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Pakistani migrant families in Denmark are embedded in a transnational social field, one that stretches between the rural villages in Punjab that they left behind in the 1960s and 1970s, and their new home in greater Copenhagen. However, the upcoming generation, born and raised in Denmark, often has an ambivalent relationship with the homeland of their parents. Based on ethnographic fieldwork in the Sufi tariqa(order, path) called Naqshbandi Mujaddidi Saifi, this article explores how the ritual of ‘zikr Allah’ (the commemoration of God) provides an opportunity for the Copenhagen Saifis to cultivate new connections with Pakistan, beyond the kinship networks and the family village of origin. The ritual is significant for their aspiration to become pious Muslims. In this process, Pakistan comes to be ascribed with new meanings. Whereas the parents’ generation associated Pakistan with family and kin, property, houses, and power connected to the village of origin, these pious Saifis begin to associate Pakistan with spirituality, purity, and love for their shaykh in particular and the Sufi tariqa in general.  相似文献   

萨满教与阿尔泰先民的文化精神   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文据笔者的田野调查资料,并结合相关的出土文物、岩画、史籍、民族志资料,从萨满教祭礼、神话、民俗所表达的人类自身文化能力崇拜、氏族崇拜、英雄崇拜的文化形态中,揭示阿尔泰先民的文化精神特征,初步探索了萨满教的文化史价值与阿尔泰民族在中国历史上多次勃兴的文化原因。  相似文献   

我国北方各民族,包括东北和西北的阿尔泰语系各民族,自古以来一直信仰原始宗教—萨满教。尽管一些民族后来信仰了现代宗教,如伊斯兰教、藏传佛教,但萨满教的痕迹还在,依然影响着他们的生活与习俗。本文从北方古代民族的萨满教信仰论起,直到现代民族的萨满教传承与遗存,对北方民族与萨满教的关系进行了阐述。  相似文献   

海湾地区是巴基斯坦最重要的海外劳务输出目的地,这是由特殊的地缘因素与经济互补性所决定的。海湾劳工给巴基斯坦经济社会提供了发展助力,也折射出巴经济社会存在的结构性问题。“一带一路”建设的推进,尤其是“中巴经济走廊”的实施为巴基斯坦提供了造血能力,将有助于巴基斯坦经济成功转型,增加就业机会,提高自身吸纳劳动力的能力,减少向海湾的劳务输出。  相似文献   

本文从历史学、考古学、比较语言学、种族人类学、民俗学等多方面进行研究 ,肯定哒的族源为阿尔泰山周围的呼得和东部天山以北的车师后部。  相似文献   

哈萨克族人名的构成特点主要表现在人名的组合形式和构成方式上.在人名的组合形式上,哈萨克族除了本名和父称这个每人所具备的基本称谓,在特定的人群和场合中还使用笔名、绰号、昵称和简称;在人名的构成方式上,哈萨克族人名分为单一、合成和复合三种类型.  相似文献   

回眸已成为历史的2009年,世界政坛波谲云诡,金融海啸继续冲击着各国经济,在此影响之下,世界民族问题热点不断.巴以之间再起战火,奥巴马新政府的战略给伊拉克局势、伊朗核问题、阿富汗和巴基斯坦局势带来新的动向,印巴关系出现新走向,南奥塞梯问题、苏丹达尔富尔和平进程、泰同南部暴力活动、塞浦路斯希土两族等问题成为2009年世界民族问题的热点.世界民族问题在多种因素的影响下涌现出新的热点和特点,值得我们对此倍加关注、认真思考、缜密分析,进而在汲取经验教训的基础上采取相应对策,为构建和谐世界尽责尽力.  相似文献   

