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柯可 《城市观察》2011,(3):79-87
以《广州建设文化强市和世界文化名城规划纲要》的推出为契机,分析了广州建设世界智力运动名城的背景和意义,并就如何建设"智运之都"提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

陈晓峰 《科学发展》2012,(10):105-108
建设宝山国际邮轮城是国家战略的一部分,也是上海转型发展的需要。应充分利用吴淞国际邮轮港的优势,采取空间重构、多维联动、统筹发展、创新驱动的发展思路,统一管理体制、优化运营机制、统筹邮轮资源,将吴淞国际邮轮港打造成国家级现代服务业集聚区之一,将宝山建成世界级邮轮城。  相似文献   

Nowadays deconstruction has gradually changed people's way of thinking and people have come to establish the multifaceted thought patterns from multiple perspectives to ponder intercultural communication. Intercultural communication is neither static nor monolithic but fluid and constantly evolving. This paper starts with the microdefinition as well as an emic, culture-specific approach to the research. Then it presents the manifestations of the new trend. This essay adopts the framework of cultural pattern of Hall's high-context and low-context cultures. At last, the author gives some suggestions about how to shatter preconceptions and ethnocentrism to achieve effective communication in intercultural settings.  相似文献   

刘玉麟 《城市》2008,(11):4-5
时光荏苒,岁月如梭,不知不觉间《城市》杂志已走过了20年的风雨历程。20世纪80年代末.正是我国各项事业蓬勃发展.改革开放初见成效的时期.全国各地都得到了前所未有的发展.各类城市成为各地经济社会发展的前沿和带动力量。然而在实践中也遇到了许多难点和困惑。解决城市发展中的问题.指明城市发展的方向.为政府职能部门制定政策提供理论依据显得尤为迫切.并且已成为每个城市必须深入研究的重大课题。《城市》杂志正是在这样的时代背景下应运而生的。关于“城市”这个刊名的由来.还经过了一番争执.最终确定了这个外延宽泛、内涵深邃、大气磅礴的名字。  相似文献   

廖玉姣 《城市》2019,(7):71-79
我国乡村旅游发展国家政策支持力度大、经济社会发展支撑力度强,发展乡村旅游是实现全面小康和乡村振兴的重要战略举措。从市场发展情况看,乡村旅游需转型升级,国际乡村旅游发展在制度建设、政策支持、产品开发和行业监管等方面有可借鉴的地方,可选择性借鉴其经验,推进乡村旅游进一步发展。  相似文献   

Plant level participation because of its location offers larger opportunities to influence decisions than participation on the job but falls short of providing access to company decision arenas. Legal institutional regulations become important because of the specific characteristics of this kind of involvement in decision-making of dependent labor. Therefore the German Framework is described and discussed with democratic conceptual, social science and new institutional economics perspectives in mind. The findings show the restrictions of plant level participation but—at least for the German case—indicate that differences in interest tend to be expressed and modify decisions. An evaluation of effects on business activities nevertheless does not indicate systematic disadvantageous economic consequences, there might even be positive results in terms of efficiency and effectiveness.  相似文献   

城市土地是城市建设与发展中最重要的资产.城市土地作为资本按照市场法则要求进行经营和运作,是城市经营战略的首要的关键环节.如何通过土地资本的最大增值解决城市发展资金问题;健全土地对城市空间和城市建设多样化的承载功能;通过调控土地供应状况来调整城市发展方向和发展规模,增强城市发展潜力,这些则是开展土地资本运营迫切需要回答和解决的基本课题.  相似文献   

卢溪 《科学发展》2021,2(2):101-105
上海韧性城市建设存在的不足是:重设施建设,轻政策投入;重传统灾害,轻新型风险;重短期应急,轻长效预防;重政府主导,轻社会参与.建设韧性城市是一个"积跬步,至千里"的长期过程,上海需要在精准施策、强化治理、源头防控等方面持续发力.  相似文献   

Inconsistencies in previous findings concerning the relationship between emotion and social context are likely to reflect the multi-dimensionality of the sociality construct. In the present study we focused on the role of the other person by manipulating two aspects of this role: co-experience of the event and expression of emotion. We predicted that another's co-experience and expression would affect emotional responses and that the direction of these effects would depend upon the manipulated emotion and how the role of the other person is appraised. Participants read vignettes eliciting four different emotions: happiness, sadness, anxiety, and anger. As well as an alone condition, there were four conditions in which a friend was present, either co-experiencing the event or merely observing it, and either expressing emotions consistent with the event or not showing any emotion. There were significant effects of co-experience in the case of anger situations, and of expression in the case of happiness and sadness situations. Social appraisal also appeared to influence emotional response. We discuss different processes that might be responsible for these results.  相似文献   

