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Let X1, …,Xn be a random sample from a normal distribution with mean θ and variance σ2 The problem is to estimate θ with loss function L(θ,e) = v(e-θ) where v(x) = b(exp(ax)-ax-l) and where a, b are constants with b>0, a¦0. Zellner (1986), showed that [Xbar] ? σ2a/2n dominates [Xbar] and hence [Xbar] is inadmissible. The question of what values of c and d render c[Xbar]+ d admissible is studied here.  相似文献   

Let X1:, X2:, …, Xn be iidrv's with cdf F?, F?(x)=F (x-θ), R. Let T be an equivariant median-unbiased estimator of θ. Let πε(F)={G = (1 -ε) F+εH, H any cdf} and let M(G, T) be a median of T if X1 has cdf G. The oscillation of the bias of T, defined as

Bε(T)=sup (M(G1 T) :G1,G2:∈πσ:(F)} ,is considered and the estimator with the smallest B$epsi;(T) is explicitly constructed  相似文献   

Let X1, X2,…,Xn be independent, indentically distributed random variables with density f(x,θ) with respect to a σ-finite measure μ. Let R be a measurable set in the sample space X. The value of X is observable if X ? (X?R) and not otherwise. The number J of observable X’s is binomial, N, Q, Q = 1?P(X ? R). On the basis of J observations, it is desired to estimate N and θ. Estimators considered are conditional and unconditional maximum likelihood and modified maximum likelihood using a prior weight function to modify the likelihood before maximizing. Asymptotic expansions are developed for the [Ncirc]’s of the form [Ncirc] = N + α√N + β + op(1), where α and β are random variables. All estimators have the same α, which has mean 0, variance σ2 (a function of θ) and is asymptotically normal. Hence all are asymptotically equivalent by the usual limit distributional theory. The β’s differ and Eβ can be considered an “asymptotic bias”. Formulas are developed to compare the asymptotic biases of the various estimators. For a scale parameter family of absolutely continuous distributions with X = (0,∞) and R = (T,∞), special formuli are developed and a best estimator is found.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a class of ratio type estimators of the population mean and ratio in a finite population sample surveys with without replacement simple random sampling design, where information on an auxiliary variate x positively correlated with the main variate y is available. Large sample approximations to mean square errors (MSE) of these estimatorsare evaluated and their MSE's are compared with the MSE of the usual ratio estimator [ybar]R of [ybar] the population mean of y. It is shown that under certain conditions these estimators are more efficient than [ybar]R. When a prior knowledge of the value of thecoefficient of variation, cy, of y is at hand, ratio type estimator, say [ybar]1 of [ybar] is proposed. It is shown, under certain conditions, that [ybar]1 is more efficient than [ybar]R. When values of cy, cx and the population correlation coefficient ρ is at hand, then we have proposed another estimator, say [ybar]2 of [ybar], which is always better than [ybar]R as far as the efficiency is concerned. In fact, is [ybar] 2 is shown to be even better than [ybar]1. Finally estimators better than the usual ratio estimator [ybar]/[xbar] of [Ybar] are given.  相似文献   

Let X1,X2,… Xn be a sample of independent identically distributed (i.i.d)random variables having an unknown absolutely continuous distribution function f with density f the twofold aim of his paper consists in, firstly deriving asymptotic expressions of the mean intergrated squared error (MISE) of a kernel estimator of F when f is either assumed to be continuous everywhere or problem of finding optimal kernels in these two cases is studied in detail.  相似文献   

Let X1, X2, …, Xn be identically, independently distributed N(i,1) random variables, where i = 0, ±1, ±2, … Hammersley (1950) showed that d = [X?n], the nearest integer to the sample mean, is the maximum likelihood estimator of i. Khan (1973) showed that d is minimax and admissible with respect to zero-one loss. This note now proves a conjecture of Stein to the effect that in the class of integer-valued estimators d is minimax and admissible under squared-error loss.  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to the problem of estimating the square of population mean (μ2) in normal distribution when a prior estimate or guessed value σ0 2 of the population variance σ2 is available. We have suggested a family of shrinkage estimators , say, for μ2 with its mean squared error formula. A condition is obtained in which the suggested estimator is more efficient than Srivastava et al’s (1980) estimator Tmin. Numerical illustrations have been carried out to demonstrate the merits of the constructed estimator over Tmin. It is observed that some of these estimators offer improvements over Tmin particularly when the population is heterogeneous and σ2 is in the vicinity of σ0 2.  相似文献   

