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本次研究采用专题组座谈和深度访谈相结合的方式,提出了经济型酒店顾客满意度4维度测量模型,它包括:(1)无形服务满意度、(2)设施设备满意度、(3)环境交通满意度、(4)总体满意度.然后,本次研究开发并验证了用于测度经济型酒店顾客满意度的量表.实证分析结果表明:笔者开发的量表具有较好的信度水平、整体拟合度、收敛效度、判别效度.  相似文献   

马锁生 《社科纵横》2007,22(11):74-75
服务业是我国目前大力提倡并蓬勃发展的一个产业,对我国的国民经济发展和社会的稳定正在起着极其重要的作用。随着我国加入WTO和服务经济的进一步开放,如何保持并提升我国服务经济的竞争力是一个相当重要的议题。笔者试图从提高顾客满意度并进而提升顾客忠诚度这两个要素入手,分析二者的关系,探讨培养顾客忠诚度的一些措施。  相似文献   

夏军  王燚  夏志涛 《学术交流》2003,(10):43-45
公司是现代经济中重要的企业形态,其所有权与经营权分离的这一特点在促进公司这一经济组织不断发展的同时,也产生了一定的负面效应,最突出的就是由于经营权的相对独立造成了经营者权利的不断扩张,所有者对经营者的监督表现出一定的局限性。  相似文献   

日本型公司治理结构的再评价 --以双向式控制为中心   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
孙丽 《日本研究》2001,23(2):6-12
现代股份公司的一个重要特征就是所有权与经营权的分离。而公司治理结构又是现代股份公司的核心问题。所谓公司治理结构 ,是指在股东、债权人、从业人员 ,管理者等利益相关者之间进行的权利与责任的配置机制。按照新古典经济学的解释 ,股东所面临的公司治理结构的问题 ,就是如何监督经营者进而使利润最大化。与英美股东主权不同的是 ,由于日本的法人相互持股 ,主银行制 ,终身雇佣等特征 ,造成了日本公司的经营者兼有所有者 ,所有者兼有债权人 ,个人股东对公司的权限甚至小于普通职员的特性。这种非股东控制与经营者主权构成了日本传统的公司…  相似文献   

<正>沈阳城市居住满意度全国排第四近日,中国指数研究院发布《2014中国城市居民居住满意度调研报告》,沈阳位列城市居住满意度排行榜第四名。根据"2014中国城市居民居住满意度调研体系",通过对社区物业服务、工程质量、规划设计、销售服务等影响居民居住满意度的关键指标的取样结果统计,中国指数研究院获得2014中国城市居民居住整体满意度得分为72.5分,比2013年增长1.2分。其中前25%企业的整体满意度水平达到76.0分,比2013年提升1.5分,前50%企业的整体满意度水平为70.5分,比2013年提升07分。在24个取样城市中沈阳位列第四名。  相似文献   

社区成员对社区教育的满意度评价,是社区教育教育评价的重要组成。构建社区教育满意度测量指标,是满意度测量和评价的前提。本论文根据顾客满意度测量理论和教育满意度测量理论,分析了影响社区成员的社区教育满意度的各个要素.以社区教育服务的构成要素为测量点,建构了社区成员的社区教育满意度测量指标体系。  相似文献   

公司法修订是日本公司治理制度创新的重要手段。日本的立法者试图通过修改法律条文,强化由于股权结构变化而被弱化的公司经营者控制权,实现维持企业的国际竞争力、保持企业的独立性的目标。种类股制度的调整使公司经营者自主分配投票权成为可能,股份回购制度的修改为公司经营者提供灵活调整股权结构的手段。这有利于降低"资本多数决"原则下形成的股东持股比例与公司控制权的相关性,对日本公司治理制度的演化产生了方向性影响。  相似文献   

李志清 《探求》2011,(2):56-60
本文基于顾客容忍理论定义电子政务公众满意度的内涵,以分析国内外电子政务公众满意度测评现状为基础,研究我国电子政务公众满意度测评模型构建中变量的选取及变量间关系的建立,提出符合我国电子政务公众服务特征的电子政务公众满意度测评模型,为建设我国电子政务公众满意度指数体系提供理论参考依据。  相似文献   