知识城市是21世纪城市可持续发展的一种全新理念。知识经济时代的到来引发对知识城市以及知识资本的研究,知识资本的管理以及知识城市的塑造将是未来城市发展的重要问题。本文主要研究知识资本的概念范畴以及管理城市知识资本的框架,借鉴并扩展了知识资夯导航系统以及CICBS模型,为我国未来知识城市的构建提供参考。  相似文献   


Policy makers and advocates often see either training or work experience as the way out of poverty. Research in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania suggests that family-supporting jobs continue to elude many low-income women for more complicated reasons: (1) a bifurcated labor market where over half of the jobs pay below-poverty wages with limited benefits, (2) a lack of bridging social capital, (3) limited bi-cultural workplace habits, (4) problems juggling kin obligations and work, and (5) inappropriate or limited training. The study suggests that policy makers should take a two-pronged approach to combating poverty. Training, combined with network development and appropriate cultural capital development, will help some women. Given the growing percentage of low-paying jobs, however, policy should also seek to raise wages, supplement wages, and provide universal benefits.  相似文献   

Two central characteristics of globalization are individualization and destabilization of political life. These trends express themselves through political cleavages around which new social groups are mobilized. Some of them are suppliers of knowledge and create a power base through their competence and creativity. In a study based on 15 years surveys we show that this new social group, the Free Logotypes, is two: Self-improvers and World-improvers. Self-improvers have their social base in production of economic values. World-improvers have their social base in production of social values. These differences affect the potential for democratic citizenship and globalized political actions.  相似文献   

阅读是青少年的一种生活方式,在新媒体语境下,青少年的阅读生活从总体上讲处于一个传统阅读和新媒体阅读共生共在、彼此交织、相互影响的交汇期,他们常常游走在纸媒阅读与新媒体阅读、经典阅读与时尚阅读、深阅读与浅阅读之间,其形态多元并存,其间存在诸如阅读品位走低、阅读方式碎片化、阅读体验浅表化等问题。要改善和提升青少年阅读生活的质量,需要加强阅读生活观念和行为的指导,为他们构筑良好的阅读生态环境,提升其阅读幸福感。  相似文献   

This article describes and reflects on a project to develop service user involvement in the teaching and learning of students on one social work degree course. It includes the perspectives of a service user who took a lead role in the project and a part‐time academic member of staff given a specific contract to develop the work. The aspects of the project discussed are: getting started; bringing people together; student learning from individual voices; and student learning from collective experiences. Achievements and obstacles are discussed and key points of learning noted.  相似文献   

A theoretical formulation is presented that represents an abstract and parsimonious conception of public policy adoption at the subnational level. The formulation consists of two components: the principle that social phenomena exist in contexts with which they are compatible, and several distinguishing attributes of subnational collectivities and public policies. Taken together, these statements lead to the conclusion: if there is a match between attributes of a policy and those of a collectivity, then the probability increases that the policy will be adopted by the collectivity. General hypotheses derived from the formulation appear generally consistent with findings of previous research. Specific hypotheses derived from the formulation regarding city adoption of War on Poverty and National Flood Insurance programs are tested with cross–sectional data for a sample of U.S. cities. Results of an ordinary least-squares regression analysis reveal support for derived hypotheses. It is concluded that the explanatory and predictive powers of the theoretical formulation are high.  相似文献   

International migration of social workers has had, in recent years, a substantial influence on the political agenda of different countries in the world, and is fraught with challenges. In some countries, recruitment of internationally qualified social workers has even become an important strategy to meet staffing demands and to fill shortages in the social work profession. This paper aims to promote debate on the key role of social work educators in assisting social work students and practitioners to practise within both a national and an international context, by reflecting on specific practice examples from Canada, England and South Africa. We explore challenges, as well as possible strategies for adaptation in new contexts, such as the facilitation of additional training, globally comparable social work programmes, and the development of a stronger professional identity, based on integrated social work values. We conclude that by enabling a stronger professional identity through the development of professional virtues, social workers will be empowered to become more confident practitioners and internationally more adaptable.  相似文献   

进一步提升文化软实力,加快文化大都市建设已经成为上海转型发展的重要战略举措。我国台湾地区台北市非常重视文化发展,明确提出"文化立市"战略,注重鼓励群众参与文化活动,营造城市的文化气息,扶助各类文艺团体,培养文化经营人才,其中有很多思路和举措值得上海学习借鉴。  相似文献   

罗力 《城市观察》2016,(3):129-136
智慧城市为我们描绘了一个具备开放性、集中化、协同化、移动化和智能化等特点的新型现代化城市。信息安全是智慧城市正常运行的前提,具有至关重要的地位,必须作为我国智慧城市建设中的一个核心内容加以保证。本文对我国智慧城市建设和运行过程中所面临的信息安全风险进行识别分析,指出我国智慧城市必须要与信息安全保障同规划、同设计、同建设,要构建包括新技术研发应用与产业发展、政策法规、组织管理体系、制度建设、人才培养等多个方面在内的联动协同的信息安全保障体系。  相似文献   

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