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In a capture–recapture experiment, the number of measurements for individual covariates usually equals the number of captures. This creates a heteroscedastic measurement error problem and the usual surrogate condition does not hold in the context of a measurement error model. This study adopts a small measurement error assumption to approximate the conventional estimating functions and the population size estimator. This study also investigates the biases of the resulting estimators. In addition, modifications for two common approximation methods, regression calibration and simulation extrapolation, to accommodate heteroscedastic measurement error are also discussed. These estimation methods are examined through simulations and illustrated by analysing a capture–recapture data set.  相似文献   

S. Khan 《Statistical Papers》1994,35(1):127-138
A ß-expectation tolerance region has been constructed for the multivariate regression model with heteroscedastic errors which follow a multivariate Student-t distribution with an unknown number of degrees of freedom. The ß-expectaion tolerance region obtained in this paper is optimal in the sense of having minimum enclosure among all such tolerance regions that guarantees that it would cover any preassigned proportions, namely, ß×100 percent of the future responses from the model.  相似文献   


Consider the heteroscedastic partially linear errors-in-variables (EV) model yi = xiβ + g(ti) + εi, ξi = xi + μi (1 ? i ? n), where εi = σiei are random errors with mean zero, σ2i = f(ui), (xi, ti, ui) are non random design points, xi are observed with measurement errors μi. When f( · ) is known, we derive the Berry–Esseen type bounds for estimators of β and g( · ) under {ei,?1 ? i ? n} is a sequence of stationary α-mixing random variables, when f( · ) is unknown, the Berry–Esseen type bounds for estimators of β, g( · ), and f( · ) are discussed under independent errors.  相似文献   

This paper develops the Bayesian estimation for the Birnbaum–Saunders distribution based on Type-II censoring in the simple step stress–accelerated life test with power law accelerated form. Maximum likelihood estimates are obtained and Gibbs sampling procedure is used to get the Bayesian estimates for shape parameter of Birnbaum–Saunders distribution and parameters of power law–accelerated model. Asymptotic normality method and Markov Chain Monte Carlo method are employed to construct the corresponding confidence interval and highest posterior density interval at different confidence level, respectively. At last, the results are compared by using Monte Carlo simulations, and a numerical example is analyzed for illustration.  相似文献   

We consider a regression of yy on xx given by a pair of mean and variance functions with a parameter vector θθ to be estimated that also appears in the distribution of the regressor variable xx. The estimation of θθ is based on an extended quasi-score (QS) function. We show that the QS estimator is optimal within a wide class of estimators based on linear-in-yy unbiased estimating functions. Of special interest is the case where the distribution of xx depends only on a subvector αα of θθ, which may be considered a nuisance parameter. In general, αα must be estimated simultaneously together with the rest of θθ, but there are cases where αα can be pre-estimated. A major application of this model is the classical measurement error model, where the corrected score (CS) estimator is an alternative to the QS estimator. We derive conditions under which the QS estimator is strictly more efficient than the CS estimator.  相似文献   

We consider the estimation problem of the probability P=P(X>Y) for the standard Topp–Leone distribution. After discussing the maximum likelihood and uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimation procedures for the problem on both complete and left censored samples, we perform a Monte Carlo simulation to compare the estimators based on the mean square error criteria. We also consider the interval estimation of P.  相似文献   


When analyzing time-to-event data, there are various situations in which right censoring times for unfailed units are missing. In that context, by taking a supplementary sample of a convenient percentage of unfailed units, we propose a semi-parametric method for estimating a survival function under the natural extension of the Koziol–Green model to double random censoring. Some large sample properties of this estimator are derived. We prove uniform strong consistency and asymptotic weak convergence to a Gaussian process. A simulation study is also presented in order to analyze the behavior of the proposed estimator.  相似文献   

The plug–in Anderson's covariate classification statistic is constructed on the basis of an initially unclassified training sample by means of posty–stratification. The asymptotic efficiency relative to the discriminant based on an initially classified training sample is evaluated for the case where a covariate is present. Effect of post–stratification is examined.  相似文献   

The good performance of logit confidence intervals for the odds ratio with small samples is well known. This is true unless the actual odds ratio is very large. In single capture–recapture estimation the odds ratio is equal to 1 because of the assumption of independence of the samples. Consequently, a transformation of the logit confidence intervals for the odds ratio is proposed in order to estimate the size of a closed population under single capture–recapture estimation. It is found that the transformed logit interval, after adding .5 to each observed count before computation, has actual coverage probabilities near to the nominal level even for small populations and even for capture probabilities near to 0 or 1, which is not guaranteed for the other capture–recapture confidence intervals proposed in statistical literature. Thus, given that the .5 transformed logit interval is very simple to compute and has a good performance, it is appropriate to be implemented by most users of the single capture–recapture method.  相似文献   

In a Kin–Cohort design, genotype data are first obtained from a sample composed mostly of individuals who have experienced onset of a disease. Disease history data are then obtained from their relatives. The design is useful when examining the conditional distribution, given genotype, of phenotypes such as disease severity scores when some genotypes are rare. Here, the problem of combining the genotype data in the probands with the phenotype information in their relatives is considered. A class of unbiased estimators is described, the optimal member which reaches the semiparametric efficiency bound is identified, and results from simulation experiments are discussed.  相似文献   

