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Recently considerable research has been devoted to monitoring increases of incidence rate of adverse rare events. This paper extends some one-sided upper exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) control charts from monitoring normal means to monitoring Poisson rate when sample sizes are varying over time. The approximated average run length bounds are derived for these EWMA-type charts and compared with the EWMA chart previously studied. Extensive simulations have been conducted to compare the performance of these EWMA-type charts. An illustrative example is given.  相似文献   

This paper considers the problem of using control charts to simultaneously monitor more than one parameter with emphasis on simultaneously monitoring the mean and variance. Fixed sampling interval control charts are modified to use variable sampling intervals depending on what is being observed from the data. Two basic strategies are investigated. One strategy uses separate control charts for each parameter, A second strategy uses a proposed single combined statistic which is sensitive to shifts in both the mean and variance. Each procedure is compared to corresponding fixed interval procedures. It is seen that for both strategies the variable sampling interval approach is substantially more efficient than fixed interval procedures.  相似文献   

CUSUM-schemes with variable sampling intervals and sample sizes are introduced and investigated for situations where a production process switches at an unknown time from an in-control state to an out-of-control state. Suitable performance criteria are derived to compare CUSUM-schemes with this additional feature. The gain from this feature may be substantial. Without seriously affecting the run length properties under the out-of-control state it is possible to simultaneously reduce the average number of sampled items per time unit (25% to 50%) and to increase the average run length under the in-control state (40% to 50%). Furthermore it is shown that one may restrict to simple schemes that have only two different sample sizes and equally spaced tim-iintervals between the observations.  相似文献   

The adaptive multivariate CUSUM (AMCUSUM) chart has received considerable attention because of its superior sensitivity against a range of mean shift sizes than that of the conventional non-adaptive multivariate CUSUM (MCUSUM) chart. Recently, weighted AMCUSUM (WAMCUSUM) charts with a fixed sampling interval (FSI) have been proposed, called the WAMCUSUM-FSI charts, which provide more sensitivity than the AMCUSUM-FSI charts. In this paper, we extend this work and propose WAMCUSUM charts with variable sampling interval (VSI), named the WAMCUSUM-VSI charts, for efficiently monitoring the mean of a multivariate normally distributed process. The Monte Carlo simulation method is used to compute the average time to signal (ATS) and the adjusted ATS (AATS) profiles of the existing and proposed charts. It is found that the WAMCUSUM-VSI charts perform substantially and nearly uniformly better than the WAMCUSUM-FSI charts in terms of the ATS and AATS performance criterion. An example is given to explain the implementation of the WAMCUSUM charts with fixed and VSIs.  相似文献   

Recently, three-level control chart has been developed for monitoring situations in which an appropriate quality measure uses three discrete levels to classify a product characteristic. In this paper, the variable parameters control charts for multinomial data are developed with a three-level classification scheme. We compare it with various adaptive charts to show that this modified scheme can improve the performance. In order to evaluate and compare the performance of this scheme, adjusted average time to signal is used as the performance measure. Results indicate that the proposed chart has improved performance and is relatively sensitive to small shifts.  相似文献   

The most popular multivariate control chart for monitoring the mean of a distribution is probably the Hotelling T2 rule. Unfortunately, this rule relies on the assumption that the distribution under control is Gaussian, which is rarely true in practice. The objective of this paper is to propose a new approach for the non-normal multivariate case. It consists in the construction of a tolerance region obtained from a density level set estimation. The method follows a “plug-in” approach in which the density of the observations is previously estimated. This estimation is conducted using copulas modeling, an increasingly popular tool in multivariate modeling.  相似文献   


