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Assignment of individuals to correct species or population of origin based on a comparison of allele profiles has in recent years become more accurate due to improvements in DNA marker technology. A method of assessing the error in such assignment problems is présentés. The method is based on the exact hypergeometric distributions of contingency tables conditioned on marginal totals. The result is a confidence region of fixed confidence level. This confidence level is calculable exactly in principle, and estimable very accurately by simulation, without knowledge of the true population allele frequencies. Various properties of these techniques are examined through application to several examples of actual DNA marker data and through simulation studies. Methods which may reduce computation time are discussed and illustrated.  相似文献   

When making inference on a normal distribution, one often seeks either a joint confidence region for the two parameters or a confidence band for the cumulative distribution function. A number of methods for constructing such confidence sets are available, but none of these methods guarantees a minimum-area confidence set. In this paper, we derive both a minimum-area joint confidence region for the two parameters and a minimum-area confidence band for the cumulative distribution function. The minimum-area joint confidence region is asymptotically equivalent to other confidence regions in the literature, but the minimum-area confidence band improves on existing confidence bands even asymptotically.  相似文献   

In this paper exact confidence intervals (CIs) for the shape parameter of the gamma distribution are constructed using the method of Bølviken and Skovlund [Confidence intervals from Monte Carlo tests. J Amer Statist Assoc. 1996;91:1071–1078]. The CIs which are based on the maximum likelihood estimator or the moment estimator are compared to bootstrap CIs via a simulation study.  相似文献   

[Abstract] Based on a single and on two independent samples, joint confidence regions for parameters of Pareto distributions are proposed with minimum volume properties and without assigning the confidence level to dimensions. In the one-sample case, comparisons are made to former simultaneous confidence sets for Pareto parameters by means of simulation and a real data set. The two-sample case is studied in various set-ups and comprises simultaneous confidence regions for the shape parameters, the scale parameters, and higher-dimensional vectors of these parameters, where common shape and common scale models are also considered.  相似文献   

This article presents the goodness-of-fit tests for the Laplace distribution based on its maximum entropy characterization result. The critical values of the test statistics estimated by Monte Carlo simulations are tabulated for various window and sample sizes. The test statistics use an entropy estimator depending on the window size; so, the choice of the optimal window size is an important problem. The window sizes for yielding the maximum power of the tests are given for selected sample sizes. Power studies are performed to compare the proposed tests with goodness-of-fit tests based on the empirical distribution function. Simulation results report that entropy-based tests have consistently higher power than EDF tests against almost all alternatives considered.  相似文献   

In this paper we present relatively simple (ruler, paper, and pencil) nonparametric procedures for constructing joint confidence regions for (i) the median and the inner quartile range for the symmetric one-sample problem and (ii) the shift and ratio of scale parameters for the two-sample case. Both procedures are functions of the sample quartiles and have exact confidence levels when the populations are continuous. The one-sample case requires symmetry of first and third quartiles about the median.

The confidence regions we propose are always convex, nested for decreasing confidence levels and are compact for reasonably large sample sizes. Both exact small sample and approximate large sample distributions are given.  相似文献   

In the present article we suggest two new methods for calculating approximate confidence limits for the differences of the two binomial parameters. Different methods for determining the confidence interval are compared.  相似文献   

We develop exact inference for the location and scale parameters of the Laplace (double exponential) distribution based on their maximum likelihood estimators from a Type-II censored sample. Based on some pivotal quantities, exact confidence intervals and tests of hypotheses are constructed. Upon conditioning first on the number of observations that are below the population median, exact distributions of the pivotal quantities are expressed as mixtures of linear combinations and of ratios of linear combinations of standard exponential random variables, which facilitates the computation of quantiles of these pivotal quantities. Tables of quantiles are presented for the complete sample case.  相似文献   


Regression analysis is one of the important tools in statistics to investigate the relationships among variables. When the sample size is small, however, the assumptions for regression analysis can be violated. This research focuses on using the exact bootstrap to construct confidence intervals for regression parameters in small samples. The comparison of the exact bootstrap method with the basic bootstrap method was carried out by a simulation study. It was found that on a very small sample (n ≈ 5) under Laplace distribution with the independent variable treated as random, the exact bootstrap was more effective than the standard bootstrap confidence interval.  相似文献   

This paper provides an exact method to construct simultaneous confidence bands for all contrasts of several regression lines over a restricted explanatory variable. Due to the lack of exact methods in the literature, currently existing approaches consist mainly of simulation based approaches. Using confidence bands for regression analysis occurs ubiquitously in practice, for example, inference on the shelf-life or stability of a drug, on the reliability of an engineering system over time, on the environmental impact of a fertilizer in a field over time, to list just a few. The new method enhances currently existing approaches that are based on simulations.  相似文献   

