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Many and complex factors underlie seemingly simple decisions about what to eat. This is particularly so for foods such as fish, which present consumers with both risks and benefits. Advice about what type of and how much fish to consume is abundant, but that advice is often confusing or contradictory, reflecting the differing mandates and orientations of those advising. We survey a range of issues that can and should be incorporated into dietary advice, and offer tools for health agencies tasked with providing it. We argue that risks and benefits should not be limited to direct physical health. Rather, socioeconomic and community factors, unintended or indirect effects, and nonhuman‐health outcomes such as animal welfare and planetary health should also be considered and weighed. We provide examples of existing fish consumption guidance to highlight the conflicting messages that emerge when different sources of advice with singular aims of avoiding risk, gaining nutritional benefit, or sustaining fish populations are juxtaposed. We then offer tools borrowed from health and other fields to guide health agencies toward developing more comprehensive advice and targeting that advice for specific populations.  相似文献   

Modern management and organization theory have been criticized for being based on masculine values and concepts. The theory and associated values influence not only managerial behavior in practice, but also business education's value system. In this study, we analyze the change in values during business education from a gender perspective. By values we mean feminine and masculine values. Our empirical study is based on the literature of cultural values and gender socialization theories. We surveyed 324 students. The result of our study lends support to earlier research: men are more masculine and women more feminine in their values. The change towards masculinity during business education is not supported statistically in this study. However, there may be a weak tendency towards masculinity, especially among female students. In addition, we propose that it is possible that business students have a tendency to try to fulfil masculine needs in their occupational choice. Further research is needed to investigate the empirical findings of our study. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This paper identified additive and synergistic effects of personality for management ratings of business values. Results were discussed in terms of theoretical implications for the MBTI and type theory as well as implications for management within business organizations. There appears to be a natural affinity (and antipathy) between some personality types or forms and certain business values. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This article discusses a transfer of moral values between purchasing and supplying organisation in the manufacturing sector. In the first part, the relevant literature is discussed to glean criteria, which could facilitate such a transfer. Given a scarcity of research into ethics in purchasing, the literature review is extended into related fields, such as total quality management, environmental purchasing in retailing and minority vendor programmes in the U.S. In the second part, the question is raised whether such a transfer can at all lay claim to being of moral value. The process is screened against established ethical theories, which are found to support it. Finally, the financial impact of such a policy on the supplier is considered. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   


In this chapter, we address three pay for performance (PFP) questions. First, what are the conceptual mechanisms by which PFP influences performance? Second, what programs do organizations use to implement PFP and what is the empirical evidence on their effectiveness? Third, what perils and pitfalls arise on the way from PFP theory to its execution in organizations? We address these questions in general terms, but also highlight unique issues that arise in PFP for teams and for executives. We highlight the fact that research and practice in the area of PFP requires one to deal with a number of trade‐offs. For example, strengthening PFP links can generate powerful motivation effects, but sometimes these are in unintended and unanticipated directions, resulting in undesirable effects. In addition, there are also trade‐offs in deciding the degree of emphasis to give to individual versus team performance and to results versus behaviors in PFP plans. What all this means is that, as in other areas of management, “one best way” advice (e.g., do or do not use individual PFP plans) or “sound‐bite” conclusions (e.g., PFP does not exist; PFP does or does not motivate) are rarely valid, but rather depend on the circumstances and the organization. In the realm of executive pay, we question the current conventional wisdom in the management literature that there is little or no PFP. We close the chapter with a discussion of our key conclusions and suggestions for what we think would be the most interesting and useful future research areas. We encourage the management literature, which has increasingly become interested in the concept of evidence‐based management, to execute this concept more effectively in its research and when talking or writing about pay.  相似文献   

试用第一天,我领到一本《员工手册》,其中"员工行为准则"共23条,这23条中的其中9条已足以让我获益终生--A在我真正进入这家公司并真正开始工作之前,我真的不懂"寻求快捷方式与公司的合力相融"这句话背后"没关系,你慢慢就会熟悉的"这句直接上司安慰  相似文献   

Working people are often socialized differently based on their age, gender, education, and work experience in the public versus the private sector. To explore the stress, task, and relationship orientations of people in the culture of the Netherlands, this study focused on the differences of 208 Dutch respondents based on the demographic variables. It appears that they have dissimilar scores on the relationship and task orientations. Age, government work experience and education do appear to be a significant factor in their leadership orientation. Also, males seem to be less task-oriented and less relationship-oriented than their female counterparts. Overall, the Dutch respondents reported a moderate level of stress with no gender differences.  相似文献   

Hedonic models are a common nonmarket valuation technique, but, in practice, results can be affected by omitted variables and whether homebuyers respond to the assumed environmental measure. We undertake an alternative stated preference approach that circumvents these issues. We examine how homeowners in the United Kingdom and Italy value mortality risk reductions by asking them to choose among hypothetical variants of their home that differ in terms of mortality risks from air pollution and price. We find that Italian homeowners hold a value of a statistical life (VSL) of €6.4 million, but U.K. homeowners hold a much lower VSL (€2.1 million). This may be because respondents in the United Kingdom do not perceive air pollution where they live to be as threatening, and actually live in cities with relatively low air pollution. Italian homeowners value a reduction in the risk of dying from cancer more than from other causes, but U.K. respondents do not hold such a premium. Lastly, respondents who face higher baseline risks, due to greater air pollution where they live, hold a higher VSL, particularly in the United Kingdom. In both countries, the VSL is twice as large among individuals who perceive air pollution where they live as high.  相似文献   

