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Conditional probability distributions have been commonly used in modeling Markov chains. In this paper we consider an alternative approach based on copulas to investigate Markov-type dependence structures. Based on the realization of a single Markov chain, we estimate the parameters using one- and two-stage estimation procedures. We derive asymptotic properties of the marginal and copula parameter estimators and compare performance of the estimation procedures based on Monte Carlo simulations. At low and moderate dependence structures the two-stage estimation has comparable performance as the maximum likelihood estimation. In addition we propose a parametric pseudo-likelihood ratio test for copula model selection under the two-stage procedure. We apply the proposed methods to an environmental data set.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results on consistency and asymptotic normality of a class of minimum contrast estimators for random processes with short- or long-range dependence based on the second- and third-order cumulant spectra. Asymptotic properties of sample spectral functionals of second and third orders, which are of independent interest in view of their possible use for nonparametric estimation of processes with short- or long-range dependence, are also provided.  相似文献   

This paper considers the problem of testing a sub-hypothesis in homoscedastic linear regression models where errors form long memory moving average processes and designs are non-random. Unlike in the random design case, asymptotic null distribution of the likelihood ratio type test based on the Whittle quadratic form is shown to be non-standard and non-chi-square. Moreover, the rate of consistency of the minimum Whittle dispersion estimator of the slope parameter vector is shown to be n-(1-α)/2n-(1-α)/2, different from the rate n-1/2n-1/2 obtained in the random design case, where αα is the rate at which the error spectral density explodes at the origin. The proposed test is shown to be consistent against fixed alternatives and has non-trivial asymptotic power against local alternatives that converge to null hypothesis at the rate n-(1-α)/2n-(1-α)/2.  相似文献   

Reduced-rank regression models proposed by Anderson [1951. Estimating linear restrictions on regression coefficients for multivariate normal distributions. Ann. Math. Statist. 22, 327–351] have been used in various applications in social and natural sciences. In this paper we combine the features of these models with another popular, seemingly unrelated regression model proposed by Zellner [1962. An efficient method of estimating seemingly unrelated regressions and tests for aggregation bias. J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 57, 348–368]. In addition to estimation and inference aspects of the new model, we also discuss an application in the area of marketing.  相似文献   

A new family of kernels is suggested for use in long run variance (LRV) estimation and robust regression testing. The kernels are constructed by taking powers of the Bartlett kernel and are intended to be used with no truncation (or bandwidth) parameter. As the power parameter (ρ)(ρ) increases, the kernels become very sharp at the origin and increasingly downweight values away from the origin, thereby achieving effects similar to a bandwidth parameter. Sharp origin kernels can be used in regression testing in much the same way as conventional kernels with no truncation, as suggested in the work of Kiefer and Vogelsang [2002a, Heteroskedasticity-autocorrelation robust testing using bandwidth equal to sample size. Econometric Theory 18, 1350–1366, 2002b, Heteroskedasticity-autocorrelation robust standard errors using the Bartlett kernel without truncation, Econometrica 70, 2093–2095] Analysis and simulations indicate that sharp origin kernels lead to tests with improved size properties relative to conventional tests and better power properties than other tests using Bartlett and other conventional kernels without truncation.  相似文献   

For a discrete time, second-order stationary process the Levinson–Durbin recursion is used to determine best fitting one-step-ahead linear autoregressive predictors of successively increasing order, best in the sense of minimizing the mean square error. Whittle [1963. On the fitting of multivariate autoregressions, and the approximate canonical factorization of a spectral density matrix. Biometrika 50, 129–134] generalized the recursion to the case of vector autoregressive processes. The recursion defines what is termed a Levinson–Durbin–Whittle sequence, and a generalized Levinson–Durbin–Whittle sequence is also defined. Generalized Levinson–Durbin–Whittle sequences are shown to satisfy summation formulas which generalize summation formulas satisfied by binomial coefficients. The formulas can be expressed in terms of the partial correlation sequence, and they assume simple forms for time-reversible processes. The results extend comparable formulas obtained in Shaman [2007. Generalized Levinson–Durbin sequences, binomial coefficients and autoregressive estimation. Working paper] for univariate processes.  相似文献   

