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Let f(x) and g(x) denote two probability density functions and g(x)≠0. There are two ways to estimate the density ratio f(x)/g(x). One is to estimate f(x) and g(x) first and then the ratio, the other is to estimate f(x)/g(x) directly. In this paper, we derive asymptotic mean square errors and central limit theorems for both estimators.  相似文献   

This article studies the asymptotic properties of the random weighted empirical distribution function of independent random variables. Suppose X1, X2, ???, Xn is a sequence of independent random variables, and this sequence is not required to be identically distributed. Denote the empirical distribution function of the sequence by Fn(x). Based on the random weighting method and Fn(x), the random weighted empirical distribution function Hn(x) is constructed and the asymptotic properties of Hn are discussed. Under weak conditions, the Glivenko–Cantelli theorem and the central limit theorem for the random weighted empirical distribution function are obtained. The obtained results have also been applied to study the distribution functions of random errors of multiple sensors.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with recovering a regression function g(x) on the basis of noisy observations taken at design points x i . The corresponding observations are corrupted by additive dependent noise induced by a general linear process. The regression function is estimated by a smoother, which is shown to have an asymptotic multivariate normal distribution at multiple points. The problem of finding confidence bands for g(x) is discussed. An illustrative example is also exhibited. The results for finite samples are evaluated by computer simulations.  相似文献   

Expectile regression, as a general M smoother, is used to capture the tail behaviour of a distribution. Let (X 1,Y 1),…,(X n ,Y n ) be i.i.d. rvs. Denote by v(x) the unknown τ-expectile regression curve of Y conditional on X, and by v n (x) its kernel smoothing estimator. In this paper, we prove the strong uniform consistency rate of v n (x) under general conditions. Moreover, using strong approximations of the empirical process and extreme value theory, we consider the asymptotic maximal deviation sup0≤x≤1|v n (x)?v(x)|. According to the asymptotic theory, we construct simultaneous confidence bands around the estimated expectile function. Furthermore, we apply this confidence band to temperature analysis. Taking Berlin and Taipei as an example, we investigate the temperature risk drivers to these two cities.  相似文献   


Consider the heteroscedastic partially linear errors-in-variables (EV) model yi = xiβ + g(ti) + εi, ξi = xi + μi (1 ? i ? n), where εi = σiei are random errors with mean zero, σ2i = f(ui), (xi, ti, ui) are non random design points, xi are observed with measurement errors μi. When f( · ) is known, we derive the Berry–Esseen type bounds for estimators of β and g( · ) under {ei,?1 ? i ? n} is a sequence of stationary α-mixing random variables, when f( · ) is unknown, the Berry–Esseen type bounds for estimators of β, g( · ), and f( · ) are discussed under independent errors.  相似文献   

Since its introduction, the pointwise asymptotic properties of the kernel estimator f?n of a probability density function f on ?d, as well as the asymptotic behaviour of its integrated errors, have been studied in great detail. Its weak convergence in functional spaces, however, is a more difficult problem. In this paper, we show that if fn(x)=(f?n(x)) and (rn) is any nonrandom sequence of positive real numbers such that rn/√n→0 then if rn(f?n?fn) converges to a Borel measurable weak limit in a weighted Lp space on ?d, with 1≤p<∞, the limit must be 0. We also provide simple conditions for proving or disproving the existence of this Borel measurable weak limit.  相似文献   

Consider the regression model Yi= g(xi) + ei, i = 1,…, n, where g is an unknown function defined on [0, 1], 0 = x0 < x1 < … < xn≤ 1 are chosen so that max1≤i≤n(xi-xi- 1) = 0(n-1), and where {ei} are i.i.d. with Ee1= 0 and Var e1 - s?2. In a previous paper, Cheng & Lin (1979) study three estimators of g, namely, g1n of Cheng & Lin (1979), g2n of Clark (1977), and g3n of Priestley & Chao (1972). Consistency results are established and rates of strong uniform convergence are obtained. In the current investigation the limiting distribution of &in, i = 1, 2, 3, and that of the isotonic estimator g**n are considered.  相似文献   

Let X be lognormal(μ,σ2) with density f(x); let θ > 0 and define . We study properties of the exponentially tilted density (Esscher transform) fθ(x) = e?θxf(x)/L(θ), in particular its moments, its asymptotic form as θ and asymptotics for the saddlepoint θ(x) determined by . The asymptotic formulas involve the Lambert W function. The established relations are used to provide two different numerical methods for evaluating the left tail probability of the sum of lognormals Sn=X1+?+Xn: a saddlepoint approximation and an exponential tilting importance sampling estimator. For the latter, we demonstrate logarithmic efficiency. Numerical examples for the cdf Fn(x) and the pdf fn(x) of Sn are given in a range of values of σ2,n and x motivated by portfolio value‐at‐risk calculations.  相似文献   

The authors propose a new nonparametric diagnostic test for checking the constancy of the conditional variance function σ2(x) in the regression model Yi = m(xi) + σ(xi)?i, i = 1,…, m. Their test, which does not assume a known parametric form for the conditional mean function m(x), is inspired by a recent asymptotic theory in the analysis of variance when the number of factor levels is large. The authors demonstrate through simulations the good finite‐sample properties of the test and illustrate its use in a study on the effect of drug utilization on health care costs.  相似文献   