This study is concerned with the extension of the Mallows–Bradley–Terry ranking model for one block comparison consisting of all the items of interest to situations which allow an expression of no preference. We consider a modification of the Mallows–Bradley–Terry ranking model by introducing an additional parameter, called an index of discrimination, in the model. This permits ties in the model. The maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters are found using a Maximization–Minimization algorithm: the evaluation of the mathematical expectations involved in the log-likelihood equation is obtained by generating samples of Monte Carlo Markov chain from the stationary distribution. In addition, a simulation study for asymptotic properties assessment has been made. The proposed method is applied to analyze data election.  相似文献   

In this article, we suggest a semi-parametric estimation for Forward–Backward Stochastic Differential Equations (FBSDE), with a linear generator. Both the nonparametric and parametric estimators are computationally feasible and the asymptotic properties are standard in the sense of normality. Although there is a plug-in nonparametric estimator in parametric estimation, the high order kernel, under-smoothing and bias correction are not required. Some simulation studies are also given to illustrate our methods.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the asymptotic expansion of the MSE of constrained James–Stein estimators. We provide an estimator of the MSE which is asymptotically valid upto O(m−1). A simulation study is undertaken to evaluate the performance of these estimators.  相似文献   

When an existing risk prediction model is not sufficiently predictive, additional variables are sought for inclusion in the model. This paper addresses study designs to evaluate the improvement in prediction performance that is gained by adding a new predictor to a risk prediction model. We consider studies that measure the new predictor in a case–control subset of the study cohort, a practice that is common in biomarker research. We ask if matching controls to cases in regards to baseline predictors improves efficiency. A variety of measures of prediction performance are studied. We find through simulation studies that matching improves the efficiency with which most measures are estimated, but can reduce efficiency for some. Efficiency gains are less when more controls per case are included in the study. A method that models the distribution of the new predictor in controls appears to improve estimation efficiency considerably.  相似文献   

This paper studies quantile estimation using Bernstein–Durrmeyer polynomials in terms of its mean squared error and integrated mean squared error including rates of convergence as well as its asymptotic distribution. Whereas the rates of convergence are achieved for i.i.d. samples, we also show that the consistency more or less directly follows from the consistency of the sample quantiles, such that our proposal can also be applied for risk measurement in finance and insurance. Furthermore, an improved estimator based on an error-correction approach is proposed for which a general consistency result is established. A crucial issue is how to select the degree of Bernstein–Durrmeyer polynomials. We propose a novel data-adaptive approach that controls the number of modes of the corresponding density estimator. Its consistency including an uniform error bound as well as its limiting distribution in the sense of a general invariance principle are established. The finite sample properties are investigated by a Monte Carlo study. Finally, the results are illustrated by an application to photovoltaic energy research.  相似文献   

Some alternative estimators to the maximum likelihood estimators of the two parameters of the Birnbaum–Saunders distribution are proposed. Most have high efficiencies as measured by root mean square error and are robust to departure from the model as well as to outliers. In addition, the proposed estimators are easy to compute. Both complete and right-censored data are discussed. Simulation studies are provided to compare the performance of the estimators.  相似文献   

The linear mixed model with an added integrated Ornstein–Uhlenbeck (IOU) process (linear mixed IOU model) allows for serial correlation and estimation of the degree of derivative tracking. It is rarely used, partly due to the lack of available software. We implemented the linear mixed IOU model in Stata and using simulations we assessed the feasibility of fitting the model by restricted maximum likelihood when applied to balanced and unbalanced data. We compared different (1) optimization algorithms, (2) parameterizations of the IOU process, (3) data structures and (4) random-effects structures. Fitting the model was practical and feasible when applied to large and moderately sized balanced datasets (20,000 and 500 observations), and large unbalanced datasets with (non-informative) dropout and intermittent missingness. Analysis of a real dataset showed that the linear mixed IOU model was a better fit to the data than the standard linear mixed model (i.e. independent within-subject errors with constant variance).  相似文献   

We estimate sib–sib correlation by maximizing the log-likelihood of a Kotz-type distribution. Using extensive simulations we conclude that estimating sib–sib correlation using the proposed method has many advantages. Results are illustrated on a real life data set due to Galton. Testing of hypothesis about this correlation is also discussed using the three likelihood based tests and a test based on Srivastava's estimator. It is concluded that score test derived using Kotz-type density performs the best.  相似文献   

Reuse of controls in a nested case-control (NCC) study has not been considered feasible since the controls are matched to their respective cases. However, in the last decade or so, methods have been developed that break the matching and allow for analyses where the controls are no longer tied to their cases. These methods can be divided into two groups; weighted partial likelihood (WPL) methods and full maximum likelihood methods. The weights in the WPL can be estimated in different ways and four estimation procedures are discussed. In addition, we address modifications needed to accommodate left truncation. A full likelihood approach is also presented and we suggest an aggregation technique to decrease the computation time. Furthermore, we generalize calibration for case-cohort designs to NCC studies. We consider a competing risks situation and compare WPL, full likelihood and calibration through simulations and analyses on a real data example.  相似文献   

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