ECR全球测量表,是连锁经营企业在评估公司内部和合作伙伴共同执行QR/ECR时评估有效顾客反应的一种测量工具。ECR全球测量表针对公司供应链的运作进行测评和分析,得以达成对顾客价值链不同应用层面的改进与发展。QR/ECR测量表的评估方法的广泛应用,能大大推动企业间商品与信息快速移动,改进采购供给的物流配送方式,改善顾客需求的商品品类管理。因此,ECR全球测量表的意义在于测量连锁经营企业ECR的自我实施效率,ECR测评表的使用可为企业提供内部及与交易伙伴之间的供应链发展程度,有利于增强企业竞争力。  相似文献   

唐卓 《探求》2005,(Z1):99
一、牢固确立服务行政的理念 政府公共部门与社会公众之间的关系已经由治理者与被治理者之间的关系演变为公共服务的提供者与消费者、顾客之间的关系.社会公众已成为政府服务的对象,是公共服务的"消费者"和"顾客",公共行政不再是"管治行政"而是"服务行政".公共行政的目标应由单一地追求行政效率发展到全方位追求社会公平、提高效率和服务质量、加强公共责任和提高社会公众的满意度.要牢固确立服务行政的理念,深化行政改革,不断提高行政绩效和服务水平.  相似文献   

Should the public sector become more like the private sector? This is a key question in debates about public management. However, the public/private distinction includes many elements. Two of these are ownership and competition. These aspects are not always sorted out empirically. Another challenge is that dissimilar functional areas are studied which makes it difficult to isolate effects of privatization as such. We respond to these challenges by carrying out an empirical analysis of job satisfaction among teachers who teach Danish to immigrants. The teachers work in comparable schools, carry out the same task, and are subject to the same performance management system, but some of the schools are public, some are private, and some have been subject to competitive tendering. We demonstrate that competition has a greater impact than ownership upon job satisfaction. We also show that one of the key mechanisms which translate competition into reduced job satisfaction relates to changing relations between managers and employees. Advocates and opponents of privatization alike should pay more attention to specific aspects and mechanisms related to privatization, in particular the element of competition.  相似文献   


It is not uncommon for social work service providers, researchers, and evaluators to develop measures to obtain client satisfaction data relevant to their particular service settings. These measures are often constructed through a set of (usually Likert-type) satisfaction rating response items for each of the service elements relevant to their settings. Scores from these multiple items are then either summed or averaged to produce global satisfaction scores. By summing or averaging satisfaction scores across all items, one implicitly assumes that all survey items that represent various service elements carry equal weight. This assumption of equal weight is somewhat counterintuitive because individual clients may perceive certain survey items or service elements to be more important, or carry more weight, than others. Analyzing data from interviews with 112 clients of an elderly case management service agency in a large city in the Midwest region of the United States, this study examined this equal weight assumption in an elderly case management service setting. Results indicated that not all service elements were considered equally important, which called into question the common practice of summing or averaging satisfaction scores of various service elements to represent global client satisfaction.  相似文献   

It is projected that by 2014 colleges, universities, and professional schools will witness an employment growth of 34.3% (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2005). Thus, issues of faculty satisfaction, retention, and persistence will become increasingly important for university administrators and education policy makers. The need to study faculty satisfaction at universities also stems from the fact that the intellectual and social structures of higher education are changing over time. Increasingly, women and minorities are more likely to occupy higher ranks of the professoriate. The purpose of this research is to explore and compare the job satisfaction rates of faculty members employed in research institutions with special attention paid to differences across gender and disciplines. The study employs data from the 2003 Survey of Doctorate Recipients, which is a biennially collected survey of doctoral awardees and is funded by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Results from an exploratory survey are used to indicate the importance of the subjective dimension in relocation decisions and policies directed towards population redistribution. The competition between alternative residential location preferences amongst the sample surveyed indicates possible obstacles to the implementation of selective decentralization programmes and the rapid development of designated growth centres.  相似文献   