Profile monitoring is one of the new research areas in statistical process control. Most of the control charts in this area are designed with fixed sampling rate which makes the control chart slow in detecting small to moderate shifts. In order to improve the performance of the conventional fixed control charts, adaptive features are proposed in which, one or more design parameters vary during the process. In this paper the variable sample size feature of EWMA3 and MEWMA schemes are proposed for monitoring simple linear profiles. The EWMA3 method is based on the combination of three exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) charts for monitoring three parameters of a simple linear profile separately and the Multivariate EWMA (MEWMA) chart is based on the using a single chart to monitor the coefficients and variance of a general linear profile. Also a two-sided control chart is proposed for monitoring the standard deviation in the EWMA3 method. The performance of the proposed charts is compared in terms of the average time to signal. Numerical examples show that using adaptive features increase the power of control charts in detecting the parameter shifts. Finally, the performance of the proposed variable sample size schemes is illustrated through a real case in the leather industry.  相似文献   

Shewhart, cumulative sum (CUSUM), and exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) control procedures with variable sampling intervals (VSI) have been investigated in recent years for detecting shifts in the process mean. Such procedures have been shown to be more efficient when compared with the corresponding fixed sampling interval (FSI) charts with respect to the average time to signal (ATS) when the average run length (ARL) values of both types of procedures are held equal. Frequent switching between the different sampling intervals can be a complicating factor in the application of control charts with variable sampling intervals. In this article, we propose using a double exponentially weighted moving average control procedure with variable sampling intervals (VSI-DEWMA) for detecting shifts in the process mean. It is shown that the proposed VSI-DEWMA control procedure is more efficient when compared with the corresponding fixed sampling interval FSI-DEWMA chart with respect to the average time to signal (ATS) when the average run length (ARL) values of both types of procedures are held equal. It is also shown that the VSI-DEWMA procedure reduces the average number of switches between the sampling intervals and has similar ATS properties as compared to the VSI-EMTMA control procedure  相似文献   

Some properties of control procedures with variable sampling intervals (VSI) have been investigated in recent years by Amin, Renolds et al, and others. Such procedures have been shown to be more efficient when compared to the corresponding fixed sampling interval (FSI) charts with respect to the Average Time to Signal (ATS) when the Average Run Length (ARL) values for both types of procedures are held equal. Frequent switching between the different sampling intervals can be a complicating factor in the application of control charts with variable sampling intervals (VSI). This problem is being addressed in this article, and improved switching rules are presented and evaluated for Shewhart, CUSUM, and EWMA control procedures. The proposed rules considerably reduce the average number of switches between the sampling intervals and also improve the ATS properties of the control procedures when compared to the conventional variable sampling interval procedures  相似文献   

An alternative approach for analyzing performance of one-sided Cusum charts with variable sampling intervals (VSI) is proposed. In this approach, a Markov chain with some dummy states is used. By this approach some dynamic performance measures of the VSI Cusum charts, such as the distribution of time to signal and the average time to signal against a change-point, can be determined. Some numerical results are shown, and from these results the dynamic performance of VSI Cusum charts is discussed.  相似文献   


Much research had been performed in the area of control charting techniques for monitoring autocorrelated processes, especially regarding forecast based monitoring schemes. Forecast based monitoring schemes involve fitting an appropriate time-series model to the process, generating one step ahead forecast errors, and monitoring the forecast errors with traditional control charts. Another method introduced into the literature involves using multivariate control charts to monitor the ARMA derived one-step-ahead (OSA) and two-step-ahead (TSA) forecast errors. This article provides a broad simulation study and evaluation of the suggested multivariate approaches in regards to various ARMA(1,1) and AR(1) processes, and a comparison to their univariate counterparts.  相似文献   

