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Yang and Wee (Economic ordering policy of deteriorated item for vendor and buyer: an integrated approach. Prod. Plan. & Cont., 2000, 11(5), 474–480) proposed an ordering policy for a vendor--buyer integrated model. This note examines the cost component of Yang and Wee's model and gives some insight on the derivation of the holding cost function. We have discovered that their model violates the positive holding cost characteristic and the total quantity-equality characteristic. A proposal to eradicate the problem is given.  相似文献   


A multi-item inventory model with constant demand and infinite replenishment is developed under the restrictions on storage area, total average shortage cost and total average inventory investment cost. These restrictions may be precise or imprecise. Here, it is assumed that inventory costs are directly proportional to the respective quantities, and unit purchase/production cost is inversely related to the demand. Restricted shortages are allowed but fully backlogged. First, the problem is formulated in crisp environment taking the deterministic and precise inventory parameters. It is solved by both geometric programming (GP) and gradient-based non-linear programming (NLP) methods. Later, the problem is formulated with fuzzy goals on constraints and objectives where impreciseness is introduced through linear membership functions. It is solved using the fuzzy geometric programming (FGP) method. The inventory models are illustrated with numerical values and compared with the crisp results. A sensitivity analysis on the optimum order quantity and average cost is also presented due to the variation in the tolerance of total average inventory investment cost and total average shortage cost following Dutta et al., 1993, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 55, 133-142.  相似文献   


We study minmax due-date based on common flow-allowance assignment and scheduling problems on a single machine, and extend known results in scheduling theory by considering convex resource allocation. The total cost function of a given job consists of its earliness, tardiness and flow-allowance cost components. Thus, the common flow-allowance and the actual jobs’ processing times are decision variables, implying that the due-dates and actual processing times can be controlled by allocating additional resource to the job operations. Consequently, our goal is to optimize a cost function by seeking the optimal job sequence, the optimal job-dependent due-dates along with the actual processing times. In all addressed problems we aim to minimize the maximal cost among all the jobs subject to a constraint on the resource consumption. We start by analyzing and solving the problem with position-independent workloads and then proceed to position-dependent workloads. Finally, the results are generalized to the method of common due-window. For all studied problems closed form solutions are provided, leading to polynomial time solutions.



This rejoinder discusses some common points raised in the commentaries of this special issue of JOBM, including (1) different definitions of positive and negative, (2) use of the terms reinforcement and establishing operation, and (3) concerns over the abandonment of behavior analysis for mentalistic research. In addition, a people-based approach to psychology is introduced and advocated as a leading-edge approach to understanding and improving organizational behavior.  相似文献   


This paper presents the aggregate production planning for multiple product types where the worker resource can be transferred among the production lines. A mathematical model was formulated in spreadsheet format. Then the spreadsheet-solver technique was used as a tool to solve the model. A real situation of a manufacturing company was selected as a case study. The actual data was used to test and validate the proposed model. The optimal aggregate production plan provides the information on managing the available production capacity together with the useful workforce transferring plan. The obtained solutions were compared to those of another approach where the workers cannot be transferred among the production lines. The total cost is significantly reduced when the workers are allowed to transfer among the production lines.  相似文献   

In uncertain environments, the master production schedule (MPS) is usually developed using a rolling schedule. When utilizing a rolling schedule, the MPS is replanned periodically and a portion of the MPS is frozen in each planning cycle. The cost performance of a rolling schedule depends on three decisions: the choice of the replanning interval (R), which determines how often the MPS should be replanned; the choice of the frozen interval (F), which determines how many periods the MPS should be frozen in each planning cycle; and the choice of the forecast window (T), which is the time interval over which the MPS is determined using newly updated forecast data. This paper uses an analytical approach to study the master production scheduling process in uncertain environments without capacity constraints, where the MPS is developed using a rolling schedule. It focuses on the choices of F, R, and T for the MPS. A conceptual framework that includes all important MPS time intervals is described. The effects of F, R, and T on system costs, which include the forecast error, MPS change, setup, and inventory holding costs, are also explored. Finally, a mathematical model for the MPS is presented. This model approximates the average system cost as a function of F, R, T, and several environmental factors. It can be used to estimate the associated system costs for any combination of F, R, and T.  相似文献   

