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This paper studies how comparative advantage and the political elites' endowments shape long‐run performance in economies with imperfect political institutions. The trade regime interacts with industrial policy and regulations on capital mobility in governing capital accumulation. In a capital‐scarce economy, capitalist oligarchs striving for import substitution industrialization (ISI) initially shelter the economy from trade, while promoting industrial policies that promote total factor productivity growth in the manufacturing sector. This gradually shifts the comparative advantage toward manufacturing and renders the economy attractive to foreign investors. Allowing for trade and foreign capital inflows are thus complementary policies that spur growth in the capital oligarchy. By contrast, landed oligarchs in a capital‐scarce economy favor openness to trade at an early stage of development, neglect industrial policies, and block foreign capital to maximize extractable rents. The policy mix causes the economy to stagnate. Consistent with the experiences of South Korea and Argentina in the postwar era, the model predicts that the success of ISI policies depends crucially on the conditions governing the incentives for capital accumulation. (JEL F10, F20, P40, P50, O10, O24)  相似文献   

数字内容产业已成为上海经济、社会与文化发展的新增长点,三网融合又为上海数字内容产业的发展提供了更为广阔的空间。在三网融合发展背景下,推进上海数字内容产业发展的基本思路可以概括为"一二三四工程"和"五项落地政策"。"一二三四工程"分别指"一个指导思想"——科学发展观、经济发展方式转变;"两种发展机制"——市场机制、政府管理机制;"三个发展方向"——内容创意、整合运营与终端工程建设;"四个政策着力点"——产业发展、园区建设、平台服务和企业扶持。"五个落地政策"分别是财税政策、融资政策、人才培养引进政策、创新政策、知识产权保护政策。  相似文献   


The literature on industrial policy in Africa has generally explained its political origins in terms of ruling elites’ distribution of benefits to their supporters. However, in competitive political contexts in which policies are deeply political and designed to satisfy clients, such as policies that support party donors, the problem of policy discontinuity is bound to arise because a change in ruling party is bound to alter the direction of distributional policies. The current paper uses Nigeria’s backward integration policy (BIP), an industrial policy on cement production, to sharpen the analytical distinction between the origins and persistence. Although the ruling elites’ political quest for survival explains the origin of Nigeria’s industrial policy on cement (ruling elites were in search of re-election funds and teamed up with domestic capitalists for donations, who in turn influenced the political elites to create policies in their area of business), it does not explain the continuation.  相似文献   

Conclusion The United States economic crisis of the past decade has precipitated a debate over future economic strategy. The alternative positions are whether it is better to try to save old industries or develop new ones. Nevertheless, worker control of firms through Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOP's) and state government investment in new high-tech companies have one thing in common. They both represent a turn toward the microeconomic level of firms in influencing economic policy rather than the traditional macroeconomic level of monetary or fiscal policy.However the Reagan administration continued the federal tradition established during the Roosevelt era of influencing the economy on the macroeconomic level. This squelched the move toward a microeconomic industrial policy that was emerging toward the end of the Carter administration. Responsibility for industrial policy, never explicitly assumed by the federal government, is currently being assumed by state governments. Support for science, a responsibility the federal government assumed during the post-war era, is currently being undertaken by the states to address economic development needs.During the Reagan era, as the federal government continued to focus on macroeconomic policies, state governments created microeconomic policies designed to renew regional industrial infrastructures. The various state government initiatives oriented toward developing new technology for civilian purposes assumed responsibility for industrial and science policy. It is noteworthy that these programs for shaping the relations among science, technology, and economic development have been supported by governors and legislators across the political spectrum. Perhaps ironically, a national consensus on industrial and science policy has been achieved, but implementation has been largely limited to the regional level. Given the broad base of support for state science/ industry initiatives it is reasonable to predict that it will become national policy in some form as a new generation takes political leadership on the federal level in the post-Reagan era. Perhaps in the future we shall see a reprise of what happened during the depression when the Roosevelt administration inaugurated, on a larger scale, programs that Wisconsin and New York had pioneered during the Progressive era.  相似文献   

Economic policy in South Africa in the interwar period is discussed in the context of differences between the economic power and political influence of Afrikaner as opposed to mining capital. Previous analyses have been limited by overgeneralisation, narrowness of scope and analytical methodologies which have overemphasised class agencies at the expense of actual and potential economic linkages. State economic interventions are shown to have differed in influence and in impact by area of application. No coherent policy was followed for the development of industry based on agricultural products. Instead, policies were subordinated to devolving central power to fragmented agricultural interests. Industrial policy is shown to have been confined to protection, other forms of subsidy and the creation of a state sector around heavy industry rather than being linked to a strategy of diversification out of the base provided by the activities associated with mining. Despite this lack of a conducive framework, preliminary research reveals that constrained industrial diversification did occur in isolated cases, including chemical and industrial diamond products, suggesting that other development trajectories were possible.  相似文献   