In this article, robust estimation and prediction in multivariate autoregressive models with exogenous variables (VARX) are considered. The conditional least squares (CLS) estimators are known to be non-robust when outliers occur. To obtain robust estimators, the method introduced in Duchesne [2005. Robust and powerful serial correlation tests with new robust estimates in ARX models. J. Time Ser. Anal. 26, 49–81] and Bou Hamad and Duchesne [2005. On robust diagnostics at individual lags using RA-ARX estimators. In: Duchesne, P., Rémillard, B. (Eds.), Statistical Modeling and Analysis for Complex Data Problems. Springer, New York] is generalized for VARX models. The asymptotic distribution of the new estimators is studied and from this is obtained in particular the asymptotic covariance matrix of the robust estimators. Classical conditional prediction intervals normally rely on estimators such as the usual non-robust CLS estimators. In the presence of outliers, such as additive outliers, these classical predictions can be severely biased. More generally, the occurrence of outliers may invalidate the usual conditional prediction intervals. Consequently, the new robust methodology is used to develop robust conditional prediction intervals which take into account parameter estimation uncertainty. In a simulation study, we investigate the finite sample properties of the robust prediction intervals under several scenarios for the occurrence of the outliers, and the new intervals are compared to non-robust intervals based on classical CLS estimators.  相似文献   

We propose a regime switching autoregressive model and apply it to analyze daily water discharge series of River Tisza in Hungary. The dynamics is governed by two regimes, along which both the autoregressive coefficients and the innovation distributions are altering, moreover, the hidden regime indicator process is allowed to be non-Markovian. After examining stationarity and basic properties of the model, we turn to its estimation by Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods and propose two algorithms. The values of the latent process serve as auxiliary parameters in the first one, while the change points of the regimes do the same in the second one in a reversible jump MCMC setting. After comparing the mixing performance of the two methods, the model is fitted to the water discharge data. Simulations show that it reproduces the important features of the water discharge series such as the highly skewed marginal distribution and the asymmetric shape of the hydrograph.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with semiparametric discrete kernel estimators when the unknown count distribution can be considered to have a general weighted Poisson form. The estimator is constructed by multiplying the Poisson estimate with a nonparametric discrete kernel-type estimate of the Poisson weight function. Comparisons are then carried out with the ordinary discrete kernel probability mass function estimators. The Poisson weight function is thus a local multiplicative correction factor, and is considered as the uniform measure to detect departures from the equidispersed Poisson distribution. In this way, the effects of dispersion and zero-proportion with respect to the standard Poisson distribution are also minimized. This method of estimation is also applied to the weighted binomial form for the count distribution having a finite support. The proposed estimators, in addition to being simple, easy-to-implement and effective, also outperform the competing nonparametric and parametric estimators in finite-sample situations. Two examples illustrate this new semiparametric estimation.  相似文献   

Continuous non-Gaussian stationary processes of the OU-type are becoming increasingly popular given their flexibility in modelling stylized features of financial series such as asymmetry, heavy tails and jumps. The use of non-Gaussian marginal distributions makes likelihood analysis of these processes unfeasible for virtually all cases of interest. This paper exploits the self-decomposability of the marginal laws of OU processes to provide explicit expressions of the characteristic function which can be applied to several models as well as to develop efficient estimation techniques based on the empirical characteristic function. Extensions to OU-based stochastic volatility models are provided.  相似文献   

A leading multivariate extension of the univariate quantiles is the so-called “spatial” or “geometric” notion, for which sample versions are highly robust and conveniently satisfy a Bahadur–Kiefer representation. Another extension of univariate quantiles has been to univariate U-quantiles, on the basis of which, for example, the well-known Hodges–Lehmann location estimator has a natural formulation. Generalizing both extensions, we introduce multivariate spatial U-quantiles and develop a corresponding Bahadur–Kiefer representation. New statistics based on spatial U-quantiles are presented for nonparametric estimation of multiple regression coefficients, extending the classical Theil–Sen nonparametric simple linear regression slope estimator, and for robust estimation of multivariate dispersion. Some other applications are mentioned as well.  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss some problems of existing methods for calculating the Value-at-Risk (VaR) in ARCH setting. It should be noted that the commonly used approaches often confuse the true innovations with the empirical residuals, i.e., estimation errors for unknown ARCH parameters are ignored. We adjust this by using the asymptotics of the residual empirical process, and propose a feasible VaR which, according to the spirit of VaR, keeps the assets away from a specified risk with high confidence level. Its meaningfulness in comparison with the usual VaR will be illustrated clearly by numerical studies.  相似文献   

The results of analyzing experimental data using a parametric model may heavily depend on the chosen model for regression and variance functions, moreover also on a possibly underlying preliminary transformation of the variables. In this paper we propose and discuss a complex procedure which consists in a simultaneous selection of parametric regression and variance models from a relatively rich model class and of Box-Cox variable transformations by minimization of a cross-validation criterion. For this it is essential to introduce modifications of the standard cross-validation criterion adapted to each of the following objectives: 1. estimation of the unknown regression function, 2. prediction of future values of the response variable, 3. calibration or 4. estimation of some parameter with a certain meaning in the corresponding field of application. Our idea of a criterion oriented combination of procedures (which usually if applied, then in an independent or sequential way) is expected to lead to more accurate results. We show how the accuracy of the parameter estimators can be assessed by a “moment oriented bootstrap procedure", which is an essential modification of the “wild bootstrap” of Härdle and Mammen by use of more accurate variance estimates. This new procedure and its refinement by a bootstrap based pivot (“double bootstrap”) is also used for the construction of confidence, prediction and calibration intervals. Programs written in Splus which realize our strategy for nonlinear regression modelling and parameter estimation are described as well. The performance of the selected model is discussed, and the behaviour of the procedures is illustrated, e.g., by an application in radioimmunological assay.  相似文献   

