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An integrated production, inventory and advertising system has been formulated based on control engineering principles. In this system, the customer's demand is satisfied from stock, which in turn is replenished from production facilities. But sales reflect the advertising effort, present as well as past. The past effort has been considered as a delay with an assumed delay period. The problem is formulated as a state and observation model. Out of this an augmented model of state and parameters is formed. The parameters describing the model are estimated from MAP discrete filter algorithm. It is shown that sales of product 1 or product 2 at (k + l)th period is effected by sales and advertising of product 1 or product 2 at the kth period, and also by sales and advertising of product 2 or product 1 at (k-θ)th period, where 6 is the delay.  相似文献   

This study examined the antecedents of job strain (emotional exhaustion, health complaints) and withdrawal behaviour (e.g. lowered organizational commitment) among a cross-sectional sample of 131 academic staff members of the law department of a large Dutch university. Conservation of resources theory (Hobfoll, 1989) provided the theoretical background for this study. Strains and withdrawal behaviours were expected to be most prominent among those who reported having few resources and/or who reported high job demands. Structural equation modelling revealed that this was indeed the case. As predicted, differential patterns of effects emerged for job demands and job resources. Analysis of the effects of four job-specific stressors revealed that especially the structural aspects of a staff member's teaching task (e.g. the number of students in their classes) contributed strongly to perceived job demands. Theoretical and practical implications of the study are discussed.  相似文献   

大庆油田试油、测试数据库系统的建立与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
油田试油、测试数据库的建成与应用,可以快速、准确地为油田试油试采决策提供科学依据。本文概要地介绍了该数据库系统的建立原则、结构功能及其应用。  相似文献   

This article summarizes a quantitative microbial risk assessment designed to characterize the public health impact of consumption of shell eggs and egg products contaminated with Salmonella Enteritidis (SE). This risk assessment's objectives were to: (1) establish the baseline risk of foodborne illness from SE, (2) identify and evaluate potential risk mitigation strategies, and (3) identify data gaps related to future research efforts. The risk assessment model has five modules. The Egg Production module estimates the number of eggs produced that are SE-contaminated. Shell Egg Processing, Egg Products Processing, and Preparation & Consumption modules estimate the increase or decrease in the numbers of SE organisms in eggs or egg products as they pass through storage, transportation, processing, and preparation. A Public Health Outcomes module then calculates the incidence of illnesses and four clinical outcomes, as well as the cases of reactive arthritis associated with SE infection following consumption. The baseline model estimates an average production of 2.3 million SE-contaminated shell eggs/year of the estimated 69 billion produced annually and predicts an average of 661,633, human illnesses per year from consumption of these eggs. The model estimates approximately 94% of these cases recover without medical care, 5% visit a physician, an additional 0.5% are hospitalized, and 0.05% result in death. The contribution of SE from commercially pasteurized egg products was estimated to be negligible. Five mitigation scenarios were selected for comparison of their individual and combined effects on the number of human illnesses. Results suggest that mitigation in only one segment of the farm-to-table continuum will be less effective than several applied in different segments. Key data gaps and areas for future research include the epidemiology of SE on farms, the bacteriology of SE in eggs, human behavior in food handling and preparation, and human responses to SE exposure.  相似文献   

通过构建循环经济产业系统结构,建立了资源循环利用的分室模型及其动态方程系统;定义了测量资源循环利用效率的循环倍数及其计算公式.模拟结果显示资源循环利用不仅能够实现自然资源的数量积累,提高资源循环利用效率,还能够通过产业创新优化循环经济产业系统结构,降低对自然环境的废物排放.本文所研究的循环经济产业系统的分室模型方法还可以用来检测区域经济系统,国民经济系统或生态产业园区等资源循环利用效率和环境排放程度.  相似文献   

