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以多元雇佣工作群体为研究对象,探讨了雇佣身份断层的内涵及状态;并依据扎根理论研究方法,通过访谈22名来自不同企业的11个多元雇佣工作群体的正式工和派遣工,探索了雇佣身份断层的激活因素.研究结果表明,激活雇佣身份断层的3个核心群体情境因素为人力资源政策差异、非正式员工的雇佣政策(包括雇佣期限和雇佣身份转换机制)和人际关系氛围.其中,人力资源政策差异和非正式员工的雇佣期限对雇佣身份断层有直接激活效应,雇佣身份转换机制和人际关系氛围则对两者的激活效应起到调节作用,并且上述直接和间接激活作用都通过雇佣身份这一社会类别的显著性中介得以实现.  相似文献   

社会规范标识是服务企业常见的防范和控制顾客不当行为的措施.在访谈和预实验的基础上,通过以零售业为行业背景的情景模拟实验,检验不同特征的社会规范标识的有效性.以233名大学生随机样本为研究对象进行方差分析.研究结果表明,社会规范标识使顾客有更强的遵守社会规范的行为意图,引导型社会规范标识比阻止型社会规范标识使顾客有更强的遵守社会规范行为的意图和满意,语气委婉的阻止型标识比语气生硬的阻止型标识使顾客有更强的遵守社会规范行为的意图和满意.研究结果为服务企业设计有效的社会规范标识提供理论支持,建议服务企业在能够使用引导型标识的情况下,尽量不使用阻止型标识,即使使用阻止型标识,也尽量使用委婉语气表达的标识,而不使用生硬语气表达的标识.  相似文献   

通过引入非齐次泊松过程并考虑企业R&D活动中的"学习效应"或"记忆性",研究了两企业的专利竞赛问题.分别就单个企业的投资时机选择和两家企业在非合作博弈条件下所形成的有记忆专利竞赛进行了分析,结论表明:R&D活动的"记忆性"使得单个企业的投资临界值降低,且无论是连续区域企业的等待期权价值还是停止区域执行期权后的项目价值均比无记忆时有所增加;而在有记忆专利竞赛中,由于领导者价值始终大于追随者价值,占先的动机加强,投资临界值降低,最终使博弈在较低专利价值处产生双方均不愿接受的同时投资均衡.  相似文献   

Universal need for, or reactions to, risk communications should not be assumed; potential differences across demographic groups in environmental risk beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors could affect risk levels or opportunities for risk reduction. This article reports relevant findings from a survey experiment involving 1,100 potential jurors in Philadelphia concerning public responses to outdoor air pollution and air quality information. Flynn et al. (1994) and Finucane et al. (2000) found significant differences in risk ratings for multiple hazards, and in generic risk beliefs, between white men (or a subset) and all others (white women, nonwhite men, and nonwhite women). This study examined whether white men had significantly different responses to air pollution and air pollution information. An opportunity sample of volunteers from those awaiting potential jury duty in city courts (matching census estimates for white versus nonwhite proportions, but more female than the city's adult population and more likely to have children) filled out questionnaires distributed quasi-randomly. On most measures there were no statistically significant differences among white men (N = 192), white women (N = 269), nonwhite men (N = 165), and nonwhite women (N = 272). Nonwhites overall (particularly women) reported more concern about and sensitivity to air pollution than whites, and were more concerned by (even overly sensitive to) air pollution information provided as part of the experiment. Nonwhites also were more likely (within-gender comparisons) to report being active outdoors for at least four hours a day, a measure of potential exposure to air pollution, and to report intentions to reduce such outdoor activity after reading air pollution information. Differences between men and women were less frequent than between whites and nonwhites; the most distinctive group was nonwhite women, followed by white men. Flynn et al. (1994) and Finucane et al. (2000) found a far larger proportion of significant differences, with white men as most distinctive, probably due to use of different measures, study design, and population samples. However, all three studies broadly confirm the existence of gender and race interactions in risk beliefs and attitudes (particularly for white men and nonwhite women) that deserve more attention from researchers.  相似文献   

一、领导者的素质 1.领导者素质的含义及其重要性 所谓领导者素质,指的是领导者从事领导活动已经具备或应该具备的基本条件."已经"具备的条件,指领导者现有的条件;"应该"具备的条件,指客观实践对领导者的要求.就其外部表现形态来说,领导者素质表现为某种能力或影响力,如领导者的科学决策能力、组织协调能力、政治和道德影响力,等等.领导者素质是关系到我国社会主义现代化建设成败的决定性因素,是影响领导效能的关键问题,是增强领导影响力的根本途径.  相似文献   

