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青少年成才、性认知与性教育模式问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
借助对青少年成才的讨论,本文从性的视角重新解读了青少年群体的特质及其社会化过程的特征,文章认为青少年是社会群体中独特的一类,处于被型塑的人生过渡阶段.青少年成才其实是对其社会化成功的一种期待,性对青少年及其社会化意义重大.因为青少年对性的认知能力,体现了其对一系列理性观念及更广泛社会规范的认知能力。就青少年社会化过程的性认知而言,既要能认识到性兼具个体性和社会性。同时要认识到性的不同层次内涵。青少年的性的理性认知,依赖既定的社会性教育模式,然而我国的性教育模式尚未成形,但就其建立和发展而言,应借鉴多种他国成功有效的性教育模式。  相似文献   

随着信息技术课程的广泛开设,信息道德教育越来越受到人们的关注。但目前信息道德教育无论理论还是实践都还不成熟。因此,寻找一种理论来更好地开展信息道德教育和完善信息道德规范就成了当务之急。社会行动模式理论,注重培养学生的"环境能力",强调使学生融入到道德的建设、实践中,使其成为一体,而不仅仅是道德的了解者或遵守者。因此是一种很好的信息道德教育指导理论。  相似文献   

美国以品格为基础的青少年性教育模式,代表了当今美国性教育探索的最新思路.本文对这一思想的产生背景、基本观点和社会效果进行了分析与思考,以期为我国有效地开展青少年性教育工作和艾滋病防治工作提供有益借鉴.  相似文献   

青少年性教育的有效抓手:同伴性教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对我国青少年性教育现状的分析,发现父母和老师都没能很好地承担起青少年性教育的重任,造成这一状况的一个重要原因是两代人之间存在着沟通障碍.这就需要大力推广以同辈群体的影响力为基础的同伴性教育.  相似文献   

问题学生的性发育普遍提高,接触过色情物品的比例相当高。对婚前性行为的看法比较开放,拥抱、接吻、爱抚三项性行为高于十年前,但性交行为低于十年前。大人传媒是问题学生获取性的主要渠道。  相似文献   

近年来,随着外出务工人员的日益增多,农村留守女童数量也急剧上升。由于缺乏必要的监护及性安全教育,不少留守女童成为性侵害的对象。农村留守女童性安全与性教育问题成为舆情分析的焦点。从留守女童性侵案件呈现出的三大特征,即性侵主体多元化、性侵手段多样化、性侵意识淡漠化,可以看出农村留守女童性安全问题情势不容乐观。究其原因,突出地表现在三个方面:亲子教育的缺失影响到性知识的传授、监护人缺乏性安全防范与教育的意识以及学校性安全教育的重视力度较为薄弱。因此,要整合学校、家庭和社会力量,对农村留守女童系统而科学地实施性安全教育,以期能够促进她们身心健康和谐发展。  相似文献   

乔丽 《职业时空》2010,6(8):28-29
随着计算机及其网络技术的迅猛发展,传统的档案工作管理模式和方法受到冲击,已不能适应时代发展的要求,必须运用新的管理方式,实现档案管理的网络化、现代化。  相似文献   

在孩子的成长过程中,怎样正确启蒙孩子认识性、健康顺利地走过成年以前的各个阶段,可以说是每一位家长都苦苦思索的问题。笔者结合多年从事教育工作的经验,认为性教育绝不能一蹴而就,要结合成长期各个阶段的特点,循序渐进地对孩子进行性教育。  相似文献   

网络虚拟世界中的各种性信息对青少年产生强大的冲击波,而它的一些非法性、不合理性因素也对现实中的主导性教育产生一定的负面影响.充分认识加强和改进网络环境下的性教育工作的重要意义,研究它的特点和规律,探索进一步加强和改进青少年性教育工作的新途径和新办法,才能使性教育真正具有实效性.  相似文献   

青少年性教育的新视野   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为一种教育活动的性教育应当是全面和长期的,但是当前在性教育观念方面却存在着与此相悖的认识,主要表现为将性教育理解为性知识教育、学校性教育、青春期性教育,本文认为这种狭隘的性教育观念不利于我国性教育工作广泛、深入地开展,因而在详尽分析了性教育属性的基础上提出了性教育观念必须超越性知识教育、超越学校和超越青春期的理念.  相似文献   

Sex education programs for emotionally disturbed children present special problems. This article emphasizes training of child care workers and their role as teachers.  相似文献   


The goal of the present study was to build on the Health Belief Model (HBM) by adding predictors of late adolescent safer sex behavior: perceptions of peer norms for sexual behavior, and sexual attitudes that emerge from socialization. Sexually active, late adolescent college students (N = 154, 62.3% female; mean age 20.8 years, 76% European American) participated in the study. Predictors from the original HBM included perceived vulnerability, condom use self-efficacy, and attitudes about condoms. In addition, peer norms for condom use and sexual behavior, general sexual attitudes, and endorsement of the sexual double standard were included as predictors of safer sex behavior. Attitudes about condoms, perceived vulnerability, condom use self-efficacy, and the sexual double standard emerged as significant correlates of condom use. General sexual attitudes and the sexual double standard were significantly correlated with alcohol use before or during sex. With the addition of these variables, the regression models accounted for 28% of the variance in condom use, and 14% of the variance in alcohol use before or during sex.  相似文献   

This investigation examines the sociocultural influences on risk of first sex among a representative sample of Hispanic (primarily of Mexican origin) teens living in Los Angeles County. Teen acculturation (measured as language of interview) moderates the effects of gender on risk of sex, with less acculturated teens exhibiting the greatest gender difference. Teens living with both biological parents have significantly lower risk of sex and the effect of family acculturation (measured as generational status) operates through teens' language of interview. Neither measure of parent‐youth relationship (socioemotional support, parental control) is significant. Hispanic teens living in low‐density Hispanic neighborhoods have significantly higher risk of sex than do teens living in neighborhoods with higher levels of ambient hazards. The results highlight the importance of characterizing sociocultural influences at multiple levels of aggregation.  相似文献   

Throughout the last decade sex education has been a site of intense political struggle. This article identifies how the legal regulation of sex education operates in such a way as to incorporate conflicting discursive problematisations of HIV/AIDS and childhood sexuality through the construction of distinct categories within the sex education curriculum and the legitimisation of distinct roles for parents, teachers and health professionals within those categories. In particular it seeks to explain why sex education in schools fails at present to be a primary source of information about HIV/AIDS for young people and, consequently, identifies the urgent need for new guidance from the Department of Education and Employment.  相似文献   

A case report of a 36-year old female-to-male transsexual who was attracted to males prior to and following sex reassignment is described. For many years, even before hormonal and sex reassignment, this individual considered himself to be a gay male. This represents an unusual clinical finding with import to theories of sexual development, our definition of gender identity and sexual orientation and the relationship between gender identity and sexual orientation. This case may increase awareness that tenninology is flawed. Gender identity and sexual orientation are separate phenomena and theories of sexual orientation are inadequate. It also lmproves understanding of the special problems associated with cases such as these.  相似文献   

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