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非合作博弈两阶段生产系统的环境效率评价 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文研究了环境效率评价中广泛存在的一类典型问题:两阶段非合作博弈的效率评价问题,该问题有两个明显的特点:(1)决策单元由经济生产子系统和污染物处理子系统两个阶段的子系统构成,(2)经济生产子系统产生的污染物由污染物处理子系统进行处理,且经济生产子系统居于主导地位,而污染物处理子系统居于从属地位.文章在分析各个决策单元整体效率与其子系统效率之间关系的基础上,提出一种能够同时评价决策单元整体效率和其子系统效率的DEA方法;然后引入非合作博弈思想,提出了基于两阶段非合作博弈的环境效率评价的DEA方法;最后采用中国各地区的工业系统的环境效率评价的实例分析说明了该方法的合理性和有效性.由于文章提出的方法能够有效地分析决策单元内部子系统的有效性水平,能够反映子系统之间的主从关系,能够发掘影响决策单元效率的关键因素,因而能够给出更为有效的环境管理信息,为决策者的决策提供科学的依据. 相似文献
ZHONGXUE LI 《生产规划与管理》2013,24(1):103-106
This paper reports on the development of a computer-based management information system at Datong Coal Company, the largest subsidiary of China National Coal Corporation. Particularly presented is the development methodology of a decision support system for underground coal mine planning and production scheduling, including an integration of computer graphics, database management, mathematical modelling and knowledge engineering techniques and a coupling of life cycle and prototyping software engineering processes to support systems quality assurance. 相似文献
SmithKline Beecham (SBPI) is a major player in the Indian pharmaceutical industry. Though relatively small in terms of turnover, it has performed Pharmaceuticals (India) exceptionally well in terms ofprofitability and growth rate. The firm has substantial cash reserves. However, the firm operates in 'mass production' mode at present, with the established finished goods inventory norms being in the range of 1 to 1.5 months. Competitive pressure on the firm is now forcing it to move towards world class manufacturing and the application of concepts from MRP II, JIT and OPT is under consideration. This paper describes the considerations that went into the justification, design and implementation of an integrated production planning and control system in this situaion. 相似文献
Robert M. Grant 《Journal of Management and Governance》2013,17(3):541-558
Knowledge-based approaches to the firm offer valuable insights into some of the central issues of governance and organizational design—especially into long neglected problems of coordination. I start from the assumption that the fundamental problem of economic organization is reconciling efficiency in knowledge development with efficiency in knowledge application. The paper extends the knowledge-based view of the firm and knowledge integration approach to organizational capability that I outlined in earlier papers (Grant in Strategic Management Journal, 1996a; Grant in Journal of Management Studies 7(4)375–387, 1996b) and draws upon subsequent contributions to the literature. From this basis, I derive implications for the relative efficiencies of alternative institutions of economic organization and for the design of firm structures. 相似文献
同步物流系统下准时化生产与配送调度问题研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
对于"加工-装配"行业而言,物流管理水平的高低直接决定了供应链绩效的好坏。本文以Supply Hub运作模式为背景,研究同步物流下装配系统中各节点的生产与配送调度问题。建立供应链各参与方的生产与配送模型,并通过规划求解得到供应商和制造商的最优生产周期、零部件的最优配送间隔以及零售商的最佳采购周期。最后,结合数值实验,对同步物流模式和传统物流模式下的供应链绩效进行了对比分析。研究结果表明:较之传统物流模式,基于同步化物流方式的装配系统总成本更低,这主要得益于库存成本的下降;由于采取拉动式的生产模式,因此同步物流系统下供应链中的生产和配送活动更加频繁;生产调整成本的增加提高了制造商的平均总成本,由此可见在同步物流系统下,供应商、制造商和零售商之间更需要相互协商和收益共享,从而实现多赢。 相似文献
We model the performance of DMUs (decision-making units) using a two-stage network model. In the first stage of production DMUs use inputs to produce an intermediate output that becomes an input to a second stage where final outputs are produced. Previous black box DEA models allowed for non-radial scaling of outputs and inputs and accounted for slacks in the constraints that define the technology. We extend these models and build a performance measure that accounts for a network structure of production. We use our method to estimate the performance of Japanese banks, which use labor, physical capital, and financial equity capital in a first stage to produce an intermediate output of deposits. In the second stage, those deposits become an input in the production of loans and securities investments. The network estimates reveal greater bank inefficiency than do the estimates that treat the bank production process as a black box with all production taking place in a single stage. 相似文献
There are many computer-aided production planning and control (PPC) systems available on the market which can provide a solution to the complex task of production planning and control. However, the question remains, how can a company find an optimal system from the vast amount of available systems? This article proposes that a company, having decided to buy one of the available systems, starts a project for selection and implementation of the PPC system. 相似文献
This paper addresses the two-machine bicriteria dynamic flowshop problem where setup time of a job is separated from its processing time and is sequenced independently. The performance considered is the simultaneous minimization of total flowtime and makespan, which is more effective in reducing the total scheduling cost compared to the single objective. A frozen-event procedure is first proposed to transform a dynamic scheduling problem into a static one. To solve the transformed static scheduling problem, an integer programming model with N 2 + 5N variables and 7N constraints is formulated. Because the problem is known to be NP-complete, a heuristic algorithm with the complexity of O (N 3) is provided. A decision index is developed as the basis for the heuristic. Experimental results show that the proposed heuristic algorithm is effective and efficient. The average solution quality of the heuristic algorithm is above 99%. A 15-job case requires only 0.0235 s, on average, to obtain a near or even optimal solution. 相似文献