Let f?n, h denote the kernel density estimate based on a sample of size n drawn from an unknown density f. Using techniques from L2 projection density estimators, the author shows how to construct a data-driven estimator f?n, h which satisfies This paper is inspired by work of Stone (1984), Devroye and Lugosi (1996) and Birge and Massart (1997).  相似文献   

We consider an inhomogeneous Poisson process X on [0, T]. The intensity function of X is supposed to be strictly positive and smooth on [0, T] except at the point θ, in which it has either a 0-type singularity (tends to 0 like |x| p , p∈(0, 1)), or an ∞-type singularity (tends to ∞ like |x| p , p∈(?1, 0)). We suppose that we know the shape of the intensity function, but not the location of the singularity. We consider the problem of estimation of this location (shift) parameter θ based on n observations of the process X. We study the Bayesian estimators and, in the case p>0, the maximum-likelihood estimator. We show that these estimators are consistent, their rate of convergence is n 1/(p+1), they have different limit distributions, and the Bayesian estimators are asymptotically efficient.  相似文献   

Let X1:n ≤ X2:n ≤···≤ Xn:n denote the order statistics of a sample of n independent random variables X1, X2,…, Xn, all identically distributed as some X. It is shown that if X has a log-convex [log-concave] density function, then the general spacing vector (Xk1:n, Xk2:n ? Xk1:n,…, Xkr:n ? Xkr?1:n) is MTP2 [S-MRR2] whenever 1 ≤ k1 < k2 <···< kr ≤ n and 1 ≤ r ≤ n. Multivariate likelihood ratio ordering of such general spacing vectors corresponding to two random samples is also considered. These extend some of the results in the literature for usual spacing vectors.  相似文献   

Let Xl,…,Xn (Yl,…,Ym) be a random sample from an absolutely continuous distribution with distribution function F(G).A class of distribution-free tests based on U-statistics is proposed for testing the equality of F and G against the alternative that X's are more dispersed then Y's. Let 2 ? C ? n and 2 ? d ? m be two fixed integers. Let ?c,d(Xil,…,Xic ; Yjl,…,Xjd)=1(-1)when max as well as min of {Xil,…,Xic ; Yjl,…,Yjd } are some Xi's (Yj's)and zero oterwise. Let Sc,d be the U-statistic corresponding to ?c,d.In case of equal sample sizes, S22 is equivalent to Mood's Statistic.Large values of Sc,d are significant and these tests are quite efficient  相似文献   

“Nonparametric” in the title is used to say that observations X 1,…,X n come from an unknown distribution F ∈ ? with ? being the class of all continuous and strictly increasing distribution functions. The problem is to estimate the quantile of a given order q ∈ (0,1) of the distribution F. The class ? of distributions is very large; it is so large that even X nq:n , where nq is an integer, may be very poor estimator of the qth quantile. To assess the performance of estimators no properties based on moments may be used: expected values of estimators should be replaced by their medians, their variances—by some characteristics of concentration of distributions around the median. If an estimator is median-biased for one of distributions, the bias of the estimator may be infinitely large for other distributions. In the note optimal estimators with respect to various criteria of optimality are presented. The pivotal function F(T) of the estimator T is introduced which enables us to apply the classical statistical approach.  相似文献   

Let X 1 and X 2 be two independent random variables from normal populations Π1, Π2 with different unknown location parameters θ1 and θ2, respectively and common known scale parameter σ. Let X (2) = max (X 1, X 2) and X (1) = min (X 1, X 2). We consider the problem of estimating the location parameter θ M (or θ J ) of the selected population under the reflected normal loss function. We obtain minimax estimators of θ M and θ J . Also, we provide sufficient conditions for the inadmissibility of invariant estimators of θ M and θ J .  相似文献   

Let X1, X2…,Xn be a random sample from [ILM0001] and let Y1, …,Yn be a random sample from [ILM0002]. Then instead of observing a complete sample X1,…Xn, we can only observe the pairs Zi. = min(Xi.,Yi) and [ILM0003] In this paper, we consider estimation of survival function [ILM0004] when [ILM0005], where β is an unknown positive real number.