In this paper, we focus on exact inference for exponential distribution under multiple Type-I censoring, which is a general form of Type-I censoring and represents that the units are terminated at different times. The maximum likelihood estimate of mean parameter is calculated. Further, the distribution of maximum likelihood estimate is derived and it yields an exact lower confidence limit for the mean parameter. Based on a simulation study, we conclude that the exact limit outperforms the bootstrap limit in terms of the coverage probability and average limit. Finally, a real dataset is analyzed for illustration.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to provide a method for constructing exact joint confidence regions for the parameters of type I (maximum) and type I (minimum) extreme value distributions. Joint confidence regions for the parameters of Weibull distributions are also discussed. The calculation for these joint confidence regions requires a small computer program.  相似文献   

Two overlapping confidence intervals have been used in the past to conduct statistical inferences about two population means and proportions. Several authors have examined the shortcomings of Overlap procedure and have determined that such a method distorts the significance level of testing the null hypothesis of two population means and reduces the statistical power of the test. Nearly all results for small samples in Overlap literature have been obtained either by simulation or by formulas that may need refinement for small sample sizes, but accurate large sample information exists. Nevertheless, there are aspects of Overlap that have not been presented and compared against the standard statistical procedure. This article will present exact formulas for the maximum % overlap of two independent confidence intervals below which the null hypothesis of equality of two normal population means or variances must still be rejected for any sample sizes. Further, the impact of Overlap on the power of testing the null hypothesis of equality of two normal variances will be assessed. Finally, the noncentral t-distribution is used to assess the Overlap impact on type II error probability when testing equality of means for sample sizes larger than 1.  相似文献   

Consider a life testing experiment in which n units are put on test, successive failure times are recorded, and the observation is terminated either at a specified number r of failures or a specified time T whichever is reached first. This mixture of type I and type II censoring schemes, called hybrid censoring, is of wide use. Under this censoring scheme and the assumption of an exponential life distribution, the distribution of the maximum likelihood estimator of the mean life θ is derived. It is then used to construct an exact lower confidence bound for θ.  相似文献   

Consider a life testing experiment in which n units are put on test, successive failure times are recorded, and the observation is terminated either at a specified number r of failures or a specified time T whichever is reached first. This mixture of type I and type II censoring schemes, called hybrid censoring, is of wide use. Under this censoring scheme and the assumption of an exponential life distribution, the distribution of the maximum likelihood estimator of the mean life 6 is derived. It is then used to construct an exact lower confidence bound for θ.  相似文献   

Epstein (1954) introduced the Type-I hybrid censoring scheme as a mixture of Type-I and Type-II censoring schemes. Childs et al. (2003) introduced the Type-II hybrid censoring scheme as an alternative to Type-I hybrid censoring scheme, and provided the exact distribution of the maximum likelihood estimator of the mean of a one-parameter exponential distribution based on Type-II hybrid censored samples. The associated confidence interval also has been provided. The main aim of this paper is to consider a two-parameter exponential distribution, and to derive the exact distribution of the maximum likelihood estimators of the unknown parameters based on Type-II hybrid censored samples. The marginal distributions and the exact confidence intervals are also provided. The results can be used to derive the exact distribution of the maximum likelihood estimator of the percentile point, and to construct the associated confidence interval. Different methods are compared using extensive simulations and one data analysis has been performed for illustrative purposes.  相似文献   


The gamma distribution has been widely used in many research areas such as engineering and survival analysis. We present an extension of this distribution, called the Kummer beta gamma distribution, having greater flexibility to model scenarios involving skewed data. We derive analytical expressions for some mathematical quantities. The estimation of parameters is approached by the maximum likelihood method and Bayesian analysis. The likelihood ratio and formal goodness-of-fit tests are used to compare the presented distribution with some of its sub-models and non nested models. A real data set is used to illustrate the importance of the distribution.  相似文献   

In this paper, we make use of an algorithm of Huffer and Lin (2000) in order to develop exact interval estimation for the scale parameter to of an exponential distribution based on doubly Type-II censored samples. We also evaluate the accuracy of a chi-square approximation proposed by Balakrishnan and Gupta (1998). We present the MAPLE program for the determination of the exact percentage points of the pivotal quantity based on the best linear unbiased estimator. Finally, we present a couple of examples to illustrate the method of inference developed here.  相似文献   

For evaluating diagnostic accuracy of inherently continuous diagnostic tests/biomarkers, sensitivity and specificity are well-known measures both of which depend on a diagnostic cut-off, which is usually estimated. Sensitivity (specificity) is the conditional probability of testing positive (negative) given the true disease status. However, a more relevant question is “what is the probability of having (not having) a disease if a test is positive (negative)?”. Such post-test probabilities are denoted as positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV). The PPV and NPV at the same estimated cut-off are correlated, hence it is desirable to make the joint inference on PPV and NPV to account for such correlation. Existing inference methods for PPV and NPV focus on the individual confidence intervals and they were developed under binomial distribution assuming binary instead of continuous test results. Several approaches are proposed to estimate the joint confidence region as well as the individual confidence intervals of PPV and NPV. Simulation results indicate the proposed approaches perform well with satisfactory coverage probabilities for normal and non-normal data and, additionally, outperform existing methods with improved coverage as well as narrower confidence intervals for PPV and NPV. The Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) data set is used to illustrate the proposed approaches and compare them with the existing methods.  相似文献   

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