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The Diploma in Probation Studies replaced the Diploma in Social Work as the qualification for probation officers in England and Wales in 1997. It had a controversial beginning, coming as it did after a lengthy struggle involving practitioners, employers and academics, who united in their opposition to the removal of probation from social work training. The fear was that the proposed new training would be too rigid, too functionalist, and too narrow in its focus to produce critical thinkers who would engage in thoughtful and anti‐oppressive probation practice. This paper reports a small qualitative study into the views of a group of 15 newly qualified probation officers from the first three cohorts to qualify about their experiences of this form of training. It finds that they felt they had a very heavy workload, with pressure points at certain times, and would have welcomed the work being more evenly spread. Some respondents struggled with what they saw as the very different requirements of academic work and the NVQ, but most felt that on this programme the NVQ had helped them to become reflective about their practice. They are positive about being well equipped for their jobs in today's probation service, but would welcome more support in their first period of practice after qualifying, to facilitate the continued development of their learning.  相似文献   

Qualifying training in probation is under review and likely to be substantially changed. This article draws on a small scale study of current training arrangements designed to explore the views of trainee probation officers, practice development assessors and university tutors regarding which elements of the current Diploma in Probation Studies framework most support learning. Their comments focus on the organisational ownership of training, time and learning, the teacher–learner relationship, teaching methods and equality of access. It is argued that probation training is best supported by a series of linked qualifications across grades, integrating practice‐based and academic learning delivered through a ‘blended learning’ model.  相似文献   

In this article it is argued that a fundamental revolution in the theory base of the Probation Service is currently underway. This is exemplified in the proposed changes to Probation qualifying training according to which the Home Office intends to remove this from both higher education and social work. The author argues that this represents an abandonment of a holistic approach to the rehabilitation of offenders in favour of a model of reformatory intervention plundered wholly inappropriately from a complex body of cognitive theory. The article reviews the recent history in relation to the application of psychological theories to probation and social work practice and education, and warns of the dangers of misusing theory to satisfy a perceived demand for a simplistic, reductionist view of offending behaviour.  相似文献   

Deterrence theory has been repeatedly used to explain individuals'choices to commit vs. not commit crimes. Its utilitarian premise is that individuals will choose to commit or not commit crimes based on the certainty, swiftness, and severity of punishments. This study examines the perceived certainty of sanctions among offenders mandated into intensive probation and the effects of varying levels of perceived sanction certainty in deterring offenders from violating probation requirements. Data from an Intensive Supervision Probation program in New Jersey are used. Results support the salience of offenders'perceptions of sanction certainty on their intensive probation outcomes, and implications for policy are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a PhD study, investigating the supervision of women service users (WSUs), by probation officers (POs) based on video data of one-to-one supervision sessions. The research identifies competing agendas of probation in England and Wales – one side emphasises punishment, whilst the other encourages humanistic, relationship-based practices. POs, routinely juggling these opposing expectations, appreciate traditional probation values of giving the WSU a voice and embracing psychodynamic approaches, to provide structure and support in confronting the complexities of officer/service user interactions. However, the data show that driven by managerialist enforcement requirements, it is the punitive discourse which is more frequently translated into practice. Organisational pressures, feelings about the person opposite, the offence or the individual’s background can manifest as conscious or unconscious micro-messages or masking messages. Just as SUs put on masks to disguise negative emotions or feel powerful, so too do POs; POs recognise masks and deceptions in SUs and, similarly, SUs are aware of this dynamic with POs. The research identifies practitioner ambivalence to certain narratives, particularly sexual abuse or poor mental health and, it is argued, reflective supervision is needed to deconstruct difficult personal and professional issues.  相似文献   


This paper addresses in substantive terms an emerging debate between Marxian and Weberian perspectives on crime and law. It is argued that the cooptive character of the American probation movement and its impact on juvenile and criminal law is an anomaly for orthodox Marxian theory and its preoccupation with coercive strategies of crime control. Revisionist Marxian perspectives similarly fail to account for the growth of this movement. An alternative Weberian approach is then articulated. It is found that probation legislation evolved at a federal level in juxtaposition to American temperance legislation, drawing its base of support from status groups reluctant to support the latter social movement, as well as from the leadership and rank and file organization of a voluntary association, the National Probation Association. The attention of a Weberian approach to such factors of organization and status helps to correct a one-sidedness in the Marxian class analysis of crime and law.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between gender and sentencing severity in the criminal justice system. Analysis focuses (1) on the extent to which gender influences sentencing and (2) on the part played by probation officers' presentence investigations in accounting for these differences. We find males are more likely than females to receive harsh sentences. The gender effect is diminished, but not ellmnished, in multivariate analyses, when controls are introduced for other sociodemographic and legal variables. The length of pretrial detention and the amount of charge reduction also have little impact on the magnitude of this relationship. Presentence recommendations by probation officers, however, have a major effect. Independent of other potential influences, being female greatly increases the likelihood of receiving a non-incarceration sentence recommendation which, in turn, is the primary predictor of final criminal court dispositions. A large portion of the gender effect in sentencing enters during the presentence stage, apparently because probation officers (the court officials who prepare the presentence reports) are influenced by traditional ideas about gender roles. Qualitative data suggest that they believe the sources of crime are different for women and men and that imprisonment is more appropriate as a treatment for men.  相似文献   

