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通过对全国912位已婚者的问卷调查,探讨婚姻资源在婚姻幸福和婚姻稳定方面的作用.研究发现,持有不同婚姻资源整体评价的男性和女性在婚姻满意度上都呈现出显著差异;年龄在男性和女性的婚姻整体资源评价和婚姻关系满意度之间存在显著交互作用;男性和女性各种婚姻资源与双方平均关系满意度之间存在显著正相关;男性对自己社会资源维度多少的评价、女性对自己心理资源维度多少的评价与男女双方对自己整体婚姻资源的评价存在显著正相关.  相似文献   

"两课"教学满意度课题主要包括两大部分研究"两课"教师工作满意度研究,学生对"两课"教学的满意度研究.本文将对"两课"教师工作满意度研究的背景及价值,研究的设计及实施方法、步骤,研究的结论和对策做综述.  相似文献   

随着我国经济社会发展以及城镇化进程的不断推进,新生代农民工逐渐成为农民工的主体,对他们就业满意度的研究,有利于客观反映该群体的就业状况,加快推进新生代农民工的市民化进程.本文基于山东省894份调查样本,运用统计性描述方法分析了新生代农民工就业满意度的性别差异.结果发现:新生代农民工对整体就业状况的满意度偏低,并且男性新生代农民工的总体就业满意度低于女性;在就业满意度的各维度方面,男性新生代农民工在报酬、工作关系、职业发展和劳动保障方面的满意度均高于女性,但在工作环境方面男性满意度低于女性.在此基础上,本文提出在制定新生代农民工就业的相关政策时,应充分考虑该群体的性别差异及诉求特征.  相似文献   

我国高校知识女性心理素质现状的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对全国 15所有代表性大学知识女性的调查研究 ,我们分析了我国现代高校知识女性的心理特点。调查结果发现 :我国知识女性在智能素质、心理健康素质、角色控制感、开拓性和适应性方面优于普通女性 ;在智能素质、心理健康素质、角色满意度上低于知识男性 ,而工作压力感、职业满意度高于知识男性 ;从发展上看 ,中年期知识女性的压力感最高 ,而心理承受力却最低  相似文献   

在对广西壮族自治区高校教师的工作满意度调查问卷中发现:总体工作满意度与性别、年龄、教龄、职称、月收入紧密有关,而与学历、专业、是否兼任行政工作、是否有兼职收入等关系不大。高校在制定针对教师的长效激励机制时,不仅应提高教师待遇,还应有效优化工作环境和学术氛围,使高校教师能获得持续的发展。  相似文献   

提升教师工作满意度是教师队伍建设的重要议题。基于2020年对浙江省90个县(市、区)27 002名中小学教师的相关调查结果,通过SPSS23.0软件分析探究职业倦怠、自我效能感、幸福感对工作满意度的影响效应及作用机制。研究发现:(1)教师职业倦怠负向预测教师工作满意度,其中情绪耗竭对满意度影响最大;(2)教师幸福感对工作满意度的中介效应值最大,即教师幸福感越强,工作满意度越高;(3)自我效能感的中介作用不显著,但与教师幸福感产生链式中介作用,可通过提升幸福感来提高工作满意度。基于此,建议学校致力于促进个体内驱力,即从“工作要求”与“资源供给”方面着手缓解教师职业倦怠、以激励因素为导向提升教师幸福感、通过成功体验等方式增强教师自我效能感,进而提升中小学教师工作满意度。  相似文献   

贫困并不仅指物质资源的匮乏。婚姻也可成为其中的一个方面。当前,受性别比例总体失衡、农村女性人口过度外迁、自主婚姻制度对女性功利型婚恋观念及行为的包容及男性自身婚姻竞争资本不足等因素的影响,婚姻贫困成为了困扰我国边远山区成年男性的恶梦。实践中,这一恶梦体现在"隔代婚姻"、"短期婚姻"、"姐弟婚姻"、"空位婚姻"和"买购婚姻"等方面。而要治理这一难题,需要从均衡人口性别比、提升农村男性婚姻竞争资本、缩小城乡差距、支持跨境婚恋等层面做出努力。  相似文献   

