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Liouville and generalized Liouville distributions on the simplex have been proposed for modeling compositional data and have been shown to be free from the extreme independence structure that characterizes the Dirichlet class. In this article, generalized Liouville distributions are shown to be rich enough to distinguish some lesser modes of independence as well. Unfortunately, it is noted that the applicability of the Liouville family will be limited, owing to the lack of invariance with respect to the chosen fill-up value. As an alternative, a new family of simplex distributions is proposed, one that admits invariance with respect to choice of fill-up value, as well as the ability to differentiate among many forms of independence.  相似文献   

We investigate if portfolios can be improved if the classical Markowitz mean–variance portfolio theory is combined with recently proposed change point tests for dependence measures. Taking into account that the dependence structure of financial assets typically cannot be assumed to be constant over longer periods of time, we estimate the covariance matrix of the assets, which is used to construct global minimum-variance portfolios, by respecting potential change points. It is seen that a recently proposed test for changes in the whole covariance matrix is indeed partially useful whereas pairwise tests for variances and correlations are not suitable for these applications without further adjustments.  相似文献   

Multivariate associated kernel estimators, which depend on both target point and bandwidth matrix, are appropriate for distributions with partially or totally bounded supports and generalize the classical ones such as the Gaussian. Previous studies on multivariate associated kernels have been restricted to products of univariate associated kernels, also considered having diagonal bandwidth matrices. However, it has been shown in classical cases that, for certain forms of target density such as multimodal ones, the use of full bandwidth matrices offers the potential for significantly improved density estimation. In this paper, general associated kernel estimators with correlation structure are introduced. Asymptotic properties of these estimators are presented; in particular, the boundary bias is investigated. Generalized bivariate beta kernels are handled in more details. The associated kernel with a correlation structure is built with a variant of the mode-dispersion method and two families of bandwidth matrices are discussed using the least squared cross validation method. Simulation studies are done. In the particular situation of bivariate beta kernels, a very good performance of associated kernel estimators with correlation structure is observed compared to the diagonal case. Finally, an illustration on a real dataset of paired rates in a framework of political elections is presented.  相似文献   

Generalized estimating equations (GEE) have become a popular method for marginal regression modelling of data that occur in clusters. Features of the GEE methodology are the use of a ‘working covariance’, an approximation to the underlying covariance, which is used to improve the efficiency in estimating the regression coefficients, and the ‘sandwich’ estimate of variance, which provides a way of consistently estimating their standard errors. These techniques have been extended to include estimating equations for the underlying correlation structure, both to improve the efficiency of the regression coefficient estimates and to provide estimates of correlations between units in a cluster, when these are of interest. If the mean structure is of primary interest, then a simpler set of equations (GEE1) can be used, whereas if the underlying covariance structure is of interest in its own right, the use of the more complex GEE2 estimating equations is often recommended. In this paper, we compare the effect of increasing the complexity of the ‘working covariances’ on the variance of the parameter estimates, as well as the mean-squared error of the ‘sandwich’ estimate of variance. We give asymptotic expressions for these variances and mean-squared error terms. We use these to study the behaviour of different variants of GEE1 and GEE2 when we change the number of clusters, the cluster size, and the within-cluster correlation. We conclude that the extra complexity of the full GEE2 approach is not usually justified if the mean structure is of primary interest.  相似文献   

Influence diagnostics in Gaussian spatial linear models   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Spatial linear models have been applied in numerous fields such as agriculture, geoscience and environmental sciences, among many others. Spatial dependence structure modelling, using a geostatistical approach, is an indispensable tool to estimate the parameters that define this structure. However, this estimation may be greatly affected by the presence of atypical observations in the sampled data. The purpose of this paper is to use diagnostic techniques to assess the sensitivity of the maximum-likelihood estimators, covariance functions and linear predictor to small perturbations in the data and/or the spatial linear model assumptions. The methodology is illustrated with two real data sets. The results allowed us to conclude that the presence of atypical values in the sample data have a strong influence on thematic maps, changing the spatial dependence structure.  相似文献   


In this paper we present a class of continuous-time processes arising from the solution of the generalized Langevin equation and show some of its properties. We define the theoretical and empirical codifference as a measure of dependence for stochastic processes. As an alternative dependence measure we also consider the spectral covariance. These dependence measures replace the autocovariance function when it is not well defined. Results for the theoretical codifference and theoretical spectral covariance functions for the mentioned process are presented. The maximum likelihood estimation procedure is proposed to estimate the parameters of the process arising from the classical Langevin equation, i.e. the Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process, and of the so-called Cosine process. We also present a simulation study for particular processes arising from this class showing the generation, and the theoretical and empirical counterpart for both codifference and spectral covariance measures.  相似文献   