This article utilises historical information to throw light on the forces shaping British aid policies towards Africa. It outlines key long‐term policy developments, summarises the influences shaping these policies and comments on the present juncture of UK policies. It shows that, while there have been many influences, governments have enjoyed considerable policy autonomy, being largely unconstrained in pursuing their preferences in a top‐down manner. This autonomy has mainly been used for the pursuit of long‐term development, as against the promotion of the UK's national interest. The present thrust of UK policies to achieve massive increases in aid to Africa is a prime example of this policy autonomy.  相似文献   

Korea has shown rapid growth in the development of broadband services over the last several years. The Korean government and business have developed broadband services as a new business model, and the country has emerged as the world's undisputed leader in broadband services. Many media scholars, government telecom officials and information technology (IT) experts around the world are interested in how Korea has so quickly embraced broadband technology. They are also enthusiastic about seeing the fulfilment of their own vision of the information economy through the example of broadband service in Korea. This article explores key aspects of broadband services in Korea and its implications for the information economy. It examines why and how Korea has developed broadband service by examining several institutional factors. It also analyses whether government ICT policy frameworks have contributed to economic and social development. Then, it investigates how the government neoliberal economic policies have influenced the transnationalization of the broadband service market and the impact on the information economy.  相似文献   

The literature indicates that the representation of women in legislatures is positively associated with the passage of female-friendly social policy (e.g., child care or family leave). However, there is little corresponding research concerning the effects of women in cabinet on female-friendly social policy. I argue that this gap must be addressed, because most of the advanced industrial democracies are parliamentary democracies in which policies typically originate at the cabinet level, and governments typically enjoy substantial control over the legislative process. Thus, women in cabinet positions should be ideally placed to promote female-friendly policies; indeed, they are likely to be in a better position to promote these policies than their legislative counterparts. The purpose of this study is to analyze the role of female cabinet ministers in the adoption of female-friendly policies, thus addressing this gap in the gender and politics literature. It should be noted that the influence of female officeholders on female-friendly policy may differ by policy. To assess female officeholders’ effect on female friendly policy in general, I create an index measure using 17 variables related to these policy areas. Using ordinary least squares (OLS) regression, I find that female ministers have a significant effect on the adoption of policies that help to create a more female-friendly working environment.  相似文献   

Faced with an unparalleled rate of population aging, Japan and Korea have been reforming their retirement policies. To date, however, while the age of mandatory retirement has increased, employees continue to face significant decreases in compensation and other working conditions, typically at age 60 in Japan and age 55 in Korea. Three factors have contributed to shaping the path of the policy reforms in both the countries, including (1) the productivist welfare regimes, (2) the structure of the labor market for young workers, and (3) seniority-based wage and compensation systems.  相似文献   

盛久元 《科学发展》2011,(11):31-35
台湾高新技术产业以其良好的发展势头,成为上海引进世界先进技术与管理经验的重要载体和桥梁,促进了上海产业调整、结构升级,在上海城市产业发展中占据重要地位。同时,上海在长三角地区、海西地区和成渝经济区吸引台商竞争中既占有独特优势,也面临不可回避的挑战。上海应采取优化两岸金融合作政策和人才政策、完善项目扶持制度和服务台商的工作机制、设立专项引导基金和加强对台交流的机制性平台等措施来优化台商投资环境、把握对台经贸发展趋势。  相似文献   

In Korea, family policy as a public policy gained interest in the 1980s, when the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs (since January 1995 the Ministry of Health and Welfare) renamed the Maternal and Child Bureau the Family Welfare Bureau. This paper first presents a brief overview of the traditional family system and values in Korea and examines changes in economic and social indicators, changes in family functions and roles, and changes in attitudes toward family that have occurred following industrialization and urbanization. The paper then briefly explains some of the problems Korean families face today. It next examines the Family Planning Program and its results. Finally, it turns to an examination and critique of the policies and programs administered by the Family Welfare Bureau.Yeonoak Baik is a Family Advocacy Therapist for the 8th U.S. Army c/o Commander, 43rd Surgical Hospital (MA), ATTN: EAMC-SH-FAP, Room D-108, Unit #15190, APO AP, 96271-0126. She works in Korea with U.S. military soldiers and their dependents. Her research interests include child welfare, single-parent families, and domestic violence. Her MSW was received from the School of Social Work, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.Her research interests include children of divorced families, social welfare policy, and social work administration in Korea. She received her Ph.D. in Social Welfare at Seoul National University in Korea.  相似文献   