A two-phase approach is used to examine the impact of job scheduling rules and tool selection policies for a dynamic job shop system in a tool-shared, flexible manufacturing environment. The first phase develops a generalized simulation model and analyses 'simple' job scheduling rules and tool selection policies under various operating scenarios. The results from this investigation are then used to develop and analyse various bi-criteria rules in the second phase of this study. The results show that the scheduling rules have the most significant impact on system performance, particularly at high shop load levels. Tool selection policies affect some of the performance measures, most notably, proportion of tardy jobs, to a lesser degree. Higher machine utilizations can be obtained at higher tool duplication levels but at the expense of increased tooling costs and lower tool utilization. The results also show that using different processing time distributions may have a significant impact on shop performance. 相似文献
AbstractWe develop management innovation theory, providing insights into the role of time in the implementation phase. The management innovation literature has sought to empirically identify factors that facilitate or hinder management innovation implementation from a static perspective. To address the evolution of these factors’ resistance, a temporal perspective is appropriate, but an analysis of these factors’ evolution over time is lacking. We identify the inhibiting factors that influence the management innovation implementation phase over time and address ways in which they evolve.We conduct a comparative longitudinal and dynamic analysis based on two intermediate-sized enterprises and address the obstacles that emerge during the implementation phase of a specific management innovation: lean manufacturing. Our results highlight different categories of inhibiting factors: some inhibiting factors appear at the beginning of the implementation phase with high intensity and then fade over time; conversely, other inhibiting factors appear later and then increase in intensity. 相似文献
Due to the great diversity of product types in one-of-a-kind production (OKP), the production scheduling and control in OKP is much more difficult than production scheduling and control of other production systems, e.g. mass production and batch production. Hence, the production efficiency in OKP companies is relatively lower. To improve productivity in OKP, a dynamic hierarchy production control system is presented. Using this control structure, a production system in an OKP company can be flexibly organized or re-organized according to the structure of a customized product (or an OKP product). Production synchronizing and scheduling algorithms for OKP shop floor production control are presented. Using these algorithms, a cybernetic model can be developed for shop floor control in OKP. The algorithms are applied to two alternate production scheduling goals in OKP, namely ASAP (as soon as possible) production and JIT (just in time) production. 相似文献
Optimum common cycle for scheduling a single-machine multiproduct system with a budgetary constraint
This paper deals with the single machine multi-product lot size scheduling problem, and has two objectives. The first objective is to minimize the maximum aggregate inventory for the common cycle (CC) scheduling policy. A simple and easy-to-apply rule has been developed which determines the optimal production sequence that achieves this objective. The second objective is to find an optimal common cycle for minimizing the average production and inventory costs per unit time, subject to a given budgetary constraint. A method has been presented that achieves this objective 相似文献
Fundamental and extended multi-objective (MO) models are designed to address earliness/tardiness production scheduling planning (ETPSP) problems with multi-process capacity balance, multi-product production and lot-size consideration. A canonical genetic algorithm (GA) approach and a prospective multi-objective GA (MOGA) approach are proposed as solutions for different practical problems. Simulation results as well as comparisons with other techniques demonstrate the effectiveness of the MOGA approach, which is a noted improvement to any of the existing techniques, and also in practice provides a new trend of integrating manufacturing resource planning (MRPII) with just-in-time (JIT) in the production planning procedure. 相似文献
This paper presents an Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) based decision support system to select the most suitable casting process for a given product. The hierarchical structure of the proposed method allows the decision maker to compare the different casting processes using the material suitability and flexibility, geometrical complexity, dimensional tolerance and surface finish of the casting, and the cost as the criteria for selection. Judgemental inconsistency of the decision maker in selecting the casting process is taken care by ensuring that the value of consistency ratio is below (0.1). A numerical example is presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology for selecting the suitable casting process. 相似文献
