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现在的学校不仅仅在体育教学工作中、在学校的日常管理中,安全被提到了一个极其高的位置,安全问题可以把任何的努力给一票否决,而体育教学中亦是如此。认识安全的重要性和安全的教育力度,对提高师生安全意识和防范能力以及学生心理健康和自我保护的意识等,都在学校的体育教学中担当着重要的角色。要让学生在课堂上有所收获,同时身、心又要健康的发展,那么教师的安全意识必不可少,安全措施更是重中之重。  相似文献   

常化洁 《职业》2015,(5):99
安全教育是学校教育中的重要课题,中职体育教学中安全、科学的锻炼会使学生终生受益。安全是体育课教学的前提,但体育课的特殊性决定了运动中不可避免地会造成不同程度的伤害,科学严格地进行体育教学,尽量减少和避免体育课上安全事故的发生,是学校体育教学的重要课题。  相似文献   

目前,高校的公共体育课在安全保障方面存在很多的问题,对大学生的人身安全造成了很大的威胁,本文通过采用研究法,访谈法,问卷调查等方式对高校公共教学改革与大学生安全保障的问题进行研究,分析教学课程改革的内容和学生自主选择的课程内容对大学生安全保障造成的影响,对当前的高校公共体育教学与大学生安全保障的现状进行分析,结合实际的情况对高校体育教学改革和大学生安全保障提出相关合理的建议,制定出对应的方案。  相似文献   

通过文献资料法和访谈法,就微课在体育教学中的现状和高校素质拓展课程教学中应用的可能性进行整合研究,得出了符合高校素质拓展课程教学的微课设计,旨在普及与发展高校素质拓展理论与实践知识,为高校素质拓展课的有序、安全开展提供进一步的保障。  相似文献   

黄安挺 《职业》2023,(20):13-15
现阶段,随着我国经济的发展,人们越来越重视人才培养,社会的进步也对人才专业水平和综合素质提出了更高的要求。体育是素质教育中重要的组成部分。技工院校在进行课程安排时需加强体育教学,以有效提升学生的身体素质。同时,教师在实际教学过程中也需要将学生的安全放在核心位置,保证学生在安全的前提下开展体育活动。本文针对安全理念下技工院校体育教学模式的创新进行探究分析。  相似文献   

小学体育教学中采用游戏法,是小学体育新课标中的要求,是提高小学体育教学有效性的重要途径。小学体育游戏设计需要充分考虑小学生的年龄特点,注重简单化与基础化,把握好游戏与体育教学的联系,并注重安全保护。  相似文献   

张胜利 《职业》2011,(23):73-73
安全措施是让体育课堂教学正常进行的基础。在学校,体育与健康日渐受到重视的同时,人们对安全措施也有了进一步的要求,课堂安全教育、课堂常规的建立以及一些运动项目的教学都有相应的保护、帮助措施和方法,但在课堂教学过程中,一些细节问题,往往被忽视,然而就是这些细小的问题却往往存在着安全隐患。而一旦发生事故势必影响教学计划的正常进行,并且与健康第一的思想有背,还会导致学生身心受到负面影响。  相似文献   

体育教学中,包括诸多美育因素。在体育活动中注重学生美的感受,充分发挥美育在体育教学中的功能,丰富体育教学,提升教学质量,实现体育真正目的。文章介绍了体育教学中美育的意义、功能与运用,提出有关体育教学中美育的做法,强调美育在体育教学中的重要性。  相似文献   

社会与市场的进一步发展,促使体育教学得到进一步发展。由于传统教学模式的束缚,当前的体育教学存在较大弊端,无法迎合时代发展,无法达到当代市场的需求。对新形势下体育教学的改革与发展进行研究,其目的在于立足于新的时代背景,从市场发展、社会进步和教育改革等方面对体育教学进行优化,达到推动体育教学发展和社会进步的目的。  相似文献   

自从各院校纷纷在体育教学中引入拓展训练这一特殊教学方式,突破了传统体育教学中封闭、枯燥、呆板的教学方式,使体育教学呈现出多元化、趣味性等特点,更有效优化了体育教育的质量,凸显了体育教育的课程作用,全面提高了学生的综合素质,对于学生的可持续发展起到了重要作用。本文以体育教学与拓展训练的结合应用为出发点,简要分析了拓展训练以及其特点和功能,最后针对拓展训练在体育教育中的应用进行了详细的论述。  相似文献   

通过对中职校园体育文化的概念以及现状的阐述,提出四条中职校园体育文化建设策略,旨在为贯彻与实施《全民健身计划纲要》、实施素质教育和培养学生终身体育意识和完成学校体育教育提供参考。  相似文献   

