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In this paper, we investigate the effects of correlation among observations on the accuracy of approximating the distribution of sample mean by its asymptotic distribution. The accuracy is investigated by the Berry-Esseen bound (BEB), which gives an upper bound on the error of approximation of the distribution function of the sample mean from its asymptotic distribution for independent observations. For a given sample size (n0) the BEB is obtained when the observations are independent. Let this be BEB. We then find the sample size (n*) required to have BEB below BEB0, when the observations are dependent. Comparison of n* with n0 reveals the effects of correlation among observations on the accuracy of the asymptotic distribution as an approximation. It is shown that the effects of correlation among observations are not appreciable if the correlation is moderate to small but it can be severe for extreme correlations.  相似文献   

In this article we study the effect of truncation on the performance of an open vector-at-a-time sequential sampling procedure (P* B) proposed by Bechhofer, Kiefer and Sobel , for selecting the multinomial event which has the largest probability. The performance of the truncated version (P* B T) is compared to that of the original basic procedure (P* B). The performance characteristics studied include the probability of a correct selection, the expected number of vector-observations (n) to terminate sampling, and the variance of n. Both procedures guarantee the specified probability of a correct selection. Exact results and Monte Carlo sampling results are obtained. It is shown that P* B Tis far superior to P* B in terms of E{n} and Var{n}, particularly when the event probabilities are equal.The performance of P* B T is also compared to that of a closed vector-at-a-time sequential sampling procedure proposed for the same problem by Ramey and Alam; this procedure has here to fore been claimed to be the best one for this problem. It is shown that p* B T is superior to the Ramey-Alam procedure for most of the specifications of practical interest.  相似文献   


Suppose F and G are two life distribution functions. It is said that F is more IFRA (increasing failure rate average) than G (written by F ? *G) if G? 1F(x) is star-shaped on (0, ∞). In this paper, the problem of testing H0: F = *G against H1: F ? *G and F*G is considered in both cases when G is known and when G is unknown. We propose a new test based on U-statistics and obtain the asymptotic distribution of the test statistics. The new test is compared with some well-known tests in the literature. In addition, we apply our test to a real data set in the context of reliability.  相似文献   

R-squared (R2) and adjusted R-squared (R2Adj) are sometimes viewed as statistics detached from any target parameter, and sometimes as estimators for the population multiple correlation. The latter interpretation is meaningful only if the explanatory variables are random. This article proposes an alternative perspective for the case where the x’s are fixed. A new parameter is defined, in a similar fashion to the construction of R2, but relying on the true parameters rather than their estimates. (The parameter definition includes also the fixed x values.) This parameter is referred to as the “parametric” coefficient of determination, and denoted by ρ2*. The proposed ρ2* remains stable when irrelevant variables are removed (or added), unlike the unadjusted R2, which always goes up when variables, either relevant or not, are added to the model (and goes down when they are removed). The value of the traditional R2Adj may go up or down with added (or removed) variables, either relevant or not. It is shown that the unadjusted R2 overestimates ρ2*, while the traditional R2Adj underestimates it. It is also shown that for simple linear regression the magnitude of the bias of R2Adj can be as high as the bias of the unadjusted R2 (while their signs are opposite). Asymptotic convergence in probability of R2Adj to ρ2* is demonstrated. The effects of model parameters on the bias of R2 and R2Adj are characterized analytically and numerically. An alternative bi-adjusted estimator is presented and evaluated.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of testing the equality of two population means when the population variances are not necessarily equal. We propose a Welch-type statistic, say T* c, based on Tiku!s ‘1967, 1980’ modified maximum likelihood estimators, and show that this statistic is robust to symmetric and moderately skew distributions. We investigate the power properties of the statistic T* c; T* c clearly seems to be more powerful than Yuen's ‘1974’ Welch-type robust statistic based on the trimmed sample means and the matching sample variances. We show that the analogous statistics based on the ‘adaptive’ robust estimators give misleading Type I errors. We generalize the results to testing linear contrasts among k population means  相似文献   

