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We provide large-scale empirical evidence on the effects of multiple governmental regulatory and health policies, vaccination, population mobility, and COVID-19-related Twitter narratives on the spread of a new coronavirus infection. Using multiple-level fixed effects panel data model with weekly data for 27 European Union countries in the period of March 2020–June 2021, we show that governmental response policies were effective both in reducing the number of COVID-19 infection cases and deaths from it, particularly, in the countries with higher level of rule of law. Vaccination expectedly helped to decrease the number of virus cases. Reductions in population mobility in public places and workplaces were also powerful in fighting the pandemic. Next, we identify four core pandemic-related Twitter narratives: governmental response policies, people's sad feelings during the pandemic, vaccination, and pandemic-related international politics. We find that sad feelings’ narrative helped to combat the virus spread in EU countries. Our findings also reveal that while in countries with high rule of law international politics’ narrative helped to reduce the virus spread, in countries with low rule of law the effect was strictly the opposite. The latter finding suggests that trust in politicians played an important role in confronting the pandemic.  相似文献   

公共支出能否促进经济增长:中国的经验分析   总被引:54,自引:0,他引:54  
政府公共支出对经济增长的效应问题一直在理论界颇有争议,对各国政府公共支出政策效应的实际考察也众说纷纭。作者认为,在公共支出过程中存在着大量的“调整成本”,这既包括与大规模的公共支出相伴随的安装和调配成本,也包括由于公共支出过程中的寻租和“非生产性寻利”行为而造成的社会福利损失。为了考察调整成本对公共支出效应的影响,本文对中国公共支出与经济增长展开了时间序列和横截面的经验分析。自1980年以来,中国财政收入与支出占GDP的比重下降、中央的财权相对于地方政府逐步削减、预算外支出比重不断上升、预算外支出主要由地方所控制等种种现象都表明,围绕公共支出的调整成本上升了,对经济增长带来了不容忽视的负面影响。  相似文献   

中国外商直接投资产业政策测量和有效性研究:1979~2003   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文以我国正式颁布的1987、1995、1997和2002年4次外资产业政策及其投资目录为研究对象,通过将投资目录按照标准的2位数产业代码进行归类,并对各种政策类别赋予权重,以此测量外资产业政策指数,在这基础上,再对外资产业政策的有效性进行研究。结果表明:在产业开放趋势上,我国对外资产业开放程度越来越大。在产业开放导向上,这4次外资产业政策表现出了一致性,集中反映了我国的引资目的,而且,在产业开放效果上,对于各种不同的产业分组,以及对于港澳台企业和外国企业,外资产业政策都能够有效地引导外资的产业流向。  相似文献   

政府治理、产权偏好与资本投资   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从投资机会和融资约束视角分析了地方政府治理水平影响企业投资行为的机制,认为地方政府通过提供高质量的公共治理水平,帮助企业获得更多的投资机会和融资渠道,扩大企业投资规模,提高投资效率。以我国2005-2007年间上市公司为研究样本,本文实证检验的结果表明,较高的地方政府治理水平会提高公司的资本投资规模;政府治理影响企业资本投资与投资机会的敏感度在民营企业中更为显著,政府治理对国有企业资本投资的影响随着实际控制人的行政级别提高而降低。进一步研究发现,政府治理能够降低企业的融资约束,提高企业投资效率。  相似文献   

Over the last decade we have witnessed an unprecedented growth in the number of cross-border R&D investments towards large emerging countries such as China and India. However, small middle-income countries have played a marginal role as recipients of R&D-related FDI despite increasing policy efforts. In particular, several Latin American countries have recently launched new policy programs with the aim of attracting this kind of investments, but it remains uncertain whether public incentives can be useful to compensate for other locational disadvantages. The case of Chile provides an interesting empirical setting to explore these issues because during the last decade its government has been actively promoting R&D-related FDI through a new policy mix. This article suggests that for national innovation systems to benefit from the attraction of internationally-mobile R&D it is critical for public policies to ensure that appropriate linkages are established with local actors that hold absorptive capacities. Equally important for a small emerging economy like Chile is to prioritize R&D-related FDI in strategic technology niches where the country can realistically attain critical mass.  相似文献   

中国失业问题与财政政策研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
失业是市场经济运行中各国以及我国社会经济发展面临的一大难题。促进就业、控制失业率是各国政府的宏观调控目标之一和不可推卸的责任。本报告从理论与实践的结合上,深入研究失业与宏观调控及财政政策的关系,揭示当前我国政府及财政促进就业政策的成效和问题,并在借鉴国际经验的基础上,进一步提出了近期我国缓解失业压力、建立促进就业长效机制的宏观对策思路和财政政策取向。  相似文献   

