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The article is based on a historical study aiming at analysing the historical determinants for the academic content of the special educational discipline-regarding both ideological attitudes against disability and segregation and more concrete initiatives of action-as it appeared when the expert-function of special education was established during the 1920s and 1930s in Sweden. As the determinants I consider the nineteenth, as well as the twentieth cetury's socio-ideological, educational political and educational philosophical discourses. In order to describe the tendencies in contents I have used the first Scandinavian journal in the special educational field (Hjalpskolan). I have in my discussion been inspired by Michel Foucault's analysis of subtle conditions of power, in the forms of regulations and control mechanisms between the societies 'normal' and its marginal groupings. The essence of the study is that these tendencies are socially constructed within the knowledge tradition of the swedish compulsory school system. Despite their variations they can be classified as follows: a moralizing theme, where the various scientifically coloured arguments for and against segregation are discussed. A religious 'merciful' theme; the genuine human loving compassion with 'the societies least fortunate'. Finally, the sociopolitical theme with focus on socio-economical discussion.  相似文献   

Front groups are controversial public relations techniques used by organizations to influence public opinion and public policy on behalf of undisclosed special interests. This article examines historical and contemporary uses of such third-party efforts and considers constitutionally permissible restrictions on front group practices. We address the specific issue of whether governments may compel organizations to reveal their participation in grassroots lobbying initiatives without violating the First Amendment. We then consider the implications of front groups for public relations ethics and the potential for heightened legal regulation spawned by unethical public relations practices perceived to interfere with the efficient functioning of government.  相似文献   

This paper presents a rationale and educational plan for teaching statistical orientation (not statistics per se) by means of a series of practice questions that are, at the same time, basic statistical questions. These questions include, for example, measures of central tendency, “What can typically be expected of the client's problem behavior?” and measures of variability, “What range of variation from the typical is typical?” Set in a context of practice, these types of questions do not seem to provoke the hostility among social work students that often typifies their reaction to traditional statistics courses.  相似文献   

蔡禾 《社会学研究》2012,(4):10-16,241,242
社会管理不是要追求一个无差别、无矛盾的社会,而是要在不同利益群体之间建立一个有序的关系。当今中国社会矛盾的凸显和日显激烈的趋势与普遍存在的个体化诉求和利益博弈力量不对称相关,与利益诉求的转型和群体博弈制度的缺失相关。社会管理创新需要搭建与社会主义市场经济相符的利益博弈平台,探索利益诉求的群体表达机制;需要搭建能累积以网络、信任和规则为要素的社会资本的平台。由此,国家与个人之间的中间地带才能重新形成,政府才能真正回归到法律的执行者、秩序的维护者角色。  相似文献   


Faculty and administrators in social work programs have greeted recently disseminated accreditation requirements by CSWE with varying mixtures of enthusiasm and concern. Of all curricular areas, research seems subject to the most extensive revisions of purpose, curricular structure, etc. Both accreditation demands and programmatic responses should be viewed against a backdrop of continuing disagreement within faculty ranks about the place of research in the professional curriculum. How newly promulgated accreditation policy and procedures affect this dissension and the adequacy of the conceptualizations and program structures that result will determine the usefulness of research content in future curricula.  相似文献   

教育公平与社会流动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会流动是指社会成员从某一种社会地位转移到另一种社会地位的现象,社会流动有合理和不合理之分。在现代开放性的社会中,正规的学校教育成为个人实现社会流动的阶梯。1978年以来的中国,社会阶层结构发生了根本的变化,这种变化使得不同阶层获得教育资源的能力的差异越来越大,教育公平恶化问题逐渐得以凸显,这种教育不公平最突出的表现就是教育经费投入不足与分配不公。  相似文献   

The authors assess the current state of social work education and make suggestions for its improvement, which include distinguishing between specialized and professional knowledge courses, teaching interpersonal skills for working with organizations and communities, differentiating subventionary and instrumental interventions, reformulating course content on policy and administration, dealing with the problems of social work’s expanding curriculum, broadening the range of activities and methods taught in social work research courses, providing incentives for collective faculty participation in curriculum development, and acknowledging the persistent anti-intellectual undercurrent in social work.  相似文献   

The author presents the vulnerability, risk, and resilience model as a mechanism for improved content integration in the Human Behavior and the Social Environment sequence in social work education. The model demonstrates the interaction of community and social context variables with individual characteristics in the development of social work problems. The five steps in the model are (1) define the social work problem of concern, (2) identify risk and protective factors in the social context, (3) identify intrinsic vulnerability and invulnerability characteristics, (4) intersect these two, and (5) explore intervention: and prevention options. In addition, she provides a rationale and background for the model, describes the model itself, and develops an example from social work practice (adolescent substance abuse) for social work education.  相似文献   

社会进步与养成教育--首届全国青少年养成教育论坛综述   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
随着社会进步,青少年发展有了新的机遇,但同时也面临着严峻挑战.<中共中央国务院关于进一步加强和改进未成年人思想道德建设的若干意见>明确指出,"加强和改进未成年人思想道德建设是一项重大而紧迫的战略任务".为了进一步贯彻落实<若干意见>的精神,探讨当代青少年养成教育的新途径,上海社会科学院青少年研究所等单位举办了首届全国青少年养成教育论坛.整个论坛围绕"社会进步与养成教育"主题展开了多学科的对话,在"养成教育与青少年健康发展"、"养成教育的人本内涵"及"养成教育的途径与方法"等方面取得了一些进展.  相似文献   

Schools of social work in the United States and in Canada have for many years, supported and encouraged their faculty to accept visiting professorships or research appointments in foreign schools of social work. This program has benefited both faculty and students through enriched course content. However, only in recent years have more than a few faculty from foreign schools of social work joined the faculties of schools of social work in the United States and Canada as visiting professors. There is no question that these faculty members have made a contribution to social work education in the schools where they were resident. This author provides insights on how visiting professors might affectively contribute as members of faculty and questions the emphasis we are presently giving to methodology at the expense of our commitment to the ideological and moral base of social work.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: This paper explores issues concerning the integration of children with disabilities into mainstream schools and draws out the implications of the discussions for moral education. Social and personal theories of disability are reconciled to provide a basis for a moral education which bridges ‘alternative’ moral traditions. I argue that successful integration requires a moral education for teachers and pupils which encourages the development of both a ‘caring justice’ and a ‘judicious care’.  相似文献   

The paper questions the idea of a single national perspective on special education, despite the relatively recent movement towards a national policy for the integration of disabled people in the mainstream educational system. It is argued that the adoption of the principle of integration, as proposed by the international community, has not necessarily led, in the Brazilian case, those involved with special education to a review of special education in the sense of being part of an inclusive educational system. The paper shows that in a country of continental dimensions like Brazil, there are marked differences in the way special education is conceptualised and provided. Such differences occur at various levels: regional local and even institutional. Some of the factors that promote these differences are of a historical and political nature. The paper suggests that these factors must be taken into account by those involved with special education, especially when there are attempts to make generalisations about the concept and practice of special education.  相似文献   

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