Consider two independent random samples of size f + 1 , one from an N (μ1, σ21) distribution and the other from an N (μ2, σ22) distribution, where σ2122∈ (0, ∞) . The Welch ‘approximate degrees of freedom’ (‘approximate t‐solution’) confidence interval for μ12 is commonly used when it cannot be guaranteed that σ2122= 1 . Kabaila (2005, Comm. Statist. Theory and Methods 34 , 291–302) multiplied the half‐width of this interval by a positive constant so that the resulting interval, denoted by J0, has minimum coverage probability 1 ?α. Now suppose that we have uncertain prior information that σ2122= 1. We consider a broad class of confidence intervals for μ12 with minimum coverage probability 1 ?α. This class includes the interval J0, which we use as the standard against which other members of will be judged. A confidence interval utilizes the prior information substantially better than J0 if (expected length of J)/(expected length of J0) is (a) substantially less than 1 (less than 0.96, say) for σ2122= 1 , and (b) not too much larger than 1 for all other values of σ2122 . For a given f, does there exist a confidence interval that satisfies these conditions? We focus on the question of whether condition (a) can be satisfied. For each given f, we compute a lower bound to the minimum over of (expected length of J)/(expected length of J0) when σ2122= 1 . For 1 ?α= 0.95 , this lower bound is not substantially less than 1. Thus, there does not exist any confidence interval belonging to that utilizes the prior information substantially better than J0.  相似文献   

Expressions are derived for the bias to order J-1 , the variance to order J-2 and the mean squared error to order J-2 of Berkson's minimum logit chi-squared estimator where J is the number of distinct design points. These moment approximations are numerically compared to Monte Carlo estimates of the true moments and the moment approximations of Amemiya (1980) which are appropriate when the “average” number of observations per design point is large. They are used to compare the mean squared error of the minimum logit chi-squared estimator to that of the maximum likelihood estimator and to investigate the effect of bias on confidence intenrals constructed using the minimum logit chi-squared estimator.  相似文献   

Bose and Shrikhande C19763 proved that if D(m, k, ?) is a Baer subdesign of another SBIBD D1 (v1, k1 ?), k1>k, then it also contains a complementary subdesign D* which is symmetric GDD, D* (v*, k*; ?-1, ?; m, n). Utilising this, we give a necessary condition for a SBIBD D to be a Baer subdesign of D1 and also give the parameters. Some GD designs are constructed.  相似文献   

This article presents the “centered” method for establishing cell boundaries in the X 2 goodness-of-fit test, which when applied to common stock returns significantly reduces the high bias of the test statistic associated with the traditional Mann–Wald equiprobable approach. A modified null hypothesis is proposed to incorporate explicitly the usually implicit assumption that the observed discrete returns are “approximated” by the hypothesized continuous density. Simulation results indicate extremely biased X 2 values resulting from the traditional approach, particularly for low-priced and low volatile stocks. Daily stock returns for 114 firms are tested to determine whether they are approximated by a normal or one of several normal mixture densities. Results indicate a significantly higher degree of fit than that reported elsewhere to date.  相似文献   

In experiments, the classical (ANOVA) F-test is often used to test the omnibus null-hypothesis μ1 = μ2 ... = μ j = ... = μ n (all n population means are equal) in a one-way ANOVA design, even when one or more basic assumptions are being violated. In the first part of this article, we will briefly discuss the consequences of the different types of violations of the basic assumptions (dependent measurements, non-normality, heteroscedasticity) on the validity of the F-test. Secondly, we will present a simulation experiment, designed to compare the type I-error and power properties of both the F-test and some of its parametric adaptations: the Brown & Forsythe F*-test and Welch’s Vw-test. It is concluded that the Welch Vw-test offers acceptable control over the type I-error rate in combination with (very) high power in most of the experimental conditions. Therefore, its use is highly recommended when one or more basic assumptions are being violated. In general, the use of the Brown & Forsythe F*-test cannot be recommended on power considerations unless the design is balanced and the homoscedasticity assumption holds.  相似文献   

The linear hypothesis test procedure is considered in the restricted linear modelsM r = {y, Xβ |Rβ = 0, σ 2V} andM r * = {y, Xβ |ARβ = 0, σ 2V}. Necessary and sufficient conditions are derived under which the statistic providing anF-test for the linear hypothesisH 0:Kβ=0 in the modelM r * (Mr) continues to be valid in the modelM r (M r * ); the results obtained cover the case whereM r * is replaced by the general Gauss-Markov modelM = {y, Xβ, σ 2V}.  相似文献   

We derive rates of contraction of posterior distributions on non‐parametric models resulting from sieve priors. The aim of the study was to provide general conditions to get posterior rates when the parameter space has a general structure, and rate adaptation when the parameter is, for example, a Sobolev class. The conditions employed, although standard in the literature, are combined in a different way. The results are applied to density, regression, nonlinear autoregression and Gaussian white noise models. In the latter we have also considered a loss function which is different from the usual l 2 norm, namely the pointwise loss. In this case it is possible to prove that the adaptive Bayesian approach for the l 2 loss is strongly suboptimal and we provide a lower bound on the rate.  相似文献   

