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At the time of the financial crises of 2008 and 2010–11 the ECB reacted with an extremely cautious gradualism. This behaviour is attributable to the slower learning process that characterizes a central bank of a monetary union composed of countries with fiscal sovereignty compared to other central banks. In sharp contrast to the previous crises, the ECB reacted promptly to the COVID-19 crisis. This change in behaviour is explained here by the learning process about the effects on monetary policy transmission of the increased financial fragmentation of the eurozone over the last decade.  相似文献   

《光明之城》出版后受到人们普遍重视。这是因为:如果它是真的,那么这是一个非常重要的中古文献的发现;如果它是假的,那这就是一个令人不齿的文化造假事件。此书的“年代差错”问题乃是辨识其真伪的关键所在。本文通过对十个“年代差错”问题的详细考证,论断《光明之城》是一部后人编造出来的伪书。鉴于有的“年代差错”一直延伸到20世纪,译编者塞尔本本人可能正是它的炮制者。  相似文献   

苏珊·哈克在《演绎的辩护》(《心灵》,1976)一文中指出,演绎辩护将面对一个与归纳辩护类似的二难困境;我们不能对之提供归纳辩护,这样的辩护太弱了;我们也不能对之提供演绎辩护,这样的辩护将是循环的。哈克的这篇论文产生了很大的影响,曾被编入多本逻辑学文选。本文提出,哈克原来的证明存在严重疏漏,是不能成立的;但她在论文中表达的思想是重要的,本文为之构造了一个新证明,并阐发了其认识论意蕴:通过其所含逻辑常项的解释,逻辑系统与关于日常语言和思想实践的经验发生十分间接的联系;除了逻辑系统(在技术上)的可靠性和完全性外,还有一个它(在认识论上)是否正确或适当的问题,即逻辑系统内的形式论证是否充分、适当地反映、刻画了逻辑系统外的非形式论证;不存在对演绎和逻辑系统的绝对辩护,只存在对它们的相对辩护。  相似文献   

本文试图从历史语义学的角度,探讨economy(economics)汉语译名的来源和类别,并探究“经济”一词的本原与蜕变,及这个译名最终得以确立的可能的原因。笔者认为,“经济”作为一个宽泛概念对应西方现代economy概念是“言之有理”的:而且,它在词源上与西方经济概念的重要成分相去不远。作为“经世济民”的简称,“经济”原本是西方“政治经济学”概念的汉语译名,它既包容了西方古典主义经济学中政治与经济的含义,又顾及西方19世纪下半叶开始时行的political economy的简略用法:economy。  相似文献   

In the traditional understanding, the social basis of the emergence and existence of international law can be summed up as an international society in which interstate conflict and cooperation and interests and contradictions coexist. In recent years, the term “international community” has been widely used in national practice and academic discourse. Many scholars believe that the development of interstate relations indicates that the international community is being transformed into a global international community. The concept of “a community of shared future for mankind” reflects China’s new understanding of the social foundations of international law. It introduces Chinese traditional culture into global governance, develops Marxist theory on the community, is concerned both for mankind as a whole and for individuals, highlights the ultimate issues of the international community, and emphasizes the international community’s union of diversity and interdependence. The idea of “a community of shared future for mankind” is of great significance for the theory and practice of international law; it reflects the emergence of methodological holism, the response of international law to the questioning of its legitimacy, and the trend toward hierarchical systematization in international law. The concept of “a community of shared future for mankind” is of great value to China’s participation in the reform of the global governance system. It will help promote appreciation of the relations between China and the world, enhance China’s international discourse power and discourse force, and promote the rule of law in international relations that China advocates.  相似文献   

Research shows that individuals living in the southern part of the United States express more negative racial attitudes than those living outside the South. Using data from The American National Election Study (NES), the purpose of this paper is to assess whether key factors often associated with the Southern attitude distinction are indeed more potent in the South than elsewhere. Drawing data from the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s, we further assess whether the impact of the South has increased or decreased over time. Results indicate that the impact of the South is negligible at best. Findings do show that place does matter for conservatives. However, in this case, non-South location matters more than the South. Relative to their liberal counterparts, conservatives in the non-South espouse more individualistic beliefs than do their Southern counterparts. These findings are discussed within the dominant theoretical framework in this area.  相似文献   

