算法,以A企业为例对算法的应用与相关实际问题进行了分析。  相似文献   

中国企业集团概念的演化:背离与回归   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
蓝海林 《管理学报》2007,4(3):306-311
通过回顾中国企业集团的发展过程,了解企业集团概念在中国的变化及影响,分析中国企业集团发展面临的问题与挑战,指出现在应该恢复“企业集团”的原本含义,即明确企业集团作为一种法人联合体而不是法人这样一个根本特征,在此基础上不仅各种相关的分歧可以得到统一,更重要的是由此带来的各种问题可以得到防止或者解决。  相似文献   

Corporate enterprises must support its business units to adapt to changes that are increasingly dramatic and complex. In response, corporate entities must organize to embed a corporate entrepreneurial orientation (EO) that pervades the actions of its business units to create the radical innovations needed to thrive in these circumstances. By developing a global willingness–local ability framework, we test a multi-level model of corporate EO by conceptualizing its effects on business unit radical innovation and business unit financial performance, moderated by business unit R&D resourcing and business unit absorptive capacity. With data from 2820 business units of 1290 Taiwanese corporations from two separate surveys, we find support for our theoretical expectations and contribute much-needed knowledge of the multi-level effects of EO and the conditions to turn EO into actual innovation activity and profit from it.  相似文献   

沈伟民 《经理人》2011,(11):120-125
瑞典人要感谢李书福的宽容。 李书福不仅延续了沃尔沃四个轮子的速度,更重要的是,李书福解除了每个瑞典人心中最担忧的事情一将“沃尔沃环球帆船赛”继续保留下来。  相似文献   

Due to the concentration of assets in disaster‐prone zones, changes in risk landscape and in the intensity of natural events, property losses have increased considerably in recent decades. While measuring these stock damages is common practice in the literature, the assessment of economic ripple effects due to business interruption is still limited and available estimates tend to vary significantly across models. This article focuses on the most popular single‐region input–output models for disaster impact evaluation. It starts with the traditional Leontief model and then compares its assumptions and results with more complex methodologies (rebalancing algorithms, the sequential interindustry model, the dynamic inoperability input–output model, and its inventory counterpart). While the estimated losses vary across models, all the figures are based on the same event, the 2007 Chehalis River flood that impacted three rural counties in Washington State. Given that the large majority of floods take place in rural areas, this article gives the practitioner a thorough review of how future events can be assessed and guidance on model selection.  相似文献   

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