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The Chinese national governance system includes the Party’s governing system, the People’s Congress system, the administrative system, the court system and the procuratorate. Judicial power is neutral, passive, independent and final, features that reflect the irreplaceable nature of its role in national governance. The growth of judicial power is diachronic, complex and evolutionary, which means that its construction will be a tortuous and difficult process. Given the limitations of the functions of judicial power in China and their immediate results, we should fix our gaze on the construction of a socialist country under the rule of law and the optimization of the structure and functions of our national governance system by taking checks and balance as the principle in the allocation of judicial power, taking rights protection as the heart of the operation of judicial power, taking harmonious operation as the standard for guaranteeing judicial power, and cultivating legal culture as the foundation supporting judicial power. In optimizing national governance itself, we should strengthen its functions of adaptation, integration, goal attainment and latency.  相似文献   

The rule of law is the basic form of national governance and the rule of law model is the necessary direction for the governance of online society. Online society is in essence a new pattern of social relationships and structural forms comprising relationships among citizens, legal persons, organizational bodies, etc., formed and brought together on the basis of Internet technology; and also a reflection, expansion and expression, singly or in synthesis, of various relationships in the fields of the real economy, politics, culture, society and the environment. The rule of law model of Internet governance refers to governance theories, systems and practices that employ rule of law thinking and the rule of law model to bring the elements, structures, procedures and functions of Internet governance into the scope of the rule of law and its operational track. Reviewing the tortuous course of the development of rule of law Internet governance in China, summarizing useful experience in the construction of rule of law Internet governance, and reflecting on existing legislative, law enforcement and judicial dilemmas will enable us to build up a rule of law system of online governance with comprehensive norms, effective implementation, strict supervision and strong guarantees. This will be marked by Chinese characteristics and will ensure the application of rule of law thinking and the rule of law model in governing, operating, using and safeguarding the Internet, thus achieving sound and orderly Internet operation and development along the path of the rule of law and advancing the modernization of the Internet governance system and governance capability.  相似文献   

Social governance innovation is a basic requirement of China's socialist construction, and an important guarantee that people can live and work in peace and enjoy long-term stability and order. Strengthening and innovating social governance has great significance for the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity, and this is where judicial justice plays a unique role at the level of government, society, and the individual. That is, judicial justice is the key to transforming governmental functions; the guarantee of a new-type social construction; and the guide to upgrading autonomy at the grass-roots level. To achieve judicial justice, we must popularize the idea of the rule of law, improve judicial work style and innovate judicial institutions.  相似文献   

因征地引发的社会冲突已成为当前社会治理的重要难题.关于土地冲突的缘起,既有的研究可以分为土地财政、 拆迁行为模式、 土地执法管理与生存道义等角度.在与已有解释展开对话的基础上,提出"制度失范"概念,认为土地制度在"规则""权力"和"治理"三个层面的"失范"构成了土地冲突的结构性根源.在规则层面,土地制度日渐消解其作为一种公共规则的公共性构建;在权力层面,地方政府在土地征收过程中的权力失当成为土地冲突的直接诱因;在治理层面,基层乡村治理机制无法及时回应农民对土地权利实现与政治参与的强烈诉求.  相似文献   

我国网络问政的主要形式及其发展策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络问政作为连接政府与公众的桥梁,正以其独特的影响力在我国政治社会生活中发挥着重要作用。当前,我国网络问政存在有序的自上而下、无序的自上而下、无序的自下而上和有序的自下而上四种形式。网络作为公民问政的新型载体,其开放性和平等性激发了公民的参与热情,大大降低了公民参与问政的成本,但也表现出代表性不足、参与的非理性、非规范性等弊端。今后,政府需要建立制度规范、提高网络问政领导能力,网民需要培育良好的网络道德、树立公民意识,并通过完善立法、提高技术水平和借鉴国外良好做法等途径来整体提高我国网络问政水平,更好地推动我国民主政治建设。  相似文献   

