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We consider the problem of semi-parametric regression modelling when the data consist of a collection of short time series for which measurements within series are correlated. The objective is to estimate a regression function of the form E[Y(t) | x] =x'ß+μ(t), where μ(.) is an arbitrary, smooth function of time t, and x is a vector of explanatory variables which may or may not vary with t. For the non-parametric part of the estimation we use a kernel estimator with fixed bandwidth h. When h is chosen without reference to the data we give exact expressions for the bias and variance of the estimators for β and μ(t) and an asymptotic analysis of the case in which the number of series tends to infinity whilst the number of measurements per series is held fixed. We also report the results of a small-scale simulation study to indicate the extent to which the theoretical results continue to hold when h is chosen by a data-based cross-validation method.  相似文献   

The problem of simple linear calibration is not new and dates back to the late 1930's. In 1982 Brown presented a number of important results for the multivariate case. In this paper we extend Brown's work to cover the situation where one is interested in calibrating for an unknown q-vector X on the basis of an observed p-vector Y given that k≥l components of X are fixed in advance.

An outline of the theoretical development in the multivariate normal case will be given and the procedure illustrated with the application to previously published data.  相似文献   

We study the characteristics of the Pickands' dependence function for bivariate extreme distribution for minima, BEVM, when considering the stochastics ordering of the two variables, X < Y. The existing Pickand's dependence function terminologies and theories are modified to suit the dependence functions of extreme minimum cases. The main result is the introduction of the restricted logistic dependence function, A RL , and the restricted exponential function, V RL (x, y).  相似文献   

In many experiments, not all explanatory variables can be controlled. When the units arise sequentially, different approaches may be used. The authors study a natural sequential procedure for “marginally restricted” D‐optimal designs. They assume that one set of explanatory variables (x1) is observed sequentially, and that the experimenter responds by choosing an appropriate value of the explanatory variable x2. In order to solve the sequential problem a priori, the authors consider the problem of constructing optimal designs with a prior marginal distribution for x1. This eliminates the influence of units already observed on the next unit to be designed. They give explicit designs for various cases in which the mean response follows a linear regression model; they also consider a case study with a nonlinear logistic response. They find that the optimal strategy often consists of randomizing the assignment of the values of x2.  相似文献   


A single input–double output (SIDO) linear time-invariant (LTI) system is considered, whose impulse response function (IRF) is assumed to have one unknown component. The problem is to estimate this unknown component after observations of the second component. Both IRF’s components are supposed to be L2-integrable, and the estimation is made by cross-correlating the outputs, given that the input is a standard Wiener process on R. Weak asymptotic normality of appropriately centred estimators is proved.  相似文献   

We investigate the asymptotic behavior of the probability density function (pdf) and the cumulative distribution function (cdf) of Student's t-distribution with ν > 0 degrees of freedom (t ν for short) for ν tending to infinity when the argument x = x ν of the pdf (cdf) depends on ν and tends to ± ∞ (?∞). To this end, we consider the ratio of the pdf's (cdf's) of the t ν- and the standard normal distribution. Depending on the choice of the argument x ν, the pdf-ratio (cdf-ratio) tends to 1, a fixed value greater than 1, or to ∞. As a byproduct, we obtain a result for Mill' ratio when x ν → ?∞.  相似文献   

The authors propose a new nonparametric diagnostic test for checking the constancy of the conditional variance function σ2(x) in the regression model Yi = m(xi) + σ(xi)?i, i = 1,…, m. Their test, which does not assume a known parametric form for the conditional mean function m(x), is inspired by a recent asymptotic theory in the analysis of variance when the number of factor levels is large. The authors demonstrate through simulations the good finite‐sample properties of the test and illustrate its use in a study on the effect of drug utilization on health care costs.  相似文献   

Let {X j , j ≥ 1} be a strictly stationary negatively or positively associated sequence of real valued random variables with unknown distribution function F(x). On the basis of the random variables {X j , j ≥ 1}, we propose a smooth recursive kernel-type estimate of F(x), and study asymptotic bias, quadratic-mean consistency and asymptotic normality of the recursive kernel-type estimator under suitable conditions.  相似文献   

