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The communal narrative of the Irish state defined the criteria for membership of the nation in opposition to the characteristics of the Irish gentry class, whether in their Protestantism, Anglicised lifestyles or external focus on Britain and its empire. The result ensured that while all Protestants engaged with the institutions of state, their inclusion in the nation proved much more difficult to negotiate, and for those with a gentry background, it would appear an impossibility. This article argues, in contrast, that the remnants of the Protestant gentry class successfully insert themselves into an alternative conception of the Irish nation that draws directly upon the longevity of their family association with specific localities in the Irish landscape.  相似文献   

美丽中国建设是中国共产党第十八次全国代表大会报告中提出的一个重要生态建设目标.本文认为,“把生态文明建设放在突出地位,融入经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设各方面和全过程”的五位一体格局的建设行动,虽然将生态建设放在第一位,但也将会在多个层面推进中国和谐民族关系的建设,并最终促成中国全面推进各民族共同团结奋斗、共同发展繁荣总目标的实现.  相似文献   

低代价发展是一种新的发展理念、发展实践、发展机制.它要求人们从代价的角度认识发展,从调控代价的角度实现发展.实施低代价发展,要实现"三种确立":在指导思想上确立一种低代价发展观,在发展评价上确立一种低代价的评价尺度,在发展模式上确立一种低代价的发展模式.  相似文献   

通过对一个民间花会人士追逐社会声望经历的考察,展示了北京民间社会近百年行香走会历史的一个侧面,分析了"社会声望"在中国传统社会的价值和意义及其存在与消亡的社会文化背景,说明了社会对人们主观价值追求的制约.  相似文献   

李建军  李宗赫 《民族学刊》2022,13(11):1-8, 141
共同历史记忆具有共有性、时代性、建构性和凝聚性等鲜明特征,对展示中华文化符号、体现中华民族形象、铸牢中华民族共同体意识、促进各民族交往交流交融、构筑中华民族共有精神家园、增强中华民族凝聚力和向心力,发挥重要的载体依托、桥梁支撑和价值彰显作用。中华民族共同历史记忆是由各民族共同拥有的中华优秀传统文化、共同书写的革命文化、共同弘扬的社会主义先进文化的符号和标识等组成,是各族人民的感情依托、心灵归宿和精神家园,需要我们守护、传承、阐释和弘扬。  相似文献   

In German (junior) elite football, there are a comparatively large number of highly talented players with a migrant background. These players were born in Germany and joined the Talent Development Programme of the German Football Association (DFB). Many of these players can decide for which national association they want to play in international games. In media and public discourse, this decision is usually explained by the degree of self-identification with a specific ethnic group. However, this assumption is not empirically evident. Using the example of junior elite players with a Turkish background, this article focuses therefore on the question, which role ethnic identity plays in this decision. Based on social identity theory, we conducted semi-structured interviews with 10 adolescent elite football players with Turkish background who played for the German and/or the Turkish Football Association. Our findings suggest that – in contrast to media narratives – ethnic identity only plays a marginal role in the decision to play for a national football association.  相似文献   

多杰(Dorje)赶着他的牦牛群在翻越 1. 7万英尺高的大山时,只顾得上休息一次。几星期后,他和哥哥白玛(Pema)、索南 (Sonam)将共同与邻村的一个女人结婚,所以,他着急回家帮忙做准备。兄弟三人都是生活在尼泊尔西北角里米地区的藏人,这个方圆 200平方英里的地区与西藏接壤。他们将要进入的婚姻形式在人类学术语中被称为兄弟型一妻多夫制,尽管在世界上极为罕见,但在沿袭这种习俗由来已久的藏族社会中却再寻常不过。对于许多藏人来说,兄弟型一妻多夫制从传统上体现了理想的婚姻和家庭形式。兄弟型一妻多夫制的结构很简单,即两个、三个、四个或…  相似文献   

In this article, we trace Bell’s influence in our lives from graduate students to teacher educators and engaged scholars, and note how we have always read Bell alongside and inseparable from Latino/a Studies and Latina/Chicana feminist thought. We highlight the powerful and fruitful tensions of these interconnections in addressing our curricular struggles and innovations, professional identities and scholarly trajectories. We address Bell’s theory of interest convergence to discuss the tensions and possibilities of personal ‘success’ in the academy by interweaving our testimonios with Critical Race and Latino Critical Race (LatCrit) scholarship in Latino/a education. Latina feminist scholars have re-worked the Latin American tradition of testimonio as a way to link individual stories to a collective story of Latina/o racialization in the US, and to epistemological racism in the academy. Our collective story centers the intersections of race with indigeneity, class, citizenship, language, gender and sexuality. We begin from the earliest influence of Bell’s counterstorytelling method for examining Latino/a students’ racializing experiences in higher education and move through other critical race work in Latino education that both directly and indirectly addresses Bell’s scholarship as these intersect with our intellectual journeys. Finally, we offer a story of the complex legacy of Bell’s anti-subordination and social justice scholarship for intellectual alliances, coalition building, and inter-, multi- and trans-disciplinary engaged scholarship.  相似文献   


