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The current study provides a portrait of emotional-behavioral functioning within a small sample of Vietnam veterans with combat-related posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), their partners, and older adolescent and adult children. Veterans, their partners and children reported moderate-low to moderate-high levels of violent behavior. In addition, partner and veteran hostility scores were elevated relative to gender and age matched norms. Partners also reported heightened levels of psychological maltreatment by veterans. Veterans' combat exposure was positively correlated with hostility and violent behavior among children but unrelated to partner variables. Veterans' reports of PTSD symptoms were positively associated with reports of hostility and violence among children, and hostility and general psychological distress among partners. Veterans' violent behavior was also positively correlated with children's violent behavior, but did not yield significant correlations with other child or partner variables. Findings are discussed in relation to prior work and directions for future research are addressed.  相似文献   

This study examined partner violence and perceived family functioning among a sample of 298 male veterans and their female partners. Partner violent men were higher than partner violent women on measures of partner violence severity, although differences did not reach statistical significance. Among couples experiencing unidirectional violence, female victims of partner violence reported significantly poorer family functioning than male victims of partner violence. Data appear to suggest that the effects of male-perpetrated partner violence on perceived family functioning may be larger than that of female-perpetrated partner violence.  相似文献   

A randomized experiment investigated the effect of various instructional sets on reducing agency awareness overclaiming, that is, claiming knowledge of fictitious agencies. As predicted, respondents who were warned that the list contained fake agencies exhibited less agency awareness overclaiming than respondents who were not warned. However, providing respondents a memory retrieval strategy had no effect on agency awareness overclaiming. A multivariate model, which included demographic variables, response style variables, and knowledge variables, explained 40% of the variance of agency awareness overclaiming.  相似文献   

Involving stakeholders can greatly impact evaluation results. The Delphi method, a consensus-building tool, is a promising process to promote and encourage involvement from all stakeholders during the evaluation framing process. The Delphi method removes geographic challenges and time boundaries allowing all stakeholders to participate. The Delphi method uses a series of surveys interspersed with controlled feedback designed to gather information and build consensus without requiring face-to-face meetings. Two different formats of the Delphi method, a paper-and-pencil, postal-mail version and a web-based, real-time computer version are compared in this study. Both versions of the Delphi were administered to a non-profit community based organization as part of framing an evaluation. Participation rates were better with the paper–pencil version. The quantity and quality of data collected were comparable in both versions.  相似文献   

The primary objective of this study was to provide and evaluate strategies beneficial in preparing psychiatric nurses to exercise clinical judgment needed for adequate assessment and care of veterans with diabetes. Psychiatric nurses completed a pretest evaluation of their knowledge of care for veterans with diabetes. During the intervention stage, a human patient simulator was used to create an interactive scenario for participants to propose a diagnosis and administer treatment. Clinical judgment attributes were evaluated during the simulation by instructors using a rubric. Participants then completed a posttest evaluation. In addition, data about medical transfer rates for veterans with diabetes were provided 1 month before and 1 month after project implementation. All participants (N=20) demonstrated an increase on posttest scores. Medical emergencies decreased from 55% to 20% after project implementation, indicating improvement in the quality of care of veterans with diabetes.  相似文献   

Remembrance of visual images and other sensations of war lasts a long time after the war is over, and these memories may be painful and disruptive for years. Training of military nurses and other health care personnel for war or disaster response should emphasize lessons learned from past wars and disasters. Curricula to meet the clinical and psychological challenges of war and disaster nursing will better prepare those who serve, and will lead to a more realistic understanding of situational demands and expectations.  相似文献   

Women and anger.     
Through gender role socialization, women have learned to suppress anger. This leads to somatization and a denial of a sense of self. To teach women how to express anger, methods of anger acknowledgment and expression have been provided. Through the teaching of these techniques, nurses can assist women to experience a paradigm shift: from the belief that "others are responsible for meeting women's needs" to the belief that "women are personally responsible for meeting their own needs." By teaching women assertive communication, nurses can provide women with effective tools to regain control of their life experiences. The "Exercise Application" presents an example of a paradigm shift for the experience of anger.  相似文献   

Although it seems obvious why men might turn to a community steeped in patriarchal tradition, it is much more difficult to explain women's attraction. To explain their attraction the author conducted in-depth interviews with 75 newly orthodox Jewish women. Although many of these women began their journeys toward Jewish Orthodoxy partly as a backlash against feminism or any liberation movement they perceived as placing individual freedom above social responsibility, the data also suggest that almost all of them selectively incorporate and adapt some protofeminist values about the family and about men. This article explores the ways in which these women seem to make “feminist” sense out of patriarchal religion and social strucuture.  相似文献   

1. Lack of companionship, no opportunity to care for others, and little variety result in the problems of loneliness, helplessness, and boredom for many nursing home residents. 2. Loneliness, helplessness, and boredom may be even greater challenges than physical and functional problems for individuals in nursing homes. 3. Through clinical research and practice innovations, nursing has an opportunity to take a leading role in increasing information about emotional and functional issues that affect the quality of life for nursing home residents.  相似文献   