Previous studies of risk behavior observed weak or inconsistent relationships between risk perception and risk-taking. One aspect that has often been neglected in such studies is the situational context in which risk behavior is embedded: Even though a person may perceive a behavior as risky, the social norms governing the situation may work as a counteracting force, overriding the influence of risk perception. Three food context studies are reported. In Study 1 (N = 200), we assess how norm strength varies across different social situations, relate the variation in norm strength to the social characteristics of the situation, and identify situations with consistently low and high levels of pressure to comply with the social norm. In Study 2 (N = 502), we investigate how willingness to accept 15 different foods that vary in terms of objective risk relates to perceived risk in situations with low and high pressure to comply with a social norm. In Study 3 (N = 1,200), we test how risk-taking is jointly influenced by the perceived risk associated with the products and the social norms governing the situations in which the products are served. The results indicate that the effects of risk perception and social norm are additive, influencing risk-taking simultaneously but as counteracting forces. Social norm had a slightly stronger absolute effect, leading to a net effect of increased risk-taking. The relationships were stable over different social situations and food safety risks and did not disappear when detailed risk information was presented.  相似文献   

The university is a logical locus for discussionof the role race has played in our society. Perhaps noAmerican institution is more committed to free andopen dialogue than the university. Higher educationcan thus provide a context for the recognition ofissues as well as a forum for the resolution ofinitiatives. To date, however, university attempts atdiversity training have often imbued recipients withself-consciousness, usurping the unity implicit in theword `university' and evoking an even greater tendencytoward separatism. The university's traditional questfor truth has been subverted by a subtle and pervasivesense that some views are more correct than others,that openness is dangerous, and that some issues mighteven be taboo. At best, such an approach to diversityleads to a fragile stalemate among self-containedenclaves. By championing President Clinton's call fora dialogue on race, the university can restore itselfas an institution that puts honesty above all else.Not only is there a resonant rationale for theuniversity's central responsibility in this debate,but there is also a pedagogical means by which itsrole can be realized. This paper proposes a model forethnic dialogue relevant to either a text-based orissues-based class. Borrowing from pedagogy developedin professional schools, we believe that the tenets ofthe `case method' can create a climate conducive tothe substantive scrutiny of race, ethnicity, andprejudice in general. We argue that this dialogueshould not be a mere add-on to college life, butintegrated into existing curricula in the socialsciences, literature, and history. Heated debate canthen occur without anger, and race/ethnicity can bediscussed without fear of recrimination.Paradoxically, the very expression of ethnicity may bethe catalyst that eventually moves multiculturalismtoward interculturalism – where differences are nolonger articulated, measurable or even discernible.  相似文献   

《Risk analysis》2018,38(5):906-916
The use of electronic cigarettes has grown substantially over the last few years. Currently, about 4% of adults use electronic cigarettes, about 16% of high school students report use in the past 30 days, as do approximately 11–25% of college students. A hallmark of the reduction in tobacco use has been the shift in social norms concerning smoking in public. Such norms may also drive views on acceptability of public electronic cigarette use. While normative factors have been given attention, little substantive application of the literature on risk perception has been brought to bear. The overall aim of this study was to place a cognitive–affective measure of risk perception within a model that also includes social cues for e‐cigarettes, addictiveness beliefs, and tobacco use to predict perceived social acceptability for public use of e‐cigarettes. To do so, a cross‐sectional study using an online survey was conducted among a sample of undergraduate students at a Western university (n = 395). A structural equation model showed that the acceptability of public e‐cigarette use was influenced by social cues, beliefs about addiction, and cognitive risk perception, even after controlling for nicotine use. What is revealed is that cognitive assessment of e‐cigarette risk and perception of addictiveness had a suppressing effect on perceived acceptability of public vaping, while greater exposure to social cues exerted a countervailing effect. This is evidence of the role that risk perception and social norms may play in the increases in electronic cigarette use that have been observed.  相似文献   

战略集团理论是近年来在国际管理科学界兴起的一个研究热点。在理论和实践上,它对产业战略重组、企业竞争战略的选取等方面都具有较好的指导作用。通常意义下,人们都是从产业的整体角度去讨论战略集团的存在与划分问题。本文缩小了产业范围,对产业内的局部企业进行了分析,通过一个煤炭企业战略集团划分的实例,证明了现实的战略集团在区域性产业内的存在性。同时,本文还运用数据包络分析(DEA)技术进一步证明了在战略集团之间存在着明显的差异性。最后指出,战略集团的划分并结合企业效率的评价对整个产业或局部性产业内的企业重组具有较高的参考价值。  相似文献   

Variability in ecological risk perceptions was investigated by surveying members of four stakeholder groups commonly involved in environmental policy debates. Fifty-six individuals from government, industry, environmental, and general-public groups completed a risk-perception survey in which they evaluated 34 environmental hazards on 17 attributes and also evaluated the riskiness and acceptability of each hazard. In addition, participants reported their environmental beliefs and norms using Dunlap et al.'s revised New Ecological Paradigm Scale and modified versions of Schwartz's Awareness of Consequences and Personal Norms Scales. Group membership was predictive of participants' scores on the belief and norm scales. Factor analysis of attribute ratings (averaged across participants) revealed the anticipated three oblique factors: ecological impacts, scientific understanding, and aesthetic impacts. Factor patterns were very similar for the four stakeholder groups. Factors from the aggregate analysis were predictive of individuals' riskiness judgments, but these relationships were moderated by participants' group membership, beliefs, and norms. Compared to members of other groups, members of the general public placed less emphasis on ecological impacts and more emphasis on the other two factors when judging the ecological riskiness of hazards. To our knowledge, these results represent the first formal tests of interactions between hazard characteristics and participant characteristics in determining riskiness judgments, and illustrate how traditional psychometric analyses can be successfully coupled with individual-difference measures to improve the understanding of risk perception.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between race and interview ratings in a structured selection panel interview. Data from 1,334 police officer applicants who were interviewed by three-person panels were examined to explore how applicant race, rater race, and panel racial composition related to interview ratings and change from initial to final ratings. Results revealed the largest effect was for panel racial composition, such that predominately White panels provided significantly more favorable ratings to applicants of all races compared to panels composed of predominately Black raters. However, a significant three-way interaction between rater race, applicant race, and panel composition was also found. Specifically, Black raters evaluated Black applicants more favorably than White applicants only when they were on a predominately Black panel. These results may help explain past inconsistencies in the literature regarding the effects of rater race and applicant race on ratings.  相似文献   

