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The following queuing system is considered: Two independent recurrent input streams (streams 1 and 2) arrive at a server. It is assumed that stream 1 is of Poisson type. Three priority disciplines are studied in case that customers of type 1 have priority: head-of-the-line, preemptive-resume, and preemptive-repeat discipline. For all three cases, the limiting distribution function of actual waiting times of low-priority customers is considered, and conditions are given for the existence of moments related to these limiting distributions.  相似文献   

We consider a single-server queueing system which attends to N priority classes that are classified into two distinct types: (i) urgent: classes which have preemptive resume priority over at least one lower priority class, and (ii) non-urgent: classes which only have non-preemptive priority among lower priority classes. While urgent customers have preemptive priority, the ultimate decision on whether to interrupt a current service is based on certain discretionary rules. An accumulating prioritization is also incorporated. The marginal waiting time distributions are obtained and numerical examples comparing the new model to other similar priority queueing systems are provided.  相似文献   

This paper considers a single server queue that handles arrivals from N classes of customers on a non-preemptive priority basis. Each of the N classes of customers features arrivals from a Poisson process at rate λ i and class-dependent phase type service. To analyze the queue length and waiting time processes of this queue, we derive a matrix geometric solution for the stationary distribution of the underlying Markov chain. A defining characteristic of the paper is the fact that the number of distinct states represented within the sub-level is countably infinite, rather than finite as is usually assumed. Among the results we obtain in the two-priority case are tractable algorithms for the computation of both the joint distribution for the number of customers present and the marginal distribution of low-priority customers, and an explicit solution for the marginal distribution of the number of high-priority customers. This explicit solution can be expressed completely in terms of the arrival rates and parameters of the two service time distributions. These results are followed by algorithms for the stationary waiting time distributions for high- and low-priority customers. We then address the case of an arbitrary number of priority classes, which we solve by relating it to an equivalent three-priority queue. Numerical examples are also presented.  相似文献   


In this paper we consider a nonpreemptive priority queue with two priority classes of customers. Customers arrive according to a batch Markovian arrival process (BMAP). In order to calculate the boundary vectors we propose a spectral method based on zeros of the determinant of a matrix function and the corresponding eigenvectors. It is proved that there are M zeros in a set Ω, where M is the size of the state space of the underlying Markov process. The zeros are calculated by the Durand-Kerner method, and the stationary joint probability of the numbers of customers of classes 1 and 2 at departures is derived by the inversion of the two-dimensional Fourier transform. For a numerical example, the stationary probability is calculated.  相似文献   


We consider a multi‐server queuing model with two priority classes that consist of multiple customer types. The customers belonging to one priority class customers are lost if they cannot be served immediately upon arrival. Each customer type has its own Poisson arrival and exponential service rate. We derive an exact method to calculate the steady state probabilities for both preemptive and nonpreemptive priority disciplines. Based on these probabilities, we can derive exact expressions for a wide range of relevant performance characteristics for each customer type, such as the moments of the number of customers in the queue and in the system, the expected postponement time and the blocking probability. We illustrate our method with some numerical examples.  相似文献   

This paper considers subexponential asymptotics of the tail distributions of waiting times in stationary work-conserving single-server queues with multiple Markovian arrival streams, where all arrival streams are modulated by the underlying Markov chain with finite states and service time distributions may differ for different arrival streams. Under the assumption that the equilibrium distribution of the overall (i.e., customer-average) service time distribution is subexponential, a subexponential asymptotic formula is first shown for the virtual waiting time distribution, using a closed formula recently found by the author. Further when customers are served on a FIFO basis, the actual waiting time and sojourn time distributions of customers from respective arrival streams are shown to have the same asymptotics as the virtual waiting time distribution.  相似文献   

This paper considers a work-conserving FIFO single-server queue with multiple batch Markovian arrival streams governed by a continuous-time finite-state Markov chain. A particular feature of this queue is that service time distributions of customers may be different for different arrival streams. After briefly discussing the actual waiting time distributions of customers from respective arrival streams, we derive a formula for the vector generating function of the time-average joint queue length distribution in terms of the virtual waiting time distribution. Further assuming the discrete phase-type batch size distributions, we develop a numerically feasible procedure to compute the joint queue length distribution. Some numerical examples are provided also.  相似文献   

In this article, a two-dissimilar-component cold standby repairable system with one repairman is studied. Assume that the repair after failure for each component is delayed or undelayed. Component 2 after repair is “as good as new” while Component 1 after repair is not, but Component 1 has priority in use. Under these assumptions, using a geometric process, we consider a replacement policy N based on the failure number of Component 1. An optimal replacement policy N* is determined by minimizing the average cost rate C(N) of the system. Finally, a numerical example is given to illustrate some theoretical results and the model applicability.  相似文献   

We analyze the survival time of a general duplex system sustained by a cold standby unit subjected to a priority rule. The analysis is based on advanced complex function theory (sectionally holomorphic functions). As an example, we consider Weibull–Gnedenko and Erlang distributions for failure and repair. Several graphs are displaying the survival function.  相似文献   