高效的信息传播,也应当为企业所用,发挥其宣传优势。目前流行的体验营销、口碑营销、病毒式营销都是在充分利用网络和口碑这些高效的信息传播方式,达到其效果  相似文献   

文化定位是企业强基固本的根本、是成功之源.文化定位需要确定和昭示的是:我要打造一个什么样的公司,我的愿景使命和价值现是什么,我的文化风格是什么. 正确的文化定位,不仅能将企业的某些优势放大,呈现在公众面前,起到扬长避短的作用,还能提升企业的境界和品位,明确企业的愿景使命和发展方向模式,彰显品牌魅力.  相似文献   

The relationship between power and collective leadership (CL) has been theoretically understood and empirically addressed in many different ways. To make sense of this diversity, we investigate and diagram the role of power in CL. First, we identify six representations of power—six ways in which scholars have found that power shapes the emergence and enactment of CL. These representations include: Even in CL, individual power matters; Leaders can devolve power to their subordinates by empowering them; Contextual characteristics related to power can influence the possibility and enactment of CL; CL can create the collective power necessary for people in marginalized positions to challenge embedded power dynamics; Power is intrinsic to the co-construction process; Attributions affect who can enact CL, how they are viewed, and whether they have power. Second, we offer a conceptual framework that provides a comprehensive way to understand the relationship between power and CL. The framework includes two dimensions, one related to power (that runs from episodic to systemic) and the other related to CL (that runs from entitative to emergent). Third, we create a conceptual map by placing the six representations within this framework. Based on our research, we make the case that we cannot understand CL without understanding the ubiquitous, complex, and even contradictory role of power. We also suggest avenues for expanding and elaborating discussions of power in the CL literature.  相似文献   

This paper explores the attempts by public officials and caseworkers to manage an overflow of immigrants in the labour market in Sweden. I draw on notions of framing and overflowing, inspired by Michel Callon's (1998) work on the organizing of market-based exchange relationships. I argue that validation is best understood as a framing practice, aimed at creating an understanding for the vastness of foreign experience – including skills and competence – of recent immigrants to Sweden, to make this experience measurable and manageable. Validation as a framing practice thereby exemplifies the widespread trust in framing as a way to normalise overflows – to turn overflows into normal flows. However, as the ethnography-inspired study reported here shows, repeated framing does not remove overflows; instead, it produces new and different types of overflows. In the conclusions, I emphasise the heavy investments required by validation in contrast with the fragility of the results it produces in the context of migration management.  相似文献   


Adult people are always structured diversely based on their gender, age, and work experience in the government versus private enterprises. To investigate the task, relationship and stress orientations of Vietnamese adults, this research examined 294 Vietnamese people living in three main cities in Vietnam including Hanoi (the capital) in the north, Vinh in the middle and Ho Chi Minh in the south. It found that they have different mean scores on task and relationship orientations. Gender, age and government work experience seem to be essential factors in leadership orientation and overload stress perception. Additionally, older people appear to be more task-oriented than their younger counterparts. In summary, the Vietnamese respondents confirmed a moderate stress perception regardless of age, gender and government work experience.


We examine the effects of moral (vs. competent) leadership on followers' leader evaluations and endorsement. In Study 1 (N = 157), followers evaluated a leader more negatively and endorsed them less when they failed on morality than competence. An indirect effect from leader morality to leader evaluation, through perceived group prototypicality emerged, demonstrating the identity-basis of this evaluation. In Studies 2 (N = 150), 3 (N = 297), and 4 (N = 192) participants considered incongruous situations in which the leader failed on morality but succeed on competence, or vice-versa. Followers expressed more negative evaluations and less endorsement of an immoral but competent leader than of a moral but incompetent leader, through group prototypicality. In Study 4, we manipulated group prototypicality. A leader considered prototypical of the group received worse evaluations when they behaved immorally, irrespective of their competence. Results contribute to the understanding of leader-followers dynamics.  相似文献   

Establishing a palliative care service can improve patient care and ease family concerns for patients who are hopelessly ill. For the hospital, such services can improve utilization outcomes. Take a closer look at a palliative care service operating for nearly five years at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City.  相似文献   

Ideally, corporations are directed by boards whose directors provide valuable human capital that match the firms’ strategy. We investigate how directors’ human capital (international experience, industrial know-how, CEO experience, and financial know-how) affects firm performance including the firm’s strategy (diversification and internationalization) and how human capital is related to acquisition strategies (non-diversifying and international acquisitions). Our sample consists of 560 firm-year observations in Switzerland. We find empirical evidence that directors’ human capital affects firm performance and that this relationship depends on the firm’s strategy. Furthermore, human capital is also correlated with acquisition strategy. The study shows that focusing on board independence and compliance issues may be unrewarding in board research and practice.  相似文献   

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