A shared identity has been shown to reduce prejudice between conflicting social groups. One such common national category is the ‘Northern Irish’ identity which can be inclusive of both Catholics and Protestants. This study analyses the plenary sessions of the Northern Ireland Assembly to show how the national category ‘Northern Irish’ is framed by politicians. Content analysis shows that it is used more often by centrist parties who tend to frame it positively and as part of their political viewpoint. There is also evidence of the instrumental use of this identity by unionists in line with the ingroup projection model.  相似文献   

一、字面上的陷阱 “sacrifice”一直以来就具有一种字面上的迷惑性,这个源自拉丁语的词汇在英语中可以表达非常广泛的意义。拉丁语中“sacrifice”一词最早是指“使某些东西变得神圣”,  相似文献   

“大清”这一国号并非来自汉语,也不是满语固有词,可能是满语中的一个蒙古语借词,即“代青”(daicing)。因此,大清国的意思应为“上国”(“至高无上之国”)或“善战之国”。  相似文献   

黄蔓雯  蒋明 《民族学刊》2021,12(12):71-80, 131
构建相互嵌入式社会结构和社区环境,是铸牢中华民族共同体意识,推动多民族社区治理的重要途径。由于多元文化的碰撞交融,社区内部张力扩大,民族互嵌式社区的治理在一定程度上存在着多民族融合表面化、社区共同体意识淡薄等一系列问题。论文结合社会系统论、社区治理论的相关原理,厘清民族互嵌式社区的内涵,提出民族互嵌式社区居民公共服务幸福感指标体系的构想。通过差异化选址、探索性因素分析,形成影响居民公共服务幸福感的社区融合、社区治理、社区文化建设、社会医疗、社区教育五个维度及指标体系,为有效评价民族互嵌式社区公共服务提供借鉴。  相似文献   

杨鹍飞  余虹雨 《民族学刊》2022,13(8):13-23, 154
中华民族共同体意识作为一种社会意识,是对中华民族共同体这一社会存在的反映,是对中华民族共同体形成发展过程中所处的经济生产活动、社会关系以及社会结构的反映。“中华民族共同体意识”是涉及经济交往、政治认同、文化交融的心理活动过程。其核心要义包括以下五个方面:为实现中华民族伟大复兴的共同理想和共产主义远大理想而奋斗的自强意识与使命意识;以中华民族优秀传统文化、革命文化与社会主义先进文化为共有精神家园的自豪意识与守护意识;坚持党的领导、走中国特色社会主义的道路自信、理论自信与制度自信的政治意识;坚持国家利益高于一切、维护国家主权、安全与发展利益的自尊意识与责任意识;对伟大祖国、中华民族、中华文化、中国共产党、中国特色社会主义高度认同的共同体意识。  相似文献   

舒瑜 《民族学刊》2021,12(12):89-98, 133
以“灵”作为理解山之存在价值的关键,僧侣、乡民和士人有关“灵”的观念与实践共同构筑鸡足“灵”山的多个面向。“灵”的不同观念来自不同的宇宙观传统,这些不同的传统在鸡足山交错互动,既可以看到不同文明之间的横向关联,又可以看到文明内部大小传统在纵向上的互动转化。文明的共生是通过在差异中建立联系、在冲突中寻求对话而实现的。  相似文献   

Christianity is a critical element in the study of Korean Americans. It is estimated that over 70% of all Korean Americans are affiliated with Korean Christian churches. Much of the existing literature illustrates that these churches provide essential resources for Korean immigrants and they serve as important social mechanisms. This study responds to the need to investigate the lives of secular migrants where religious marginalisation may play a significant role in their everyday lives in relation to their predominantly Christian communities. In particular, the study focuses on the unique experiences of those aged between 25 and 35 living in the greater Boston area. The study compiles vivid narratives of non-Christian Korean American experiences within a dominant Christian ethnic community focusing on their religious and non-religious performances.  相似文献   

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