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男性生育角色与我国生育保险制度改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
当前我国生育保险制度主要是面向生育女职工的,缺乏对男性生育角色的重视,导致生育过程中男性不能很好地履行其责任和义务。生育保险制度改革中强化男性生育角色,对于促进男女平等,全面维护妇女合法权益具有重要意义。  相似文献   

我国城市妇女的生育心理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
妇女的生育心理,包含妇女对生育活动的主观意愿、生育动机与生育行为三部分。生育意愿是个人对生育的主观需求。如果具备了适当的客观条件,生育意愿就转化为生育动机,成为生育行为的直接内驱力,生育动机付诸实现,就产生了生育行为。在这三个有机组成部分中,生育意愿是基础。因此,本文在探讨妇女的生育心理中,侧重探讨生育意愿。  相似文献   

从历史发展看 ,现代生育文化替代传统生育文化有其必然性 ,在社会转型期建设现代生育文化是完善社会主义市场经济、在计划生育领域实践“三个代表”思想的需要。因现代生育文化对人们生育观的形成和转变有着指导、改造、调控的功能 ,故建设现代生育文化是稳定低生育水平的治本之策  相似文献   

关于我国生育政策与生育水平的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过回顾梳理现存文献和进行国际比较认为,中国的总和生育率已经大大低于更替水平,且现行生育政策仅能有效控制大约6%的育龄妇女。在低生育水平已持续了近20年、理想子女数大约仅为2个孩子、现行生育政策对个体生育行为的控制作用大大减弱的情势下,未来维持低生育水平主要取决于经济社会的发展。只要能够有效控制各类人群的第三胎生育,推行现行生育政策与"放宽二孩、杜绝三孩"的生育政策之间差别就不会大;而如果超生是某些人的特权,就既会大大降低生育政策的公信力,也不利于稳定适度的低生育水平。  相似文献   

从性别层面来看,以《圣经》为主的基督教的生育观植入了十分浓厚的父权制思想,其中的女性生育遭到了深重地压制。这种压制主要体现在三个方面:上帝造人神话对女性生育能力的篡夺;以上帝的名义压制女性生育能力的再现;管控女性的生育活动。而西方的女性作家基于自己的身体体验,其创作与基督教中的生育观念形成一种互补,从而给读者展现了一系列具有女性特色的生育想象。  相似文献   

云南各民族妇女生育水平与生育模式比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用历次人口普查资料,展现过去近20年间云南各民族妇女的生育状况,比较并剖析各民族妇女的生育水平,进而对各民族妇女的生育模式进行归类,可以展现未来各民族妇女生育水平与生育模式的走向。  相似文献   

本文就当前职工生育保险制度存在的不完善之处,探讨了优化生育保险管理的必要性,及科学有效的实践策略。对提升职工生育保险效益,维护职工合法权益,推进职工生育保险合理向全民生育保险发展转变,有重要的实践意义。  相似文献   

生育价值观研究综述   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
在对生育价值观相关要素有关研究进行回顾的基础上,侧重从心理学角度,概括阐述生育价值观的概念、可操作性定义及构成要素。指出开展个体生育价值观的研究,准确了解人们的生育需要,把握其生育行为,能更准确地评价人口现状和预测人口发展趋势。  相似文献   

婚姻是影响人口生育的重要因素,它对人口的生育行为本身和人口生育行为的结果,都产生着重要的影响。具体表现在:妇女初婚婚龄不同,其生育期、高生育力期和人口再生产周期的长短不同,生育水平也不同;婚姻观念不同,实际生育水平不同;婚姻状况不同,对生育行为的影响不同。因而,干预婚姻,促使并保证婚姻生活与生殖过程相分离,是调节人口生育水平的重要社会措施。  相似文献   

婚姻是影响人口生育的重要因素,它对人口的生育行为本身和人口生育行为的结果,都产生着重要的影响。具体表现在:妇女初婚婚龄不同,其生育期、高生育力期和人口再生产周期的长短不同,生育水平也不同,婚姻观念不同,实际生育水平不同;婚姻状况不同,对生育行为的影响不同。因而,干预婚姻,促使并保证婚姻生活与生殖过程相分离,是调节人口生育水平的重要社会措施。  相似文献   

目的:弄清粳型亲籼系花粉育性和小穗育性的遗传规律,选育优良水稻品种。方法:3个杂交组合的亲本、杂种F1代和杂种F2代研究了待测粳型亲籼系花粉育性和小穗育性的遗传规律。结果:G2410亲籼并与籼稻的亲缘关系较远,是粳型亲籼系。粳型亲籼系花粉育性和小穗育性受多基因控制,在一个具体组合中,常受1-2个主基因和多个微效多基因控制,各主基因之间的遗传力大小常有不同,控制小穗育性的基因数比控制花粉育性的基因数更多。  相似文献   

通过对1980年初以来上海开展的数次生育意愿调查结果的回顾与梳理,展现了过去30年上海人口生育意愿(主要是意愿子女数和意愿子女性别)的演变历程:意愿子女数呈不断减少趋势;不同群体间生育意愿数虽存在差异,但都低于2个孩子。同时,总和生育率、孩次率等多项指标显示,上海人口的实际生育已长期处于很低水平。文中历次调查的意愿生育子女数与相应年份总和生育率的纵向比较可表明,在低生育水平社会,人们的实际生育水平一般低于所报告的意愿生育水平。  相似文献   

