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美国安然、世通等大公司财务造假案曝光,极大地震撼了证券市场和监管机构。为了保护投资者,提高上市公司披露的准确性和可靠性,美国国会于2002年7月底通过了《萨班斯-奥克斯莱法》(Sarbanes-Oxley- Actof2002)。该法案第203条规定:负责某公司审计项目的合伙人或负责复核该审计项目的合伙人须以5年为限进行轮换。在中国,强制轮换会计师事务所也被管理层看好。中国注册会计师协会2002年6月发布的《中国注册会计师职业道德规范指导意见》第十五条也规定,  相似文献   

王芷迪 《现代交际》2013,(10):14-14
随着依法治国、依法行政的深入及经济社会的发展,推进依法审计已经成为审计机关的重要工作内容。传统的审计理念、审计模式、审计手段、审计方式已经难以适应当前的审计工作,无法正常实现“免疫功能”。审计队伍建设与发展形势不相适应的矛盾日益凸显,严重制约审计工作的健康发展。因此,必须加强审计人员能力素质培养,提高审计人员的审计技能。  相似文献   

文中从审计失败的定义出发,从多角度探讨审计失败形成的原因及其对审计主体、社会的影响,找出避免审计失败的对策。  相似文献   

戈钢 《现代交际》2012,(3):134+133
经济责任审计是审计部门对国有企业开展审计工作的关键环节,在市场经济体制下,它正发挥着日益重要的作用。本文主要从讨论对国有企业开展经济责任审计的必要性以及如何提高审计效益的角度出发,尝试做一些深入的研究和探讨。  相似文献   

宋亮 《现代妇女》2014,(3):157-157
随着业务的迅速发展、计算机技术的广泛应用,以及风险管理面临诸多新的挑战,传统的审计手段已远不能适应商业银行内部审计的发展需要,非现场审计作为内部审计中不可或缺的重要手段,并未引起全面的重视。本文对非现场审计在内部审计中的作用定位展开研究,提出强化非现场审计手段的对策。  相似文献   

现代风险导向审计是通过深入了解企业及其经营环境,了解企业内部控制制度,以企业经营风险的分析评估为导向,一步步分析判断企业财务报表是否存在重大错报风险,再通过实质性测试来对财务报表的公允性做出结论的审计方法。现代风险导向审计自2003年产生以来,作为一种新方法倍受审计职业界的关注。商业银行开展现代风险导向审计可以提高内部审计质量,促进商业银行内控建设。  相似文献   

赵轶群  韩璐 《现代交际》2013,(11):67-67
审计机关在推动整个经济社会健康有秩序的发展、维护国家财政经济秩序方面发挥着重要的作用,是不可或缺的组织之一。审计机关职能的履行离不开审计档案和档案工作,审计档案可以真实、有效地记录审计工作的执行和开展情况,是审计项目管理工作的重要组成部分,是保障审计工作质量的重要途径,对于规避和防范审计风险行之有效。  相似文献   

戈钢 《现代交际》2012,(3):143-144
上世纪50年代以来,西方许多企业开始流行采用绩效审计。与之相比,国内部分企业实行绩效审计工作的时间较晚,还处于摸索前进阶段,对相关理论的研究工作也停留在浅层次表面上,因而国内企业推行绩效审计工作还面临着诸多困难。在本文中,试图针对目前国内企业开展绩效审计存在的问题提出可行性建议和应对措施,以促进国内企业更好更快的普及和应用绩效审计工作。  相似文献   


The presentation describes a cyclic process of patient-care evaluation especially suited for use in ambulatory care settings. The cycle is discussed in detail, beginning with topic selection and moving through all steps to the final activity, reevaluation. Rather than assessment of a single individual's competence, the development of a composite profile of performance for the group is made possible through examination of the four perspectives of prevention, investigation, management, and outcome. The standards, or criteria, are developed by those whose performance is to be evaluated, thus assuring a high degree of commitment to the process.