滑雪板既是北方渔猎民族冬季的主要雪上交通工具,也是狩猎工具之一,在北方渔猎民族冬季狩猎生产中发挥着重要的作用。利用滑雪板狩猎是北方渔猎民族冬季狩猎生产中所采用的一种主要的狩猎手段,广泛存在于各民族中,自古以来,绵延不绝,影响深远,形成了一种独特的滑雪狩猎文化和一条滑雪狩猎文化带。这条滑雪狩猎文化带从东北的长白山(白云峰以北)开始一直向北,包括大小兴安岭,最后沿着蒙古高原的北部延伸到阿尔泰山脉。  相似文献   

蔡家艺 《民族研究》2003,11(2):61-68
本文是针对清代西北边疆民族史存在的某些问题进行研究的文章。全文共分四部分。 ( 1)准噶尔兵锋到达黑海沿岸说考辨。文中主要论述了 16— 17世纪时诺盖人的迁徙与分布情况 ,指出1682— 1683年间噶尔丹举兵进军哈萨克时 ,根本不可能自锡尔河流域跨越哈萨克草原而到达黑海沿岸。 ( 2 )此噶尔丹非彼噶尔丹。主要针对个别学者将昭《啸亭杂录》“萨赖尔之叛”中提到的“噶尔丹”比附为康熙时的“噶尔丹”的观点进行剖析。 ( 3)萨喇勒与萨赖尔是一人非二人。文中论述了萨喇勒、萨赖尔是史籍中对同一个人物的不同称呼 ,指出有关著述将其当做两个不同人物处理是不恰当的。 ( 4 )阿布赉被俘及与噶尔丹策零关系考实。有关阿布赉被俘经过及其与噶尔丹策零关系 ,学术界长期以来流行着一种观点 ,认为是由其杀死噶尔丹策零之子引起的 ,并力图夸大其与噶尔丹策零的紧张关系。作者通过大量事实 ,否定了这种说法  相似文献   

普什图人是南亚、中亚交界地区的一个古老民族,至今仍保留着部落社会的特征。普什图人的发展壮大推动了阿富汗民族国家的建立。1893年,英国强迫阿富汗接受划分双方边界的杜兰线,普什图人被一分为二,成为跨界民族。随着印巴分治和巴基斯坦建国,阿富汗与巴基斯坦之间爆发了关于巴属普什图人地位和归属问题的普什图尼斯坦争端。基于普什图民族主义的思想和国内民族、政治现实的需要,阿富汗在普什图尼斯坦问题上立场强硬。巴基斯坦对普什图人地区的政策措施消除了普什图民族主义运动造成的分离威胁。阿、巴双方理性、务实地处理普什图尼斯坦问题,有助于普什图人的自身发展和地区局势的稳定。  相似文献   

论中国少数民族拥有使用和发展自己的语言文字的权力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
语言文字是民族文化的重要组成部分,与其他民族文化形式一样,中国少数民族的语言文字得到了充分保护,各少数民族拥有使用和发展自己的语言文字的权力。政府一方面立法保护,一方面积极扶持民族语文教育、培养人才,建立相关的民族语文编译、新闻出版机构,并主动为少数民族创制、推行文字,推进了少数民族语言文字事业的健康发展。  相似文献   

福建是中国回回民族的萌生地之一,存留下许多重要的历史遗迹。元明两朝福建的穆斯林人口持续增加,以伊斯兰教为依托,回回民族的民族自觉也明显强化,通过清真寺修建等活动,反映出福建回族族群意识的提升,也显现出宗教观的某些变化,特别表现在"回而兼儒"的主动融会上,可以说开了明清之际回回学人"以儒解回"的先河。米荣所撰写的福州《重建清真寺记》是福建回族石刻的珍品,其内容在这些方面的价值尤显突出,具有很高的研究价值。本文以碑文内容的疏解为主线,延展到对米荣及其家族,以及碑文所涉及的众多明代福建回回人物及作者宗教观的研探上,试图以福建回族史为侧面,对整个明代回族史的认识有所加深。  相似文献   