Cox LA 《Risk analysis》2012,32(7):1244-1252
Simple risk formulas, such as risk = probability × impact, or risk = exposure × probability × consequence, or risk = threat × vulnerability × consequence, are built into many commercial risk management software products deployed in public and private organizations. These formulas, which we call risk indices, together with risk matrices, “heat maps,” and other displays based on them, are widely used in applications such as enterprise risk management (ERM), terrorism risk analysis, and occupational safety. But, how well do they serve to guide allocation of limited risk management resources? This article evaluates and compares different risk indices under simplifying conditions favorable to their use (statistically independent, uniformly distributed values of their components; and noninteracting risk‐reduction opportunities). Compared to an optimal (nonindex) approach, simple indices produce inferior resource allocations that for a given cost may reduce risk by as little as 60% of what the optimal decisions would provide, at least in our simple simulations. This article suggests a better risk reduction per unit cost index that achieves 98–100% of the maximum possible risk reduction on these problems for all budget levels except the smallest, which allow very few risks to be addressed. Substantial gains in risk reduction achieved for resources spent can be obtained on our test problems by using this improved index instead of simpler ones that focus only on relative sizes of risk (or of components of risk) in informing risk management priorities and allocating limited risk management resources. This work suggests the need for risk management tools to explicitly consider costs in prioritization activities, particularly in situations where budget restrictions make careful allocation of resources essential for achieving close‐to‐maximum risk‐reduction benefits.  相似文献   

A finite number of sellers (n) compete in schedules to supply an elastic demand. The cost of each seller is random, with common and private value components, and the seller receives a private signal about it. A Bayesian supply function equilibrium is characterized: The equilibrium is privately revealing and the incentives to rely on private signals are preserved. Supply functions are steeper with higher correlation among the cost parameters. For high (positive) correlation, supply functions are downward sloping, price is above the Cournot level, and as we approach the common value case, price tends to the collusive level. As correlation becomes maximally negative, we approach the competitive outcome. With positive correlation, private information coupled with strategic behavior induces additional distortionary market power above full information levels. Efficiency can be restored with appropriate subsidy schemes or with a precise enough public signal about the common value component. As the market grows large with the number of sellers, the equilibrium becomes price‐taking, bid shading is on the order of 1/n, and the order of magnitude of welfare losses is 1/n2. The results extend to inelastic demand, demand uncertainty, and demand schedule competition. A range of applications in product and financial markets is presented.  相似文献   


Purpose: This paper presents a combined multi-phase supplier selection model. The process repeatedly revisits the criteria and sourcing decision as the development process continues. This enables a structured adoption of product and production system innovation from strategic suppliers, where previously the literature purely focuses on product innovation or cost reduction. Design/methodology/approach: The authors adopted an embedded researcher style, inductive, qualitative case study of an industrial supply cluster comprising a focal automotive company and its interaction with three different strategic stamping suppliers. Findings: Our contribution is the multi-phased production and product innovation process. This is an advance from traditional supplier selection and also an extension of ideas of supplier-located product development as it includes production system development, and complements the literature on working with strategic suppliers. Specifically, we explicitly articulate the previously unreported issue of whether a supplier chosen for its innovation capabilities at the start of the new product development process will also be the most appropriate supplier during the production system development phase, when an ability to work collaboratively may be the most important attribute, or in the large-scale production phase when an ability to manufacture at low unit cost may be most important. Originality/value: The paper identifies a multi-phase approach to tendering within a fixed body of strategic suppliers which seeks to identify the optimum technological and process decisions as well as the traditional supplier sourcing choice. These areas have not been combined before and generate a valuable approach for firms to adopt as well as for researchers to extend our understanding of a highly complex process.  相似文献   