In this paper, we are concerned with pure statistical Shewhart control charts for the scale parameter of the three-parameter Weibull control variable, where, and are the location, the scale and the shape parameters, respectively, with fixed (FSI) and variable (VSI) sampling intervals. The parameters and are assumed to be known. We consider two-sided, and lower and upper one-sided Shewhart control charts and their FSI and VSI versions . They jointly control the mean and the variance of the Weibull control variable X. The pivotal statistic of those control charts is the maximum-likelihood estimator of for the Nth random sample XN=(X1N,X2N,...,XnN) of the Weibull control variable X. The design and performance of these control charts are studied. Two criteria, i.e. 'comparability criterion' (or 'matched criterion') under control and 'primordial criterion', are imposed on their design. The performance of these control charts is measured using the function average time to signal. For the VSI versions, the constant which defines the partition of the 'continuation region' is obtained through the 'comparability criterion' under control. The monotonic behaviour of the function average time to signal in terms of the parameters (magnitude of the shift suff ered by the target value 0), and is studied. We show that the function average time to signal of all the control charts studied in this paper does not depend on the value of the parameter or on 0, and, under control, does not depend on the parameter, when Delta (the probability of a false alarm) and n (sample size) are fixed. All control charts satisfy the 'primordial criterion' and, for fixed, on average, they all (except the two-sided VSI, for which we were not able to ascertain proof) are quicker in detecting the shift as increases. We conjecture - and we are not contradicted by the numerical example considered - that the same is true for the two-sided VSI control chart. We prove that, under the average time to signal criterion, the VSI versions are always preferable to their FSI versions. In the case of one-sided control charts, under the 'comparability criterion', the VSI version is always preferable to the FSI version, and this advantage increases with and the extent of the shift. Our one-sided control charts perform better and have more powerful statistical properties than does our two-sided control chart. The numerical example where n=5,0=1,=0.5, 1.0, 2.0, and Delta=1/370.4 is presented for the two-sided, and the lower and upper one-sided control charts. These numerical results are presented in tables and in figures. The joint influence of the parameters and in the function average time to signal is illustrated.  相似文献   

郭宝才  苏为华 《统计研究》2008,25(6):97-101
本文研究了两个系统因素下过程控制中样本容量和抽样区间的联合动态均值图(VSSI),并利用马氏链方法研究了动态均值图的性质。结果表明:VSSI图比VSS图,VSI图及FSSI图能更快地发现过程均值的漂移,因此,VSSI图对于快速检测遭受不同类型系统因素的过程更加有效,且对均值的敏感性增加,最后给出了联合动态均值图在生产中的一个应用实例。  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that using variable sampling size and control limits (VSSC) schemes result in charts with more statistical power than variable sampling size (VSS) when detecting small to moderate shifts in the process mean vector. This paper presents an economic-statistical design (ESD) of the VSSC T2 control chart using the general model of Lorenzen and Vance [22]. The genetic algorithm approach is then employed to search for the optimal values of the six test parameters of the chart. We then compare the expected cost per unit of time of the optimally designed VSSC chart with optimally designed VSS and FRS (fixed ratio sampling) T2 charts as well as MEWMA charts.  相似文献   

The idea of using non-constant sampling intervals has been of interest in quality control applications since it was first suggested for the “skip-lot sampling plan” of Dodge. Recent interest has focused on the use of variable sampling interval (VSI) control schemes. VSI control schemes use a short sampling interval is given  相似文献   

Duncan's economic model of Shewhart's original x¯ chart has established its optimal and economic application for processes with the Markovian failure characteristic. As the sample statistics show some indications of process variations, the variable-sampling-interval (VSI) control charts perform more effectively than the fixed sampling interval (FSI) ones due to a higher frequency in the sampling rate. Regarding the economic design of control charts, most studies have been dedicated to the FSI scheme. In 1998, Bai & Lee considered the production process with a single assignable cause and proposed an economic VSI design for a general x¯ control chart. However, in real cases, there are multiple assignable causes in the production process. Therefore, concerning the operation characteristics of the real industry, this research develops an economic model for the VSI control chart with multiple assignable causes based on stochastic and statistics theory and determines the optimal design parameters of the chart. A numerical example is also provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed model and the result indicates that VSI performs more effectively than a FSI control chart.  相似文献   

This paper (i) discusses theR-chart with asymmetric probability control limits under the assumption that the distribution of the quality characteristic under study is either exponential, Laplace, or logistic, (ii) examines the effect of the estimated probability limits on the performance of theR-chart, and (iii) obtains the desired probability limits of theR-chart that has a specified false alarm rate when probability limits must be estimated from preliminary samples taken from either the exponential, Laplace, or logistic processes.  相似文献   

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