Lixin Tang  Gongshu Wang   《Omega》2008,36(6):976
This paper investigates two batching problems for steelmaking and continuous-casting (SCC) production in an integrated iron and steel enterprise. The tasks of the problems are to make the decisions as how to consolidate ordered slabs into charges, and then how to group charges into casts. The effective decisions on these batching problems can help to balance the requirements of materials in downstream production lines, improve the customer satisfaction levels, and reduce production costs (including reduction of open ordered slabs, less slabs quality upgrading, reduction of steel-grade changeovers, and reduction of inefficient utilization of tundishes lives). We first formulate the problems as integer-programming models by consider practical constraints and requirements, and then develop the two heuristic algorithms for the corresponding batching problems. By embedding above models and algorithms, we develop decision support system (DSS) software with interactive planning editor. The DSS has been tested by using practical data set collected from the steelmaking plant in Baosteel which is one of the most advanced iron and steel enterprises in China. Computational experiments demonstrate that the models and algorithms developed can generate the satisfactory solutions when they work together with the planning editor in the DSS.  相似文献   

Let j and k be two positive integers with jk. An L(j,k)-labelling of a graph G is an assignment of nonnegative integers to the vertices of G such that the difference between labels of any two adjacent vertices is at least j, and the difference between labels of any two vertices that are at distance two apart is at least k. The minimum range of labels over all L(j,k)-labellings of a graph G is called the λ j,k -number of G, denoted by λ j,k (G). A σ(j,k)-circular labelling with span m of a graph G is a function f:V(G)→{0,1,…,m−1} such that |f(u)−f(v)| m j if u and v are adjacent; and |f(u)−f(v)| m k if u and v are at distance two apart, where |x| m =min {|x|,m−|x|}. The minimum m such that there exists a σ(j,k)-circular labelling with span m for G is called the σ j,k -number of G and denoted by σ j,k (G). The λ j,k -numbers of Cartesian products of two complete graphs were determined by Georges, Mauro and Stein ((2000) SIAM J Discret Math 14:28–35). This paper determines the λ j,k -numbers of direct products of two complete graphs and the σ j,k -numbers of direct products and Cartesian products of two complete graphs. Dedicated to Professor Frank K. Hwang on the occasion of his 65th birthday. This work is partially supported by FRG, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong; NSFC, China, grant 10171013; and Southeast University Science Foundation grant XJ0607230.  相似文献   

As recent events have shown, simultaneous crop losses in different parts of the world can cause serious risks to global food security. However, to date, little is known about the spatial dependency of lower than expected crop yields from global breadbaskets. This especially applies in the case of extreme events, i.e., where one or more breadbaskets are experiencing far below average yields. Without such information, risk management approaches cannot be applied and vulnerability to extremes may remain high or even increase in the future around the world. We tackle both issues from an empirical perspective focusing on wheat yield. Interdependencies between historically observed wheat yield deviations in five breadbaskets (United States, Argentina, India, China, and Australia) are estimated via copula approaches that can incorporate increasing tail dependencies. In doing so, we are able to attach probabilities to interregional as well as global yield losses. To address the robustness of our results, we apply three different methods for constructing multivariate copulas: vine copulas, ordered coupling using a minimax approach, and hierarchical structuring. We found interdependencies between states within breadbaskets that led us to the conclusion that risk pooling for extremes is less favorable on the regional level. However, notwithstanding evidence of global climatic teleconnections that may influence crop production, we also demonstrate empirically that wheat production losses are independent between global breadbaskets, which strengthens the case for interregional risk pooling strategies. We argue that through interregional risk pooling, postdisaster liabilities of governments and international donors could be decreased.  相似文献   

In previous work a deterministic model for the compartment level was built, taking into account the two different syndromes with which  Salmonella  Typhimurium appears at pig farms. Based on this model, a stochastic one was built in this work that simulated different compartmental sizes, taking into account compartments of 200 to 400 pigs. Multiple scenarios of starting conditions of infection (SCI) ranging from 0.25 to 100% were tested for each population size. The effect of each of these two factors on the probability of disease extinctions and the prevalence of each of the classes of the model and the risk groups of pigs were estimated. The results showed that the compartment population had an inverse effect on the probability of disease extinction. On the other hand, low SCI resulted in high levels of early extinctions reaching 45%, while higher SCI led to high levels of late extinctions. Early extinctions resulted in the absence of the pathogen from the compartment, while late extinctions did not assure it. This effect shows that reducing the population of the compartment combined with appropriate cleaning and good farming practices could have a positive effect in the reduction of the risk of introducing  S.  Typhimurium into the slaughtering procedure. On the other hand, the profile of seroprevalence at slaughter age allows for risk characterization of the farm, given the relative stability and the small variation for higher SCI.  相似文献   

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