This article presents an in-depth analysis of the changes observed in 25 homeless women with drug and alcohol abuse problems participating in a case management program. Participation in the program ranged from 6 to 44 months. Thirty-two percent of all participants’ situations were considered to have improved, while 20% remained stable. Less improvement was noted in the situations of women followed for 3 years or more (14.3% improved, 28.6% stable). Domains showing the most improvement were housing, financial situation, and substance abuse. Deterioration was primarily attributable to physical and mental health problems. These findings could indicate that although a case management program can initially contribute to improving the living conditions of its clients, acquisitions are difficult to maintain over an extended period. Health and substance abuse play a crucial role in the deterioration process.  相似文献   

There are tens of millions of children (youth and adult) of parents who are veterans. These individuals can experience traumatic injury alongside the parent who is a combat veteran. It is a parallel process called “veterans-by-proxy.” A proxy is an individual that acts on behalf of another individual. The proxy witnesses how combat traumatizes their parent and vicariously experience the trauma themselves. When a proxy suffers secondary trauma, ambiguous loss, and insecure attachment, one or more ego functions fail to adequately develop. This article proposes a conceptual framework of the proxy’s loss as it relates to the parent’s trauma and discusses research-based resiliency-focused interventions critical to healing the relationship between the proxy and the parent who is a combat veteran.  相似文献   

This study addresses issues related to inequality formation and reproduction, especially in regard to gender dynamics operating in a non-western society. Grounded in a post-colonial understanding of urban educated upper and middle class women NGO volunteers in contemporary India, it analyzes how they negotiate new approaches to challenge existing traditional gender roles, yet in critical ways contribute to their reproduction, particularly the traditional concept of ideal Indian womanhood. Employing structural ritualization theory we examine how ritualized symbolic practices related to the traditional concepts of caretaking, sacrifice, and the concept of natural sexual differences continue to be emphasized in a generation confronted with conflicting expectations about modern women’s roles. Twenty-one testimonies provide the major source of evidence along with data gathered through participant observation. This research enhances our understanding of the power of rituals and how they can continue to shape the cognitions and activities of actors.
Aditi MitraEmail:

Nonheterosexuals experience oppression and discrimination that affect personal development on all levels. An increased awareness of sexual identity development could create more inclusive sexual identity models, better understanding for counselor educators, and better training for counselors on issues of sexual identity. The purpose of this study was to identify the life experiences that influence sexual identity in women who love women. This study required that participants attach meaning to sexual identity formation. From the data collected, four themes emerged: I was just different, information seeking, view of self as a woman within the context of culture, and contextual relationships. Findings of this study did not support a stage model of sexual identity development. Instead, this study supported the view that sexual identity is fluid and strongly related to relationships with peer groups.  相似文献   

Eight-to-ten percent of returning combat veterans report symptoms of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), of which 7–13% also report symptoms of Social Anxiety Disorder. Both disorders are characterized by maladaptive patterns of social functioning, which can have significant effects on the lives of returning combat veterans and increase suicidal risk. The objective of the present study was to identify elements of the lived experience of college student veterans experiencing social anxiety and avoidance. Twelve student veterans with post-9/11 active duty service were interviewed about their lived experiences with social anxiety/avoidance within the framework of phenomenological theory. Data was analyzed using multilevel coding and theme analysis. Analysis of interview themes (= 12) clarified university campus environments that induce social anxiety/avoidance and the impact on personal and professional relationships, learning, and navigation of physical space. Implications of this study include addressing student veterans’ needs through clinical intervention and further representative research on prevalence rates of these risk factors in various university and community college settings.  相似文献   

Men experience historical events, such as wars, at different times in their lives and are thereby influenced in different ways. Using data on a cohort of veterans from World War II, this study investigates the proposition that entry into the armed forces at a relatively early age maximized discontinuity and facilitated a redirection of the life course through psychological development, a delayed entry into family roles, and greater advancement opportunity. By comparison, later entry into the service favored greater risk of family and career disruption within a pattern of life continuity from adolescence to the middle years. Results from the analysis are consistent with these expectations.  相似文献   

A paucity of information exists about how families of prisoners of war (POWs) cope with their prolonged, ambiguous period of family disruption. This report summarizes the lessons learned from a 7-year longitudinal study of families of POWs and servicemen missing in action (MIA) during the Vietnam War. The study was carried out at the now-defunct Center for Prisoner of War Studies (CPWS)from 1971 through 1978. The Center, located in San Diego, CA, was disestablished in 1978, prior to a comprehensive distillation of lessons learned. Nonetheless, much of what is known today about how families cope with both the captivity period, as well as the post-repatriation or reintegration process, is derived from the CPWS effort.  相似文献   

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