A dynamic stalled fertility transition is the best way to describe the recent fertility experience of Muslim Palestinians in Israel. It is generally assumed that once fertility levels fall by 10%, transition is well underway. Muslims in Israel experienced rapid fertility decline from TFR levels near 9 in the 1960s to about 4.5 in the early 1980s, but period TFRs have remained essentially constant since then. This article uses multilevel statistical models and census data to examine the changing determinants of fertility amongst Muslim Palestinians in Israel during the stage when aggregate fertility levels approached stagnation. The results show that as educational levels increased among Israeli Muslim women, the strength and nature of the relationship between education and fertility has changed at both the individual and community levels. We also explore other potential determinants of fertility such as minority status and cultural affiliation—exciting new directions for explaining the stagnation of aggregate fertility levels.  相似文献   

This report investigates trends in the initial phases of the family-building process for Swedish women in five-year cohorts born between 1936 and 1960, using life-table techniques. Non-marital cohabitation was much more widespread in our pre-World War II cohort than has been realized previously. Among never-married women, first-birth fertility was remarkably stable for those in and those not in a consensual union alike. Strong increases in non-marital fertility have resulted from progressively increasing exposure to the higher fertility of consensual unions instead of to the very low fertility of single women. Cohabitational first-birth fertility is not high compared with marital fertility.  相似文献   

过去一年里,人口学界对中国生育问题的研究主要集中于中国目前生育水平的估算和中国未来生育政策的选择,同时对建设新型生育文化也日渐关注。因此,有必要对上述研究领域的研究成果作概括性的回顾与评述。  相似文献   

生育观即人们对于生育问题的根本看法和态度。当代青年农民既没有固守"多子多福,重男轻女"的传统生育观,也没有形成国家计划生育基本国策所提倡的"只生一个好,生男生女都一样"的现代生育观,注重自己及子女生活质量的现世伦理成为当代青年农民生育观的基石,"一儿一女"成为其理想目标。  相似文献   

Marital fertility in 54 Prussian cities and 407 Prussian Kreise (administrative areas) is analyzed using unusually rich and detailed socioeconomic and demographic data from eight quinquennial census between 1875 and 1910. Pooled cross-section time series methods are used to examine influences on marital fertility level and on marital fertility decline, focusing particularly on fertility differences according to level of urbanization. Increases in female labour force participation rate and income, the growth of financial services and communications, improvement in education, and reduction in infant mortality account for most of the marital fertility decline in 19th century Prussia. In 1875, rural and urban fertility were similar but by 1910, urban fertility was far lower than rural in part because the values of some of these variables changed more rapidly in the cities, and in part because some of these variables had stronger effects in urban settings.  相似文献   

根据2005年全国1%人口抽样调查、“五普”等资料数据,通过交叉分析和相关性分析对我国省内省外的流动人口生育水平及影响因素进行了描述和探析。研究结果显示:我国省内流动人口比省外流动人口的时期生育水平高,两者的一般生育率分别为45.47‰与34.17‰,总和生育率分别为1.215与0.817,终身生育水平低,省内流动人口的二孩及多孩率低于省外流动人口;因婚姻家庭因素而流动的人口在各年龄段的分布与流动人口年龄结构的错位,是造成省外流动人口时期生育水平低于省内流动人口的根本原因;总和生育率在反映省外流动人口生育水平时,并不能显示省外流动人口因家庭、婚姻化的发展而导致的生育水平上升,所以并不能反映省外流动人口真实的终身生育水平。  相似文献   

In the light of the recent reversal of fertility trends in several highly developed countries, we investigate the impact of economic development and its components on fertility in OECD countries from 1960 to 2007. We find that the strong negative correlation between GDP per capita does no longer hold for high levels of per capita economic output; the relation and fertility instead seems to turn into positive from a certain threshold level of economic development on. Survival of an inverse J-shaped association between GDP per capita and fertility is found when controlling for birth postponement, omitted variable bias, non-stationarity and endogeneity. However, gaps between actual and predicted fertility rates show implicitly the importance of factors influencing fertility above and over per capita income. By decomposing GDP per capita into several components, we identify female employment as co-varying factor for the fertility rebound that can be observed in several highly developed countries. Pointing out to important differences with regard to the compatibility between childbearing and female employment, our results suggest that fertility increases are likely to be small if economic development is not accompanied by institutional changes that improve parents’ opportunities to combine work and family life.  相似文献   

This paper examines the trends in marriage and fertility in nine countries of southern and eastern Africa using DHS data. First, some background about the age at marriage, age at first birth and the proportion of premarital first births is shown. Next, the total fertility is decomposed into its pre- and post-marital parts. Then, pre- and post-marital fertility are examined in more detail. Finally, the effect of rising age at marriage on the fertility declines is measured. It is estimated that around one sixth to one third of the fertility declines are due to rising age at marriage.  相似文献   

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