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清朝灭亡后,北洋政府接收了京直地区的十几万顷旗地。这些旗地是增辟税源的一条重要途径,历届北洋政府都十分重视该地区的旗地管理问题,设置了专门的管理机构,制定了相关的丈放章程以及有关管理人员的奖惩措施。由于政治动荡,这些政策没有得到完全实行,但其终究体现了中国地方行政系统现代化建设的基本方向,具有积极意义。  相似文献   

八旗制度是满族社会的一种重要制度,旗地是满族特有的土地占有形式,八旗制度的盛衰与旗地的兴废有密切关系。本文拟就这个问题作一探讨,以就教于方家。一满族及其先世女真人,在我国历史典籍中被称为“引弓之民”。直到努尔哈赤起兵之前,女真人仍以射猎为业。在女真人各部落中,早就存在一种行猎组织,即牛录。女真人在“出猎开围之际,各出箭一枝,十人中立一总领,属九人而行,各照方向。不许错乱。此总  相似文献   

生活节奏地加快,使得学生的学习习惯和方法也发生了改变.尤其是小学生,世界观和人生观还没有完全形成,思维不成熟,对于事物的认识还没有自己独特的看法,所以阅读能力差成了困扰教师甚至是家长的难题.苏霍姆林斯基说过: “让学生变聪明,不是补课,不是增加作业量,而是阅读、阅读、再阅读.”  相似文献   

人们习惯地认为,历史的一定结果只是一种意志、一个目的、一种力量造成的,其他意志、其他目的、其他力量都是不值一提的。而历史的真实却不是这样。社会的进步正在于借助、利用各种分力,形成巨大的社会合力,共同创造人类历史。对于社会进步规律,我们试图用马克思主义的历史合力理论加以说明。 (一)历史和历史合力的经典表述 什么是历史?恩格斯说过:“人们通过每一个人追求他自己的、自觉期望的目的而创造自己的历史,却不管这种历史的结局如何,而这许多按不同方向活动的愿望及其对外部世界的各种影响所产生的结果,就是历史。”(《马克思恩格…  相似文献   

自主学习是学习中的一种形式,是指学生根据自己的需要和可能,探索性地主动学习那些对于自己来说较为重要的,较新的知识.而培齐学生养成自主学习的习惯和能力,可以发挥学生学习的能动作用,适应现代教育改革的需要,真正能做到把要我学变为我要学.  相似文献   

陈龙莲 《生存》2020,(15):0147-0148
有效利用课堂时间是检验教师教学能力的重要标准,构建高效课堂也就成为所有教育者坚持不懈追求的目标。在新课改的趋势推动下,我们相关的任课教师要注重灵活地运用高效地教学方针,力图把小学生的语文学习力发挥到最大,让他们有自主意识地学习,提升他们的学习效率,让语文课堂在学生的积极参与中充满活力,使其得到发展。  相似文献   

倪彦录 《社会福利》2011,(12):58-58
作为一名从事儿童福利事业的工作者,应该把握每个孩子的家庭背景,分析了解他们的具体情况,剖析他们的内心世界,解决他们的心理障碍。对于孤儿的心理特征需要采取相应的对策,让每个孩子都能回到正常的生活轨道上来,健康茁壮地成长。  相似文献   

王冠 《社会工作》2011,(7):49-50
读《社会工作》(2010年第10期上)Sharon Mclaughlin(朱隽如译)的《从专业人士到癌症患者:一位社会工作者的心理历程》一文,心中颇感震撼——这是社工披露自己从一个服务提供者的角色向服务提供者与获得服务者并重的角色转变的历程,此种转变过程中所包含的辛酸痛苦可能只有作者才能真正地了解。此文也引起我的思考,主要涉及三个方面:第一,社会工作者能否真正了解案主;第二,个人的不利遭遇给自己到底带来了什么?第三,如何实现自身的超越?  相似文献   

正走进喀左县城,作为外来人的我马上有了新的发现,街道两旁的商铺与我曾到过的其他城市颇为不同,铺面的招牌全部由汉、蒙两种文字构成。汉字大多是红、黑两种颜色,蒙文整齐划一为蓝色,顿觉一股浓郁的蒙古族风情扑面而来。喀左的街路有自己的性情,没有大都市的宽敞,窄窄的却不显拥挤,路上的人与车各行其道,自觉地遵守交  相似文献   

美国哥伦比亚新媒体教学与学习中心(CNNMTL)1999年于哥伦比亚大学成立,其使命是通过为那些致力于在教学中利用数字技术的教员和研究者创造一个良好的环境,促进大学中的教学和学习。CNNMTL认为,对于大多数从事研究工作的人来说,行为端正是其行动的准则。科学家们希望从事经过精心设计的试验,在研究中考虑到保护人类和动物的伦理问题,并为了知识的进步而尽可能准确地在文献中或学术会议上报告自己的研究成果。然而有些人却有意在研究数据上弄虚作假或剽窃他人的思想,他们也许对于任何有关研究中的不端行为和负责任行为的信息都无动于衷。…  相似文献   