In the 2 1/2 years' experience with the use of such staff-designed audit at one health service, 10 of 11 re-audits, performed after intervals of 6 to 12 months, have demonstrated improvement in performance when measured against the same criteria. Each of 13 new topics considered during this period has provided subject matter for staff meetings, either through general discussions, review of pertinent literature, or presentations by invited speakers. Such data provide supporting evidence for the concept that a nonpersonalized, internally-developed assessment process can elicit significant commitment to improved patient care and to ongoing education.  相似文献   

国家审计(政府审计)、社会审计(注册会计师审计)、内部审计构成审计组织体系.国家审计的重要作用:一是保障国家重大决策部署贯彻落实;二是维护国家经济安全;三是推动深化改革;四是促进依法治国;五是推进廉政建设.社会审计的作用:一是维护社会主义市场经济秩序,保护社会公共利益;二是促使政府转变职能;三是促进完善现代企业制度;四是促进对外经济的发展.内部审计的作用:一是监督制度、计划的贯彻执行情况,为本单位负责人或权力机构决策提供依据;二是揭示管理薄弱环节,促进部门和单位健全内部控制制度;三是促进部门和单位改进工作,提高经济效益;四是监督受托经济责任的履行情况,维护部门和单位经济权益;五是监控资金、资产的安全,促进部门和单位资产保值增值.  相似文献   

政府审计是对权力的监督和制约,现阶段,我国地方政府审计面临的发展困境主要是审计职能软化问题,针对地方政府审计存在的主要问题,剖析原因,从多角度提出解决审计职能软化的对策。  相似文献   

Over the past two decades multinational corporations have been expanding ‘ethical’ audit programs with the stated aim of reducing the risk of sourcing from suppliers with poor practices. A wave of government regulation—such as the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act (2012) and the UK Modern Slavery Act (2015)—has enhanced the legitimacy of auditing as a tool to govern labor and environmental standards in global supply chains, backed by a broad range of civil society actors championing audits as a way of promoting corporate accountability. The growing adoption of auditing as a governance tool is a puzzling trend, given two decades of evidence that audit programs generally fail to detect or correct labor and environmental problems in global supply chains. Drawing on original field research, this article shows that in spite of its growing legitimacy and traction among government and civil society actors, the audit regime continues to respond to and protect industry commercial interests. Conceptually, the article challenges prevailing characterizations of the audit regime as a technical, neutral, and benign tool of supply chain governance, and highlights its embeddedness in struggles over the legitimacy and effectiveness of the industry-led privatization of global governance.  相似文献   

随着通信技术的迅猛发展,手机已成为我们工作、生活、娱乐的必备品。手机像互联网一样,让人与人之间跨越了时空的限制,沟通无极限。手机以其变化多端的外观,丰富多彩的功能,推陈出新的技术不断吸引着人们的视线。便捷的操作界面、温馨的短信、快捷的上网、悦耳的铃声、迷人的游戏,让人由衷地感叹通信业的发展速度。据统计.2003年移动电话用户达到2.69亿户,  相似文献   

“一带一路”战略的实施,涉及我国境外投资、境外国有资产的监督审计问题.我国在实施“走出去”战略的同时,境外国有资产监督难的问题日益凸显.加强对企业境外资产的审计,有助于监督国家对外经济战略的落实,促进境外国有资产保值增值.审计机关要创新企业境外资产审计监督方式,开展经常性的企业境外资产审计,促进防范和化解境外投资风险.审计机关要加强对落实“一带一路”战略情况的审计检查,促进各项规划的制定,提高专项资金使用效果,推进重点投资项目建设.  相似文献   

In an earlier study on the audit services market, I showed that an individual client firm's likelihood of imitation in auditor selection systematically varied along with its relative position among competing peers within the industry. This paper extends that finding to the aggregate industry level by shifting the analytical focus from within-industry to between-industry variation. The data on 2254 auditor–client pairs across 45 manufacturing industries in the United States are examined to specify the social structural conditions under which the firms are more, or less, likely to produce the outcome of isomorphism. In general, the more hierarchically stratified an industry, the more likely it is to have a highly homogeneous practice among the firms within it. Inequality leads to and exacts behavioral homogeneity. There is, however, a threshold in the relationship between the aggregate homogeneity and the industry structure: When the disparity between the top and middle tiers is too large, the social reference process breaks down and the level of homogeneity declines. This industry-level finding complements the earlier firm-level finding and empirically substantiates the mechanism of mimetic isomorphism, further elaborating the theory.  相似文献   

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