This paper considers the impact of Feminist Criminology upon the teaching of DipSW Probation Streams. Paper 30 (CCETSW, 1991) and an increasing body of Feminist criminological research and literature makes it imperative that gender is incorporated as a central feature of Probation training if the perpetuation of discrimination against women in Criminal Justice is to be avoided. Both the content of courses and the processes by which they are delivered needs to be addressed. The Probation Service has a key role in the assessment process pre-court, in the court arena, and in supervising women offenders in the community. The training of future officers could positively contribute to practice change in these areas, and this paper explores what courses should deliver in order to aid this process. In addition to content and process recommendations, the paper recognises the wider gender inequalities institutionalised both within Probation and the Criminal Justice system. This is the context within which students are taught, and within which existing oppressions are learned. The limits of this constraint upon achieving DipSW programme change are acknowledged and partly resolved.  相似文献   

In the past several years, there has been a growing movement toward family-driven initiatives in many child-serving agencies, including the juvenile justice system. These initiatives underscore the importance of parental involvement in successful rehabilitation of at-risk and offending youth and highlight the unique role of parents to influence and inspire their child's behavior. Despite a growing consensus on the importance of parental involvement in juvenile justice processes, little empirical research has explored the nature of parental involvement in the juvenile justice system. This study examined parents' (n = 87) perceptions of relationship quality and interaction with probation officers, parenting strategies, and how these factors related to youth's compliance on probation. Findings revealed that parents generally had positive relationships with probation officers characterized as supportive, fair, respectful, and helpful toward youth. Most parents also employed practices such as use of reminders and encouragement to promote youth's compliance on probation. Parents' perceptions of probation officers' helpfulness toward youth were associated with decreased used of parenting practices that encourage probation compliance. However, parents' perceptions of supportive, respectful, and fair relationships with probation officers were associated with increased use of parenting practices that promote probation compliance. Supportive, fair, and respectful relationships with probation officers were also linked to fewer counts of technical violations of probation, but not new delinquent offenses, among offending youth. Implications for research, practice, and policy around the potential of collaborative relationships between parents and probation officers in facilitating successful probation outcomes are discussed.  相似文献   

This article explores the perspectives and programme needs of transition service providers (institutions and the government) in preparing and supporting adolescent girls leaving institutional care in Harare, Zimbabwe. Key informant interviews and focus group discussions were conducted with institutional staff from Institution A (government‐owned) and Institution B (privately owned) and social services officers from the Department of Child Welfare and Probation Services. Service providers define successful transition programming as the provision of comprehensive services and support to facilitate the achievement of sustainable livelihoods beyond care and recommend the development of well‐resourced transition models for adolescent girls leaving institutional care.  相似文献   

Domestic violence is increasingly becoming recognized as a serious social problem with an enormous cost to society. While historically services have been established for women survivors, it is only recently that programmes designed to address men's violence towards women have become established, led predominantly within the criminal justice sector. This paper describes one such programme established in partnership between Cheshire Probation Service and the NSPCC. It identifies a number of factors considered to be essential in its successful implementation, including the importance of working in partnership, a sound and shared theoretical basis, the provision of a parallel support package for women and children and ongoing programme evaluation. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The federal criminal justice system applies a single set of federal statutes and identical rules of procedure in a variety of local district jurisdictions. It is an underexplored research setting rich with potential to advance our theoretical understanding of how important sociological and political processes work. In particular, the sentencing and case processing practices of federal district courts are governed by the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines, which are in part supposed to impose uniformity and predictability in federal criminal sentencing. Guided by a processual order perspective that views courts as communities with their own distinct organizational culture, practices, and relationships, I explore the localized meaning and uses of key provisions of the sentencing guidelines, such as guideline departures for “substantial assistance” to law enforcement, sentence reductions for “acceptance of responsibility,” and the role of federal probation presentence reports. Data for this study come from field interviews with federal prosecutors, judges, public and private defense attorneys, and probation officers in four U.S. District Courts. I supplement these interview data with quantitative sentencing data that show substantial variation in criminal punishment between these four courts. I argue that federal criminal courts, like state courts, are best conceptualized as communities with distinctive processual orders.  相似文献   