Based on a number of “burger episodes” during 10 days of itikaf at a Sufi lodge in Pakistan, this article discusses the difficulties of religious self-cultivation among young Muslim pilgrims from Denmark. The focus on food and eating is not only used to discuss how religious brotherhoods and spiritual kinship are created and maintained, but also becomes a prism to discuss emic conceptualizations of the nafs, the lower self, as well as how the jihad of dedicated Sufi Muslims is tested by fatal attractions of various kinds—in this case, in the guise of tasty burgers.  相似文献   

This paper examines the phenomenon of the return of Bedouin and Druze women from studies in Israeli universities to their homes and culture, focusing on the perspective of the psychological changes they experienced in their identity. Entering the university, located in the Jewish-Israeli space (in central cities in Israel), constitutes entry into a new and different cultural world that exposes these women to values and norms different from those of their culture of origin. The identity formed as a result of their encounter with and exposure to a world that was unfamiliar to them and the return thereafter to their villages entail changes in gender identity. Not only are they ‘different’ from the way they were before they left; they often feel like ‘internal immigrants’ within their own culture. A deeper understanding of these effects would enhance comprehension of the emotional processes and identity changes undergone by women from non-Western cultures who obtain higher education.  相似文献   

This article examines the ethnic identity formation of high school aged Mexican immigrant adolescent girls. The ethnic identity is new to them and acts as a coping mechanism that allows them to confront the racial order and gender monitoring they experience at home and at their high school. Being Mexican allows them to make meaning of their immigrant experience. The author contends that these girls rather than disconnecting from their national ethnic identity are developing a stronger sense of being Mexican than if they had never left Mexico. However, developing a strong sense of being Mexican comes with challenges. This article is based on 20 unstructured interviews conducted at a local high school in Napa, California. The interviews trace the identity transitions and challenges each girl experienced both before migration and after they arrived in the US. The author finds that they develop an ethnic identity based on their memories of Mexico that they share amongst each other where they long to continue to be part of their old community. The stories of girls point to the identity transitions Mexican immigrant youth experience. Their stories also point to how identities are not clean sequential transitions, but are rather messy, conflicting, and contradictory.  相似文献   

我国许多少数民族地处边疆,教育文化发展比较落后,成为制约民族地区经济和社会发展的主要原因.师范院校的学生在毕业后多数从事基础的九年制义务教育,是具有鲜明职业倾向性的专业人才,因此民族地区的基础师范教育和教师起着尤为重要的作用;而道德直接关乎一个人的成长."两课"在高校德育课程体系中正以其计划性、正规性、显现性和隐含性等特点,对学生进行着思想和政治教育,体现出政治教育和道德教育的主动性和实效性.  相似文献   

This study examines citizenship education in Israel from the point of view of Arab teachers, as they rework and negotiate the content and boundaries of their Israeli citizenship. Specifically, the paper studies how teachers of citizenship education in Arab high schools in Israel perceive their sociopolitical reality, how they respond to it in their classrooms, and how they conceptualize Israeli citizenship for their pupils. In doing so, the paper ponders the pedagogical strategies and emphases of these teachers, as they mediate the citizenship education curriculum, with its heavy emphasis on the ethno-national character of Israel, to their Arab pupils.  相似文献   

Interviews were held with 12 Muslim Palestinian women from Israel, presently studying in Jordan (6) or who had completed their higher education in Jordan (6). They explained the factors that pushed or pulled them to study in Jordan, the independence that they experienced there, the empowerment they achieved, and the price they paid when they returned to Arab society in Israel. The Arab cultural space in Jordan is defined as both foreign and close, due to its geographical and cultural proximity, and yet its distance from home and patriarchal supervision. The research findings indicate that this situation influences the formation of these women's gender identity and their empowerment but also creates much pain and conflict. The Palestinian women's new identity, formed during their studies, assists them in their efforts to reintegrate and establish their status when they return from their academic studies abroad to their society of origin, Muslim Arab society in Israel.  相似文献   

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