In a model for rounded data suppose that the random sample X1,.,.,Xn,. i.i.d., is transformed into an observed random sample X,.,.,X, where X = 2vΔ if Xi, ∈ (2vΔ - Δ, 2vΔ + Δ), for i = 1,.,.,n. We show that the precision Δ of the observations has an important effect on the shape of the kernel density estimator, and we identify important points for the graphical display of this estimator. We examine the IMSE criteria to find the optimal window under the rounded-data model.  相似文献   

Let X 1, X 2,…, X k be k (≥2) independent random variables from gamma populations Π1, Π2,…, Π k with common known shape parameter α and unknown scale parameter θ i , i = 1,2,…,k, respectively. Let X (i) denotes the ith order statistics of X 1,X 2,…,X k . Suppose the population corresponding to largest X (k) (or the smallest X (1)) observation is selected. We consider the problem of estimating the scale parameter θ M (or θ J ) of the selected population under the entropy loss function. For k ≥ 2, we obtain the Unique Minimum Risk Unbiased (UMRU) estimator of θ M (and θ J ). For k = 2, we derive the class of all linear admissible estimators of the form cX (2) (and cX (1)) and show that the UMRU estimator of θ M is inadmissible. The results are extended to some subclass of exponential family.  相似文献   

If (X1,Y1), …, (Xn,Yn) is a sequence of independent identically distributed Rd × R-valued random vectors then Nadaraya (1964) and Watson (1964) proposed to estimate the regression function m(x) = ? {Y1|X1 = x{ by where K is a known density and {hn} is a sequence of positive numbers satisfying certain properties. In this paper a variety of conditions are given for the strong convergence to 0 of essXsup|mn (X)-m(X)| (here X is independent of the data and distributed as X1). The theorems are valid for all distributions of X1 and for all sequences {hn} satisfying hn → 0 and nh/log n→0.  相似文献   

LetF(x,y) be a distribution function of a two dimensional random variable (X,Y). We assume that a distribution functionF x(x) of the random variableX is known. The variableX will be called an auxiliary variable. Our purpose is estimation of the expected valuem=E(Y) on the basis of two-dimensional simple sample denoted by:U=[(X 1, Y1)…(Xn, Yn)]=[X Y]. LetX=[X 1X n]andY=[Y 1Y n].This sample is drawn from a distribution determined by the functionF(x,y). LetX (k)be the k-th (k=1, …,n) order statistic determined on the basis of the sampleX. The sampleU is truncated by means of this order statistic into two sub-samples: % MathType!End!2!1! and % MathType!End!2!1!.Let % MathType!End!2!1! and % MathType!End!2!1! be the sample means from the sub-samplesU k,1 andU k,2, respectively. The linear combination % MathType!End!2!1! of these means is the conditional estimator of the expected valuem. The coefficients of this linear combination depend on the distribution function of auxiliary variable in the pointx (k).We can show that this statistic is conditionally as well as unconditionally unbiased estimator of the averagem. The variance of this estimator is derived. The variance of the statistic % MathType!End!2!1! is compared with the variance of the order sample mean. The generalization of the conditional estimation of the mean is considered, too.  相似文献   

We introduce a modified version ?nof the piecewiss linear hisiugrimi uf Beirlant et al. (1998) which is a true probability density, i.e., ?n[d] 0 and [d]?n=1. We prove that ?nestimates the underlying densitv ? strongly consistently in the L1mmn, derive large deviation inequalities for the t\ error \?n- f\ and prove that £||/"-/|| tends to zero with the rate n -1\3, We also show that the derivative lf'n estimates consistently in ine expected Lx error the derivative/ of sufficiently smooth density and evaluate the rate of convergence n-i/5 for Epf'n -f'% The estimator/" thus enables to approximate/in the Besov space with a guaranteed rate of convergence. Optimization of the smoothing parameter is also studied. The theoretical or experimentally approximated values of the expected errors E\\?n- f\\ and E||2?'n-?' are compared with tiie errors aCiiieveu u-y t"e histogram of Beirlant et ah, and other nonparametric methods.  相似文献   

Let X1,…,X7 be i.i.d. random variables with a common continuous distribution F, Two parameters, μ(F) = P(X1 < X5 and X1+X4 < X2+X3) and λ(F) = P(X1+X4 < X2+X3 and X1+X7 < X5+X6), which appear in the moments of some rank statistics have been studied by several authors. It is shown that the existing lower bound, 3/10 ≤ μ(F) can be improved to 3/10 < μ(F) and that no further improvement is possible. It is also shown that the existing upper bounds μ(F) ≤ (21/2+6)/24 ≈ 0.30893 and λ(F) ≤ 7/24 ≈ 0.29167 can be improved to [14+(2/3)1/2]/48 ≈ 0.30868 and {7 ? [1 ? (2/3)1/2]2/4}/24 ≈ 0.29132.  相似文献   

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