近年来,中国高校中海归教师群体的比例不断扩大,高校海归教师正逐渐成为促进中国高等教育发展的重要力量。深入了解高校海归教师的工作满意度,并据此提出提升其工作满意度的政策建议具有一定的现实意义。基于“学术职业发展状况第三次全球调查”数据,对高校海归教师群体的工作满意度进行实证分析。研究发现,高校海归教师群体对聘任状态、工作环境、收入状况及整体职业环境的满意度呈现出较大差异。基于此,对提升高校海归教师群体工作满意度提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

工作满意度是人们根据一定的评价标准,对工作满意与否的一种态度与情感体验。运用访谈、问卷调查的方法,选取某高校博士学位的教师为研究对象,该校博士学位教师工作满意度的评价维度主要由工作本身、工作回报、工作条件、工作环境、工作关系五个方面构成;总体工作满意度较高,但在性别、年龄、职称等方面存在一定的差异性。为提高博士学位教师满意度,高校应满足博士学位教师的合理需求,搭建学科团队,改进工作方法,强化科学管理。  相似文献   

本文研究学历学位、机构背景、科研资助等因素对论文产出的影响。在文献评述的基础上,提出了学术出身假设、机构支持假设和资源支持假设。通过数据分析,学术出身假设部分地得到证实,机构支持假设基本被统计结果所否定,而资源支持假设则很大程度上获得经验数据的支持。其中,纵向课题数量、横向课题数量、海外经历、最后学位、年龄资历等五个因素对论文数量的影响最为重要。  相似文献   

In the present paper, we use data collected from 673 faculty members at one research university to describe the division of household labor among academics and explore the relationship between household labor and scholarly productivity. The analyses demonstrate that domestic labor is distributed along relatively traditional lines among academics, reflecting the continued traditionalism found in the general population regarding house-hold labor and child care. Women college-professors shoulder considerably more house-hold labor than do their male colleagues—particularly when they are married and when there are children in the home. We hypothesized that the gender discrepancies in house-hold labor we found would translate into differences in scholarly productivity; however, this was the case only among tenure-track faculty with children in the home. This work was completed while the authors were supported by a grant from the National Institute on Aging (RO1 AG18869-01, Jill Suitor and Karl Pillemer, Principal Investigators). The data collection was funded by the Louisiana State University Commission on the Status of Women.  相似文献   

郝珊 《肇庆学院学报》2013,34(5):98-100
2012年1月—2013年1月,对几所高校1 268名教工慢性病的发病情况及危险因素进了行分析.结果表明,随着年龄增长,女性患高血压、高脂血症及肥胖、超重的比例均呈增高趋势;而55岁以下的男性,肥胖和超重人数随年龄增长而增多,大于55岁者则渐趋下降.糖尿病和高血压患者无性别差异,其他慢性病的患病率均为男性高于女性.高脂血症和高血压随体重指数(BMI)的增高而有上升之势,而体重指数与糖尿病的患病率无明显相关性.肥胖、超重或消瘦的教职工,其糖尿病患病率均高于标准体重指数的人群.  相似文献   

This article uses data from a longitudinal survey of youth to examine the effects of gender on the occupational expectations and attitudes of youth in the 1990s. Twelve hundred youth from central and eastern Canada were surveyed in 1989 and 1994. Results show few gender differences in the status rankings in the youths' expected occupations, or in their intentions to enter the paid labour force. However, there were differences in the ways females and males saw themselves combining work and family responsibilities—especially pre-school aged children. The attitudes and experiences of the young women's mothers appeared to affect these plans—plans that were unrelated to social class background. The results are discussed in the context of McCall's notion on gendered dispositions. where she has been faculty since 1975. Her research interests include the sociology of education, youth and gender issues. She currently holds two research grants funded by Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada, one as principal investigator, the other as a member of a research network on longitudinal studies of youth. Her research interests include sociology of education and work, youth and gender issues.  相似文献   