周黎安 《社会》2022,42(5):1-36
关于中华帝制时期国家与社会的关系特征国内外学术界提出了诸多理论概括,诸如“士绅自治”“吏民社会”“官民合作”,等等。本文从行政发包制理论的视角重新审视关于中华帝制时期国家—社会关系的现有理论概括,借助“行政外包”这一分析概念,强调特定的治理领域特征与行政外包的具体形态之间的对应关系,进而揭示国家与社会互动关系的运行机制和内在逻辑。本文试图提出“一体多面”的概念,重新概括中华帝制时期国家与社会关系的总体特征,为理解中华帝制的“权力一元性”与“治理多样性”的奇妙结合提供新的观察视角和分析框架。  相似文献   

行政文化是支配和制约行政行为的行政意识的综合体系。行政文化是影响行政绩效进而影响国家治理能力的重要因素。根据行政权威、行政理念、行政价值和行政规则四个维度及其强度的不同组合,形成了不同的行政文化模式。行政文化从总体上可分为整合型行政文化和离散型行政文化。协同性整合是整合型行政文化的最高境界。要提升国家治理能力必须优化行政文化,实现行政文化的协同性整合。行为学习、理念学习、价值学习和规则学习,从服从到顺应,再到认同和内化的学习过程,是实现行政文化协同性整合的内在机制,也是提升国家治理能力的根本途径。  相似文献   

程保志 《创新》2012,6(1):96-100,128
全球治理理论的勃兴给现代国际法理论与实践既带来了新的挑战,也创造了前所未有的机遇。国际法作为调节国际社会行为主体之间关系的法律规范和制度,对全球治理的实现起着重要的规范作用;同时,国际法也应积极适应全球化的潮流,使其和全球治理理论在交流与互动过程中得到共同发展。尽管全球治理的理论范式还存在不尽合理与完善的地方,但它已经并将继续深刻影响未来国际社会的发展方向。  相似文献   

中国目前基本的制度框架包括三个层次:宪法层次、法律层次、行政法规和规章层次。从制度本身的性质来说,对一个国家的稳定和发展具有决定意义的是政治行政制度和经济制度。中国的政治行政体制改革是一个长期的、与社会主义发展过程相始终的渐进过程,但在30多年的改革过程中所暴露出来的一些制度性问题,特别是社会转轨时期容易产生的"制度漏洞"问题则亟待通过制度安排认真解决。中国政治行政体制改革必须依据宪法和社会发展现状有计划、有步骤和渐进式地进行。从整体上来看,中国的政治行政体制改革基本上分为三个层面:价值理念、政治制度和行政制度。中国社会主义公共行政体制改革和发展的基本方向是建立"人民政府模式",强调"规模适度化政府",这是由中国社会现实的特殊性所决定的,是提高政府效率的基本因素。我国社会主义公共机构的民主化制度建设将是实现"中国梦"的关键所在。  相似文献   

论社会治理原理与原则   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
社会治理时代正向我们走来,引起人们的极大关注。有什么样的社会就会有什么样的社会统治、社会管理、社会治理。在后工业化与全球治理的背景下,我国多质态的社会统治、社会管理、社会治理还将历时态与共时态地长期并存,同时呈现以政党治理、国家治理、政府治理三位一体的“独家管理”为主、社会自理或自治、合作或共同管理、相互管理或相互治理的多种模式。社会管理或治理主客体的二重性,往往使得原生性主体缺位,派生性或衍生性主体越位,形成社会管理或社会治理主客体之间的不对称、不对等的互动互补趋势。这种趋势必然要求在社会管理和社会治理过程中遵循共同但有区别的原则,以实现对社会的有效管理和治理。  相似文献   