A mixed manna contains goods (that everyone likes) and bads (that everyone dislikes), as well as items that are goods to some agents, but bads or satiated to others. If all items are goods and utility functions are homogeneous of degree 1 and concave (and monotone), the competitive division maximizes the Nash product of utilities (Gale–Eisenberg): hence it is welfarist (determined by the set of feasible utility profiles), unique, continuous, and easy to compute. We show that the competitive division of a mixed manna is still welfarist. If the zero utility profile is Pareto dominated, the competitive profile is strictly positive and still uniquely maximizes the product of utilities. If the zero profile is unfeasible (for instance, if all items are bads), the competitive profiles are strictly negative and are the critical points of the product of disutilities on the efficiency frontier. The latter allows for multiple competitive utility profiles, from which no single‐valued selection can be continuous or resource monotonic. Thus the implementation of competitive fairness under linear preferences in interactive platforms like SPLIDDIT will be more difficult when the manna contains bads that overwhelm the goods.  相似文献   

Let G be a finite undirected bipartite graph. Let u, v be two vertices of G from different partite sets. A collection of k internal vertex disjoint paths joining u to v is referred as a k-container C k (u,v). A k-container is a k *-container if it spans all vertices of G. We define G to be a k *-laceable graph if there is a k *-container joining any two vertices from different partite sets. A k *-container C k *(u,v)={P 1,…,P k } is equitable if ||V(P i )|−|V(P j )||≤2 for all 1≤i,jk. A graph is equitably k *-laceable if there is an equitable k *-container joining any two vertices in different partite sets. Let Q n be the n-dimensional hypercube. In this paper, we prove that the hypercube Q n is equitably k *-laceable for all kn−4 and n≥5. Dedicated to Professor Frank K. Hwang on the occasion of his 65th birthday. The work of H.-M. Huang was supported in part by the National Science Council of the Republic of China under NSC94-2115-M008-013.  相似文献   

In the successful branch-and-cut approach to combinatorial optimization, linear inequalities are used as cutting planes within a branch-and-bound framework. Although researchers often prefer to use facet-inducing inequalities as cutting planes, good computational results have recently been obtained using disjunctive cuts, which are not guaranteed to be facet-inducing in general.A partial explanation for the success of the disjunctive cuts is given in this paper. It is shown that, for six important combinatorial optimization problems (the clique partitioning, max-cut, acyclic subdigraph, linear ordering, asymmetric travelling salesman and set covering problems), certain facet-inducing inequalities can be obtained by simple disjunctive techniques. New polynomial-time separation algorithms are obtained for these inequalities as a by-product.The disjunctive approach is then compared and contrasted with some other general-purpose frameworks for generating cutting planes and some conclusions are made with respect to the potential and limitations of the disjunctive approach.  相似文献   

The variable‐route vehicle‐refueling problem (VRVRP) is a variant of the network‐flow problem which seeks, for a vehicle traveling from origin s to destination d, both the route and the refueling policy (sequence of fuel stations to use between s and d) that jointly minimize the fuel cost of operating the vehicle. Commercial‐grade decision support systems that solve the VRVRP are widely used by motor carriers, but they provide heuristic solutions only. Exact methods are available from the academic side, but because they focus on minimizing costs, they tend to cut fuel costs in exchange for increased vehicle miles (which can increase fuel consumptions and pollutants emission). We propose a new approach to the VRVRP that allows carriers to jointly seek the two possibly conflicting goals; minimizing fuel cost and vehicle miles. Computational testing shows that our approach (i) outperforms the commercial software products in both goals, and (ii) finds solutions that require significantly less vehicle miles than those given by the exact method proposed in the academic literature, without incurring unacceptable increases in fuel cost.  相似文献   


In this paper, we present an economic order quantity (EOQ) with both demand-dependent unit cost and restrictions. An analytical solution of the EQO is derived using a recent and simple method, which isthe geometric programming approach. The EOQ inventory model with demand-dependent unit cost without any restriction and the classical EOQ inventory model are obtained.  相似文献   

The Orbit problem is defined as follows: Given a matrix A∈ℚ n×n and vectors x,y∈ℚ n , does there exist a non-negative integer i such that A i x=y. This problem was shown to be in deterministic polynomial time by Kannan and Lipton (J. ACM 33(4):808–821, 1986). In this paper we place the problem in the logspace counting hierarchy GapLH. We also show that the problem is hard for C=L with respect to logspace many-one reductions.  相似文献   