本文是中国发达地区村落终结过程的记录和分析。作者通过对广州市“城中村”的调查发现,村落终结的艰难,并不仅仅在于生活的改善,也不仅仅是非农化和工业化的问题。甚至也不是变更城乡分割的户籍制度问题,而在于它最终要伴随产权的重新界定和社会关系网络的重组。作者试图通过建立具有普遍解释力的村落终结类型,建构村落城市化整个链条的最后一环,以便能够在理论上复制中国改革开放以后村落非农化、工业化、城市化的全过程。  相似文献   

The"eastwarddevelopmentofTibetancivilization"inthispapermainlyreferstotheinseparableandinherentPOlitical,economic,andculturallinksestablishedbyTibetancivilizationduringtheprocessofitsdevelopmentwiththecivilizationoftheCentralPlaintotheeast.Wewillseethatth…  相似文献   

The “mutual interpenetration of scholars and merchants” was a noticeable social phenomenon after the mid Ming. The appearance of this phenomenon had complex and deep-rooted social causes, among which institutional factors deserve attention, specifically, changes and adjustments in government policy  相似文献   

The "mutual interpenetration of scholars and merchants" was a noticeable social phenomenon after the mid Ming. The appearance of this phenomenon had complex and deep-rooted social causes, among which in-  相似文献   

This article examines the sustainability of China’s Urban Employees’ Pension Programme – the main component in China’s overall old‐age support system. It looks at the sustainability of the programme generally and, in particular, at case studies of two areas (Tianjin municipality and Guangxi province) to highlight both the extent of regional variations and the common challenges facing Chinese policy‐makers. It discusses a number of key issues that should assist policy‐makers to address the challenge of population ageing. It concludes that the challenge facing China is no more severe than that already faced by other countries in Europe and Asia. Moreover, the ageing of the population is not uniform across the regions of China. Consequently, those areas where the demographic shift is more advanced will provide some opportunity for policy experimentation. Given the experience to date of slow progress on various aspects of pension policy reform, the article suggests that it seems unlikely that paradigmatic change will be significant. Nonetheless, the study suggests a range of parametric policy measures that China should consider. The challenge facing China’s policy‐makers is to ensure that China gets old and rich at the same time.  相似文献   

中苏军事同盟存在着一种体制上的弊病,这一点在苏联对中国的核援助以及中苏之间的军事合作方面表现得尤为突出。从战略目标看,苏联想要维持现状,争取一个缓和的国际环境,而中国强烈要求改变现状,制造一种紧张的国际局面;从同盟性质看,苏联强调军事“共同体”,采取一致行动抵制美国,而中国只想获得安全保障和物质援助,过分追求独立性,其结果必然是军事合作的失败和同盟的破裂。  相似文献   

在基层行政资源紧张条件下,上级部门为达成工作目标,越来越多地通过项目制来调动基层政府。相比于传统的科层体制,项目制使得上级部门拥有集中的资金管理权、特殊的人事安排权以及高效的动员程序,从而能更快地见到成效。项目制在基层政府的推行使得科层体系发生重构,政府内部动员由“层级动员”转向“多线动员”,行政资源的分配也演变为项目中心模式;同时,项目制的“自我扩张”效应使得项目制越来越深入到政府体系中,具有持续性及不断增长的影响力。  相似文献   

I .Introduction  ThefirstfortyyearsofthetwentiethcenturyinChinawereaperiodofculturaltransformationwith greatrisesandfalls.Auniquehistoricalphenomenonduringthisperiodwasthechangeinliterarylanguage ,ofwhichthetwo“languageturns”werespecificexpressions.Thef…  相似文献   

As China's market-oriented economic reforms deepen, an urgent task lying ahead of us is to develop, standardize and improve the system of social security. What, however, is meant by a unified, standardized and perfect social security system? How can we institute such a system? These questions remain urgently in need of study.This then was the setting of a national seminar on "The Theory and Practice of Social  相似文献   

《Social work with groups》2013,36(2-3):15-32
This paper presents an application of the qualitative research methodology of ethnographic content analysis as a means to discover the salient features and nature of a social work group. Observational data from process recordings of a thirty-week group of mothers at a child guidance center are systematically analyzed. This paper addresses a number of issues: (1) the need to explore and further articulate the role of worker vis-à-vis the dynamic of mutual aid in social work groups, particularly in regard to the concept of exercising 'control;' (2) the applicability of qualitative research methodology as a means of conceptualizing aspects of group work practice, thus contributing to our theory base and knowledge and tools for practice; and (3) the wealth of data for such research lying available in the written recordings of every group practitioner, and the natural logic that the development of theory in social work with groups comes most aptly from the practice domain.  相似文献   

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