Some asymptotic expansions not necessarily related to the central limit theorem are studied. We first observe that the smoothing inequality of Esseen implies the proximity, in the Kolmogorov distance sense, of the distributions of the random variables of two random sequences satisfying a sort of general asymptotic relation. We then present several instances of this observation. A first example, partially motivated by the the statistical theory of high precision measurements, is given by a uniform asymptotic approximation to (g(X + μ n )) n∈?, where g is some smooth function, X is a random variable and (μ n ) n∈? is a sequence going to infinity; a multivariate version is also stated and proved. We finally present a second class of examples given by a randomization of the interesting parameter in some classical asymptotic formulas; namely, a generic Laplace's type integral, randomized by the sequence (μ n X) n∈?, X being a Gamma distributed random variable.  相似文献   

We study the construction of regression designs, when the random errors are autocorrelated. Our model of dependence assumes that the spectral density g(ω) of the error process is of the form g(ω) = (1 − α)g0(ω) + αg1(ω), where g0(ω) is uniform (corresponding to uncorrelated errors), α ϵ [0, 1) is fixed, and g1(ω) is arbitrary. We consider regression responses which are exactly, or only approximately, linear in the parameters. Our main results are that a design which is asymptotically (minimax) optimal for uncorrelated errors retains its optimality under autocorrelation if the design points are a random sample, or a random permutation, of points from this distribution. Our results are then a partial extension of those of Wu (Ann. Statist. 9 (1981), 1168–1177), on the robustness of randomized experimental designs, to the field of regression design.  相似文献   

In this work, we investigate a new class of skew-symmetric distributions, which includes the distributions with the probability density function (pdf) given by g α(x)=2f(x) Gx), introduced by Azzalini [A class of distributions which includes the normal ones, Scand. J. Statist. 12 (1985), pp. 171–178]. We call this new class as the symmetric-skew-symmetric family and it has the pdf proportional to f(x) G βx), where G β(x) is the cumulative distribution function of g β(x). We give some basic properties for the symmetric-skew-symmetric family and study the particular case obtained from the normal distribution.  相似文献   

Let X1,…, Xn be random variables symmetric about θ from a common unknown distribution Fθ(x) =F(x–θ). To test the null hypothesis H0:θ= 0 against the alternative H1:θ > 0, permutation tests can be used at the cost of computational difficulties. This paper investigates alternative tests that are computationally simpler, notably some bootstrap tests which are compared with permutation tests. Of these the symmetrical bootstrap-f test competes very favourably with the permutation test in terms of Bahadur asymptotic efficiency, so it is a very attractive alternative.  相似文献   

There are many situations where the usual random sample from a population of interest is not available, due to the data having unequal probabilities of entering the sample. The method of weighted distributions models this ascertainment bias by adjusting the probabilities of actual occurrence of events to arrive at a specification of the probabilities of the events as observed and recorded. We consider two different classes of contaminated or mixture of weight functions, Γ a ={w(x):w(x)=(1−ε)w 0(x)+εq(x),qQ} and Γ g ={w(x):w(x)=w 0 1−ε (x)q ε(x),qQ} wherew 0(x) is the elicited weighted function,Q is a class of positive functions and 0≤ε≤1 is a small number. Also, we study the local variation of ϕ-divergence over classes Γ a and Γ g . We devote on measuring robustness using divergence measures which is based on the Bayesian approach. Two examples will be studied.  相似文献   

In this article, we derive exact expressions for the single and product moments of order statistics from Weibull distribution under the contamination model. We assume that X1, X2, …, Xn ? p are independent with density function f(x) while the remaining, p observations (outliers) Xn ? p + 1, …, Xn are independent with density function arises from some modified version of f(x), which is called g(x), in which the location and/or scale parameters have been shifted in value. Next, we investigate the effect of the outliers on the BLUE of the scale parameter. Finally, we deduce some special cases.  相似文献   

For X with binomial (n, p) distribution the usual measure of the error of X/n as an estimator of p is its standard error Sn(p) = √{E(X/n – p)2} = √{p(1 – p)/n}. A somewhat more natural measure is the average absolute error Dn(p) = E‖X/n – p‖. This article considers use of Dn(p) instead of Sn(p) in a student's first introduction to statistical estimation. Exact and asymptotic values of Dn(p), and the appearance of its graph, are described in detail. The same is done for the Poisson distribution.  相似文献   

Let {ξi} be an absolutely regular sequence of identically distributed random variables having common density function f(x). Let Hk(x,y) (k=1, 2,…) be a sequence of Borel-measurable functions and fn(x)=n?1(Hn(x,ξ1)+…+Hn(x,ξn)) the empirical density function. In this paper, the asymptotic property of the probability P(supx|fn(x)?f(x)|>ε) (n→∞) is studied.  相似文献   

Let μ(ds, dx) denote Poisson random measure with intensity dsG(dx) on (0, ∞) × (0, ∞), for a measure G(dx) with tails varying regularly at ∞. We deal with estimation of index of regular variation α and weight parameter ξ if the point process is observed in certain windows Kn = [0, Tn] × [Yn, ∞), where Yn → ∞ as n → ∞. In particular, we look at asymptotic behaviour of the Hill estimator for α. In certain submodels, better estimators are available; they converge at higher speed and have a strong optimality property. This is deduced from the parametric case G(dx) = ξαxα−1 dx via a neighbourhood argument in terms of Hellinger distances.  相似文献   

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