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Over the past two hundred years, large, modern firms have tended to replace small, family businesses. In parallel, the family has declined as a social institution. We suggest that these developments are interrelated. Because information of cheating in market transactions spreads only gradually in large markets, the reputation of the family firm could support contractual performance only in small, traditional markets. As markets grew in size, this reputational mechanism could no longer operate. The small, family firm was then replaced by the large, modern firm. This transition led to a decrease in the importance of the family.   相似文献   

尹敏鉴 《职业时空》2012,(2):116-117
如果一位教师的教学能被学校众多学生所赞赏,甚至崇拜,那么其教学在上讲台前就可以说成功了一半,之后的教学效果将不言而喻。当然要达到这样的程度与层次,并不是每个教师能轻易做到的,这完全在于教师的个人修养。  相似文献   

陈蕾 《现代交际》2014,(10):182-183
加强高校党建育人工作,筑牢抵御"和平演变"及思想渗透的钢铁长城,具有深远而重大的战略意义。高校校报作为党的喉舌耳目和重要宣传舆论工具,理所应当在加强党建育人工作中发挥重要而积极的作用。  相似文献   

《速记基础》是高职院校文科类专业的一门专业基础课程,以职业能力培养为目标.课程内容影响着专业教育效果、专业培养目标和岗位能力。随着职业岗位的内涵发生变化.课程内容也被要求进行优化和更新充实。应基于职业能力整合课程教学内容,最终实现高职生职业能力和社会职业需求的零距离对接。  相似文献   

王超 《城市观察》2012,(3):41-46
广州提出走新型城市化道路,这条道路具体怎么走,走成什么样的模式,关键在于明确新型城市化发展的动力机制。通过党群互动视角,对广州构建新型城市化动力机制进行分析,认为应构建政府、市场、社会、公众参与的四轮驱动发展动力机制。  相似文献   

R. O. Hughes 《Social Studies》2013,104(6):285-288
In a world that is, on the one hand, determined to sustain distinct national and group identities and, on the other hand, becoming increasingly globalized, interconnected and interdependent, social studies educators are regularly faced with the challenge of supporting diversity, creating a unified national community, and promoting global perspectives through education. This paper explores how the Singapore education system addresses these disparate goals through its national social studies curriculum for secondary schools, particularly through its use of international case studies. The Singapore social studies curriculum also serves as an interesting case study of how a national social studies curriculum has been shifted away from an exclusive focus on a nation-centric paradigm to one that is more globally oriented in nature, while still being firmly anchored to the nation-state and its priorites.  相似文献   

清真寺是伊斯兰教最重要的建筑物,其功能随着历史发展而不断演变。中古时期的清真寺以宗教功能为基础,兼具社会、政治和文化功能,在穆斯林生活中占据核心地位;近代以来,清真寺保持和加强民族认同以及提供情感依托和社会支持的功能得到强化,大众动员功能逐渐增强。这些功能在全球化时代得到进一步发展,在一定程度上缓解了全球化引起的伊斯兰国家民族认同危机、经济结构面临调整、人口跨国流动增加等压力。  相似文献   

社会结构转型诱发了社会分层结构的迅速嬗变,社会闲散青少年的现实存在,成为影响社会稳定的重要隐患。闲散青少年“不在学、不在业、不在管”的现象中内含着其社会性资源分配、教育环境影响、社会工作作用等诱发闲散青少年状况的深层原由。  相似文献   

This paper argues that a neo-Gramscian perspective can provide useful explanatory insights into the recent commercialization of the Internet. Governments, notably in the USA and Europe, have taken action to shape and smooth this transition in response to the desire of business to exploit a new commercial opportunity. A series of measures has been enacted in relatively new international fora whose general aim is to promote the development of international production and trade. There is evidence of concerted efforts aimed at designing an interconnected regulatory framework within which global electronic commerce might evolve. Governmental interests have attempted to promote the ethos of a new liberalized, self-regulatory system that prioritizes commercial and trademark interests of business.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to examine if and how elementary preservice teachers’ perceptions about history were changed upon their completion of a class project that engaged them in a discipline-specific inquiry as a method of teaching history. Surveys were administered to assess any changes in their perception of the history before and after they participated in the class project. The preservice teachers’ reflective writings were used to explore any themes that emerged about historical inquiry as well as to understand their development of pedagogical knowledge about teaching history. The study results provide implications for inquiry-based teaching in social studies education.  相似文献   

《Home Cultures》2013,10(3):349-371

This article focuses on experiences of the domestic—of houses, of intimacy and privacy—and what relation these bear to the kinds of sentiments about life which are given expression as fragile, endangered or fleeting. We think of singularity as lying in the potential for multiple domesticities that emerge at different times and are neither coterminous with family nor indeed with household. Based on fieldwork with African-American and Caribbean families in Miami, Florida and Baltimore, MD, the article tracks how intimacy and alienation marks the constant moves from, to, and through households. This oscillation engenders an itinerant domesticity and life lived in the interstices of the house, the clinic, the prison, and the street. These spaces and places come to bear on what comes to be marked as so-called “African-American kinship.” Given the disproportionate incarceration of African-American men in US prisons, the article contemplates the permeable relation between carceral institutions and the home, as well as the constitution of kinship as “criminal.”