财政政策效应的空间差异性与地区经济增长   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
地区间经济差距的扩大化问题严重影响了区域经济的协调发展,乃至我国经济和社会的可持续发展。本文在回顾财政支出与经济增长效应文献的基础上,首先从理论上分析了财政政策效应的空间差异性。然后,根据我国经济发展的经验数据运用VAR模型分别考察了东、西部地区的政府公共资本支出与地区经济增长的长期均衡关系和动态响应关系,并对东、西部的财政政策效应进行了比较。结果表明,财政政策的经济增长效应在空间上存在明显差异,而且经济发展水平较低地区的增长效应大大好于经济发展水平较高的地区。本文的研究为我国制定区域经济协调发展的政策提供了一个思路,即在政府财力给定的情况下,旨在缩小地区经济差距的财政政策须适当向西部地区倾斜。  相似文献   

On looking at the female labour supply in Europe, it is immediately noticed that there is a large variation among countries. One possible explanation for this fact is that different countries have different tax policies, leading to variations in incentive and costs. This has been investigated in papers such as that of Gustafsson (1992a,b) for countries such as Germany and Sweden. The same exercise has been performed by the present authors for a low-income, southern European country, Portugal, which has one of the highest rates of female participation (out of line with neighbouring countries). Female labour supply does not seem to be very sensitive to fiscal policies, as those policies have only a small influence on the take-home wage. This result appears to be independent of the fact that the female labour supply shows a higher elasticity to wages than that which has been reported for other countries. The present authors also show that Portuguese women contribute a much larger proportion of family earnings than do their counterparts in Sweden and Germany, and that the Portuguese fiscal system is rather neutral. Further studies with data from other countries are needed in order to shed more light on the issue of tax harmonization.  相似文献   

Most countries have designed programsto stimulate the birth and development of new firms.One of the most important issues in evaluating theimpact of public entrepreneurial policies is toanalyze their influence on the post-entry performanceof the new ventures. This paper examines how the mostimportant government program to encourageentrepreneurship in Italy (the Law 44 program) affectsseveral aspects of the early performance of new firms.A sample of new firms receiving government aid iscompared to a matched sample of new firms notreceiving public assistance, i.e., ``control' firms. The control firms were born in the same year, launchedtheir business in the same geographical area andoperate in the same industry classification. Resultsshow that the public program produces mixed effects.Government aid allows firms to have a higher level oftechnology. However, government funding gives rise toentrepreneurial start-ups, which are not fullyefficient. A discussion of these findings andsuggestions for future research are presented.  相似文献   

合作网络的小世界性对创新绩效的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
小世界网络在理论上被广泛认为是可以激发创造力,提高整体绩效的,但其相关的实证研究并不多。本研究构建了9个创新型国家和地区的研发合作网络,分析了其小世界特征,使用负二项式回归模型分析了其小世界性对整体创新产出的影响。实证结果显示较短的平均路径长度和较强的小世界性,会促使更多的创新产出。进而讨论分析了此结论对国家和地区制定产业政策、科技政策,以及企业选址的意义。  相似文献   

Private school students do not always perform better in standardized tests. We suggest that this may be explained by choice of private schooling by less capable students in countries where government schools are better suited to talented students. To assess the empirical relevance of this mechanism, we exploit cross‐country variation in the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2009 survey of differences between private and state school regarding organizational features that are differently suitable for students with different learning ability. We seek and find evidence of this mechanism's empirical relevance in controlled regressions that treat within‐country variation of PISA scores as an indicator of unobserved ability to learn.  相似文献   

政府制定的监管政策对制造商生产策略的选择具有重要影响。本文基于低碳视角,引入政府碳税系数、补贴系数、低碳产品生产成本等参数,针对税收与补贴混合政策、单一税收政策和单一补贴政策三种模式,分别建立了政府与制造商之间决策行为的演化博弈模型,对比分析了不同监管政策下政府和制造商达到均衡所需条件的差异,并进一步探讨了影响政府、制造商决策的关键因素。研究结果表明,当初始生产低碳产品的制造商比例相同时,政府实施混合政策比单一税收政策或补贴政策对制造商生产低碳产品的激励作用更加明显。政府监管与政府低碳税收、高碳产品罚款和监管成本有关,制造商生产低碳产品受到产品成本、收益的影响。研究结论不仅为政府制定低碳产品政策提供了科学依据,也为制造商选择低碳产品策略给予了决策支撑。  相似文献   

To date most studies of workplace support and work-life experience have been of contexts where government policies and legislation to protect employee work-life balance interests are well established, such as US, UK, and other European countries. Little scrutiny has been given to these issues in less developed economies, where support and protection in terms of work-life policies and legislation at the national level is rather limited. Malaysia, the setting of this study, provides such a context. Two types of organizational support, work flexibility and superior support, are studied for their impact on work-life experience of Malaysians. The findings of this study are based on a national survey of working adults in Malaysia. Work-life experience is conceptualized to capture conflict and enrichment aspects, as well as bidirectional effects between work and nonwork. Results show that work flexibility and superior support lower work-life conflict marginally but facilitate greater work-life enrichment among Malaysians. The paper also draws out implications of these findings for human resource development professionals operating in workplace settings within national contexts with limited mandatory work-life provisions.  相似文献   