In this paper, the statistical inference of the unknown parameters of a Burr Type III (BIII) distribution based on the unified hybrid censored sample is studied. The maximum likelihood estimators of the unknown parameters are obtained using the Expectation–Maximization algorithm. It is observed that the Bayes estimators cannot be obtained in explicit forms, hence Lindley's approximation and the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) technique are used to compute the Bayes estimators. Further the highest posterior density credible intervals of the unknown parameters based on the MCMC samples are provided. The new model selection test is developed in discriminating between two competing models under unified hybrid censoring scheme. Finally, the potentiality of the BIII distribution to analyze the real data is illustrated by using the fracture toughness data of the three different materials namely silicon nitride (Si3N4), Zirconium dioxide (ZrO2) and sialon (Si6?xAlxOxN8?x). It is observed that for the present data sets, the BIII distribution has the better fit than the Weibull distribution which is frequently used in the fracture toughness data analysis.  相似文献   


Many mathematical and physical problems are led to find a root of a real function f. This kind of equation is an inverse problem and it is difficult to solve it. Especially in engineering sciences, the analytical expression of the function f is unknown to the experimenter, but it can be measured at each point xk with M(xk) as expected value and induced error ξk. The aim is to approximate the unique root θ under some assumptions on the function f and errors ξk. We use a stochastic approximation algorithm that constructs a sequence (xk)k ? 1. We establish the almost complete convergence of the sequence (xk)k to the exact root θ by considering the errors (ξk)k quasi-associated and we illustrate the method by numerical examples to show its efficiency.  相似文献   

It is well known that when the true values of the independent variable are unobservable due to measurement error, the least squares estimator for a regression model is biased and inconsistent. When repeated observations on each xi are taken, consistent estimators for the linear-plateau model can be formed. The repeated observations are required to classify each observation to the appropriate line segment. Two cases of repeated observations are treated in detail. First, when a single value of yi is observed with the repeated observations of xi the least squares estimator using the mean of the repeated xi observations is consistent and asymptotically normal. Second, when repeated observations on the pair (xi, yi ) are taken the least squares estimator is inconsistent, but two consistent estimators are proposed: one that consistently estimates the bias of the least squares estimator and adjusts accordingly; the second is the least squares estimator using the mean of the repeated observations on each pair.  相似文献   

Two‐phase sampling is often used for estimating a population total or mean when the cost per unit of collecting auxiliary variables, x, is much smaller than the cost per unit of measuring a characteristic of interest, y. In the first phase, a large sample s1 is drawn according to a specific sampling design p(s1) , and auxiliary data x are observed for the units is1 . Given the first‐phase sample s1 , a second‐phase sample s2 is selected from s1 according to a specified sampling design {p(s2s1) } , and (y, x) is observed for the units is2 . In some cases, the population totals of some components of x may also be known. Two‐phase sampling is used for stratification at the second phase or both phases and for regression estimation. Horvitz–Thompson‐type variance estimators are used for variance estimation. However, the Horvitz–Thompson ( Horvitz & Thompson, J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 1952 ) variance estimator in uni‐phase sampling is known to be highly unstable and may take negative values when the units are selected with unequal probabilities. On the other hand, the Sen–Yates–Grundy variance estimator is relatively stable and non‐negative for several unequal probability sampling designs with fixed sample sizes. In this paper, we extend the Sen–Yates–Grundy ( Sen , J. Ind. Soc. Agric. Statist. 1953; Yates & Grundy , J. Roy. Statist. Soc. Ser. B 1953) variance estimator to two‐phase sampling, assuming fixed first‐phase sample size and fixed second‐phase sample size given the first‐phase sample. We apply the new variance estimators to two‐phase sampling designs with stratification at the second phase or both phases. We also develop Sen–Yates–Grundy‐type variance estimators of the two‐phase regression estimators that make use of the first‐phase auxiliary data and known population totals of some of the auxiliary variables.  相似文献   

For four variables x1,x2, x3 and x4, which have a quadrivariate normal distribution with means equal to zero, the positive ortrhant probability is the probability that all of the x.'s are simultaneously positive. A representation for the quadrivariate normal positive orthant probability is obtained and it is a function of no more than three integrals over a single variable. Extensive testing has shown this representation to be very efficient on a computational basis.  相似文献   