In this case study of a class-action suit against the U.S. Department of State, I focus on sex discrimination in job assignments as a way of exploring the existence and consequences of organizational culture on public relations and, more specifically, on female professionals aspiring to a managerial role. I begin with a look at women's history in the Foreign Service and continue with a discussion of its personnel system. Taken together, this historical and contemporary analysis (accomplished through a triangulation of methods that included lengthy personal interviews and examination of relevant documents) suggests that despite legal progress and a change in organizational culture, female Foreign Service officers continue to be disadvantaged. The explanation for the clash that led to their 14-year-long legal struggle lies in a strong subculture operating primarily in posts overseas. That male-dominated counterculture limited women's abilities for career advancement. I conclude that discrimination against women whose work involves communication as part of their diplomatic service also might adversely affect their constituencies, particularly in developing countries.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. The current developments in practice, where children are involved with the courts, will form a fundamental part of work with children under the 1989 Children Act. One of the key actors will be the Court Welfare Officer, part of the Probation Service. This article reviews the role as it has developed in recent years, pointing out the different practices which coexist, even in the same area. Using evidence from a small scale research study in one Service, the article argues for a clearer and more consistent role, which can only really develop under a Family Court Welfare Service  相似文献   

This study examined reactions to child molesters' accounts for their deviant behavior. Subjects (probation officers, therapists) rated various explanations for a man sexually touching his step-daughter. The results showed that almost all subjects changed their perceptions of an offender's culpability based on the accounts provided. The results suggest that authorities are most likely to be sympathetic to accounts that are perceived as credible and that minimize the offenders' responsibility for their offenses. Implications for the assessment and treatment of child molesters' "cognitive distortions" are discussed.  相似文献   

Evidence-based practice in social work is an intensely debated topic, with many differing perspectives on how it should be done. However, we know surprisingly little about how social workers actually engage in professional problem-solving and about the knowledge base of those processes. To shed light on this topic of social work expertise, we present a novel model of scientific reasoning and argumentation and investigate how experts and novices differ in the reasoning processes they engage in as they are confronted with social work problems. Vignettes were used to capture reasoning processes, and the corresponding verbal data were then analysed. In this study, 26 probation officers and 22 social work students participated. The findings show that experts differ from novices with respect to both their knowledge bases and the epistemic activities in which they engage. Furthermore, a cluster analysis revealed three common problem-solving strategies: evidence-based solution seeking (15 experts and 15 novices), shared problem-solving (8 experts) and explanation seeking (1 expert and 7 novices). The results indicate the need to improve the practical problem-solving skills of students through situated teaching methods.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a shift in legal advocacy approaches employed by activists in the US battered women's movement that would take into account how the work of criminal justice professionals (police officers, probation officers, judges, and prosecutors) is organized. While judicial procedures may be more successful in bringing domestic abusers to justice than in the past, they are less successful in producing safety for the victims of abusers. Using institution ethnography as a research strategy, I explore aspects of how the work of practitioners in the police and court system is organized in ways that are not observable to activists working with the victims of abuse. An important aspect of the institutional process are its texts. Texts, as they are produced and processed in people's work settings, coordinate and regulate the different phases of practitioners’ work. In these work processes, organized and limited by formalized texts, women's experience of violence and intimidation is erased and issues of their safety disappear. In conclusion, I propose a method of engaging criminal justice professionals and community advocates in an investigation of local criminal justice settings with the intent of making changes in practices which fail to attend to the safety needs of women who are battered.  相似文献   

Using in‐depth interviews with 20 probation youth (60% female; 35% White; 30% Hispanic; mean age: 15 years, range = 13–17), their caregivers (100% female; mean age: 44 years, range = 34–71), and 12 female probation officers (100% White; mean age: 46 years, range = 34–57), we explored how family and probation systems exacerbate or mitigate sexual risk. We conducted thematic analyses of interviews, comparing narratives of families of sexually risky (n = 9) versus nonsexually risky (n = 11) youth. Family functioning differed by youth sexual risk behavior around quality of relationships, communication, and limit setting and monitoring. The involvement of families of sexually risky youth in probation positively influenced family functioning. Data suggest that these families are amenable to intervention and may benefit from family‐based HIV/STI interventions delivered in tandem with probation.  相似文献   

Supervision, Monitoring, Accountability, Responsibility, and Treatment (SMART) is Kentucky's enhanced probation pilot program modeled after Hawaii's Opportunity Probation with Enforcement (HOPE). SMART is proposed to decrease substance use, new violations, and incarceration-related costs for high-risk probationers by increasing and randomizing drug testing, intensifying supervision, and creating linkages with needed resources (i.e., mental health and substance use). SMART adopts a holistic approach to rehabilitation by addressing mental health and substance abuse needs as well as life skills for fostering deterrence of criminal behavior vs. punitive action only. A mixed methods evaluation was implemented to assess program implementation and effectiveness. Qualitative interviews with key stakeholders (i.e., administration, judges, attorneys, and law enforcement/corrections) suggested successful implementation and collaboration to facilitate the pilot program. Quantitative analyses of secondary Kentucky Offender Management System (KOMS) data (grant Year 1: 07/01/2012–06/30/2013) also suggested program effectiveness. Specifically, SMART probationers showed significantly fewer: violations of probation (1.2 vs. 2.3), positive drug screens (8.6% vs. 29.4%), and days incarcerated (32.5 vs. 118.1) than comparison probationers. Kentucky's SMART enhanced probation shows preliminary success in reducing violations, substance use, and incarceration. Implications for practice and policy will be discussed.  相似文献   

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