T. C. BOND 《生产规划与管理》2013,24(4):399-406
The paper is a case study describing the experience of a single company which uses OPT software for production scheduling. The company produces a range of over 500 different items. Optimized Production Technology (OPT) is a proprietary computer software. Although the OPT software requires a similar database to MRP systems and addresses the same problems, OPT is a finite scheduler, unlike MRP which assumes (unrealistically) infinite capacity. The paper defines the underlying terminology and explains the major features of the algorithm underpinning the software. Details of the scheduling frequency, scheduling routine and reports are described. Practical implications observed are the necessity of short process routes and a multi-skilled workforce (somewhat like the case of JIT cells). Benefits of using the system are discussed. 相似文献
The management of a panel block shop in a shipyard is a complex process that entails the largest amount of work and in which many decisions are involved. Shipbuilders have considered the process as a bottleneck since every panel for every ship must be processed through the shop. The objective of this research is to carry out a materials flow analysis to maximise process productivity and to place simulation optimisation technology in the hands of decision makers, such as production planners and supervisors. In this article, a production execution planning system is proposed for panel block operations utilising discrete-event simulation and simulated annealing. The simulation model was validated using a real production scenario and the comparison showed a very favourable agreement between the actual panel shop and the simulation model. The proposed system supports production planners by general dispatching rules and optimisation to make better scheduling decisions on the shop floor. The system will provide a complete schedule that is at least as clear and accurate as any schedule currently obtained. 相似文献
In this paper the evolution of eBusiness or digital business is analysed. Firstly, a number of definitions are presented. Digital business is then analysed in the context of a clear distinction being drawn between applications and models. Reviews of the enablers and the drivers of eBusiness are also presented. Some conceptual models for understanding eBusiness are then reviewed and finally a new revised model is put forward. This so-called extended SCOR model, developed by combining ideas from the original Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) model and Porter's Value Chain model is offered as a mechanism to map current eBusiness applications and models and may also be used to position and anticipate future eBusiness initiatives. 相似文献
Rambabu Kodali 《生产规划与管理》2013,24(2):114-122
The operational level of flexible manufacturing systems FMS is concerned with the detailed decision making required for real-time operation. The real-time control of FMS is extremely complex. On-line scheduling is referred to as real-time control of FMS. On-line scheduling of an FMS requires decision making in various scheduling problems such as selection of an AGV and a workcentre from a set of workcentres simultaneously requesting the service for transport of a part, selection of a new part type to be released into the system, etc. This paper describes a prototype knowledge-based system for selection of an AGV and a workcentre from a set of workcentres simultaneously requesting the service for transport of a part in on-line scheduling of FMS. The knowledge-based system is evaluated by the empirical approach. On-line scheduling of FMS gives potential advantages such as productivity and low throughput time. 相似文献
Performance analysis of a multi-agent scheduling and control system under manufacturing disturbances
This paper is concerned with evaluating the performance of alternative multi-agent approaches to manufacturing planning and control. In order to separate the influence of ‘control algorithm’ from that of ‘control architecture’, a simple local control algorithm is chosen as a common starting point for developing the agent-based system. Two sets of experiments are then reported to evaluate how changes in individual agent characteristics can affect the control system's flexibility and adaptability against disturbances. These experiments show that the manufacturing and control system performance is not affected by architecture if the control algorithm remains fixed, however, altering the characteristics of the control system decision-makers influences both systems’ performance. 相似文献
Vincent C. S. Wiers 《生产规划与管理》2013,24(7):711-721
The first three steps of a new design method for decision support systems in production scheduling tasks are applied to a large bulk terminal. The operational characteristics of the company largely correspond with those of typical semiprocess industries. The design model used consists of five steps: production analysis, task analysis, task redesign, decision support design and decision support implementation. The results of the application of the design model up to the task redesign step are described. 相似文献