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In this paper, we revisit the problem of combining estimates of location considered by Cohen (1976). Our results unify and strengthen the results of Cohen (1976), Bhattacharya (1981) and Akai (1982).  相似文献   

A median-based estimate of the location (i.e. intercept) parameter in an autoregressive time series is considered. Specifically, the asymptotic joint distribution of the location estimate and a location invariant estimate of the AR parameter vector is derived. Applications of this result to rank-based estimates are briefly discussed and illustrated with a numerical example.  相似文献   

Let X1:, X2:, …, Xn be iidrv's with cdf F?, F?(x)=F (x-θ), R. Let T be an equivariant median-unbiased estimator of θ. Let πε(F)={G = (1 -ε) F+εH, H any cdf} and let M(G, T) be a median of T if X1 has cdf G. The oscillation of the bias of T, defined as

Bε(T)=sup (M(G1 T) :G1,G2:∈πσ:(F)} ,is considered and the estimator with the smallest B$epsi;(T) is explicitly constructed  相似文献   


The Lindley distribution has been used recently for modeling lifetime data and studying some stress-strength problems. In this paper, a new three-parameter Lindley distribution is introduced. The added location parameter offers more flexibility in fitting some real data against other common distributions. Several statistical and reliability properties are discussed. A simulation study has been carried to examine the MSE, bias, and coverage probability for the parameters. A real data set is used to illustrate the flexibility of the proposed distribution.  相似文献   

This paper considers the development of inferential techniques based on the generalized variable method (GV-Method) for the location parameter of the general half-normal distribution. We are interested in hypothesis testing of, and interval estimation for, the location parameter. Body fat data, urinary excretion rate data, and simulated data are used to illustrate the application and to demonstrate the advantages of the proposed GV-Method over the large-sample method and the Bayesian method.  相似文献   

Kambo and Awad (1985) defined a test statistic based on doubly censored samples to test the equality of location parameters of K exponential distributions when their common scale parameter is unknown. The power function of the test is derived in this paper and some special cases are studied.  相似文献   

The authors examine the robustness of empirical likelihood ratio (ELR) confidence intervals for the mean and M‐estimate of location. They show that the ELR interval for the mean has an asymptotic breakdown point of zero. They also give a formula for computing the breakdown point of the ELR interval for M‐estimate. Through a numerical study, they further examine the relative advantages of the ELR interval to the commonly used confidence intervals based on the asymptotic distribution of the M‐estimate.  相似文献   

The problem of estimating, under arbitrary quadratic loss, the location vector parameter θ of a p-variate distribution (p ≥ 3) with unknown covari-ance matrix ∑ = α2 D (where D is a known diagonal matrix) is considered. A large class of improved shrinkage estimators is developed for this problem. This work generalizes results of Berger and Brandwein and Strawderman for the case of a known scale parameter and extends the authors’ results for the class of scale mixtures of normal distributions.  相似文献   

Detecting the number of signals and estimating the parameters of the signals is an important problem in signal processing. Quite a number of papers appeared in the last twenty years regarding the estimation of the parameters of the sinusoidal components but not that much of attention has been given in estimating the number of terms present in a sinusoidal signal. Fuchs developed a criterion based on the perturbation analysis of the data auto correlation matrix to estimate the number of sinusoids, which is in some sense a subjective-based method. Recently Reddy and Biradar proposed two criteria based on AIC and MDL and developed an analytical framework for analyzing the performance of these criteria. In this paper we develop a method using the extended order modelling and singular value decomposition technique similar to that of Reddy and Biradar. We use penalty function technique but instead of using any fixed penalty function like AIC or MDL, a class of penalty functions satisfying some special properties has been used. We prove that any penalty function from that special class will give consistent estimate under the assumptions that the error random variables are independent and identically distributed with mean zero and finite variance. We also obtain the probabilities of wrong detection for any particular penalty function under somewhat weaker assumptions than that of Reddy and Biradar of Kaveh et al. It gives some idea to choose the proper penalty function for any particular model. Simulations are performed to verify the usefulness of the analysis and to compare our methods with the existing ones.  相似文献   

The small sample properties of the score function approximation to the maximum likelihood estimator for the three-parameter lognormal distribution using an alternative parameterization are considered. The new set of parameters is a continuous function of the usual parameters. However, unlike with the usual parameterization, the score function technique for this parameterization is extremely insensitive to starting values. Further, it is shown that whenever the sample third moment is less than zero, a local maximum to the likelihood function exists at a boundary point. For the usual parameterization, this point is unattainable. However, the alternative parameter space can be expanded to include these boundary points. This procedure results in good estimates of the expected value, variance, extreme percentiles and other parameters of the distribution even in samples where, with the typical parameterization, the estimation procedure fails to converge.  相似文献   

The problem of sequentially estimating a location parameter is considered in the special case when the data arrive at random times. Certain classes of sequential estimation procedures are derived under a location invariant loss function and with the observation cost determined by a function of the moment of stopping and the number of observations up to this moment.  相似文献   

We study confidence intervals of prescribed width for the lo-cation parameter of an exponential distribution. Asymptotic expan-sions up to terms tending to zero are obtained for the coverage probability and expected sample size. The limiting distribution of the sample size is given from which an asymptotic expression for the variance of the sample size is deduced. Sequential procedures with non-asymptotic coverage probability are also investigated  相似文献   

Davis (1977) proposed the use of a kernel density estimate which is the sample characteristic function integrated over (-A(n) , A(n)), where A(n) is chosen to minimize the mean integrated square error of the estimate. The scalar, A(n), is determined by the sample size and the population characteristic function. This paper investigates, in a Monte Carlo study, the mean integrated square error obtained under a procedure suggested by Davis (1977) for estimating A(n) when the population characteristic function is unknown.  相似文献   

Universal kriging is a form of interpolation that takes into account the local trends in data when minimizing the error associated with the estimator. Under multivariate normality assumptions, the given predictor is the best linear unbiased predictor. but if the underlying distribution is not normal, the estimator will not be unbiased and will be vulnerable to outliers. With spatial data, it is not only the presence of outliers that may spoil the predictions, but also the boundary sites. usually corners, that tend to have high leverage. As an alternative, a weighted one-step generalized M estimator of the location parameters in a spatial linear model is proposed. It is especially recommended in the case of irregularly spaced data.  相似文献   

Wu et al. [Computational comparison for weighted moments estimators and BLUE of the scale parameter of a Pareto distribution with known shape parameter under type II multiply censored sample, Appl. Math. Comput. 181 (2006), pp. 1462–1470] proposed the weighted moments estimators (WMEs) of the scale parameter of a Pareto distribution with known shape parameter on a multiply type II-censored sample. They claimed that some WMEs are better than the best linear unbiased estimator (BLUE) based on the exact mean-squared error (MSE). In this paper, the general WME (GWME) is proposed and the computational comparison of the proposed estimator with the WMEs and BLUE is done on the basis of the exact MSE for given sample sizes and different censoring schemes. As a result, the GWME is performing better than the best estimator among 12 WMEs and BLUE for all cases. Therefore, GWME is recommended for use. At last, one example is given to demonstrate the proposed GWME.  相似文献   

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