Summary.  In many commonly used models for multivariate traits, the likelihood is specified as a mixture of nested sums of products over the unobserved genotypes of all the family members, in which the familial covariance matrices vary in size and structure for different families, and their sizes can be immense for large family units. These issues pose computational difficulties in many applications. Bonney's compound regressive model for univariate traits simplifies the familial covariance structure and reduces the mixture of nested sums only to the parent–offspring level, thus enhancing computation significantly. This model has been extended to the multivariate case in the absence of unobserved genotypes. Here, we further extend this model to incorporate major genes, covariates and multiple loci. As is typical in practice, this causes new computational difficulties. We study the computational issues and explore the behaviour of this extended model.  相似文献   

We examine some classical tests for the exponentiality of independent, identically distributed data. We show that a large number of these tests have the same distribution if the data follow certain multivariate Liouville distributions. These results highlight the role that the assumption of independence plays in the behavior of the classical test statistics. We use these results to derive some characterizations of the exponential distributions among the Liouville distributions.  相似文献   

Various nonparametric and parametric estimators of extremal dependence have been proposed in the literature. Nonparametric methods commonly suffer from the curse of dimensionality and have been mostly implemented in extreme-value studies up to three dimensions, whereas parametric models can tackle higher-dimensional settings. In this paper, we assess, through a vast and systematic simulation study, the performance of classical and recently proposed estimators in multivariate settings. In particular, we first investigate the performance of nonparametric methods and then compare them with classical parametric approaches under symmetric and asymmetric dependence structures within the commonly used logistic family. We also explore two different ways to make nonparametric estimators satisfy the necessary dependence function shape constraints, finding a general improvement in estimator performance either (i) by substituting the estimator with its greatest convex minorant, developing a computational tool to implement this method for dimensions \(D\ge 2\) or (ii) by projecting the estimator onto a subspace of dependence functions satisfying such constraints and taking advantage of Bernstein–Bézier polynomials. Implementing the convex minorant method leads to better estimator performance as the dimensionality increases.  相似文献   

Handling dependence or not in feature selection is still an open question in supervised classification issues where the number of covariates exceeds the number of observations. Some recent papers surprisingly show the superiority of naive Bayes approaches based on an obviously erroneous assumption of independence, whereas others recommend to infer on the dependence structure in order to decorrelate the selection statistics. In the classical linear discriminant analysis (LDA) framework, the present paper first highlights the impact of dependence in terms of instability of feature selection. A second objective is to revisit the above issue using a flexible factor modeling for the covariance. This framework introduces latent components of dependence, conditionally on which a new Bayes consistency is defined. A procedure is then proposed for the joint estimation of the expectation and variance parameters of the model. The present method is compared to recent regularized diagonal discriminant analysis approaches, assuming independence among features, and regularized LDA procedures, both in terms of classification performance and stability of feature selection. The proposed method is implemented in the R package FADA, freely available from the R repository CRAN.  相似文献   


Analogs of the classical one way MANOVA model have recently been suggested that do not assume that population covariance matrices are equal or that the error vector distribution is known. These tests are based on the sample mean and sample covariance matrix corresponding to each of the p populations. We show how to extend these tests using other measures of location such as the trimmed mean or coordinatewise median. These new bootstrap tests can have some outlier resistance, and can perform better than the tests based on the sample mean if the error vector distribution is heavy tailed.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider from maximum likelihood and Bayesian points of view the generalized growth curve model when the covariance matrix has a Toeplitz structure. This covariance is a generalization of the AR(1) dependence structure. Inferences on the parameters as well as the future values are included. The results are illustrated with several real data sets.  相似文献   

The main difficulty in parametric analysis of longitudinal data lies in specifying covariance structure. Several covariance structures, which usually reflect one series of measurements collected over time, have been presented in the literature. However there is a lack of literature on covariance structures designed for repeated measures specified by more than one repeated factor. In this paper a new, general method of modelling covariance structure based on the Kronecker product of underlying factor specific covariance profiles is presented. The method has an attractive interpretation in terms of independent factor specific contribution to overall within subject covariance structure and can be easily adapted to standard software.  相似文献   