This study investigates the structure of and relationship between lay explanations of and solutions to unemployment in an area of high unemployment. A sample of 261 subjects resident in Northern Ireland rated the importance of 20 explanations of unemployment identified by Furnham (1982) and 20 solutions to unemployment identified by Heaven (1990). Factor analysis of their responses identified three explanatory factors, viz. individualistic, societal/managerial and fatalistic/uncontrollable Factor analysis of the 20 solutions identified three primary factors which were labelled punitive, opportunity creation, and resource management. The relative importance of both the explanation and the solution factors varied little with the demographic characteristics of the subjects. A correlation analysis showed that there was a clear and meaningful pattern in the relationship between explanations of and solutions to unemployment.  相似文献   

Women's participation in economic activities in general and at managerial status in particular is insignificant in Pakistan. Furthermore, the opportunities for professional development of women managers are meagre because of multiple socio-cultural limitations. This paper attempts to draw a profile of female managers focusing, inter alia, on the trend and structure of women's human resource, ratio of employment, work environment and scope of development, efficiency at work, satisfaction level, professional commitment and forces inhibiting women access to jobs under the learning organization perspectives. It also exhibits issues bearing policy implications in regard to the development of women as managers and also as human resource.  相似文献   

Suppose S is a subset of a metric space X with metric d. For each subset D⊆{d(x,y):x,yS,xy}, the distance graph G(S,D) is the graph with vertex set S and edge set E(S,D)={xy:x,yS,d(x,y)∈D}. The current paper studies distance graphs on the n-space R 1 n with 1-norm. In particular, most attention is paid to the subset Z 1 n of all lattice points of R 1 n . The results obtained include the degrees of vertices, components, and chromatic numbers of these graphs. Dedicated to Professor Frank K. Hwang on the occasion of his 65th birthday. Supported in part by the National Science Council under grant NSC-94-2115-M-002-015. Taida Institue for Mathematical Sciences, National Taiwan University, Taipei 10617, Taiwan. National Center for Theoretical Sciences, Taipei Office.  相似文献   


Looking for a world model for the manufacturing information flow diagram has brought us to the conclusion that it is impossible to build an all-encompassing, all-inclusive system. The redundancy and overlap would make the system excessively complex and ineffective. The best way to generalize a model of this type is to simplify. The result is that we eliminate nearly the entire production control mechanism that is found in the labour intensive MRP system (Fig. 1). We come up with a system that is much closer to the material intensive JIT system (Fig. 2). The conclusion is that effective production control requires that you choose which resource you wish to optimize, and then select a system that controls the plant around the selected resource base. This is the function of books like International Management and Production. A second conclusion would be that complexity (MRP—Fig. 1) gains very little over simplicity (JIT—Fig. 2 or World Model—Fig. 4) in productivity or efficiency. As Shozo Hibino says in his book Breakthrough Thinking, we need to run our plants smarter, not harder.  相似文献   

Computer systems are constantly under the threats of being attacked and in many cases these attacks succeed. Today’s networked systems are thus built to be intrusion tolerant. In a large scale, the progresses of compromising the networked system and recovering the damage will carry on in parallel, allowing services to be continued (at a degraded level). One of the key problems in the restoration procedure regards to the resource allocation strategies and the cost associated with, specifically, a minimal cost is desired. In this paper we model the cost as a sum of service loss and resource expense that incur during the restoration procedure. We investigate the achievable minimal total cost and corresponding resource allocation strategy for different situations. The situations include both constant rates and time-variant rates in terms of the speed of compromising and recovering. We also consider the fact that the restoration rate is constrained by the resource allocated. The relationship can be either linear or obeying the law of diminishing marginal utility. We present both analytical and numerical results in the paper. The results show the impact from various system parameters on the critical conditions for a successful system restoration and on the minimal cost. Dr. Ray is currently with Google Inc., 604 Arizona Avenue, Santa Monica, CA 90401, USA. His e-mail contact is sibu@google.com, siburay@gmail.com  相似文献   

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