The prolonged dependence on a foreign labor force in Saudi Arabia has created an ever-increasing feeling of discomfort for the government as well as for the local labor force. This paper outlines the problems associated with foreign workers against the alternatives of developing human resources locally through training and skill development. It also examines the stereotypical myths about the local Saudi workers among the private0sector decision makers. The paper later explores what policies are in practice to localize the labor force given the prevailing evidence from the local labor market. The paper then outlines a few general policy approaches to the nationalization of the local labor force, supported by more detailed implementation mechanism type of policies to effectively nationalize the labor force. The paper concludes with a few specific policy options that may well lead to the nationalization of the labor force through developing the skill profile of nationals in a concerted effort as a planned human resources development planning and selecting appropriate labor force importation policies. These policies represent the Saudi perspective on the general labor-importing countries' governments' positions, which are applicable to all the labor-importing countries given a few minor customization steps.  相似文献   

为应对本轮经济危机,各国政府纷纷出台经济刺激计划及相应配套政策,以遏制经济增长显著下滑的态势。随着经济危机渐行渐远,如何实现经济刺激计划的平稳退出,成为各国政府亟需面对的首要问题,理论界也对此展开了激烈的探讨。本文以判断经济复苏走势为切入点,选择经济刺激计划退出过程中面临的相关问题为研究对象,对国内外学者的研究成果进行综述,并在此基础上展望了未来我国宏观经济政策走向。  相似文献   

执行时间视角下的可再生能源发电项目激励政策优化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为实现可持续发展并降低温室气体排放,中国需大力发展可再生能源,而激励政策对可再生能源发展具有重要推动作用。鉴于此,本文采用实物期权方法评价了中国可再生能源发电项目激励政策的实施效果:首先分析了可再生能源项目的经济性,提出模型假设,接着构建并求解实物期权模型。为更直观地评价激励政策效果,本文利用最优执行条件求解项目预期执行时间和不同技术水平下的激励政策最优值。最后,以光伏发电项目为例进行实证分析。研究表明:①目前,中国光伏产业还难以独立发展,仍需国家政策的支持,但现行或曾实施的光伏激励政策存在超额激励现象。②随着技术水平的提高,为鼓励投资者及时投资,政府需提高激励力度。③从政府支出、政策效果和技术影响三个角度综合分析,单项激励政策中上网电价政策效果最佳,但政府支出较高;价格补贴政策效果偏弱,但政府支出较低;与其他两项政策相比,成本补偿政策效果较差。  相似文献   

This paper discusses various approaches of anti-corruption initiatives and conducts statistical analyses on aggregate data of more than 200 different countries to find relationships between e-government and anti-corruption in government. Findings indicate that e-government could be an effective tool to curb corruption in government in spite of the fact that the rule of law is the most powerful predictor of anti-corruption as well as a fundamental precondition of a clean government. Findings also indicate that if digital government is strengthened with high-quality public bureaucracies, anti-corruption efforts could more effectively lower the corruption levels of public affairs.  相似文献   

We develop and estimate a comprehensive dynamic programming (DP) model for the joint decisions of residential location, employment location, occupational choices, and labor market outcomes. We use data on immigrants from the former Soviet Union (FSU). We provide an extensive empirical evaluation of policies that have been designed to affect the residential and employment location decisions of the migrant population. The results shed new, and important, light on several issues regarding this group of immigrants. We find large regional differences in wages for the white‐collar workers, but only little differences for the blue‐collar workers. A careful examination of a number of policy measures indicate that a direct subsidy, in the form of a lump‐sum transfer, is most effective in achieving the government stated goal of inducing people to reside in the northern region of the Galilee and southern region of the Negev. Other policies, such as rental and wage subsidies, can also be quite effective, but these are more difficult to administer.  相似文献   

Guido Baglioni 《LABOUR》1987,1(3):57-94
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this article is to offer some clarification on developments in a number of European countries in the postwar period. The crux of the analysis are the relations between the huge, functional interest-group organizations and the political system and government, and in particular the trade unions. The intent is firstly to overcome the uncertain and often indistinct use of the concepts of political exchange and corporatism, then to offer an explanatory framework in which these modes, which have prevailed in Capitalist countries, can be grouped under the model of political exchange, in so much as the trade unions’representation of interest groups is affected by the factors and political advantages at stake. It then clariries the essential connotations of this model, which can be considered as constants compared to the variants within it, and also deals with the two types of political exchange predominant in the period and countries surveyed, namely pluralist and cor-poratist variants. Finally the author stresses the need for empirical studies in postwar Europe, to check the acceptability and realism of the model used and test the validity of the theses here outlined, that is, that there are several variants — or strategies — of political exchange between trade unions and the governments and political system.  相似文献   

This article discusses how the control systems for multinational subsidiary managers are affected by national variables such as political risk, financial/monetary policies and relative cultural distance. These environmental factors are reviewed and synthesized into a three-dimensional model to help a manager diagnose these influences and choose the appropriate control system. This model illustrates how the salience of input control increases as multinational entities increasingly compete globally in nations with unstable financial/monetary policies, significant government restrictions and high cultural distance. Global expansion into countries with one or more of these will require multinational entities to pay added attention to how they recruit, train and reward subsidiary managers.  相似文献   

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