Bootstrap methods for estimating the long-run covariance of stationary functional time series are considered. We introduce a versatile bootstrap method that relies on functional principal component analysis, where principal component scores can be bootstrapped by maximum entropy. Two other bootstrap methods resample error functions, after the dependence structure being modeled linearly by a sieve method or nonlinearly by a functional kernel regression. Through a series of Monte-Carlo simulation, we evaluate and compare the finite-sample performances of these three bootstrap methods for estimating the long-run covariance in a functional time series. Using the intraday particulate matter (\(\hbox {PM}_{10}\)) dataset in Graz, the proposed bootstrap methods provide a way of constructing the distribution of estimated long-run covariance for functional time series.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new method for robust principal component analysis (PCA) is proposed. PCA is a widely used tool for dimension reduction without substantial loss of information. However, the classical PCA is vulnerable to outliers due to its dependence on the empirical covariance matrix. To avoid such weakness, several alternative approaches based on robust scatter matrix were suggested. A popular choice is ROBPCA that combines projection pursuit ideas with robust covariance estimation via variance maximization criterion. Our approach is based on the fact that PCA can be formulated as a regression-type optimization problem, which is the main difference from the previous approaches. The proposed robust PCA is derived by substituting square loss function with a robust penalty function, Huber loss function. A practical algorithm is proposed in order to implement an optimization computation, and furthermore, convergence properties of the algorithm are investigated. Results from a simulation study and a real data example demonstrate the promising empirical properties of the proposed method.  相似文献   

It is well known that the traditional Pearson correlation in many cases fails to capture non-linear dependence structures in bivariate data. Other scalar measures capable of capturing non-linear dependence exist. A common disadvantage of such measures, however, is that they cannot distinguish between negative and positive dependence, and typically the alternative hypothesis of the accompanying test of independence is simply “dependence”. This paper discusses how a newly developed local dependence measure, the local Gaussian correlation, can be used to construct local and global tests of independence. A global measure of dependence is constructed by aggregating local Gaussian correlation on subsets of \(\mathbb{R}^{2}\) , and an accompanying test of independence is proposed. Choice of bandwidth is based on likelihood cross-validation. Properties of this measure and asymptotics of the corresponding estimate are discussed. A bootstrap version of the test is implemented and tried out on both real and simulated data. The performance of the proposed test is compared to the Brownian distance covariance test. Finally, when the hypothesis of independence is rejected, local independence tests are used to investigate the cause of the rejection.  相似文献   

Max-stable processes have proved to be useful for the statistical modeling of spatial extremes. For statistical inference it is often assumed that there is no temporal dependence; i.e., that the observations at spatial locations are independent in time. In a first approach we construct max-stable space–time processes as limits of rescaled pointwise maxima of independent Gaussian processes, where the space–time covariance functions satisfy weak regularity conditions. This leads to so-called Brown–Resnick processes. In a second approach, we extend Smith’s storm profile model to a space–time setting. We provide explicit expressions for the bivariate distribution functions, which are equal under appropriate choice of the parameters. We also show how the space–time covariance function of the underlying Gaussian process can be interpreted in terms of the tail dependence function in the limiting max-stable space–time process.  相似文献   

For many years there has been interest in families of bivariate distributions with the marginals as parameters. Questions of this kind arise if one is to build a stochastic model in a situation where one has some idea about the dependence structure and marginal distributions. In this article, among all bivariate distributions which satisfy the constraints imposed by the known marginals and/or dependence structure, one that has the maximum entropy is obtained by using iterative procedure, and its convergence is proved.  相似文献   

This article proposes a dynamic framework for modeling and forecasting of realized covariance matrices using vine copulas to allow for more flexible dependencies between assets. Our model automatically guarantees positive definiteness of the forecast through the use of a Cholesky decomposition of the realized covariance matrix. We explicitly account for long-memory behavior by using fractionally integrated autoregressive moving average (ARFIMA) and heterogeneous autoregressive (HAR) models for the individual elements of the decomposition. Furthermore, our model incorporates non-Gaussian innovations and GARCH effects, accounting for volatility clustering and unconditional kurtosis. The dependence structure between assets is studied using vine copula constructions, which allow for nonlinearity and asymmetry without suffering from an inflexible tail behavior or symmetry restrictions as in conventional multivariate models. Further, the copulas have a direct impact on the point forecasts of the realized covariances matrices, due to being computed as a nonlinear transformation of the forecasts for the Cholesky matrix. Beside studying in-sample properties, we assess the usefulness of our method in a one-day-ahead forecasting framework, comparing recent types of models for the realized covariance matrix based on a model confidence set approach. Additionally, we find that in Value-at-Risk (VaR) forecasting, vine models require less capital requirements due to smoother and more accurate forecasts.  相似文献   

The Dirichlet process has been used extensively in Bayesian non parametric modeling, and has proven to be very useful. In particular, mixed models with Dirichlet process random effects have been used in modeling many types of data and can often outperform their normal random effect counterparts. Here we examine the linear mixed model with Dirichlet process random effects from a classical view, and derive the best linear unbiased estimator (BLUE) of the fixed effects. We are also able to calculate the resulting covariance matrix and find that the covariance is directly related to the precision parameter of the Dirichlet process, giving a new interpretation of this parameter. We also characterize the relationship between the BLUE and the ordinary least-squares (OLS) estimator and show how confidence intervals can be approximated.  相似文献   

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