This paper addresses a key moment in the development of sociology when its status as a science was criticised from within by ethnomethodologists (Harvey Sacks and Harold Garfinkel), post‐Althusserian Marxists (Barry Hindess) and Michel Foucault. These criticisms seemed to come from different sides, but they converged in arguing their positions from the point of view of a proper conception of science through which mainstream sociology was found wanting. Neither secured its own position and each had a similar legacy of a form of interpretivism hostile both to scientific sociology and its critical project. The paper situates this moment and its legacy where both correspondence and coherence criteria for sociological knowledge claims come to be undermined.  相似文献   

《The Senses and Society》2013,8(2):225-243

Blindness has been a topic of great interest for philosophers, and the centrality of the so-called Molyneux problem explicitly raises questions concerning visual and tactile experience of the blind. Begun as a purely speculative philosophical exercise before ophthalmic operations could be performed, the debate continues and is examined here in relation to current work in psychology and neuropsychology. From debates and correspondence in the seventeenth century onwards, sparked by this hypothetical question, first-person accounts of the blind were sought to bolster the philosophical speculations. The question asked by Molyneux is crucial in Enlightenment philosophy, and is discussed in a series of dialogs between philosophers such as Locke, Berkeley, Descartes and especially Diderot. This paper shows how a philosophical debate rooted in a distinct period in history has continued to excite the attention of those who attempt to draw together a psychological philosophy of sensory-spatial experience. In particular, the Molyneux problem concentrated on the interaction of the visual and the tactile, of hands and eyes, and how they are involved in spatial cognition. The legacy of these debates concerning the spatial imaginary of the blind remain pertinent to this day.  相似文献   

王德胜 《求是学刊》2003,30(4):96-98
今天的文学研究已越来越倾向于在"文化研究"的旗帜下标榜自己的意识形态姿态并行使文化话语权,它表明文学研究开始进入一个"后批评"的时代.这一"后批评"时代文学研究的"后性"特征,主要体现为文学研究过程的"泛意识形态化"和理论上的"泛审美主义"价值取向.  相似文献   

李凯 《学术交流》2004,(12):25-27
“三个代表”重要思想作为中国共产党必须长期坚持的指导思想,把发展作为执政兴国的第一要务,坚持全面建设小康社会的目标和全面的发展观,揭示了中国共产党领导经济建设的规律;坚持马克恩主义的政治文明观,实施依法治国与以德治国相结合的治国方略,把实现中华民族的伟大复兴作为党的庄严使命,揭示了中国共产党领导政治建设的规律;坚持文化是一个政党在思想上、精神上的一面旗帜,把弘扬和培育民族精神作为文化建设极为重要的任务,促进人的全面发展,揭示了党领导文化建设的规律。“三个代表”重要思想是党的第三代中央领导集体在总结历史经验教训的基础上,不断深化对执政规律认识的最新科学成果。  相似文献   


Over six hundred students from ten schools of social work participated in a study designed to determine the extent to which they were involved in group work in their field practicum and their attitudes towards this intervention. Results indicated that the majority of the students felt they understood group work, even though they had actually had relatively little academic preparation and limited experience with groups in their field placement. In addition, the findings suggest that actual experience with group work in the field placement may decrease students' desire to lead groups in their professional practice, unless this experience is accompanied by appropriate support and guidance.  相似文献   


Those of us who are children of Holocaust refugees and survivors inherit a complex, multi-faceted legacy that manifests itself in various conscious and unconscious ways at different stages of our lives. In the following pages, I share my journey toward a better understanding and integration of my parents' Holocaust experiences, and of the losses they and their extended families suffered under Nazi rule. That understanding necessitated traveling to my father's place of birth, developing relationships with Germans currently residing there, and immersing myself in the details of the demise of the Jewish community of the small rural village of Roth, Germany.

Immersing myself in my father's Holocaust history was both daunting and healing. It provided me with an opportunity to wrestle with my legacy in a way that interrupted the cycle of intergenerational prejudice that I was passing on to my own children. It inspired me to create an educational exhibit that could teach the lessons of the Holocaust in a way that is personal and relevant to students, with the intent of helping visitors to understand their civic responsibility to actively protest against prejudice and social injustice.  相似文献   

在以户外广告为轴心的“空间场域”内,打着保护公共利益、维护城市形象旗号的户外广告治理运动,充斥着政府与企业之间的权力博弈,而公众力量的被边缘化,使得其“合法性”宣称只是一种意识形态的“迷障”。户外广告“公共性”的被“放逐”,其后果则是户外广告乱象的久治不愈。因此,引入公众力量,打破户外广告“空间场域”内“政府——企业”二元对立格局,生成政府领导下的“强政府——强企业——强公众”的权力关系.是治理户外广告,实现城市形象诉求、资本以及公共利益均衡的必然选择。  相似文献   

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