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The polychoric correlation and an approximate maximum likelihood estimator of correlation are compared for count data that are assumed to be derived from an underlying bivariate normal distribution. A related chi squared test for bivariate normality is also examined.  相似文献   

The truncated bivariate normal distribution (TBVND) with truncation in both variables on the left is studied here. The behaviour of the sample correlation coefficient is assessed through its moments when the sample is from such a population. Some inequalities established by Rao et al. (1968) are extended  相似文献   

Iman and Connver (1985, 1987) have suggested the top-down correlation coefficient as a measure of association when n objects are ranked by two or more independent sources and interest centers primarily on agreement in the top rankings, with disagreements on items at the bottom of the rankings being of little or no importance. The top-down correlation coefficient results from computing the ordinary Pearson correlation coefficient on Savage scores. Quantiles of the exact distribution of the top-down correlation coefficient based on the assumption of independent rankings are provided for n = 3(1)14.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a control chart with variable sampling intervals (VSI) to detect increases in the expected value of the number of defects in a random sample of constant size n the upper one-sided c-VSI chart

The performance of this chart is evaluated by means of the average time to signal (ATS).The comparisons made between the standard FSI (fixed sampling intervals) and the VSI upper one-sided c - charts indicate that using variable sampling intervals can substantially reduce the average time to signal. Using stochastic ordering we prove that this reduction always occurs.

Special attention is given to the choice of the proposed control chart parameters and to the chart graphical display.  相似文献   

Improved confidence intervals are given for the correlation coefficient of the bivariate normal distribution. These are based on Cornish–Fisher expansions for the distribution, density and quantiles of the sample correlation.  相似文献   

This study treats an asymptotic distribution for measures of predictive power for generalized linear models (GLMs). We focus on the regression correlation coefficient (RCC) that is one of the measures of predictive power. The RCC, proposed by Zheng and Agresti is a population value and a generalization of the population value for the coefficient of determination. Therefore, the RCC is easy to interpret and familiar. Recently, Takahashi and Kurosawa provided an explicit form of the RCC and proposed a new RCC estimator for a Poisson regression model. They also showed the validity of the new estimator compared with other estimators. This study discusses the new statistical properties of the RCC for the Poisson regression model. Furthermore, we show an asymptotic normality of the RCC estimator.  相似文献   

Baker (2008 Baker, R. (2008). An order-statistics-based method for constructing multivariate distributions with fixed marginals. J. Multivariate Anal. 99: 23122327.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) introduced a new class of bivariate distributions based on distributions of order statistics from two independent samples of size n. Lin and Huang (2010 Lin, G.D., Huang, J.S. (2010). A note on the maximum correlation for Baker’s bivariate distributions with fixed marginals. J. Multivariate Anal. 101: 22272233.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) discovered an important property of Baker’s distribution and showed that the Pearson’s correlation coefficient for this distribution converges to maximum attainable value, i.e., the correlation coefficient of the Fréchet upper bound, as n increases to infinity. Bairamov and Bayramoglu (2013 Bairamov, I., Bayramoglu, K. (2013). From Huang-Kotz distribution to Baker’s distribution. J. Multivariate Anal. 113: 106115.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) investigated a new class of bivariate distributions constructed by using Baker’s model and distributions of order statistics from dependent random variables, allowing higher correlation than that of Baker’s distribution. In this article, a new class of Baker’s type bivariate distributions with high correlation are constructed based on distributions of order statistics by using an arbitrary continuous copula instead of the product copula.  相似文献   

For given continuous distribution functions F(x) and G(y) and a Pearson correlation coefficient ρ, an algorithm is provided to construct a sequence of continuous bivariate distributions with marginals equal to F(x) and G(y) and the corresponding correlation coefficient converges to ρ. The algorithm can be easily implemented using S-Plus or R. Applications are given to generate bivariate random variables with marginals including Gamma, Beta, Weibull, and uniform distributions.  相似文献   

Estimation of the correlation coefficient between two variates (p) in the presence of correlated observations from a bivar iate normal population is considered The estimated maximum likelihood estimator (EMLE), an estimate based on the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE), is proposed and studied for the estimation of p For the large sample case , approximate expressions foi the variance and the bias of the Pearson estimate of the correlation coefficient are derived. These expressions suggests that the Pearson’s estimator possesses high mean square error (MSE) in estimating ρ in comparison to the MLE The MSE is particularly high when the observations within clusters aie highly correlated. The Pearson’s estimate, the MLE, and the EMLE aie evaluated in a simulation study This study shows that the proposed EMLE pefoims bettei than the Pearson’s correlation coefficient except when the number of clusters is small.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a novel Max-Relevance and Min-Common-Redundancy criterion for variable selection in linear models. Considering that the ensemble approach for variable selection has been proven to be quite effective in linear regression models, we construct a variable selection ensemble (VSE) by combining the presented stochastic correlation coefficient algorithm with a stochastic stepwise algorithm. We conduct extensive experimental comparison of our algorithm and other methods using two simulation studies and four real-life data sets. The results confirm that the proposed VSE leads to promising improvement on variable selection and regression accuracy.  相似文献   