Client satisfaction can be used as an indicator for service quality. Without concrete feedback from clients, however, the usefulness of client satisfaction data for service improvement can be limited. This study described the development of a client satisfaction measure that can be used to provide concrete feedback for service providers. Based on a conceptual framework proposed in the literature, the Client Satisfaction: Home Care (CSAT-HC) uses a client-centered perspective to measure client satisfaction for homecare services for older adults. A survey of 200 older adults receiving homecare services provided by a social service agency in a large U.S. Midwest city was conducted to assess the psychometric properties of CSAT-HC. Results based on the 156 completed surveys show that CSAT-HC has good validity (correlation r = .62 with a popular client satisfaction measure) and test-retest reliability (r = .75). These results indicate that CSAT-HC is a valid and reliable client satisfaction measure; and therefore, providers of homecare services for older adults can use CSAT-HC to obtain client feedback for quality assurance or program evaluation purpose. Future research may use CSAT-HC to explore the potential influences of quality of homecare services on the well-being of older adult clients.  相似文献   

北京市社会办养老院入住老人生活状况及满意度调查分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
随着社会福利社会化及相关政策的出台,社会办养老院迅速发展起来,机构养老方式也逐渐为更多的老人所接受。在养老院数量快速增加的同时,其服务质量也应得到及时的关注。本文在对北京市社会办养老院入住老人生活状况和满意度问卷调查的基础上,分析了入住老人的生活质量和支持网络,并且从服务使用者的角度探析社会办养老院的服务状况和服务质量,并藉此对此类养老院近期的发展提出建议。  相似文献   

This study addresses the impact that transferring from one plant to another has on workers in terms of their levels of commitment, involvement and satisfaction with their union. Findings indicate that race is a determinate factor. Minorities that did transfer report being less committed workers and less involved with their union than minorities already working at the plant. Also, in terms of union commitment, involvement, and satisfaction although the age of the worker is not a significant factor, females are significantly more involved with their union than males. Accordingly, rank and file workers whom are elected or appointed union officials are more satisfied and involved with their union then those workers not in official union positions. In June of 2007, the survey was developed by the authors, and endorsed and administered by a major industrial union. The total population of the plant under review is 1640 workers.  相似文献   

北京公众对食品安全的满意程度及影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
公众对食品安全的满意度反映了公众对当前食品安全客观状况的主观认定,是一个重要的食品安全指标。本文根据社会调查结果,分析了当前北京公众对食品安全的满意程度及其影响因素。研究发现,影响食品安全满意度的因素包括公众对政府和科学家的信任、食品安全事件的相关经验、对食品安全事件的风险感知、教育水平等。  相似文献   

谢颖 《社会工作》2009,(20):35-37
社会工作是我国社会建设领域的核心专业,具有很强的实践性。高校社会工作专业的学习和培养必须安排有大量的实习内容。对广州地区高校社工学生的调查显示,当前社会工作的学生对实习的满意度不高。而影响实习满意度的因素中,学校老师或督导的指导是一个最主要的因素,实习机构的影响力低于学校。学生在实习的过程中,大部分学生对社会适应能力的提高表示满意,而仅有一半的学生对实习中的专业技能成长表示满意。学校和实习机构亟需通力合作,加强对学生实习的专业指导。  相似文献   


Many evaluators or service providers develop their own client satisfaction measures using satisfaction rating items representing service elements specific to the service settings. Global satisfaction scores are then produced by summing these item scores while assuming an equal contribution of all items. One approach to overcome evidence against this assumption is importance weighting, which is achieved by considering both item satisfaction and item importance in measuring overall satisfaction. Unfortunately, the adequacy of importance weighting in client satisfaction measures is not well understood. This study assessed the adequacy of importance weighting. Analyzing data from a previous client satisfaction survey with 110 older adults, the current study found that the relationship between global client satisfaction and the sum of satisfaction scores across service elements was dependent upon the patterns of respondents’ perceived importance of service elements. These results provide support for importance weighting and suggest the need for incorporating perceived importance of service elements in measuring overall client satisfaction.  相似文献   

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