专利竞赛中的技术信息溢出模型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章在归纳有关专利竞赛中技术溢出研究现状的基础上,通过构建真实信息溢出和虚假信息溢出的模型,讨论了技术信息溢出对专利竞赛策略的影响.对我国企业的技术"蛙跳"提供专利竞赛策略依据.  相似文献   

Identities, people's subjectively construed understandings of who they were, are and desire to become, are implicated in, and thus key to understanding and explaining, almost everything that happens in and around organizations. The research contribution that this review paper makes is threefold. First, it analyses the often employed but rarely systematically explored concept ‘identity work’, and argues that it is one metaphor among many that may be useful in the analysis of professional and more generally work identities. Second, it focuses on five fundamental, interconnected debates in contemporary identities research centred on notions of choice, stability, coherence, positivity and authenticity. Third, it outlines the roles that the concept ‘identity work’ may play in bridging levels of analysis and disciplinary boundaries, and sketches some possible future identities‐focused ideas for further research. Under‐specification has meant that ‘identity’ has not always fulfilled its analytical promise in either theoretical explorations of identities issues or in empirical studies of identities in practice; and it is to these ends that this paper seeks to contribute.  相似文献   

Mixed Messages in Risk Communication   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The exchange of risk information between risk managers and affected parties is frequently hampered by differences in the understanding or interpretation of many words and phrases. Much of the terminology used by risk practitioners may have different "technical" and "colloquial" meanings, resulting in "mixed messages" in risk communication. Several words and concepts commonly used in risk management that may be resulting in these "mixed messages" are discussed. These include primary underlying concepts, such as the various meanings of the word "risk" itself, as well as the perplexity of the notions of "safety vs. zero risk" and "probability". The potential "mixed messages" of the derived concepts of "significant vs. nonsignificant", "negative vs. positive results", "conservative assumptions", "population vs. individual risk", "relative vs. absolute risk", and "association vs. causation" are shown to range from mild confusion to the completely opposite interpretation of these words and expressions. Suggested strategies for recognizing and mitigating the use of words and phrases which may create unnecessary confusion are presented.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The works related to the disequilibrium theory often show that situations of classical unemployment and of Keynesian unemployment coexist on a long-term basis. The following study deals with a theoretical model of mixed unemployment reflecting this coexistence. In this model, prices are assumed to be flexible upward, but not downward. Hence, classical unemployment leads to inflation, without quantitative rationing on demand, which is closer to reality. The study analyses the asymmetric relations between the classical and the Keynesian sectors as well as the resulting implications for economic policy. What comes out is that differentiated policies always have a stronger impact than aggregate policies. The highest level of efficiency is obtained by stimulating the supply of firms set in the classical situation, provided that one acts on the non-wage determinants of supply in order not to further depress the outlets for firms set in the Keynesian situation.  相似文献   

Gender, Race, and Perception of Environmental Health Risks   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
This paper reports the results of a national survey in which perceptions of environmental health risks were measured for 1275 white and 214 nonwhite persons. The results showed that white women perceived risks to be much higher than did white men, a result that is consistent with previous studies. However, this gender difference was not true of nonwhite women and men, whose perceptions of risk were quite similar. Most striking was the finding that white males tended to differ from everyone else in their attitudes and perceptions–on average, they perceived risks as much smaller and much more acceptable than did other people. These results suggest that sociopolitical factors such as power, status, alienation, and trust are strong determiners of people's perception and acceptance of risks.  相似文献   

Augustin De Coulon 《LABOUR》2001,15(1):111-132
This paper analyses the average wage differentials between various groups of immigrants and the Swiss workers. Classical Oaxaca‐Blinder decompositions are applied to a sample of 7,494 males (whose 1,070 immigrants) interviewed for the 1995 Swiss Labour Force Survey. Education and experience before and after migration are separately considered in two different ways. We control for sample selection in the wage and salary sector. We also investigate earnings differentials between natives and immigrants who arrived in the country before the age of 6. Our main results are that the part of differentials due to difference in coefficient varies strongly with different ethnic groups considered, that education is a strong determinant of the difference in observed characteristics and that second generation immigrants are fairly well assimilated in the Swiss labour market.  相似文献   

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