We investigate an empirical Bayes testing problem in a positive exponential family having pdf f{x/θ)=c(θ)u(x) exp(?x/θ), x>0, θ>0. It is assumed that θ is in some known compact interval [C1, C2]. The value C1 is used in the construction of the proposed empirical Bayes test δ* n. The asymptotic optimality and rate of convergence of its associated Bayes risk is studied. It is shown that under the assumption that θ is in [C1, C2] δ* n is asymptotically optimal at a rate of convergence of order O(n?1/n n). Also, δ* n is robust in the sense that δ* n still possesses the asymptotic optimality even the assumption that "C1≦θ≦C2 may not hold.  相似文献   

In this article, we discuss a two-stage procedure for selecting the largest location parameter among k(k≥2) two-parameter exponential populations(or products) from an accelerated test. The accelerated test will be conducted at a higher stress level than that of normal in the second stage. under certain assumptions between parameter and stress leveL, the two-stage selection procedure, which guarantees that the probability of correct selection is at least p*, is proposed. At the end of the paper , we present some useful tables that serve as a guide for the needed sample size in the second stage.  相似文献   

In the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis, the area under the ROC curve (AUC ) serves as an overall measure of diagnostic accuracy. Another popular ROC index is the Youden index (J ), which corresponds to the maximum sum of sensitivity and specificity minus one. Since the AUC and J describe different aspects of diagnostic performance, we propose to test if a biomarker beats the pre-specified targeting values of AUC0 and J0 simultaneously with H0 : AUCAUC0 or JJ0 against Ha : AUC > AUC0 and J > J0 . This is a multivariate order restrictive hypothesis with a non-convex space in Ha , and traditional likelihood ratio-based tests cannot apply. The intersection–union test (IUT) and the joint test are proposed for such test. While the IUT test independently tests for the AUC and the Youden index, the joint test is constructed based on the joint confidence region. Findings from the simulation suggest both tests yield similar power estimates. We also illustrated the tests using a real data example and the results of both tests are consistent. In conclusion, testing jointly on AUC and J gives more reliable results than using a single index, and the IUT is easy to apply and have similar power as the joint test.  相似文献   

The problem of the estimation of the linear combination of weights, c′w, in a singular spring balance weighing design when the error structure takes the form E(ee′) =s?2G has been studied. A lower bound for the variance of the estimated linear combination of weights is obtained and a necessary and sufficient condition for this lower bound to be attained is given. The general results are applied to the case of the total of the weights. For a specified form for G, some optimum spring balance weighing designs for the estimated total weight are found.  相似文献   

Distributions of a response y (height, for example) differ with values of a factor t (such as age). Given a response y* for a subject of unknown t*, the objective of inverse prediction is to infer the value of t* and to provide a defensible confidence set for it. Training data provide values of y observed on subjects at known values of t. Models relating the mean and variance of y to t can be formulated as mixed (fixed and random) models in terms of sets of functions of t, such as polynomial spline functions. A confidence set on t* can then be had as those hypothetical values of t for which y* is not detected as an outlier when compared to the model fit to the training data. With nonconstant variance, the p-values for these tests are approximate. This article describes how versatile models for this problem can be formulated in such a way that the computations can be accomplished with widely available software for mixed models, such as SAS PROC MIXED. Coverage probabilities of confidence sets on t* are illustrated in an example.  相似文献   

In this paper we revisit the classical problem of interval estimation for one-binomial parameter and for the log odds ratio of two binomial parameters. We examine the confidence intervals provided by two versions of the modified log likelihood root: the usual Barndorff-Nielsen's r*r* and a Bayesian version of the r*r* test statistic.  相似文献   

This paper takes the results of Lindley and smith ( 1972 ) one step further, by finding the predictive distribution of an observation y* whose distribution is normal, and centred at A* 1θ1 We then apply this distribution to the case of prediction based on data obtained in one and two wau ANOVA situations. For Example, it turns out that for two way ANOVA with interaction, the predictive mean, (which we would use as the predictor) is a weighted combination of sample main effects and interaction effects  相似文献   

Abstract. We consider the problem of testing the equality of J quantile curves from independent samples. A test statistic based on an L2‐distance between non‐crossing non‐parametric estimates of the quantile curves from the individual samples is proposed. Asymptotic normality of this statistic is established under the null hypothesis, local and fixed alternatives, and the finite sample properties of a bootstrap‐based version of this test statistic are investigated by means of a simulation study.  相似文献   

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