Epidemiological research typically focuses on the intensity, frequency, or duration of physical activity, without consideration of the socially meaningful dimensions of exercise. The authors use data from the 1998 National Health Interview Survey (N = 17,455) and information on participation in 15 exercise behaviors to examine educational differences in exercise among non-Hispanic whites, non-Hispanic blacks, and Mexican Americans. Factor analysis identifies three types of exercise: team sports (e.g., basketball, football), fitness activities (e.g., running, weight lifting), and activities that require the use of specialized facilities (e.g., golf, tennis). Cultural capital and human capital perspectives offer insight into different dimensions of the relationship between education and exercise. Whites disproportionately undertake facility-based exercise, blacks tend toward team and fitness activities, and Mexican Americans gravitate toward team sports. Our findings offer insight into the social stratification of health and can aid the design of public health interventions.  相似文献   

城市体育产业发展的根基与策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代体育是随着工业化和城市化而产生的,在整个工业化和城市化的进程中,体育始终在竞技、娱乐、健身、休闲等价值取向中得到普及。城市体育产业发展的最重要根基是城市体育文化。体育文化深入人心,体育产业才能持续发展。城市体育产业的发展还需要考虑与城市主题的契合,要注意构建体育文化和产业体系,要注意结合城市体育传统和经济实力来引进和推广体育项目。  相似文献   

金汕  赖勤 《城市观察》2010,(6):63-71,97
中国一方面成功地举办了北京奥运、广州亚运等大型运动会,另一方面也在努力探索如何通过大型赛事促进城市经济可持续发展。其中,发展体育产业是当务之急。北京要建设世界城市,就要打造国际精品赛事,建设国际体育赛事中心。同时发展体育休闲产业,这样既能推进全民健身,也能促进了大众体育消费市场的发展。  相似文献   

运用测试法,对苏北部分高校的大学生体质健康现状进行测试和调查,对学生的身体形态、机能和素质进行比较分析。结果发现:大学生在大学期间的身体素质呈明显的下降趋势,建议进一步加强对大学生的体质了解,提高高校体育课教学和体育辅导的针对性,积极采取有效的教学内容、教学手段、评价机制等,引导和帮助他们科学锻炼,培养健康的生活方式。  相似文献   

Moving towards delivering the new social work qualification led to many social work programmes considering the ‘fitness for purpose’ of assessment methods being used to assess the competence of social work students. This article highlights how changes in assessment methods were considered on one particular social work programme. The advantages and disadvantages of three particular assessment methods in relation to professional practice are debated here. Discussions emanating from these considerations and subsequent changes made to the programme are highlighted. The specific focus is on the experience of one particular social work programme which is used as a case study to illustrate issues of general relevance in social work education. It is intended that the reflections presented in this article will contribute to this broader arena of learning and teaching for professional practice taking place and continuing beyond the introduction of the new qualification.  相似文献   

高校体育应把增强学生的体育能力、培养学生的体育锻炼习惯放在第一位,而要做到这一点培养学生的终身体育意识至关重要。目前大学生体育意识的培养方面还存在一些问题,高校体育工作者应该加以重视。  相似文献   

This article explores the significance of sports and physical exercise in the turn-of-the-century culture and society of the U.S. It depicts how physical fitness became a decisive feature of collective and individual self-perception and was understood as being at the core of a successful shaping of both the self and of the American body politic. I concentrate in particular on paradigms and strategies of human resources management to exemplify the overarching significance of physical fitness as it established itself at the heart of the USA's enterprise culture that began to emerge in the later nineteenth century. American peculiarities will be considered, alongside ties and allusions to European, and particularly British, developments.  相似文献   


In a case study of Nepalese Gurkhas working for Western private military and security companies (PMSCs), this article develops feminist global political economy understandings of global labour chains by exploring how the ‘global market’ and the ‘everyday’ interact in establishing private security as a gendered and racialised project. Current understandings of PMSCs, and global markets at large, tend to depoliticise these global and everyday interactions by conceptualising the ‘everyday’ as common, mundane, and subsequently banal. Such understandings, we argue, not only conceal the everyday within private security, but also reinforce a conceptual dualism that enables the security industry to function as a gendered and racialised project. To overcome this dualism, this article offers a theoretically informed notion of the everyday that dissolves the hegemonic separation into ‘everyday’ and ‘global’ levels of analysis. Drawing upon ethnography, semi-structured interviews, and discourse analysis of PMSCs’ websites, the analysis demonstrates how race, gender, and colonial histories constitute global supply chains for the security industry, rest upon and reinforce racialised and gendered migration patterns, and depend upon, as well as shape, the everyday lives and living of Gurkha men and women.  相似文献   

While literature demonstrates that interscholastic sports participation is associated with positive academic outcomes, this relationship is rarely analyzed at a macro level (the school level). To date, there is no research examining whether increases in schools’ female and male interscholastic sports participation rates are associated with increases in female and male advanced placement (AP) enrollment rates. Using a national sample of 4,644 public high schools during the 2009–2010 school year, the authors test several gender-specific hypotheses linked with the association between schools’ sport participation rates and AP enrollment rates (AP math, AP science, AP foreign language, and overall AP enrollment). The findings reveal that schools’ female and male sports participation rates have a positive association with schools’ female and male AP math, AP science, AP foreign language, and overall AP enrollment rates. Moreover, the findings suggest that females benefit more than males in regard to the positive relationship between interscholastic sports and AP enrollment.  相似文献   

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