This article compares North Korean immigrants and foreign bride policies in South Korea. Despite being constructed as distinctive policy target groups, North Korean settlement and foreign bride incorporation policies exhibit striking similarities. The similarities result from the way policy problems are identified and certain solutions are justified; both North Korean immigrants and foreign brides are constructed a burden on welfare and as potential threats to social stability. Policy solutions are justified as they are designed to transform North Korean immigrants and foreign brides into ‘normal’ South Korean citizens. The major difference between two sets of policies lies in assumptions regarding cultural differences. Foreign brides are assumed to carry practices that are foreign and alien to Koreans, while North Korean immigrants are presumed to carry ‘authentic’ and ‘traditional’ Korean culture. Foreign brides’ cultures are visible and alien to South Koreans, and therefore are addressed under the banner of multiculturalism policies. North Korean immigrants are excluded from such policies. This exclusion reflects and reproduces the view of a Korean nation bounded by ethnic and cultural homogeneity.  相似文献   

The impact of globalisation upon the Korean economy is an important issue to Korean researchers. This paper is concerned with the current spatial policy and planning in Korea which is designed to facilitate the benefit from globalisation. As such, the paper discusses the meaning of globalisation in order to provide a framework for the review of policies and strategies. There follows a review of Korean policies within the area which have been adopted, as well as those which are expected to be followed in the future. The paper concludes with some critical comments about the approach which has been followed.  相似文献   

发展机器人产业对上海意义重大,上海机器人产业和技术发展的战略定位须着眼于上海的转型发展和自身的基础。为此,应加强战略引导和资源整合,制定上海机器人产业与技术整体规划和路线图;加强需求的政策引导,发挥本土市场的拉动作用,促进机器人在各领域的应用;吸引大型企业参加应用开发,培育龙头企业;支持中小型企业加速发展,在细分市场形成竞争优势;完善机器人产业园区,提高政策优惠力度;协调整合产、学、研、用和跨学科资源,建立以企业为中枢的研发体系,以促进产业集聚和创新行业。  相似文献   

陈宪 《科学发展》2010,(7):48-64
产业跨界融合是生产力进步以及产业结构高级化的必要条件,它给上海新一轮发展提出了诸多挑战,同时也赋予其极大的发展机遇。服务业发展,既需要先进制造业、现代服务业的融合发展,也要推动服务行业间的融合发展,增强服务业自主增长能力。然而,上海目前还存在诸多制约产业扩散和融合的障碍性因素。透彻了解产业跨界融合的涵义、具体形式及其影响,设计符合产业跨界融合规律和发展趋势的规制框架,从优化产业融合的内外部环境入手,制定和实施新的政策、措施,来保障和促进产业融合这一新型产业创新的顺利发展,是上海经济与社会发展的客观需求,也是理论界和决策部门亟待解决的关键问题。  相似文献   

肖林 《科学发展》2016,(11):5-8
在我国全面实施供给侧结构性改革的过程中,我们更需正确理解产业政策内涵,厘清经济发展到底需要怎样的产业政策,适应科技创新规律,适应产业发展规律,创新产业政策的理念、机制和方法,充分发展市场的决定性作用和更好地发挥政府的作用,使经济在"有效的市场"和"有为的政府"共同作用下实现平稳高效和可持续发展.  相似文献   

This article presents a comparative analysis of the available research on the social networks of older persons in India. Most of this research has been done in North Indian cities. The research foci of the available studies include network size, core networks and beyond, life course changes in networks, impacts of residency in old-age homes, gender differences, and joint and nuclear family residence. This research is discussed in terms of its policy implications. Because the research demonstrates that social networks are important for the welfare of older Indians, one can conclude that social policy that encourages the maintenance of robust networks throughout the life course may be worth pursuing. One aspect of policy is discussed. The analysis of the relationship between social network and gender suggests that current policies that can be seen as supporting gender inequality in terms of property may have a negative impact on the networks of older women.  相似文献   

本文从产业协同演进和制度谐振两个角度分析深圳市科技服务业发展的动因,发现科技服务业和高新技术产业存在四个方面的关联,能互相提供市场和中间产品,共同升级,协同发展;深圳市的政策作出了响应科技服务业发展需要的调整,制度变迁促进了产业发展,体现了产业和制度的谐振,同时创新创业文化也促进科技服务业的发展。  相似文献   

Three indicators capture the impact of exchange‐rate policy in fostering manufactured exports from North Africa: changes in the real effective exchange rate (REER), its volatility, and its misalignment. The impact of trade policy is examined using a trade liberalisation indicator. Export supply equations are estimated for three manufacturing industries: textiles, chemicals, and food. The results suggest that trade and exchange‐rate policies matter for export performance, as is evidenced by the negative influence exerted independently by real exchange‐rate misalignment and volatility and by the positive influence of trade liberalisation.  相似文献   

航空工业必须走集群创新发展之路。集群创新体系包括集群创新主体、集群创新网络和集群创新环境,因此必须从培育创新主体、构建创新网络、塑造创新环境3个方面推动上海航空工业的发展。此外,国家层面应从优化航空工业布局、改革航空工业体制、构建国家航空科技创新体系、完善航空工业政策、发展航空运输市场等几个方面给予上海航空工业发展提供必要支持。  相似文献   

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