This paper finds the mathematical forms of the distribution of the product where x and x follow a bivariate normal distribution In this paper the distribution when PT0 is expressed as an integral, a new, fundamental result. From this general form, six different cases can be distinguished depending on what is known about the parameters and p. The special cases are Aroian $year:1959 and (6) Additionally, we prove that if and as the distribution of the product approaches the Type III distribution. When p=0# Aroian $year:1959 and Aroian and Meeker $year:1977, give tables for various values of 6., 6 . The results in this paper will be used to provide brief tables for p^O in a separate paper  相似文献   

The authors derive the asymptotic mean and bias of Kendall's tau and Spearman's rho in the presence of left censoring in the bivariate Gaussian copula model. They show that tie corrections for left‐censoring brings the value of these coefficients closer to zero. They also present a bias reduction method and illustrate it through two applications.  相似文献   

The distributions of some transformations of the sample correlation coefficient r are studied here, when the parent population is a mixture of two standard bivariate normals. The behavior of these transformations is assessed through the first four standard moments. It is shown that there is a close relationship between the behavior of the transformed variables and the lack of normality as evinced by the 'kurtosis' defined in the bivariate population  相似文献   


This paper examines the high dimensional asymptotics of the naive Hotelling T2 statistic. Naive Bayes has been utilized in high dimensional pattern recognition as a method to avoid singularities in the estimated covariance matrix. The naive Hotelling T2 statistic, which is equivalent to the estimator of the naive canonical correlation, is a statistically important quantity in naive Bayes and its high dimensional behavior has been studied under several conditions. In this paper, asymptotic normality of the naive Hotelling T2 statistic under a high dimension low sample size setting is developed using the central limit theorem of a martingale difference sequence.  相似文献   

The location-scale model with equi-correlated responses is discussed. The structure of the location-scale model is utilised to genera-te the prediction distribution of a future response and that of a set of future responses. The method avoids the integration procedures usually involved in derivation of prediction distributions and yields results same as those obtained by the Bayes method with the vague prior distribution* Finally the re-suits have been specialised to cover the case of the normal intra-class model.  相似文献   

Concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) is one of the most popular scaled indices used to evaluate agreement. Most commonly, it is used under the assumption that data is normally distributed. This assumption, however, does not apply to skewed data sets. While methods for the estimation of the CCC of skewed data sets have been introduced and studied, the Bayesian approach and its comparison with the previous methods has been lacking. In this study, we propose a Bayesian method for the estimation of the CCC of skewed data sets and compare it with the best method previously investigated. The proposed method has certain advantages. It tends to outperform the best method studied before when the variation of the data is mainly from the random subject effect instead of error. Furthermore, it allows for greater flexibility in application by enabling incorporation of missing data, confounding covariates, and replications, which was not considered previously. The superiority of this new approach is demonstrated using simulation as well as real‐life biomarker data sets used in an electroencephalography clinical study. The implementation of the Bayesian method is accessible through the Comprehensive R Archive Network. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The distribution of the sample correlation coefficient is derived when the population is a mixture of two bivariate normal distributions with zero mean but different covariances and mixing proportions 1 - λ and λ respectively; λ will be called the proportion of contamination. The test of ρ = 0 based on Student's t, Fisher's z, arcsine, or Ruben's transformation is shown numerically to be nonrobust when λ, the proportion of contamination, lies between 0.05 and 0.50 and the contaminated population has 9 times the variance of the standard (bivariate normal) population. These tests are also sensitive to the presence of outliers.  相似文献   

Graphical models capture the conditional independence structure among random variables via existence of edges among vertices. One way of inferring a graph is to identify zero partial correlation coefficients, which is an effective way of finding conditional independence under a multivariate Gaussian setting. For more general settings, we propose kernel partial correlation which extends partial correlation with a combination of two kernel methods. First, a nonparametric function estimation is employed to remove effects from other variables, and then the dependence between remaining random components is assessed through a nonparametric association measure. The proposed approach is not only flexible but also robust under high levels of noise owing to the robustness of the nonparametric approaches.  相似文献   

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