This paper considers three variants of last-come first-served (LCFS) preemptive service single-server queues, where customers are served under the LCFS preemptive resume (LCFS-PR), preemptive repeat-different (LCFS-PD), and preemptive repeat-identical (LCFS-PI) disciplines, respectively. These LCFS queues are fed by multiple batch Markovian arrival streams. Service times of customers from each arrival stream are generally distributed and their distributions may differ among different streams. For each of LCFS-PR, LCFS-PD, and LCFS-PI queues, we show that the stationary distribution of the queue string representing enough information to keep track of queueing dynamics has a matrix product-form solution. Further, this paper discusses the stability of LCFS-PD and LCFS-PI queues based on the busy cycle. Finally, by numerical experiment, we examine the impact of the variation of the service time distribution on the mean queue lengths for the three variants of LCFS queues.  相似文献   


We consider a class of single server queueing systems in which customers arrive singly and service is provided in batches, depending on the number of customers waiting when the server becomes free. Service is independent of the batch size. This system could also be considered as a batch service queue in which a server visits the queue at arbitrary times and collects a batch of waiting customers for service, or waits for a customer to arrive if there are no waiting customers. A waiting server immediately collects and processes the first arriving customer. The system is considered in discrete time. The interarrival times of customers and the inter-visit times of the server, which we call the service time, have general distributions and are represented as remaining time Markov chains. We analyze this system using the matrix-geometric method and show that the resulting R matrix can be determined explicitly in some special cases and the stationary distributions are known semi-explicitly in some other special cases.  相似文献   

In this paper, an M/G/1 retrial system with two classes of customers: transit and recurrent customers is studied. After service completion, recurrent customers always return to the orbit and transit customers leave the system forever. The server is subject to breakdowns and delayed repairs. The customer whose service is interrupted stays in the service, waiting for delay and repair of the server. After repair this customer completes his service. The study of the system concerns the joint generating function of the server state and the queue length in steady state. Some performance measures of the system are then derived and some numerical results are presented to illustrate the effect of the system parameters on the developed performance measures.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the system M α /G/1/N with a finite number of waiting places in which arrivals can occur in a group. The number of customers in the line and the virtual waiting time are studied both in the transient and in the stationary regime. Special attention is paid to the stationary distributions of these functionals as N→∞. The number of customers lost during a busy period is considered as well.  相似文献   

Consider a multiclass M/G/1 queue where queued customers are served in their order of arrival at a rate which depends on the customer class. We model this system using a chain with states represented by a tree. Since the service time distribution depends on the customer class, the stationary distribution is not of product form so there is no simple expression for the stationary distribution. Nevertheless, we can find a harmonic function on this chain which provides information about the asymptotics of this stationary distribution. The associated h‐transformation produces a change of measure that increases the arrival rate of customers and decreases the departure rate thus making large deviations common. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 37: 327–346; 2009 © 2009 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   


In this paper, we study the total workload process and waiting times in a queueing system with multiple types of customers and a first-come-first-served service discipline. An M/G/1 type Markov chain, which is closely related to the total workload in the queueing system, is constructed. A method is developed for computing the steady state distribution of that Markov chain. Using that steady state distribution, the distributions of total workload, batch waiting times, and waiting times of individual types of customers are obtained. Compared to the GI/M/1 and QBD approaches for waiting times and sojourn times in discrete time queues, the dimension of the matrix blocks involved in the M/G/1 approach can be significantly smaller.  相似文献   

We explicitly compute the sojourn time distribution of an arbitrary customer in an M/M/1 processor sharing (PS) queue with permanent customers. We notably exhibit the orthogonal structure associated with this queuing system and we show how sieved Pollaczek polynomials and their associated orthogonality measure can be used to obtain an explicit representation for the complementary cumulative distribution function of the sojourn time of a customer. This explicit formula subsequently allows us to compute the two first moments of this random variable and to study the asymptotic behavior of its distribution. The most salient result is that the decay rate depends on the load of the system and the number K of permanent customers. When the load is above a certain threshold depending on K, the decay rate is identical to that of a regular M/M/1 PS queue.  相似文献   

We consider a two-class processor sharing queueing system with impatient customers. The system operates under the discriminatory processor sharing (DPS) scheduling. The arrival process of each class customers is the Poisson process and the service requirement of a customer is exponentially distributed. The reneging rate of a customer is a constant. To analyze the performance of the system, we develop a time scale decomposition approach to approximate the joint queue-length distribution of each class customers. Via a numerical experiment, we show that the time scale decomposition approach gives a fairly good approximation of the queue-length distribution and the expected queue length.  相似文献   


We study the queue length distribution of a queueing system with MAP arrivals under D-policy. The idle server begins to serve the customers only when the sum of the service times of all waiting customers exceeds some fixed threshold D. We derive the vector generating functions of the queue lengths both at a departure and at an arbitrary point of time. Mean queue lengths will be derived from these transform results. A numerical example is provided.  相似文献   

This paper studies an M/G/1 clearing queueing system with setup time and multiple vacations, in which all present customers in the system are served simultaneously and breakdowns may occur in busy or setup period. We investigate the stationary distribution of system size and the Laplace–Stieltjes transform of sojourn time. In addition, various performance measures are discussed, such as the mean system size at arbitrary time and the mean length of a vacation circle. Moreover, a cost analysis is carried out for this queueing system. Numerical results are presented to study the sensitivity of the system parameters on the expected cost function and system performances.  相似文献   

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