A Gaussian copula is widely used to define correlated random variables. To obtain a prescribed Pearson correlation coefficient of ρx between two random variables with given marginal distributions, the correlation coefficient ρz between two standard normal variables in the copula must take a specific value which satisfies an integral equation that links ρx to ρz. In a few cases, this equation has an explicit solution, but in other cases it must be solved numerically. This paper attempts to address this issue. If two continuous random variables are involved, the marginal transformation is approximated by a weighted sum of Hermite polynomials; via Mehler’s formula, a polynomial of ρz is derived to approximate the function relationship between ρx and ρz. If a discrete variable is involved, the marginal transformation is decomposed into piecewise continuous ones, and ρx is expressed as a polynomial of ρz by Taylor expansion. For a given ρx, ρz can be efficiently determined by solving a polynomial equation.  相似文献   

The Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) is developed for selecting the variables of the nested error regression model where an unobservable random effect is present. Using the idea of decomposing the likelihood into two parts of “within” and “between” analysis of variance, we derive the AIC when the number of groups is large and the ratio of the variances of the random effects and the random errors is an unknown parameter. The proposed AIC is compared, using simulation, with Mallows' C p , Akaike's AIC, and Sugiura's exact AIC. Based on the rates of selecting the true model, it is shown that the proposed AIC performs better.  相似文献   

The number of sterile couples in a retrospective study of the number of cycles to conception is necessarily zero; this is not so for a prospective study. The paper puts forward a modification of Weinberg and Gladen's beta geometric model for cycles to conception that is suitable for both types of investigation. The probability that a couple achieves conception at the xth cycle, but not earlier, is assumed to take the form Rx = (1 ? ρ)/(1 ? m x?1 ρ/u), instead of μ/(1 ? θ + θx). The set of parameter restraints (0 < m < 1, 0< ρ < 1, 1 < u) is appropriate for retrospective data, whilst the alternative set of restraints (1 < m, 1 < ρ, 0 < u < 1) is appropriate for prospective data. The decrease in Rx over time can be interpreted not only as a time effect, but also as a heterogeneity effect by replacing Weinberg and Gladen's beta mixture of geometric distributions by a q-beta mixture.  相似文献   

Consider a non‐parametric regression model Y =m (X )+ϵ , where m is an unknown regression function, Y is a real‐valued response variable, X is a real covariate, and ϵ is the error term. In this article, we extend the usual tests for homoscedasticity by developing consistent tests for independence between X and ϵ . Further, we investigate the local power of the proposed tests using Le Cam's contiguous alternatives. An asymptotic power study under local alternatives along with extensive finite sample simulation study shows that the performance of the new tests is competitive with existing ones. Furthermore, the practicality of the new tests is shown using two real data sets.  相似文献   

In the study of the stochastic behaviour of the lifetime of an element as a function of its length, it is often observed that the failure time (or lifetime) decreases as the length increases. In probabilistic terms, such an idea can be expressed as follows. Let T be the lifetime of a specimen of length x, so the survival function, which denotes the probability that an element of length x survives till time t, will be given by ST (t, x) = P(T > t/α(x), where α(x) is a monotonically decreasing function. In particular, it is often assumed that T has a Weibull distribution. In this paper, we propose a generalization of this Weibull model by assuming that the distribution of T is Generalized gamma (GG). Since the GG model contains the Weibull, Gamma and Lognormal models as special and limiting cases, a GG regression model is an appropriate tool for describing the size effect on the lifetime and for selecting among the embedded models. Maximum likelihood estimates are obtained for the GG regression model with α(x) = cxb . As a special case this provide an alternative to the usual approach to estimation for the GG distribution which involves reparametrization. Related parametric inference issues are addressed and illustrated using two experimental data sets. Some discussion of censored data is also provided.  相似文献   

We employ quantile regression fixed effects models to estimate the income-pollution relationship on NO x (nitrogen oxide) and SO 2 (sulfur dioxide) using U.S. data. Conditional median results suggest that conditional mean methods provide too optimistic estimates about emissions reduction for NO x , while the opposite is found for SO 2. Deleting outlier states reverses the absence of a turning point for SO 2 in the conditional mean model, while the conditional median model is robust to them. We also document the relationship's sensitivity to including additional covariates for NO x , and undertake simulations to shed light on some estimation issues of the methods employed.  相似文献   

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