The operating processes of boards of directors are delicate and complex, so corporate legislation cannot simply equate board structure law with board governance law. It is therefore necessary to start from China’s actual conditions and grasp the operating processes of Chinese boards with a sober appreciation of the irrational elements in their operating mechanisms. Board governance has entered a new stage of institutionalization, and the law should shift from its emphasis on structure to give equal attention to structure and process in optimizing institutional structure. In the construction of board operating mechanisms, we should treat differently such “living laws” as customs, experiences and traditions, give full play to the functionality of boards’ strategic choices, and provide legal regulation of irrational elements, so as to distinguish between different roles, develop consensus, select strong points and improve efficiency. We should build control over board operational procedures, improve the system of functional allocation, correct assessment mechanisms, develop a mechanism for judicial scrutiny of the affective relationships in society and curb such behavioral tendencies as relational identity, structural bias and group polarization, with a view to controlling such “living laws” within the framework of the basic values and principles of board governance.  相似文献   

法治视域下的现代大学制度,就是在政府宏观管理下的“自主办学”,在多种力量作用下的“民主办学”,在自我约束机制下的“依法办学”。完善中国特色现代大学制度,需要用自治的原则和法治的理念,审视大学现实制度环境和突出问题,理顺大学与政府社会的关系,落实大学办学自主权,强化大学法人地位,大力推进依法治校,实现从“大学管理”向“大学治理”的转变。  相似文献   

行政包干的组织基础   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张静 《社会》2014,34(6):85-97
回应“行政包干”的缘起问题,针对“成本衡量”说,本文建议从行政机体本身的特性和历史关系,说明发包制的存在。由于政府的多元角色、多中心控制权的组织关系以及对执行工具的依赖,政府系统逐渐发展出具有灵活适应性的、不同于单一科层体系的、能够利用上述组织环境的方法,来推进任务的执行。“行政包干制”顺势于不言自明的控制权范围,通过默许、交换和隐形授权,将目标和利益不同的组织容纳于一体,形成了今天治理体系中混合共生的形态。因此,政府行政体系的组成结构、其内部真实的组织关系和多元角色是发包制产生的基石。  相似文献   

Building a law-based government is a central element of the comprehensive framework for promoting the rule of law in China, while using evaluation to catalyze growth is in line with the incentive principle of management studies. Since China started to implement reform and opening up over thirty years ago, rule of law development and organizational evaluation have gone through several stages, each with different characteristics. Efforts to build a law-based government have met with success, but what the country now has is essentially still goal-oriented assessment. At present, this suffers from the lack of a clear goal orientation or definition of functions, an imperfect technical system and unsound motivation mechanisms, not to mention the practical problems of each government department going its own way, duplicating evaluations or being left rudderless. Drawing on a combination of value rationality and instrumental rationality and using government performance evaluation to promote the building of a law-based government not only conforms to the spirit of the rule of law and value rationality in government performance, but also strengthens the role of evaluation as an instrument for organizational management. Therefore, we need to create new evaluation theories, expand public participation, introducing diversified evaluating entities, improve technical systems, strengthen institutional buildup, and foster a performance-based culture. In addition, replacing goal-oriented assessment with performance evaluation will help the emergence of a new discipline—the performance evaluation of rule of law government, thus promoting multidisciplinary efforts to integrate and create new public administration theories in China.  相似文献   

According to Marxism, fairness or equity is concrete, evolving, and practice-based, and has as its ultimate aim the realization of the full and free development of man. Xi Jinping Thought on Fairness and Justice underscores governing the country according to law, improving work styles, innovating the social governance model, and making social welfare and people's full and free development the point of departure and ultimate goal, in a fresh development of the Marxist approach to equity in the contemporary era. Guided by this approach, Chinese higher education institutions should break free of the traditional regimen, shifting the governance structure from bureaucratic management to shared governance and from the traditional rule of man to the rule of law. Through institutional measures and observance of the basic laws of higher education development, we can build a new type of collaborative relationship among governments, institutions of higher learning, academics and students, and society as a whole. In this way, all participants will find their proper place and realize their full potential, thus activating and enhancing the innovative capacity of higher education. Only thus will higher education institutions be able to modernize their governance systems and capacity.  相似文献   