All names used in this text are pseudonyms to protect the confidentiality of respondents.  相似文献   

完善创业板退市制度真正建立优胜劣汰的市场机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈峥嵘 《科学发展》2010,(9):103-112,F0003
进一步完善创业板退市制度,健全市场退出机制,是创业板市场持续、稳定、健康发展的重要制度保障,不但有利于增强对劣质公司的威慑力和制约力,提升创业板公司整体质量,强化市场约束,净化市场环境,从而真正建立优胜劣汰的市场机制,而且有利于引导投资者牢固树立审慎的投资理念,进行更理性的投资,切实增强投资者的风险意识,警惕创业板的退市风险,从而维护投资者尤其是广大中小投资者的合法权益。通过考察海外证券市场退市制度改革的发展趋势,阐述我国创业板退市制度的主要特点,然后分析了我国证券市场现行退市制度存在的主要弊端,最后有针对性地提出了完善我国创业板退市制度、健全市场退出机制的政策建议以及相关的配套措施。  相似文献   


This editorial is a critique of Lewis Menand's article which appeared in the march issue of the new Yorker of 2010. Unfortunately, his article misleads the public into believing that psychiatry and psychology are ill equipped to go into the human mind and heart. It also takes the position that psychology and psychiatry are not qualified to be considered a science, but it does this in such a way so as to tell the truth and nothing but the truth, but not the whole truth.  相似文献   

全面建设社会主义新农村,乡镇政府是重要的组织力量。本文对构建社会主义新农村的内涵和关于在社会主义新农村中乡镇政府职能的研究做了梳理,指出在建设社会主义新农村的视角下乡镇政府的主要职能表现于:经济建设职能、社会建设职能、文化建设职能、生态建设职能和政治建设职能。  相似文献   

This paper seeks to explore the place of kramats the graves of Muslim saints or Auliyah – in the landscape of contemporary Cape Town. The kramat sites have been proclaimed as heritage sites because of their importance as tangible signs of Islam at the Cape. At the same time, the process of the kramats becoming heritage sites has contained moments of intense, often sensational, public contestation. Offering a reading of the discourses surrounding two contested kramats in Cape Town, this paper explores the way kramats mark out a miraculous space in the prosaic modern city and introduce into the post-apartheid evaluation of heritage, alternative conceptions of space and notions of temporality. They are sites of impossibility where, it is claimed, the laws of nature themselves are interrupted to mark the intangible particularities of the site. This paper explores what happens when this miraculous space is subject to the demands of private property and municipal law and the conflicts that arise from this collision of different conceptual and experiential modalities. It considers the effects of the entanglement of legend and history that result from the production of these sites as heritage in a market-driven economy.  相似文献   

It has been argued in a number of publications in the social work field that the current preoccupation with evidence-based practice is problematic, in that it offers a restricted and sometimes inappropriate understanding of the fundamentals of research in the social sciences. As a result social work and social care are at risk of deprivation of appropriate knowledge to inform practice. This article takes up this critique, in particular pointing out that the tendency for the debate to be reduced to one of competing (qualitative and quantitative) research methods is unhelpful. The issue is an epistemological one about the nature of knowledge and the authority of 'knowers'. The article gives examples of participatory approaches to research that start from a valuing of a range of kinds of knowledge. This opens the way for both quantitative and qualitative methods to have a place in social work research and social work education.  相似文献   


How can teachers effectively use documentary film to teach history, and toward what goals? This article addresses these important questions by: (1) exploring what we know about secondary teachers' practices with documentary film and secondary students' beliefs about documentary film as a source of knowledge about the past, (2) proposing a rationale for the use of documentary film that supports the goals of history education, and (3) discussing examples of documentaries that can be shown to further the rationale presented. Although there are numerous suitable purposes and methods for using documentary film, we argue that two of the most powerful and appropriate are as a way to explore multiple perspectives and as a way to teach about controversial issues.  相似文献   

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