This article concerns the variance estimation in the central limit theorem for finite recurrent Markov chains. The associated variance is calculated in terms of the transition matrix of the Markov chain. We prove the equivalence of different matrix forms representing this variance. The maximum likelihood estimator for this variance is constructed and it is proved that it is strongly consistent and asymptotically normal. The main part of our analysis consists in presenting closed matrix forms for this new variance. Additionally, we prove the asymptotic equivalence between the empirical and the maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) for the stationary distribution.  相似文献   

A finite mixture model is considered in which the mixing probabilities vary from observation to observation. A parametric model is assumed for one mixture component distribution, while the others are nonparametric nuisance parameters. Generalized estimating equations (GEE) are proposed for the semi‐parametric estimation. Asymptotic normality of the GEE estimates is demonstrated and the lower bound for their dispersion (asymptotic covariance) matrix is derived. An adaptive technique is developed to derive estimates with nearly optimal small dispersion. An application to the sociological analysis of voting results is discussed. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 41: 217–236; 2013 © 2013 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

We consider the problem of estimating a vector interesting parameter in the presence of nuisance parameters through vector unbiased statistical estimation functions (USEFs). An extension of the Cramer—Rao inequality relevant to the present problem is obtained. Three possible optimality criteria in the class of regular vector USEFs are those based on (i) the non-negative definiteness of the difference of dispersion matrices (ii) the trace of the dispersion matrix and (iii) the determinant of the dispersion matrix. We refer to these three criteria as M-optimality, T- optimality and D-optimality respectively. The equivalence of these three optimality criteria is established. By restricting the class of regular USEFs considered by Ferreira (1982), we study some interesting properties of the standardized USEFs and establish essential uniqueness of standardized M-optimal USEF in this restricted class. Finally some illustrative examples are included.  相似文献   

It is important to study historical temperature time series prior to the industrial revolution so that one can view the current global warming trend from a long‐term historical perspective. Because there are no instrumental records of such historical temperature data, climatologists have been interested in reconstructing historical temperatures using various proxy time series. In this paper, the authors examine a state‐space model approach for historical temperature reconstruction which not only makes use of the proxy data but also information on external forcings. A challenge in the implementation of this approach is the estimation of the parameters in the state‐space model. The authors developed two maximum likelihood methods for parameter estimation and studied the efficiency and asymptotic properties of the associated estimators through a combination of theoretical and numerical investigations. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 38: 488–505; 2010 © 2010 Crown in the right of Canada  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the statistical analysis of multivariate multiple nonlinear regression models with correlated errors, using Finite Fourier Transforms. Consistency and asymptotic normality of the weighted least squares estimates are established under various conditions on the regressor variables. These conditions involve different types of scalings, and the scaling factors are obtained explicitly for various types of nonlinear regression models including an interesting model which requires the estimation of unknown frequencies. The estimation of frequencies is a classical problem occurring in many areas like signal processing, environmental time series, astronomy and other areas of physical sciences. We illustrate our methodology using two real data sets taken from geophysics and environmental sciences. The data we consider from geophysics are polar motion (which is now widely known as “Chandlers Wobble”), where one has to estimate the drift parameters, the offset parameters and the two periodicities associated with elliptical motion. The data were first analyzed by Arato, Kolmogorov and Sinai who treat it as a bivariate time series satisfying a finite order time series model. They estimate the periodicities using the coefficients of the fitted models. Our analysis shows that the two dominant frequencies are 12 h and 410 days. The second example, we consider is the minimum/maximum monthly temperatures observed at the Antarctic Peninsula (Faraday/Vernadsky station). It is now widely believed that over the past 50 years there is a steady warming in this region, and if this is true, the warming has serious consequences on ecology, marine life, etc. as it can result in melting of ice shelves and glaciers. Our objective here is to estimate any existing temperature trend in the data, and we use the nonlinear regression methodology developed here to achieve that goal.  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to asymptotic behaviour of plug-in statistical predictors obtained by replacing the unknown parameter in a conditional expectation by a suitable estimator. We derive the L2L2-convergence rate and limit in distribution for the predictors. Applications to ARMA processes and diffusion processes are considered.  相似文献   

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