行政主体义务设定的失衡及价值选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
行政主体义务设定是指行政主体在行政执法的过程中为相对一方当事人确定禁止规则或强加负担的行为 ,它是行政权的延伸。与其它类型的行政权行使一样 ,义务设定必须符合法定条件 ,同时又要符合行政合理原则 ,这也是行政法治、依法行政的要求。然而 ,行政法治实践中行政主体义务设定的失衡现象非常普遍 ,如对程序负责不对实体负责的失衡 ,以经济利益为重而以社会利益为轻的失衡等。因此 ,必须探讨义务设定中的合理价值选择 ,即有利于建立法律秩序、有利于实现公民权、有利于行政管理过程有效实现、充分体现行政伦理准则等四个方面的价值选择。  相似文献   

刘河庆 《社会》2005,40(4):217-240
“文件治国”是中国国家治理的基本表现形态,不同中央政策在各地被采纳与实施的情况也是国家治理问题的核心研究议题。本文尝试突破以往政策扩散研究多只关注特定单项中央政策在各地扩散过程的局限,结合长时段大样本农村政策文本数据,对中央政府2008—2018年发布的多项农村政策在各地的扩散过程进行实证分析,相对系统地考察了中央层面的行政压力和经济激励,以及地方层面的执行能力和内在动力等因素及其交互作用对政策采纳的影响,进而对中国正式政策文件运作的基本过程和内在机制进行探讨。研究显示,自上而下的行政压力越大,经济激励越大,地方层面的执行能力越强,地方政府采纳中央农村政策的概率就越容易显著增加。从交互关系来看,中央政府对农村议题重视程度的提高会减小不同执行能力省份的政策采纳差异,也会减小不同经济激励政策的采纳差异。  相似文献   

Like domestic law, international law can be used in domestic governance, where it can become an important instrument assisting China’s Party and government to rule the country and manage state affairs. Incorporating part of international law into domestic law and comprehensively advancing the rule of law in accord with the principle of national sovereignty demonstrate the openness and international vision of China’s rule of law construction. Translating these propositions into concrete institutional practice will be of vital significance for improving the socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics, advancing the international rule of law and promoting world peace.  相似文献   

Going beyond the analytical model of the holistic state in rule of law discussion, we can classify the rule of law into national and local levels based on the stages and increments of its execution. The phenomenon of the local rule of law reflects the stages and incremental progress of building a rule of law China. It has a realistic foundation in society and a profound basis in legal theory. Comprehensively advancing the rule of law in China necessitates giving encouragement and support to construction of the rule of law at the local level. The attempts and experiments of local government enable us to explore and innovate the developmental model of the socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics. The rule of law at the local level is embodied in three dimensions: “text—action—concept.” Assessment mechanisms and indicators for the local construction of the rule of law should also be established in accordance with this framework. The building of the rule of law at the local level should be synchronized with assessment of the rule of law. We need to optimize top-level design, conduct evaluations of local legislation, improve local rule of law work performance assessment and use a rule of law index to assess the local rule of law in an overall manner.  相似文献   

反对腐败,建设廉洁政治,关系党和国家的生死存亡。一年多来,党中央实施一系列反腐新举措,体现出新一届中央领导集体加强反腐败体制机制创新和制度保障的新思路:在党章制度框架下改革党的纪律检查体制,推动党的纪律检查工作双重领导体制具体化、程序化、制度化;明确党委和纪委在党风廉政建设中的责任定位,落实党风廉政建设责任制;修订和完善选人用人制度,把从严治吏、从严管理干部的要求具体化、细节化,解决选人用人方面的腐败问题;抓好组织管理和组织纪律的执行,严格遵守组织制度,为加强党风廉政建设和反腐败凝聚组织力量;运用法治思维和法治方式推进廉洁政治建设,健全反腐倡廉法规制度体系:健全和完善巡视制度等。  相似文献   

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