教师性别是审视教育活动的重要视角。教师育人素养和育人效果伴随着教师性别比例失衡的加剧而日益受到社会关注。采用自编的"中小学教师育人素养调查表"中小学教师育人效果调查表"以及Paulhus编制的"操纵印象量表",对来自重庆市30所中小学校182个班级的522名教师以及3 852名学生进行调查。研究发现:中小学男女教师的育人素养状况总体趋同且成分趋近;育人素养的性别差异存在稳定性和可变性;在具体体现育人素养的一些项目上男女教师表现出各自的性别优势;语文学科教师性别差异对学生成绩有显著影响,语数外学科均不存在同性教育效应;女班主任有比男班主任更好的育人效果及性别平等意识,但男女班主任都存在城乡偏好;班级教师性别比例均衡对学生发展有良好的促进作用,教师性别比例失衡减弱了对学生发展的促进作用,但没有带来明显不利的影响。针对研究结果提出了优化教师性别结构、重塑教师性别角色期待以及在关注整体女性化失衡的同时警惕局部男性化失衡等建议。  相似文献   

This study examines informal professional networks (IPNs) and their role in the underrepresentation of women faculty in traditionally male-dominated science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines. A mixed-methods design was taken in which interviews were conducted during the qualitative phase to gather information of faculty networking experiences and the importance of IPNs in their career development. An online survey was developed based on the findings from the interviews and used to gather data during the quantitative phase to further probe the patterns and functions of IPNs. Major findings are reported, including the meaningful impact of IPNs on the career development of faculty in STEM disciplines and some significant gender differences in networking patterns.  相似文献   

Studies on the division of domestic labor find that women take on a greater proportion of domestic responsibilities; this has implications for both women and men who work in demanding jobs. In this study of women and men science faculty at a major research university, the authors find that women tend to relate their experiences of the promotion process to both their domestic and faculty roles, whereas men tend not to consider thant their domestic roles have any bearing on their experiences of the promotion process. Women view the promotion process in terms of the components that make demands on their time, and they suggest ways that the process could (and should) be changed. Men view the process as a challenging game, and they describe the promotion process, as it currently exists, as necessary and acceptable. The authors find that there are compelling reasons to reconsider the structure of the promotion process and to strengthen and expand the programmatic supports that address the needs of women. Ramona Gunter is a Ph.D. student in education policy studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She has master's degrees in Education Policy Studies and Cultural Anthropology and a bachelor's degree in Mathematics and Physics. She has worked as a researcher studying math and science education since 1996. The focus of much of this work has been on student experiences in undergraduate math and science courses and gender differences. Her current work looks at the experiences of science faculty, academic staff, and graduate students in their work environments. Amy Stambach is associate professor of education policy studies and an affiliate of Department of Anthropology and the Women's Studies Program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison  相似文献   

在学前教育领域,教师性别倾斜仍然是一个不争的事实。对教师性别比例不平衡的关注导致出现了许多关于在学前教育领域需加大男教师比例的呼吁。但是,有关学前教育领域男教师比例高低的影响的论述一直受实证证据少的限制。采用观察法、访谈法和实物研究等多种方法的对照,有助于获得对这一问题的新资料与新思考。  相似文献   

运用社会性别视角对社会性别制度在近代女子教育中的表现作了系统分析,指出男性性别强势对近代女子教育观念、教育目的、教学实践的扭曲、异化与干扰,并深入探讨近代女子教育中社会性别制度存在的根源是父权制文化霸权,最后从明确女性教育培养目标、完善女性教育内容、探索女性教育实施方法三方面获得对当今女子教育发展的启示。  相似文献   

性别差异研究是个非常普遍的研究课题,许多领域都对此予以重视,语言学也不例外,而且语言学领域内对于性别与语言的研究多数都关注两性语言的差异问题。通过探讨语言存在的性别差异,指出了它在两性言语中的体现,特别从语用学角度分析了在礼貌和合作原则的应用中话语风格的差异,简要分析了其产生的原因及对女性交际产生的影响和启示。  相似文献   

在我国社会经济发生巨大且迅猛变迁的当代,大型国企男性工人群体的男性气质正在通过与政权、阶级、性别、单位制、代际关系等社会力量的互动,发生着变迁.大型国企工人由20世纪60-80年代荣耀的“共和国工业长子”变为90年代的遭受阶级创伤的男性工人阶级,不再享有形象、工资福利、子女就业等方面的优越.相应的,工厂子弟学校原本在工人阶级男性气质的代际传递中发挥着重要的社会化力量,变为工人子弟逃离的场所.性别等级成为抚慰男性工人创伤的有限来源,女性在工人阶级的再造中仍处于边缘位置.  相似文献   

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